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  1. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    We are not exactly a seamless team.
    Take it, Billy.
  2. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    @BillyTheKid46  and @TrueTomHarley  
    I am glad that using and directing/implementing verse from Mathew on GB member, as individual and in wider picture on WTJWORG as Corporation that "support JW religion", made you to react as you did :))  
    “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
    If you find yourself as pro bono advocate of GJ and other, to defend him/them because of Jesus words, than you are on questionable side. I wonder do you doing this on purpose/intentionally despite serious, strong and fatherly advice, message by Jesus? Or you really, really don't see?
    Supposedly, Jesus Trusts him in Full Measure, as GL explained on JWTV.  How than GJ don't trusts Jesus that He made him, GJ, to be The Light for nonbeliever? And as such, "The Light", does he need "worldly people" to show him, to tell him "This is The Way, Walk in it"? :)))
    Try again to response :))) I guess, Jesus have fun, or crying time, while reading comments that negate his standpoint about what role his followers/disciples should have :))))  
  3. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Yep Bro Jackson totally messed up on the whole thing but those that worship the GB will never see it or never admit it. 
    Back to this point :- 
    February 2017 Watchtower. Who is leading  God's people today ?
     The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. 
    But with this comment here then not much more is needed is it ? 
    The GB are stating that they are the 'Faithful slave' but admitting that their 'food at the proper time' is not perfect spiritual food. Luke 12 v 42
    And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?
    So the GB are saying that the food Jesus is supplying through Holy Spirit, is not good food. Now why would Jesus want to provide bad food for his followers ? 
    Ah but the GB are not inspired of Holy spirit, so um where exactly do they get this spiritual food from then ?
    Let's look at this in a practical way. The GB are the GOVERNING Body of JW Org and Watchtower. (it would seem that officially / legally they are not, but in practical terms they are ). Then there is a Writing Department. Are they inspired of Holy Spirit ? Well if the GB are not then I presume the WD are not. 
    Then we have the point of being Anointed. Surely if a person is Anointed then they are anointed with Holy Spirit ?  Ah, but the GB say they are not inspired of Holy Spirit. 
    So now we have the question, are Anointed ones actually anointed with holy spirit ? And if so are they inspired by holy spirit ? And if not, what is the point of having Anointed ones ? Yes we know they will die and go to heaven as part of the 144,000 but surely they have an important job to do now. They surely should be guiding God's earthly servants in the right direction ? 
    To guide God's earthly servants in that right direction, the Anointed ones would need to be inspired of Holy Spirit and to receive the spiritual food from Jesus Christ. 
    That brings us back to the scripture about the ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. 
    TTH and possibly BTK seem to want to follow a body of men that :- is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction 
    Why would anyone want to do this ?  Surely if a person wanted to serve God properly they would need proof positive that those men on earth that they follow were approved of by God and by Jesus Christ and that those men were actually being used to supply true spiritual food. 
    Please don't use numbers to justify God's holy spirit. There are surely far more Catholics and Muslims in this wicked world than JW's.  There are millions of bibles written by hundreds of different translators. There must be priests and clerics that put in many hours to their service to their gods. So saying that JW's do this or that proves nothing. 
    What is needed is proof positive of who the true Anointed really are and that they are inspired of God's holy spirit through Jesus Christ.
    And it is my true feeling that before Judgement Day arrives, God will show willing humble people exactly who those 'spiritual Jews' really are. 
  4. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Yep Bro Jackson totally messed up on the whole thing but those that worship the GB will never see it or never admit it. 
    Back to this point :- 
    February 2017 Watchtower. Who is leading  God's people today ?
     The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. 
    But with this comment here then not much more is needed is it ? 
    The GB are stating that they are the 'Faithful slave' but admitting that their 'food at the proper time' is not perfect spiritual food. Luke 12 v 42
    And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?
