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Posts posted by JOHN BUTLER

  1. 51 minutes ago, The Librarian said:

    Heavy rains have caused severe flooding in Northeast Australia. Floods have displaced thousands of residents and have caused serious damage to property and power outages.

    The Branch of Australasia reports that, as a result of the floods, 58 publishers of three congregations needed to move to family homes or other witnesses. A total of ten homes of our brothers were flooded, two of which were destroyed.

    The Branch has set up a disaster relief committee, and the circuit supervisor and local seniors are supporting the affected publishers. We pray that our brothers and sisters continue to endure and be comforted under the care of these loving pastors. - 1 Peter 5:2.

    Conditions around this Earth do seem to have gotten worse, or maybe the method of reporting same has become better / quicker. 

    However in your third paragraph I'm slightly confused by your wording.

    circuit supervisor,     local seniors,    pastors  ???  Can you explain these positions please ?         

  2. 5 minutes ago, The Librarian said:

    A brother, who regularly attended meetings, stopped attending for no apparent reason. After a few weeks an elder visited him. It was a very cold night, and his brother found him at home alone, sitting in front of the fireplace, where a bright, warm fire burned.

    Imagining the reason for his visit, the brother invited him in, led him to a seat near the fireplace, and stood there, quiet, silent, and talked with the old man, and the old man did not even talk to him.

    There was a great silence, and they watched the dance of the burning flames, which burned around the logs.

    After a few minutes, the old man examined the coals that had formed and carefully separated the most incandescent of all, away from the others, and sat down again, remaining silent and still.

    While the host paid attention to everything, fascinated but still. After a little while, the flame of the solitary ember disappeared, until there was a faint glow, and it went out.
    In a short time, what was once a flame of heat and light, became a piece of charcoal, cold, inert and covered with ashes.

    No word had been said, between the two, since the initial greeting.

    Before leaving, the old man used his pen to carry the cold and useless piece of charcoal back to the fireplace.

    Almost immediately he rekindled an ardent flame fueled by the heat of the other ardent embers around him. The brother who was discouraged watched, without understanding.

    However, when the elder withdrew, the host told him: Thank you for your visit and beautiful lesson. Until the next meeting.

    Conclusion: God's congregation is like a "fire" in a blazing flame, and the burning coals are us, while we are active in the preaching service, reading the scriptures, and attending the meetings. Since experiences, comments, and presence at meetings, embraces, concern for our well-being, make our love and desire to serve God grow even more. Matthew 24:14 and Hebrews 10: 24, 25.

    However, when we stop gathering, that fire-like heat is gradually disappearing, even to the point of avoiding our brothers. And in time, we became cold, lifeless, lifeless, like a piece of coal.

    Because we are not letting Jehovah speak to us through Bible reading, we do not prepare and attend meetings, just as we do not speak to Jehovah through prayer. And so, that warmth and joy that we enjoy among our brethren fades, until we become like pieces of charcoal.

    In this system, we all experience difficulties, and we often feel discouraged, especially in these last days, that our enemy "Satan" walks around us, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5: 8.

    Therefore, Jehovah appointed the elders to care for "His flock." For in times of difficulty "grazing visits," to encourage us not to fall into temptation, are magisterial to heal us from "discouragement," and not to miss meetings. For Jehovah looks upon his humble servants, as "a people for his pasture," and "the sheep of his hand." Hebrews 13:17, Psalms 95: 7

    If only half of that were true it would have meaning. However it is all a dream world. 

  3. 4 hours ago, FelixCA said:

    Then your ignorance perceives you if you think that the Watchtower is like Jesus or is Jesus. Grow up, man! This is not the Catholic faith and the GB are not the POPE that believes he can do no wrong in the eyes of God since the first POPE passed on that precious gift of all that the apostles could do. Except for one thing, be perfect.

    You’re no better in understanding people than you are about scripture. The last one of Matthew was a lulu!


    1 Corinthians 2:8-10 New International Version (NIV)

    None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written:

    “What no eye has seen,
        what no ear has heard,
    and what no human mind has conceived”[a]
        the things God has prepared for those who love him—

    10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

    The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

    That’s why you’re in the outside in the dark, bud! By the way, The answer to the riddle is "SATAN" just in case you continue to be clueless. 😁

    FelixCA I think you are mentally ill. You compare the Watchtower to Jesus and I tell you there is no comparison. Then you accuse me of thinking the Watchtower is Jesus. 

