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  1. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    The librarian must be away. I am surprised he hasn't already created a post with "John Buttler and the derelict mansion"
  2. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    The scripture you quoted has nothing to do with allowing yourself to be taken advantage of in that kind of circumstance. It's talking about bad people taking advantage of you. Someone wicked slapping you. And if a person wants to wrong you, then you let yourself be wronged. If someone wants to rob you, don't resist because it could cost you your life. And if someone in authority (the boss) asks you to do a job, don't just do the basics, go above and beyond.
    The land owner is neither wicked (or is he) nor is he your boss. He might be a robber though
  3. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I’m sorry John, even to be a house sitter, and using all the facilities or whatever, the decent thing for the owner of the house is to pay some kind of compensation for your services. I don’t know the details of what kind of an agreement you have but it sounds odd.  I think having you taking care of the property ensures that there are no squatters. So you are doing the owner a BIG favour. As for wild parties, I mean, even if you had one every week, what damage would that do to an already dilapidated house?  
    I assume your profile pic is of your son and his wife, or your daughter and her husband? So are they working on the property too, as the young lady is driving the digger.
    You are right, money is not a means to happiness and giving is better than receiving, but I think when Jesus said those words he didn’t have in mind free labour for someone with more money than you.
    The only thing that does make sense is that you are retired and so earning extra money would be a problem, and so you are treating this as a hobby, and I understand that. What I don’t understand is the owner.  Hopefully he will be decent enough to reward you with some kind of compensation at a later date....
  4. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Spoken like a true American
  5. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    @BillyTheKid46 The reality, activism plays little to no role in the decision with governments and is evident.
    Um really ? 
    Although i didn't really agree with the London protest, it still got the info' out there to the public and to the JW's that had been hidden from it all. 
    More organisations putting on more pressure will get the message out there more, that is obvious.
    And more pressure on governments and authorities will get things done.
    Remind me of a scripture about a man knocking on his neighbours door at midnight, asking for bread to feed to a visitor. 
    I think it was Jesus said, it wasn't that the other man wanted to get out of bed but the continuous knocking on his door moved him to action.
    Yet another scripture about a woman that kept going to a judge and asking for justice. in the end the judge heard her case.
    Keep knocking, and believe me the protesters will keep knocking and gaining support Earthwide. 
    I think you are a sad person Kid, and I do have concerns about which side you are on regarding Child Abuse. Do you support the Victims or the abusers ?  Very worrying indeed.  
  6. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I'm not sure that he is a Millionaire in the true sense, but he is definitely a big business man. He had to sell off some of his London apartments to finance this 'project', hence a lot of the furniture that went to auction was from those apartments.  Modern horrible stuff  that i wouldn't give room in our house. 
    As for being taken advantage of, yes probably. But like i say it's all in line with the scripture I quoted. It helps to keep me humble in a way. 
    Does everyone in the USA just do everything for money ? Yuk, what a horrible lifestyle.  
  7. Confused
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    that protest too much under the same circumstance for children?    Can a person really protest too much about Child Abuse ?
    Sorry Kid, but child Abuse is something worth protesting about. Unless a person is on the other side of course. 
  8. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    @BillyTheKid46 The reality, activism plays little to no role in the decision with governments and is evident.
    Um really ? 
    Although i didn't really agree with the London protest, it still got the info' out there to the public and to the JW's that had been hidden from it all. 
    More organisations putting on more pressure will get the message out there more, that is obvious.
    And more pressure on governments and authorities will get things done.
    Remind me of a scripture about a man knocking on his neighbours door at midnight, asking for bread to feed to a visitor. 
    I think it was Jesus said, it wasn't that the other man wanted to get out of bed but the continuous knocking on his door moved him to action.
    Yet another scripture about a woman that kept going to a judge and asking for justice. in the end the judge heard her case.
    Keep knocking, and believe me the protesters will keep knocking and gaining support Earthwide. 
    I think you are a sad person Kid, and I do have concerns about which side you are on regarding Child Abuse. Do you support the Victims or the abusers ?  Very worrying indeed.  
  9. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.
    Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious. 
    As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 
    Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.   
  10. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  
    As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex  .