    So the GB are saying that the food Jesus is supplying through Holy Spirit, is not good food. Now why would Jesus want to provide bad food for his followers ? 
    Ah but the GB are not inspired of Holy spirit, so um where exactly do they get this spiritual food from then ?
    Let's look at this in a practical way. The GB are the GOVERNING Body of JW Org and Watchtower. (it would seem that officially / legally they are not, but in practical terms they are ). Then there is a Writing Department. Are they inspired of Holy Spirit ? Well if the GB are not then I presume the WD are not. 
    Then we have the point of being Anointed. Surely if a person is Anointed then they are anointed with Holy Spirit ?  Ah, but the GB say they are not inspired of Holy Spirit. 
    So now we have the question, are Anointed ones actually anointed with holy spirit ? And if so are they inspired by holy spirit ? And if not, what is the point of having Anointed ones ? Yes we know they will die and go to heaven as part of the 144,000 but surely they have an important job to do now. They surely should be guiding God's earthly servants in the right direction ? 
    To guide God's earthly servants in that right direction, the Anointed ones would need to be inspired of Holy Spirit and to receive the spiritual food from Jesus Christ. 
    That brings us back to the scripture about the ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. 
    TTH and possibly BTK seem to want to follow a body of men that :- is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction 
    Why would anyone want to do this ?  Surely if a person wanted to serve God properly they would need proof positive that those men on earth that they follow were approved of by God and by Jesus Christ and that those men were actually being used to supply true spiritual food. 
    Please don't use numbers to justify God's holy spirit. There are surely far more Catholics and Muslims in this wicked world than JW's.  There are millions of bibles written by hundreds of different translators. There must be priests and clerics that put in many hours to their service to their gods. So saying that JW's do this or that proves nothing. 
    What is needed is proof positive of who the true Anointed really are and that they are inspired of God's holy spirit through Jesus Christ.
    And it is my true feeling that before Judgement Day arrives, God will show willing humble people exactly who those 'spiritual Jews' really are. 
  5. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Yep Bro Jackson totally messed up on the whole thing but those that worship the GB will never see it or never admit it. 
    Back to this point :- 
    February 2017 Watchtower. Who is leading  God's people today ?
     The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food. 
    But with this comment here then not much more is needed is it ? 
    The GB are stating that they are the 'Faithful slave' but admitting that their 'food at the proper time' is not perfect spiritual food. Luke 12 v 42
    And the Lord said: “Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of food supplies at the proper time?
    So the GB are saying that the food Jesus is supplying through Holy Spirit, is not good food. Now why would Jesus want to provide bad food for his followers ? 
    Ah but the GB are not inspired of Holy spirit, so um where exactly do they get this spiritual food from then ?
    Let's look at this in a practical way. The GB are the GOVERNING Body of JW Org and Watchtower. (it would seem that officially / legally they are not, but in practical terms they are ). Then there is a Writing Department. Are they inspired of Holy Spirit ? Well if the GB are not then I presume the WD are not. 
    Then we have the point of being Anointed. Surely if a person is Anointed then they are anointed with Holy Spirit ?  Ah, but the GB say they are not inspired of Holy Spirit. 
    So now we have the question, are Anointed ones actually anointed with holy spirit ? And if so are they inspired by holy spirit ? And if not, what is the point of having Anointed ones ? Yes we know they will die and go to heaven as part of the 144,000 but surely they have an important job to do now. They surely should be guiding God's earthly servants in the right direction ? 
    To guide God's earthly servants in that right direction, the Anointed ones would need to be inspired of Holy Spirit and to receive the spiritual food from Jesus Christ. 
    That brings us back to the scripture about the ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew. 
    TTH and possibly BTK seem to want to follow a body of men that :- is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction 
    Why would anyone want to do this ?  Surely if a person wanted to serve God properly they would need proof positive that those men on earth that they follow were approved of by God and by Jesus Christ and that those men were actually being used to supply true spiritual food. 