    Where is the common sense in that ?  It was YOU that compared The Son of God to a sinful Organisation. You really seem unwell. 

    I will repeat what I wrote before :- 

    By the way Felix, just a reminder, Jesus was and is PERFECT and IS the Son Of God.

    The GB are just sinful men and so are their writing department and the rest of JW Org. 

    No matter how hard you try there in NO COMPARISON. 

  4. Quote FelixCA "Did anyone in Jesus time, convince Jesus he shouldn’t do what he set out to do? Then why do some here think they can dictate to the Watchtower what they think the Watchtower should do. This is the kind of mentality that is disturbing to see."

    Well it's kind of disturbing to me that anyone would compare the Watchtower to Jesus.

    Jesus is the Son of Almighty God. The Watchtower is a magazine written by men that haven't really got a clue about true meanings of scriptures. So No comparison whatsoever. 

    I would love a copy of the Shepherding book 2019, to see how many rules they have now changed. They say they keep getting 'new light' but only fools would believe that.  The GB are probably learning that they are losing control of the 'congregation earthwide' so they have to back off a bit and 'give a bit of slack'. 

    Oh yes another Jesus comparison by Felix CA :-

     No one, but no one is forcing anyone to remain in the Org. Those that wish to leave are free to do that. Jesus made that pretty darn clear.

    The Org didn't exist when Jesus was on this Earth.  Jesus had followers / disciples, but it wasn't the JW Org. It was the start of TRUE  Christianity, which we know didn't last long. But Felix is bent on this way of comparing the JW Org / Watchtower to Jesus Christ. Such an insult to Jesus Christ.  

    By the way Felix, just a reminder, Jesus was and is PERFECT and IS the Son Of God.

    The GB are just sinful men and so are their writing department and the rest of JW Org. 

    No matter how hard you try there in NO COMPARISON. 

  5. All of this in-fighting for nothing. And Jesus said at Matthew 11 v 25

    New Living Translation
    At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. "

    Well the GB and it's writing department are obviously not 'childlike' enough.  And neither are any of us it seems. 


  6. Are you two still going on ? And my name keeps getting mentioned too :) 

    Yes TTH is a GB's man and a JW Org's man.  Does he say "support those in charge " ?  Who and in charge of what ?

    They can't be in charge of God or Jesus Christ, and they shouldn't be in charge of the Anointed. 

    That only leaves them being in charge of an Organisation. The Pope is in charge of an organisation too, doesn't make him right does it ? 


  7. 5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Top Cat O’Malihan said that I didn’t do dates. That is only partly true. I don’t do them, true, but it is only because I have already pronounced the final word:

    A post of years ago:


    From our readers:


    Dear Tom Sheepandgoats:

    How can I figure when the world will end?

    Sincere Person


    Dear Sincere Person:

    The only thing you're sincere about is saving your skin! Nevertheless, here's how you do it.

    You start with the well-known verse in Mathew:

    Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.     Matt 24:36

    Got it? Nobody knows the day and the hour. While, at first glance, that might seem unhelpful for your calculation, in reality it is the key to success! The method is straightforward. Since no one knows the day and the hour, that means if anyone claims a certain date for the end of the world, that's not it. To visualize how the method works, start with a calendar. 

    2011 5 13 cameras and calendars 014 

    Now, let's consider an example. May 21st. Say someone declares this day to be the end of the world. Since he knows it to be true, that's not it. On your calendar, you cross out May 21. Cross it out, not in pencil, but with a permanent marker. That way, no atheist can later erase it, trying to confuse you or your pets.


    2011 5 13 cameras and calendars 021 

    Repeat the process. Whenever you come upon a day someone just knows is the day and the hour, cross out that day. With a bit of research, you ought to eventually have a calendar looking like this.


    2011 5 13 cameras and calendars 023 

    There! That's all there is to it. You'll cross out all days except one. That's the day! Be ready.


    I can hear the cynics, already. “Hold on a minute, Sheepandgoats!  You can't tell me that every day of the calendar is taken. There may be a lot of nutcakes, but surely not so many as to fill up every day on the calendar!” 

    On the surface, it seems a valid objection, but in reality, it just reveals laziness on your part. I admit, if you just count nutcakes predicting the day and hour, you'll fall short. You must count more than just the nutcakes. You must also count the screwballs, the cranks, the fruitcakes, the starry-eyed lunatics, the wolflike false prophets, the round-the-bend idiots, the maniacal crackpots, the self-aggrandizing demented, the certifiable crazies, the raving beserk, the unhinged wackos, and the moonstruck schizos. It's a little work, I admit, but it's not rocket science. If you count all these characters, you easily eliminate the wrong days, leaving only the truth to assert itself!