  11. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Anna we do have 'Public Foot Paths' here in England and also 'Bridle paths' all of which have sign posts. In fact we noticed a few weeks ago, a lady with a clipboard, looking rather 'official', walking past 'our big house'. When we left and locked up the gates we noticed new 'arrow' stickers on gate posts.  Unfortunately there is a public right of way right by  the side of the house. Nice for genuine people but makes it easier for urban explorers to get a good look at the property before breaking in. We can't stop anyone being on the outside just looking of course, but some folks are more welcome than others. We do show some folks around and let them take a few photos too. 
    Here is Devon we have those gates (in your photo) and also styles to climb over. And people are expected to keep to the edges on farmers fields. The good farmer would clear a footpath around the edge, some do, some don't.  But yes it is almost 'free to roam' which has it's good and bad points, depending if you are the land owner. 
    As far as the House is concerned, the new owner wants to go far beyond restoration, and the locals are totally opposed to it all. The owner wants to turn it into a massive wedding venue, for rich folks. (He's a Londoner, big business man, property and such) He wants to extend what is now the cellar, outward under the side of the house to form some sort of paved garden or similar. And he wants to add other buildings in the large grounds for other uses. Will cost millions of pounds and take at least three years i would think...
    But for my wife and i it was a great challenge, getting it cleaned out and tidied up a bit. So it now looks like a house not a scrap yard..... I also had to arrange for the car parts to go into one auction and lots of furniture to go into a different auction.  The car parts / Automobilia Auction i was also involved deeply in because I help that auctioneer lay it all out and put the Lot numbers on everything.  So being part of both the auctions this month has been a challenge too.   The furniture auction was today (Monday) so I haven't heard any results from it yet. But in November i may just spend more time on here, sitting, relaxing, eating mince pies and drinking tea. 
  12. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Anna in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    At least most of those cars finally got cleared off the lot. "Urban Explorers" must still be a problem, though. I read somewhere that they keep breaking locks and cutting fences just to take a selfie at a place like this. Right?
    The cars were cleared by the previous owner who had used the house and grounds as a vehicle salvage / scrap yard. He had vehicle parts all over the house and grounds. My wife and I filled a large scrap metal bin with huge amount of scrap which when weighed in earnt the present owner a bit of cash. 
    The present owner also hired a 'mini digger' and small dumper truck for my wife and i to clear some earth and rubbish with. It gave us 'new skills' and we didn't wreck the place. 
    Urban explorers have been a big problem but in the last two months things have gone quiet so hopefully it will stay quiet for a long time now. 
    But the sun shone brightly today whilst we were there and parts of it looked quite nice, in a derelict sort of way  . 

  13. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Melinda Mills in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.
    Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious. 
    As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 
    Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.   
  14. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    that protest too much under the same circumstance for children?    Can a person really protest too much about Child Abuse ?
    Sorry Kid, but child Abuse is something worth protesting about. Unless a person is on the other side of course. 
  15. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Can it be the rebuke of a gentile to defend another none Jew that protest too much under the same circumstance for children? A voice from a distance that portrays itself as a member with a no reflection.
    @BillyTheKid46  I note that you changed your original comment from 'none Jew' to 'gentile'.  Are you anti-Semitic ?
    And as for the link, bad information i think.  
    Never mind Billy keep taking your tablets, you'll be ok. 
  16. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Space Merchant in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think science are already talked to find ways of procreation without means of a living partner by use of frozen eggs and or sperm, an attempt to make such a thing a reality. I heard something of the sort being talked about some years back during the whole planned parenthood thing going on.
    At times knowledge in this domain can also be a cursed, for it is only a matter of time when Johnny-5 is fed up with taking orders from man and decides to do things "his" way.
  17. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Space Merchant in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I began to look into this because of one of my sources a while back who goes by the name S.o.G, Solider of God. He focuses such things, but since he is American who lives here, majority of his focus is in the United States itself.
    It can and has gotten a bit serious. Something that I and SoG and many others had high concerned about is the youth and what things of this world they are being taught, on the other side of the spectrum since we are talking about robots and dolls, there are those who make such things make them to resemble children, which in turn carters to a certain demographic as well as targeting pedophiles, for the claim is it will prevent cases of sexual abuse by means of these robots and dolls, but that is still a problem has escalated, for they think they can solve the problem this way but they make it even worse.
    Then we have the whole gender identity and sexual orientation, which is a mixed bag on its own. There are somethings talked about and discussed that cannot be spoken of here.