    Please don't use numbers to justify God's holy spirit. There are surely far more Catholics and Muslims in this wicked world than JW's.  There are millions of bibles written by hundreds of different translators. There must be priests and clerics that put in many hours to their service to their gods. So saying that JW's do this or that proves nothing. 
    What is needed is proof positive of who the true Anointed really are and that they are inspired of God's holy spirit through Jesus Christ.
    And it is my true feeling that before Judgement Day arrives, God will show willing humble people exactly who those 'spiritual Jews' really are. 
  6. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Well, I can speak with some authority, because my wife, Susan, bought 20 Bantam Chickens as chicks (not much on this planet is cuter ...) and I have 5 roosters, temporarily living in a wire cage surrounding a kiddie pool on a table in my sun room, off my back deck. ... and I did view the ARC hearings in real time, in their entirety, and I would have to fully agree with you, Anna ... with the added observation that Bro. Jackson LIED about our stance on corporal punishment, to be politically correct, and said it would be "presumptuous" to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses were the "only" way to salvation, whereas the videos at this summer's Conventions definitely state otherwise., and he was weaseling and waffling in general, after swearing on a NWT to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, SO HELP HIM GOD.
    Howse THAT for a run-on sentence?

  7. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Maybe they're just worried if they didn't call on you you might get upset and reach for your holster
  8. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Just a side observation, a little off topic, but I am sorry to say, I felt the same way. Like you though, I don't think Br. Jackson is haughty, and probably neither are the others, but it seems that Br. Jackson was looking down on counsel assisting as someone who was completely incompetent and ignorant of the scriptures and had no idea where to find any of the Bible books. I understand why most of us believe "worldly" people lack knowledge in that department, because most probably do, but I could see it really started to get on Stewart's nerves when Br. Jackson kept repeatedly "guiding" him to find the books. In a few instances I felt like those two were like two roosters in a ring.
  9. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Afraid of doing a complete front flip head first into a bucket of water?
  10. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Well, for what it is worth, I gave an answer at the Watchtower Study Saturday before Last, and my wife gave one this Saturday, at the Kingdom Hall I have been attending since 2000, when I moved here .... for whatever THAT is worth.
    If I was not a JW in good standing (actually, I sit down a lot ...) the WT Study Conductor would not have called on me.
    You really ought to quit attacking me, anonymous BTK ... you ALWAYS lose the argument ... because your agenda driven perspective is so screwed up.
    It is getting tiresome trouncing you soundly every time you attack me, but I do seem to get a perverse pleasure out of it.
    .... never mind.
    It's either this or have fun watching my pet chickens when I hand feed them multi-grain bread !
  11. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Again, you are missing the point ENTIRELY ( no surprise there ....)
    If I had hand puppets with big crayons,  here is what they would tell you
    Even Jeffery Dahmer and others as bad as he, knew the names of his JUDGES ... their names were on the courthouse door, or on a name plate on their desks.  The Bailiff would announce his  name as he entered the room.
    And I have been repeatedly investigated by the FBI, the DOD, the DOE, and the ATF, and many local Sheriffs, and have a SPOTLESS record,  ( except for  several traffic tickets over a 50 year period ...) so your innuendo is only another of your delusional fantasies, of things you WISH had purchase, but do NOT.

    ... FURTHER .. I never alluded to my experience being an "everyday occurance".  I relayed it as an account ONLY of how I was treated.
    THAT ... is another one of your delusional fantasies of how you WISH I had said that, to be able to defend the indefensible.
    Be a sport ... review what I actually DID say, compared to your stated delusion.
  12. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    What Secular courts do or don't do does not excuse what our Tribunals do or don't do.
    When a Jury is selected, a person's lawyer and they have the right to select from a Jury Pool, usually about 30 people,  12 people "good and true" from the Jury pool. 
    I have BEEN in a Jury Pool thankyouverymuch!