    Now, since I do nothing but think about God all day long, I've worked through all this, and I know the date. But, if I really knew the date, that wouldn't be the date, would it? So I don't know. I've only been able to narrow it down to three possibilities. There are only three days throughout time that no one else has claimed. Thus we can see the breathtaking splendor of the heavenly plan. Three things are proven:

    1. God is a trinity.
    2. He works in mysterious ways.
    3. Matt 24:36 holds. You can't tell the day and the hour; your best shot is a 33% chance.


    Now, should we give Mr Camping some credit? It's not easy to do. I agonize over it. His formula, seven 1000-year days after the flood, seems awfully simplistic. He's throwing everyone in a tizzy over that? Haven't I said before I don't do floods? If I met him, I'm not at all sure I would like him. Besides, he buys into all the typical hash of trinity and hellfire, doesn't he? Don't get me started on this rapture stuff. And what's to say about those folk who buy into his prophesies? Why weren't they wearing ties as they announced the end? So, I suppose, not being on board, I run the risk of going to hell. Maybe if I say kind words, I will go to a softer version of hell...some place with merely an abominable climate, like here in Rochester, which I am used to. At any rate, it seems worth the effort. So....

    Harold Camping, too, was aware of “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” He didn't just blow it off as if it never existed. He worked around it in a very clever way. He said that verse related only to that specific period of time in which it was written, not now! Now all the Trinitarians laugh at such a silly explanation, yet they blunder as greatly regarding the second part of the verse: "...no man knows the day and hour, nor does the Son, but the Father does!" Still, they would have me believe that the Son and the Father are the same!

    Look, Camping stuck his neck out and looked ridiculous, he messed up a lot of people, but at least he is in the spirit ofJesus admonition to “keep on the watch.” I'll give him credit for that, if no more. I mean, I've heard atheists and skeptics carry on about how can people be so credulous to buy into end-time obsessions. I'll tell you how. You need look no further than Newsweek, which lists calamities on the front cover of it's “Apocalyse Now” edition, before tearing their hair out with “What the #@%!" is Next?! So at least Camping errs in furthering a Bible theme, that there will be an end of this system of things. I mean, if the ridicule of him comes from those steamed over his goofball formula, or his presumption of nailing the day and hour, well and good. But if it comes from those mocking the very notion that one day God will intervene in world affairs so that the earth does not end up totally ruined.....well....I hate to pick sides. I'm not sure which is the worse.

    Years ago I called on some science person who had read the book Life – How Did it Get Here; by Evolution or by Creation. In the course of discussion, he asked what difference did it make. Who cared? Either way, evolution or creation, we're here. I answered that if God was responsible for bringing about earth and the life on it, then he just might have some purpose for it, and might not stand idly by while human mismanagement destroyed it. But if evolution was responsible for all, then if there was any hope for earth's future, it lay with humans. And they weren't doing so well, then or now. The man's wife, who up to that time had had little to say, remarked 'that's a good point.' 

    Well......alright already Sheepandgoats. You say there's three possibilities? Spill. What are they? Not so fast! It'll cost ya. Look, Camping and everyone else draws a salary for what they do. What should I and Jehovah's Witnesses be the only ones not to cash in? Contact me and we'll talk. Do you want to be ready for the big day or don't you?




    You are barking mad Tom. 


  8. 37 minutes ago, FelixCA said:

    You keep saying it doesn’t matter. Yet you’re a creature of habit to keep bringing up the past as though it has somehow been a mistake. Just keep reminding yourself, it’s a mistake with people like you. It’s your personal opinion that the Watchtower has erred. Yet, you don’t wish to see the flaws in your own interpretation. This is the kind of things that are willing to be accepted by who, Comfortmypeople, JTR? These people would be just in the dark as your explanation. You have made yourself a “messiah” to proclaim your false understanding and your false teaching with anything related to the Watchtower. People that have no business being part of an organization, it clearly feels disdain for.

    You and your kind have lost the right to criticize the Watchtower as a faithful member. Knowing Butler was an Ex-JW from other sites, proves how far people are willing to go to make others think they have a sad story to tell and have a legitimate grievance, even though it took him long enough to finally come out with the truth.