    Yes, but there are those who really want to find someone, however in today's society there is pickiness and pushing something on to those who are seeking a mate of something unrealized, example would be a girl named Sidney does not want to date/marry a young man named Jordan, the reason, because she already judges him and assumes, that Jordan does not look like a Leonardo DiCaprio, does not play basketball like Lebron James, and or isn't the type to be a comedian like Jim Carey, etc. It is as if they build walls and believe life is like burger king, having it their way, when in reality it is not.
    Now there is indeed people who do want to live alone, and for several good reasons, especially men, for there is a The mgtow Movement, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way other times it is regarding those who do not seek companionship or the fact that the type of person they are, they do not wish to cause harm in a relationship or to be a burden to someone else, but yes, what you mention is also true, for some people do not want to share their belongings with someone else, especially if the significant other seeks to separate and or divorce, 50% of what you have will be his/hers.
    On the other side of the spectrum you have the immoral ones who embrace brazen conduct, they see sexual pleasure solely with one or multiple partners, they go to crazy parties, night clubs, even overseas to seek such things, and such is committed by both men and women. On other occasions why some tend to be skeptical about young one staying in a university or college, they are open to these things and next thing you know anything regarding rape or some recording found online can spark outrage, I should know because someone I know had taken her own life over it.
    Agreed. But we have to be very careful of sexual immorality and all brazen conduct that stems from it - this includes sexual gratification by means of these inanimate objects, which includes robots and dolls, toasters, cars, what have you. This goes for both the single and the married, I mention the married because in both the US and the UK mostly, they tend to get into these things too.
  18. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Listen, I am telling you that these robots are not good, no way, no how. they may sound good, but I programmed mine to be just like me, so that he could do all the work and I could just lounge around. Instead, the bucket of bolts turned the tables on me, and I'm slogging around while it lives the life of Reilly.
  19. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Space Merchant in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Crazy stuff S. M.  You seem to do a lot of research and are full of unusual information. but  this one I find funny.
    Of course it's not funny in a true sense, it is very serious. 
    As for people not finding a real human partner, in some ways it is understandable. There are many reasons why one may wish to live life alone. If a person has lived alone for many years they may not wish to share all of their material possessions, or share their money, or their house. They may wish to be able to just come and go as they please without consulting a partner. They may not want any type of confrontation. They may wish to follow a special way of life, a religion maybe, that needs their full dedication. 
    Being married has its own complications, and not everyone wants that. Even God's written word advises to stay single if we can cope with it.   
  20. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Space Merchant in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    The sad reality is that the whole robots and doll used as sexual pleasure is going to cause problems, and those who mass produce such things know the demographic they are targeting, pretty much exploiting that community, for example, you have the Otaku community, of which I made mention of before. These people, majority being males are targets because those who make the robots and dolls cater to their liking when it comes to characters seen in Japanese culture, be it from video games or Manga (the equivalent to comic books), on the other side of the spectrum, outside of this community, you have those who seek a similar thing however beyond that of the culture of the Otaku community itself, therefore the including of body suits, pillows and a list of other things also being produce if one cannot get his or her hands on a robot or doll. The most appalling thing that comes from whole robot/doll points to something that you show yourself to be adamantly against strongly.
    But that being said, sexual gratification to oneself,which also includes robots and or dolls is still, to the majority,  categorized in masturbation and pornography.
    Another thing is that it is crazy how nowadays instead of seeking a real partner, people tend to seek robots, pillows, dolls, virtual partners (for example, someone marrying a video game character), inanimate objects such as a car or a toaster, etc. And speaking about Otakus, there are less and less people seeking mates in Japan, and or those who think little of getting into relationships while on the other side of the spectrum, you have some people trying to make Momoko-san their waifu and senpai.
    A crazy world it is.
    This is one of the things I refer to: https://kotaku.com/5409877/the-one-about-the-guy-who-married-a-video-game
    The unnamed man is married to the character, Nene Anegasaki, which in this case, is his "[Mai]  Waifu". Even even got everything ready at a literal church, with people, for he was that serious.

    It isn't hard to imagine the case with robots, if we have situations like this.
  21. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  
    As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex  .
  22. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Space Merchant in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    I think it strange that people seem to view Self-gratification? as only being of a sexual nature. It isn't of course, it's just desire to obtain pleasure for oneself.  