    Everybody knows what their names are, even though they are referred to as "Juror No. 3", or "Juror No. 6" etc., AFTER they are selected.
    Before their selection, the defense lawyer tries to find out everything there is to know about each potential juror, and ESPECIALLY those mutually selected by the prosecution and the defense.
    But that is not the point AT ALL ... because a Congregational Judicial Trial is a trial by a Tribunal of Judges, which a defendant has no input at all.  They could be limp-wristed progressive Liberal Snowflakes, or "hanging Judges", or anything at all!
    What I saw is a sad, sad story for another time, perhaps. Perhaps after I am safely dead.
    The WDS Force is strong with you, Luke.
  13. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Indeed it is not, but since you constantly compare the two, all that I have said is appropriate. The ones at a court trial who decide guilt DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO TELL YOU THEIR NAMES!!!!!! Where is your outrage about THAT?
    Yes. That was the problem. Were it anyone else it would have been the sort of committee procedure that we all know about.
    What was there about your behavior (the reader might make an educated guess by reviewing your outrageous posts, but no more than an educated guess) so that they resorted to methods that nobody else has ever heard of or can imagine?
  14. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    A congregational Judicial "Hearing" is NOT a jury trial ... It is a trial by Tribunal, who act as both Judges, and Jury.
    The Congregational Judicial Committee is NOT a Jury, it is a Tribunal of Judges.
    Your entire premise is faulty, TTH. That is a generous way of telling you you are WRONG. (again ...)
    You may have been through all this before, but again, you are flat wrong. 
    I was there!
    I was the subject of the Trial, and the Tribunal, after being repeatedly asked to do so BY ME ... refused to tell me their names and Congregation.
  15. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    The original video is still available on the ARC web site.
    Try ignoring a summons to appear in Court, and see what happens.
    HINT: Fine or imprisonment for contempt of Court.
  16. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    It does NOT get any simpler than this:
    If the Elders learn of something that is a criminal act involving Child Sexual Abuse ... ALWAYS report it to the Civil Authorities.
    Problem solved.... globally, and 100%.
    See, that was not so hard.
  17. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Any task of any sort is made easier if you don’t have other parties screwing you up, even if only through ineptitude. This is all that GJ was saying. You deliberately misrepresent his statement to suggest that he couldn’t care less about the problem. You should be more ashamed of yourself than even you usually should be.
    What is he asking for? That laws about reporting CSA be consistent. That way he, as representative of one of the very few faiths that have attempted to monitor this evil, so as to mete out discipline and prevent miscreants from slipping unawares from one congregation into another (as they can anywhere else) does not have to do his job as though in a legal minefield. 
    Why has what he pleaded for not been done? Given the seriousness of the problem and the stated priority of fighting it, seemingly no task should be easier.
  18. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    The Kid seems to think that man's laws are higher than God's laws it seems. So what happens when a government tells the JW's not to preach the good news, or not to talk about God ? Romans 13 v1 again Billy. 
    What would your W/t do Billy, obey man's laws ?
    No, it only hides behind man's laws when it is convenient to the GB and it's Org. 
    If 'data protection' hides criminals and sinners in the JW Org, then surely God's laws would override it for true servants of God. 
    I laugh at Billy's use of those last two scriptures. 1 Peter 2 v 16.
    16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.
    The GB / W/t / JW Org are using their freedom as a cover up for evil. That is what the Child Sexual Abuse investigations Earthwide are all about. The known facts and more facts being revealed about this Child Sexual Abuse being committed by Elders and others within the JW Org.   
    But Billy will keep his head in the sand, and as I've said before, he cannot really be a true JW by his thoughts and words. 
     "Either your trust in God or you don't", Billy says.... Yes Billy trust in God, but not in the Watchtower or the GB of JW org. Or in the Elders of JW congregations. 
    'Now you want the Watchtower to be an organization that breaks man’s law to benefit opposers,' Billy says.