    He knows where he stands before God and is not a hypocrite, or at least not now that he admits it. Where does that leave some of you? Especially those that are no longer in good standing with the Org.

    Therefore, with the presentation offered by JWinsider proves one thing, distortion of facts, just like Raymond, since he is offering no scriptural proof, just overdrawn conclusions on what he personally thinks the Watchtower publications are conveying.





    Sorry Felix I have no idea whom your first paragraph was aimed at but the bit about " Knowing Butler was an Ex-JW from other sites,  " has confused me totally. Can you name the other sites that you think you know me from ? 

    But once again I read more aggression. It does not bring any on us closer to God or Christ. 

  9. TTH is at it again.Bashing ex JW's. He cannot give anyone a minute's peace. Go and have a coffee Tom, calm down my friend. 

    Quote " exJW’s who oppose sometimes forget that their fight is not merely against their former faith, but against the Bible itself. "

    Um Tom, actually some Ex JW's use the BIBLE to prove that the GB / Writing dept / JW Org, is so so wrong. 

    And some of us are not fighting 'our former faith', because our Faith is in God through Jesus Christ. Some of us just know that the JW Org is not such a good place to be right now. 

    I love Anna's last sentence

    Quote "Also most JWs have a Bible trained conscience that operates with or without having access to a Bible. "

    Some Ex JW's also have that same  Bible trained conscience that operates with or without having access to a Bible. 

    There are even people in the world that have such a conscience, even though they have little knowledge of God.

    Equ' If it's not in your heart then a hundred bibles will do you no good. 

  10. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Yes. This goes all the way back to Russell's "Photo-Drama of Creation" which emphasized the 49,000 years of creative days. I don't think anyone here has denied that this is what we taught. But in the 1970's, the cracks in this view were already beginning to be seen. It had become a way to put more emphasis on 1975. But it was also realized that 1975 could become an embarrassment. And the Aid book, produced by a team led by R.Franz, had provided evidence that the very foundation for all this emphasis was built on sand.

    Although none of this brings any of us closer to God, I will share another thought that I had years ago.

    I thought 2015. 40 years in the wilderness for the Org not being ready in 1975. :)  But we are not supposed to now and we know we are not supposed to know.

    That is why it is not important. Because it does not bring any of us closer to God. 

  11. What a load of tosh and rabble !       None of this really matters does it ?

    It's becoming a hate and judgement page !

    I'm an ex JW and yes my personality has gone down hill since leaving the Org, but some of you are JW's or pretending to be, and I'm quite surprised at the attitude of many. I've always been a rebel and you know why as I've given you my life story,  but many of you will at your Sunday meetings, all smiles and pretend 'love' for the congregation. Yes here it has become a war zone.

    TTH talks about the 'worldly wicked' and how we need the swat team to keep us in place. But this forum has become the war zone of keyboard warriors. I do not see one ounce / gram of love in any on here. 

    I know I'm no better and yes the rafter is big in my eye, but I'm no longer a JW so I've dropped a lot of the hype. But many of you are supposed to be JW's, the 'only true religion' remember ? Where is your love ? Jesus said we should love our enemies, not try to 'get one over on them'. Everyone on here seems to have the same reason for being here, just to out do the others. 

    Srecko is the only person that I have found to be genuine. TTH is too busy gaining material for his books :) The rest are just bent on getting the upper hand. I don't think Jesus worked in such a way. 


  12. 7 hours ago, FelixCA said:

    That’s extremely funny Butler. You don’t judge, lol! 😂

    What do you think you are doing with the Watchtower GB? Don’t drink and drive. 😋





    Typical out of context comment from you cat.

    I said "Well I personally don't want to judge anyone as to the resurrection."

    Of course we all judge people in everyday life. BUT I said AS TO THE RESURRECTION. 

    But you are only a cartoon cat, i can't expect any better from you can I ? :) 


  13. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    In the very next line, I stated that it is a great exaggeration.

    Yeah. I said that. 


    Look, John, this is not hard. If it is my eye, it is a straw. If it is anyone else’s it is a rafter.

    What part of that statement do you have trouble with?

     I got a ‘G’ on the talk. What more do you want?

    Oh Tom, I suppose I shouldn't even waste my time trying to understand you. 

    It's good that I've spent the day doing useful things, worldly of course, and now it's gone 10pm here and i can waste time, my time. But the time would be better 'wasted' looking for my next toy (real vehicle) on ebay. I get bored of vehicles so quickly. 