    As for all this talk about sex on here it makes me wonder if some people on here have serious problems with it.  The GB seem to talk about it a lot too. I suppose it's like Water. Whilst the water will run from the tap when you need it, all is well. But when you turn on the tap and there is no water, that's when people talk about it.  I wonder if this is the same with sex  .
  23. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Witness in The Government Versus Jehovah's WItnesses   
    Very interesting information which confirms another of my feelings. The GB are not the faithful slave class.
    I do love your use of the word 'clarifications', when in fact you mean, change of meanings. 
    And i will repeat my question here, If the GB are the 'Faithful and discreet slave' why do they not get it right first time ?
    Surely God does not give them false information ?  
    A faithful and discreet slave would make sure the food he fed the domestics was good pure food, otherwise the Master would not be happy if the slave fed poison to his domestics and killed them spiritually, or at least stumbled them in many cases.
  24. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from JW Insider in ‘Would robot sex count as infidelity?   
    Anna we do have 'Public Foot Paths' here in England and also 'Bridle paths' all of which have sign posts. In fact we noticed a few weeks ago, a lady with a clipboard, looking rather 'official', walking past 'our big house'. When we left and locked up the gates we noticed new 'arrow' stickers on gate posts.  Unfortunately there is a public right of way right by  the side of the house. Nice for genuine people but makes it easier for urban explorers to get a good look at the property before breaking in. We can't stop anyone being on the outside just looking of course, but some folks are more welcome than others. We do show some folks around and let them take a few photos too. 
    Here is Devon we have those gates (in your photo) and also styles to climb over. And people are expected to keep to the edges on farmers fields. The good farmer would clear a footpath around the edge, some do, some don't.  But yes it is almost 'free to roam' which has it's good and bad points, depending if you are the land owner. 
    As far as the House is concerned, the new owner wants to go far beyond restoration, and the locals are totally opposed to it all. The owner wants to turn it into a massive wedding venue, for rich folks. (He's a Londoner, big business man, property and such) He wants to extend what is now the cellar, outward under the side of the house to form some sort of paved garden or similar. And he wants to add other buildings in the large grounds for other uses. Will cost millions of pounds and take at least three years i would think...
    But for my wife and i it was a great challenge, getting it cleaned out and tidied up a bit. So it now looks like a house not a scrap yard..... I also had to arrange for the car parts to go into one auction and lots of furniture to go into a different auction.  The car parts / Automobilia Auction i was also involved deeply in because I help that auctioneer lay it all out and put the Lot numbers on everything.  So being part of both the auctions this month has been a challenge too.   The furniture auction was today (Monday) so I haven't heard any results from it yet. But in November i may just spend more time on here, sitting, relaxing, eating mince pies and drinking tea. 
  25. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in Questions about instructions given to elders regarding accusations of child sexual abuse   
    Yes, I understood what you said. They had a fear.  But it was unfounded because like I said; "going to the police was never a disfellowshipping matter". However, and I added a clause, if going to the police was part and parcel of gossiping and slandering, then they could be disfellowshipped for that. And as you say, you have experienced that yourself, even when unfounded!
    Yes, a bad elder could find another reason to disfellowship because if going to the police is not a disfellowshipping matter, and if there is no slander involved, then this elder has no grounds to act that way, and he has to make something up. Anyone who does that is dishonest. He would be acting on his own, and NOT because of any instructions from the GB. So remember John, if unfounded, then these are the actions of a bad elder, and not because of any instructions from the Bethel or the GB. My experience with elders has been very good for the most part, most elders have been loving and caring people. BUT I also have known a couple of bad elders. They do exist for sure. There were bad elders in the 1st century;
    "I wrote something to the congregation, but Di·otʹre·phes, who likes to have the first place among them, does not accept anything from us with respect. That is why if I come, I will call attention to the works he is doing in spreading malicious talk about us. Not being content with this, he refuses to welcome the brothers with respect; and those who want to welcome them, he tries to hinder and to throw out of the congregation". John 3:9
    And yes, some congregation members could shun said person. But they would be acting on their own as well, and not from anything that was instructed by anyone. You cannot control how certain people will act, even if it's unfair or wrong. You cannot stop someone from "marking" someone else, even if unfounded. That is a personal thing unfortunately. But Jehovah sees the heart and will judge all.
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