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Everything posted by JOHN BUTLER

  1. It seems the GB or some JW's just love to think about and talk about SEX We've had masterbation talked about here. We've had oral sex talked about here. We've had tight 'pants' / trousers showing off 'body parts', talked about here. Now lap dancing. It is slightly funny but also a bit worrying. Are the GB or some JW's, perverts, that they cannot stop thinking about or talking about SEX. Seems to remind me of an Otis Redding song, something about 'You don't miss your water , till your well is dry'. Someone here missing more than their water ?
  2. I believe Jesus was 30 years old when he presented himself for baptism to do his Father's will. But, in my opinion, there is competition between families, and even between congregations, to get the most children baptised. At assemblies it's 'who is getting baptised today?' How many getting baptised today ? It is so competitive, and so unchristian. Well, if what is on another post is true, 5 year old children are getting baptised in some countries.
  3. I get the feeling TTH is like a clever drugs dealer. The clever drugs dealer gives away small quantities of drugs to get people started on taking them regularly. Then when the people need the drugs, the dealer starts charging them money for them. Perhaps TTH is giving away 'samples' of his 'works' just to get people 'hooked' on his books. Then, he will start charging high prices. This time next year he'll be a millionaire.
  4. Um, I'm lost, I don't know what I said where now Confused . com. All i notice is, that author keeps banging on about his ruddy books. Free advertising is it. All about the money, money, money .............. Misquote from a song
  5. You really cannot be bothered to understand what I'm saying so i cannot be bothered to continue answering you. If you feel completely happy with the Gb and it's Org, so be it. It seems you are beyond help.
  6. Wow TTH and Anna working together to undermine TRUTH, and disrespect God and Jesus Christ. Well TTH is an author and I suppose whatever sells his books for him. And Anna has her head in the sand and is just hoping the situation will just blow over and go away. Neither have any thought for any of the victims of Child Abuse. And it seems to be the American way to just live with collateral damage. Just push those people underground and forget about them.
  7. One sided and does not convey the EARTHWIDE problem within the JW Org which includes pedophile Elders.
  8. But the congregants still only get one side of the story, not a true side either.
  9. The Elders won't handle the issue without two witnesses because they will call the victim a liar or slanderer. Then if the victim keeps complaining the Elders will have the victim disfellowshipped for either of the above reasons.
  10. @Srecko Sostar I can see that you speak from your heart. I agree with all that you have said here. (your last comment on page 17)
  11. Are you deliberately avoiding the point. The TWO Witness rule is still in place. And I quoted Anna as saying that Pedophiles do it in secret, hiding what they do. So in fact the JW Org is no further forward. The Org will still allow it to happen because Pedophiles will still know that they can get away with it within the congregational setting. A question. If the Police / superior authorities can work on such cases without two witnesses, what can't the Org work on such cases likewise ? Is the GB telling it's congregants that the 'two witness rule' honestly applies to Child Victims of Child Sexual Abuse ? If that is so then the GB are not Christian in there thoughts or actions. Matthew 18 v 6. But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone that is turned by a donkey and to be sunk in the open sea. Now this scripture could have two meanings, a, literal children, b, spiritually young ones / new to the wisdom of God. However, in both cases it applies here. Physically young children would be spiritually young children too.
  12. I never even knew there was a 'keep out' time. I cannot think of any scripture to back that up.
  13. Sorry i find some of this funny, but of course it isn't funny from God's viewpoint. Any true Christian, well in my opinion, would not even enter such a place of 'entertainment'. But then I don't even drink alcohol and never go into pubs / bars, as i see no need for any on it.
  14. @TrueTomHarley I see you are pushing your book again. Well I suppose it saves on paying for advertising As for the line :- The line that invariably gets the largest applause at Regional Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses is: “Would you like to send your greetings to the brothers in Bethel [headquarters]?” Well when you are preaching to the converted / brainwashed, what would you expect. I expect Hitler got the same amount of applause back in the day too
  15. @Anna Quote " .. the main objective of ANY action would be .. " Yes of course the main objective would be to try to prevent further occurrences of child abuse within the JW Org. BUT, that would be the main objective, not the only objective. The GB still hide behind 'laws of the land'. They only walk the one mile that have been ordered to walk (as in the scriptures) But the Bible says Walk two miles when ordered to only walk one. Go the extra mile. Anna answered Srecko's comments from her one selfish viewpoint and she made it so clear that she in only interested in sticking up for the JW Org and it's GB. Sorry Anna, Srecko made some good recommendations and you tried to shoot him down. And one answer in 'How would it help stop further child abuse' is simple. It would make the naive congregants FULLY AWARE of the Child Abuse / Pedophilia problem within the whole Earthwide JW Org. Whereas right now most of then DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT Why ? Because they are TOLD not to visit such forums as this. Not to use internet websites that may be 'of the wrong influence' etc... They are either wrapped up in cotton wool, or, they are fenced in with threats from spying Elders.
  16. Because remember, molesters do this in secret and they are very good at hiding what they do. I would like everyone on here to take note of @Anna 's comment above. Read it 3 times. Remember repetition for emphasis ! Now how does this relate to the TWO WITNESS RULE ?
  17. Still waiting to hear about the new IICSA inquiry here in UK. They are so busy looking into so many other organisations. https://www.iicsa.org.uk/
  18. Thought you were on a year's holiday ? :)  

    1. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      I thought so too !

      ... so much for being good at prophesy ....

  19. So they count as JW's from age of 3 when they put in Report Slips, and they can get baptised from age of 5. How desperate the GB / JW Org is getting, and how competitive it must be getting for parents.
  20. I have no real idea of how to find out information about these things but some of you seem to have inside information. This topic is aimed at the time lapse between new 'worldly information', 'worldly discoveries', 'worldly laws in different countries' and every type of worldly activity that affects the JW's in the Org. Such as how long does it take the GB to take action between something important happening in the 'world' then the GB having a reaction to it. For instance Blood Fractions. How long had those Blood Fractions, of different types, been available, before the GB authorised the use of them ? How long had the sex abuse reporting laws been in use or in force in different countries, different states, before the GB recognised them ? How long did the GB know that the Superior Authorities scripture actually meant 'worldly authorities' before they changed it ? The March Watchtower is proof perfect that the GB will act when pushed, not by God, but by problems within the JW Org. But it would be good to have proof that the GB has deliberately delayed decisions on many things, even when a vast amount of information had been readily available. I don't have such proof but some of you might have. Why would the GB deliberately delay decisions ? To maintain power over it's earthwide congregation. The GB recognise the power they have when people are anxiously awaiting a decision on an important matter.
  21. I apologise, I didn't link your comment with TTH's comment. And I can now see where you were coming from. Ops, sorry.
  22. @TrueTomHarley quote " As to your point about John being more obnoxious and still remaining here, THAT point is certainly valid. " Perhaps because I speak TRUTH.
  23. The new rules now ALLOW Elders, are now there's the rub, ALLOW. It only allows them to, but if it is an accusation against a fellow Elder they might not want to report it to the outside authorities. So nothing gained. And if there are not Two Witnesses then elders may feel there is 'no case to answer' as there is no real proof. Remember that they have been indoctrinated for years. New rules might not make any difference to their attitudes.
  24. @Anna you live in a dream world, brainwashed, deluded, by the JW Org. I wish i had a much better memory, because I thought it was you, a long time ago, that was telling me about cases you have known about.
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