    I'm learning nothing on this forum. I'm finding out that more people are dissatisfied with the JW Org of course, but that does not give me any good direction. 


  14. 2 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    It is not a lie. It is a notion. You can argue it back and forth as a preferred or not preferred idea, but not to disprove it or prove it. You are free to believe or disbelieve if you wish. People will always come unstuck of course if they stand firm on theoretical notions. This is how erroneous dogma develops.

    Ok so the GB and JW  org is run on notions. 


    Dictionary result for notion

    1. 1.
      a conception of or belief about something.
      "children have different notions about the roles of their parents"
      synonyms: idea, belief, concept, conception, conviction, opinion, view, thought, impression, image, perception, mental picture; More
    2. 2.
      an impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind.
      "she had a notion to ring her friend at work"
      synonyms: impulse, inclination, whim, desire, wish, fancy, caprice, whimsy
      "you can't expect us to fire any of our staff just because you get a notion to come back"


      The second explanation seems to fit the GB.


  15. 23 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    No more than Isaac Newton taught lies.

    Forgive me for saying so, John, but I think you have a basic disconnect with the way that God operates towards humans. Continually we read of Bible characters who propagate things that later turn out to be wrong.

    And in your opinion that makes it Ok for the JW Org to teach lies does it ? 

    Showing your true colours I think. Gives you more to write about probably :) 

  16. TTH says " He is not lovable " Oh but wait. Rafter / straw.  Tom you can't say he is not lovable before you 'remove' all your own faults.

    If everyone did the 'rafter /straw' thing then maybe no one would get disfellowshipped. After all the GB would have to 'remove' all of their faults first, and all other men in positions of responsibility would have to remove all their faults. Right down to the Elders. And we know for sure that many Elders have many faults ( i will refrain from mentioning my favorite subject here :)  ). 

    Or is it only meant for the 'boots on the ground' JW's ? 

     Is it only the congregants with no position of power, to keep them quiet ?

    As for the propaganda :-

    " ‘When Jehovah’s Witnesses go nuts, they become quirky eccentrics, who nevertheless wouldn’t harm a fly.

    When people of the overall world go nuts, you’d better call in the SWAT team "

    What utter rubbish. A MASSIVE GENERALISATION. Which is totally untrue. 

    But it's good for JW Business I suppose. 

    Please remember readers, many JW's DO NOT KNOW ANY PEOPLE IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD.

    Some JW children are home schooled / taught. Their families are JW's. Their friends are JW's. Their whole world is JW.

    Imagine telling those children  "When people of the overall world go nuts, you’d better call in the SWAT team "

    You know, those children would actually believe you. It's so sad. 

    In the real world there are millions of people doing humanely good deeds. 

    I suppose it's not so much when JW's go nuts, it's more when JW's are sly and selfish. 



  17. However in the 1960's the 'teaching' was that each creative day was 7,000 years long. I know as I was having a study at the time and that is exactly what i was taught in my Bible study.. That was part of the foundation of my learning about God and Christ and Creation. 

    I don't care who denies it, but that is what was taught. Creative days =7,000 years. Rest day 6,000 years then Armageddon, then 1,000 years of Christ's rule. Then Christ hands it all back to God ( possibly for a Jubilee year ? or some such).. 

    That is what I was taught. 

  18. 13 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Lol is that the best you can do? How am I racist because of a legitimate story that took place months ago?


    This still doesn't hide the fact of you speaking the way you did and assume people in that pot are all from the hood. And your hood talk is indeed stereotyping and near the line of racism and YOU were the one who made that comment.

    Again, can you show me a legitimate comment of mine that shows any type of racism or pretending that contains racism? I can easily bring up you commenting on someone who is inferior because of their skin color.  Surely you can't "Hood Talk" your way out of this one.

    The fact you didn't link my name shows you show harm to yourself, Johnny 5.

    And I know that this point about this thread you have no answer for modesty vs immodesty when it comes to clothing. 

    So bring up a comment where I said a person is inferior because of their skin colour. But make sure it is those EXACT WORDS because you are being slanderous if you are accusing me of racism. 

    I note you were careful last time saying ' near the line of racism ' But if you are telling me that i said a man of colour was inferior then I want your proof. When I have your proof i will go back and see if I can find the comment myself. 

    But remember i want whole sentences, not just a misquote form the middle of a sentence like the GB have a habit of doing. 

