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Posts posted by JOHN BUTLER

  1. 13 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    At least you know when you're beat John Butler. That's why I don't think you're a bad man...yet!

    I didn't realise it was a competition. I'm not a competitive person, it goes against Christian standards. 

    To quote Joe Cocker, 'I'm just a man whos intentions are good, oh, please don't let me be misunderstood. :) 

    Have a good day. 

  2. @Space Merchant Yes the whole situation is a bit worrying. Of course we know where its all heading, we just don't know when. 

    God's word has given us plenty of warnings. Plenty of scriptures about the 'last days'. 

    As for guns in the USA, I suppose there are reasons for and reasons against.  I am honestly glad i do not live there, and I would not visit there in this 'system of things'.  And now France too has many problems. But I'm not denying the UK has problems too, I'm just lucky to be in the 'quiet area'.  I hope you keep safe too. 

  3. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Thank you for a clear honest answer. I'm a bit in shock actually. 

    Here in the UK most of us, well i think it's most of us, don't own guns.  As for me I know I'm not mature enough to own one. With my mood swings / depression / anger it would not be sensible for me to be in possession of a loaded gun. 

    I love your expression :- 

    Think of me as a "helicopter gunship" Sheepdog parent. 

    Sort of funny but very serious too. Stay safe and have peace. 

  4. @Outta Here Quote This isn't really conforming to the thread subject. Perhaps a discussion on the meaning of the term apostasy would be more appropriate elsewhere. 

    Yes, but you would never agree with me on anything. It seems to be just the way you are. 

    "You quoted my "scare quotes" I note. "  I quoted it straight from your comment. 

    Have a good day whomever you are. Hiding behind a pussy cat :) and no real name.  Doesn't quite show up as genuine really. but if it keeps you happy so be it.   


  5. Looking at the 'news' on MSN. Yes I know I've been warned not to believe MSN etc.... 

    But my point is that world conditions appear to be getting much worse more quickly.

    I'm wondering, is it because we have the world wide web, this internet, that tells us everything. Or is it because I'm getting old and not liking 'change'. 

    Or, is it really getting much worse more quickly ?

    God's words warns us as to what is coming. God's words gives us the signs of the times. But is it now ?

    If it is now and if God really wants more people to be saved, then hopefully God will put things into place, so that honest hearted people will know where to find the honest Truth.

    10 men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. That keeps coming back into my mind every day now. Spiritual Jews, the Heavenly chosen ones. 

    Yes i come on here and spout out loud, sometimes with anger in my heart, but underneath i am looking for truth. May God be kind enough to show us the way forward. 

  6. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The question just BEGS to be asked .... How does anyone here know she DIDN'T do it?

    Yes, that's what makes it so sad. Who are we to judge either way. Power and authority has been given to Jesus Christ, would he help in such a case. I don't think he would. Humans are left much to our own dealings aren't we ?

    Oh for that New World to be here, even if I'm not going to be allowed to be there. For others to have joy and peace, it will be wonderful. 

  7.  John 9 41 Jesus said to them: “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, ‘We see.’ Your sin remains.”

    As for me I think I'm still blind, though there was a time i thought i could see. 


    But they're only toys officer. We ain't allowed real uns ere in UK. 



    toys 004.JPG

  8. 12 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    That's a bit rich. You are demonstrating that you area newbie from the nonsense you talk about Jesus being apostate to the way that God had told the Nation of Israel to serve Him.

    Don't be deceived @limmy, you ain't gonna learn anything from this John Butler guy, newbie or not. It's through meeting  people like this in the "truth", (and there are a few), that  others go apostate.

    As for your idea of the 'truth' and i quote  " It's through meeting  people like this in the "truth", (and there are a few), that  others go apostate."

    The JW Org is not the 'truth'. Calling it the 'truth' is just a sales gimmick.  Please remember who and what the truth really is. And i back this up from scripture at John 14 v 6

      Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    The JW Org and it's Governing Body are NOT the truth. And Jesus clearly states that NO ONE comes to the Father (Almighty God) except through him (Jesus Christ). 

    The JW Org can be likened to a Taxi cab, taking you on a journey. If it was going in the right direction then you would stay in that Taxi no matter what the cost.  However once you know that the Taxi is going in the wrong direction, you get out of it as soon as possible. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Outta Here said:

    That's a bit rich. You are demonstrating that you area newbie from the nonsense you talk about Jesus being apostate to the way that God had told the Nation of Israel to serve Him.