    If you cannot prove your accusation I will ask Admin to get an apology from you. Please do not bring this forum into disrepute just because you are not happy. I have never seen any racism on here and I do not wish to see any either. 

    All humans are equal. We are all sinners and will answer to God through Christ. 

    And please note, I never said you are racist, I said 

    " And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool. "

    I eagerly await your reply young man. 

  19. 12 hours ago, FelixCA said:

    While those unrighteous will undoubtedly be resurrected by no fault of never knowing God’s purpose and promise? It does not constitute those unrighteous ones after being cleansed and the devil allowed to poison the minds won’t receive a judgment of the second death where there is no resurrection.

    However, those that have taken from God’s judgment excelled to the second death. Like those that commit blasphemy against gods holy spirit. Have these righteous and unrighteous paid their debt through death?

    Deuteronomy 6 New International Version (NIV)

    Love the Lord Your God

    6 These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy a long life.

    1 Peter 4:15 English Standard Version (ESV)

    15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler.

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 English Standard Version (ESV)

    19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

    Therefore, no one has the right to take what God has created. In the case of suicide one's mortal soul.

    Well I personally don't want to judge anyone as to the resurrection. That would be a wicked thing to do. 

    I do know that there are scriptures that say it will be bad for anyone that has stumbled others. So if a person is stumbled by another, is it their own fault or the fault of the other person. Is the other person blood guilty ?

    I have no interest in judging others in that way, as to them being worthy of God's mercy. 

    I have hope in God that He will, or through Christ He will, show mercy to those whom have been stumbled by a misleading Organisation.

    I honestly feel that most of the Greek scriptures are addressed to those of the Anointed, as more is expected of them. So I don't feel that God will deal so harshly with those of the Earthly class. 

    I don't think the Judgement day will be anything like it has been pictured on W/t magazines . It will be more spiritual than physical In my opinion. 


  20. To quote  " A guy who uses a red hat that reads messages of racism to trigger aggressive response by people at a random bagel shop "

    " But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism "

    Another quote. " I've never used any sort of racism in any of my comments anywhere, "

    You don't like mentioning racism, um looks different to me. 



  21. 1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    What are you talking about? I live in the borough, small quiet town. When we go to preach we go to another town and or city, the people at times who debate or confront are not even from the hood. What gave you the impression I live in the hood lol?

    My background wasn't rough or tough, my uncle on the other hand lived in his country, he never was in the United States. My uncle was murdered when I was 8 and reasons for it it was because of jealous unknown persons that hated him. He was a very good man and had morals and didn't care what others thought of him and what I can say his head was more right than yours because he wasn't the type to drop to your level.

    And nothing of that sort is my dream, remember what you said before and now look at you, Johnny. My only goal is to teach people about God and I haven't been in the "hood" as you claim, my other goal that is after keeping God's Kingdom first is to be there for friends and family. But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism. Not all of us Hispanic Americans are from the hood, as you claim. The Latino Community is everywhere, Johnny, even in our own countries. 

    The irony you know nothing of the sort and act like you are, so don't pretend, Johnny 5 - you think I can't see that? But what you did here is messed up and it shows who you are and you are a liar because of what you said originally and here we are.

    Laugh at me? Even if I did go there or people at school are from there, they don't pay me any mind like that and if they did, it's usually small talk, youd be surprised of people wanting to change their lives and some who have, those who are from the hood. If they have to laugh at someone it will be you, not only by glancing at you, your picture, but how you are trying to "hood talk" youd be on WS, and possibly a meme. They also have a name for people like you.

    Gotta love how you attempt to speak like someone who's from there. May I suggest you get your starter's kit on Ebay or Amazon and give it a go? No? I thought so.

    For a grown man like you, that's lowkey silly, coming from you.

    Childish names? Buddy, Johnny 5 is a wonderful 90s movie. My cousins were 90s kids. Johnny 5 pretends to be human in the movie, and like you are doing here now, Johnny, you are pretending to be hood, when clearly you are not.

    And still you can't answer what has been addressed to you and skip to nonsense. Surely you can be more serious than that.

    I think I remember you saying things like 'people wanted to kill you' etc.  That's living amongst normal people is it ? 

    And it's so funny when peeps tell me what i know and what I don't know.

    I just wiped out two paragraphs because i don't really need to explain myself to a boy. And I've noticed looking back that you use racism in your comments a bit, and that is not cool. 

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