    Don't be deceived @limmy, you ain't gonna learn anything from this John Butler guy, newbie or not. It's through meeting  people like this in the "truth", (and there are a few), that  others go apostate.

    @Outta Here   You didn't seem to disagree with JTR Jr, though when he said this

     Quote : "Remember according to the Theocratic Organization ruling at the time of Jesus' time on Earth ... HE was an Apostate."  

    God had placed the religious leaders over the Nation of Israel as spiritual guides but Jesus told them they were hypocrites and 'from their father the devil'  John 8 v 44

      You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father

    • I think that proves my point of Jesus being apostate to those that were supposed to be the spiritual leaders. 
  10. I'm only on here this evening as I'm wanting someone to buy the big pram / baby carriage I have on a Buy It Now on ebay UK. I need to be doing something whilst I'm hoping, so this is a good a place as any.  I did say a while back I'm no longer taking it seriously. 

    Being on here is helping my keyboard skills, and I was hoping it would improve my spelling too. But ¼ to 10 pm, washing up in the sink, i should go do my job. Wife cooks, i wash up.... Don't look like I'm selling anything tonight, so it's goodnight from me.  Stay cool y'all. 


  11. 5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It is an adult's job to judge EVERYTHING.

    That's why we work hard to become adults .... to develop those skills.

    Those bad at judging EVERYTHING, often have very short lifetimes, full of drama and hardship, filled with bad, destructive "friends".

    I've always said I've got older but not matured. Being mature is boring. As for being an adult, i suppose it depends on what the word adult means to you. To quote one google statement an adult is a human or other organism that has reached sexual maturity.

    I think that means being able to have sex. but if you are using the word to mean something different then it becomes like using the word 'man' to mean something other than the male person. 

    How wonderful it is to play with words. 

    Those that  "often have very short lifetimes, full of drama and hardship, filled with bad, destructive "friends". "

    Are those of the poor and downtrodden that are not able to help themselves. Hence Armageddon, when God will put it all right, once and for all times.  

  12. 8 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    This is why witch hunts based on humor rumors is so very important for local entertainment.


    You talk in riddles Joker, please explain to this mortal man exactly what you mean. 

  13. @limmy  Apostasy is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.

    Not necessarily turning away from God, but turning away from a 'religion' 

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a religion. but they do not have a monopoly on God. 

    Monopoly the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service

    Quote: " Paul to was accused of Apostasy by the religious leaders against the mosaic law! "

    So no problem in being called an apostate then is there ?  Even Jesus was apostate to the way that God had told the Nation of Israel to serve Him. Turning away from the old, turning toward the new. 

    We can tell you are a newbie, you have much to learn.  May you have peace though. 


  14. 14 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I see you genuinely do not get it. Perhaps that is the crux of the problem. You do not seem to understand that just as you have a dilemma and reasons, then so do others. You do not know what the elders know. Could there perhaps be extenuating circumstances that you have no idea about that are preventing them from going to the police?  You say they know more about the matter than you. As you see, there can be very complex issues involved. You mentioned a few yourself. Regardless though, you should still go to the Police/Social services and let them figure out whether they should take action. Several of us have already advised you of this. Also, read @Outta Here latest comments to you.

    This is all totally off topic. However it's like this. I asked for advice on the problem i was facing. I received advice from many angles. I acted on some of the advice i was given. So, I didn't ignore all the advice. Yet I'm still being 'shot down' for using some of the advice i was given. I did say it would be a no win situation for me. Iws right. 

    As for Outa Here, I read all of his/her comments. It does not mean i have to act on them. 

    And if the Elders had acted correctly at the time, then we would not be having this conversation. That in itself proves my point of why i left the JW Org. 

  15. Quote "but vulgarity should be limited to those who cannot think well enough to express themselves without it.  Thinking correctly is hard work, and many are lazy. "

    Um, horses for courses i think. Street cred' is very necessary for some people in some places. Thinking correctly for those in the working class regions is totally different to thinking correctly in the upper class regions. It's not a lack of intelligence, in fact it could be showing intelligence. 

    Quote : " I find vulgarity offensive ... because it means , generally, I am in a conversation with a stupid person, not because I am personally offended by the vulgarity. "..   That seems a narrow minded judgemental attitude.  

    Reminds me of an Elder once telling me that he and his wife went to their first Memorial dressed in 'their normal clothes'. They were Hippies and his wife was wearing the shortest brightly coloured mini skirt that she had. Were they wrong ? No, they just didn't know what was the right way to dress for such an occasion. 

    The same with language, you could be a very intelligent person but have never been taught what is deemed the right words to use.  

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