    So, are victims of CSA now viewed as opposers in Billy's eyes ? Look after widows and orphans Billy, remember scripture. 
  19. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Well the Kid is unwell isn't he ? It's obvious that God does not control all governments. Not would God want to it seems.
    The Devil offered all those 'kingdoms' of the earth to Jesus, so I think it's obvious that the Devil controls them. 
  20. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    The Kid seems to think that man's laws are higher than God's laws it seems. So what happens when a government tells the JW's not to preach the good news, or not to talk about God ? Romans 13 v1 again Billy. 
    What would your W/t do Billy, obey man's laws ?
    No, it only hides behind man's laws when it is convenient to the GB and it's Org. 
    If 'data protection' hides criminals and sinners in the JW Org, then surely God's laws would override it for true servants of God. 
    I laugh at Billy's use of those last two scriptures. 1 Peter 2 v 16.
    16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.
    The GB / W/t / JW Org are using their freedom as a cover up for evil. That is what the Child Sexual Abuse investigations Earthwide are all about. The known facts and more facts being revealed about this Child Sexual Abuse being committed by Elders and others within the JW Org.   
    But Billy will keep his head in the sand, and as I've said before, he cannot really be a true JW by his thoughts and words. 
     "Either your trust in God or you don't", Billy says.... Yes Billy trust in God, but not in the Watchtower or the GB of JW org. Or in the Elders of JW congregations. 
    'Now you want the Watchtower to be an organization that breaks man’s law to benefit opposers,' Billy says.
    So, are victims of CSA now viewed as opposers in Billy's eyes ? Look after widows and orphans Billy, remember scripture. 
  21. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    @James Thomas Rook Jr. I totally agree with your first comment above and I believe the first paragraph of this second comment. As for the full proceedings, I didn't watch it all but have seen 'bits' via youtube or somewhere. 
    I do know that the Org tried to withhold information from the Charity Commision here in the UK. 
    I find it so funny when you call JW Org 'OUR' system or org. I cannot fully understand why anyone with your knowledge of the GB / W/t / JW Org would want to be any part of it, but maybe you are still getting info to pass on to us. 
    I would think that half of the time the criminal or sinner is an Elder, and that he is liked and protected by other Elders, so justice is seldom done. And all is hidden behind closed doors. 
    Whereas in that 'wicked old world' outside the Org, justice is more often done, and is seen to be done. 
  22. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Well the Kid is unwell isn't he ? It's obvious that God does not control all governments. Not would God want to it seems.
    The Devil offered all those 'kingdoms' of the earth to Jesus, so I think it's obvious that the Devil controls them. 
  23. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    Yes I am judgemental. And in my own opinion I have good reason to be, as do many other ex JW's.
    The JW Org, it's GB, the Watchtower, they all need to be judged. Just as they judge the Catholic church and others. 
    However, for JW's to use the badness of this wicked world as an excuse for badness in the Org, that is a poor show.
    I bring back another of my old saying "Well we didn't offer as many children in the fire to Molech as the other nations did".  When they knew perfectly well what God standards were. 
    And i don't see in that scripture you've quoted, that Paul is saying " But I'm better than most people in the world".
    Which is the excuse you seem to use.
    Comparing things does not mean that you say they are equal. Comparing the JW Org to God's standards shows how wicked the JW Org really is when compared to the standards God expects. Matthew 5 v 48
    Matthew 5:48 English Standard Version (ESV)
    48 "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
    We know perfection is not attainable for us, but to use the imperfection as an excuse is so weak. 
    I think you would have the pedophiles in the JW Org using that scripture from Paul as an excuse :
     when I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me ...   but I behold in my members another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my members.  
    Any excuse for JW 's. 
  24. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    You have deliberately missed the point. You are comparing the JW Org with the world. But we know the world is filthy and horrible, so yes the Org is a bit better than the world at large.
    However you should be comparing the JW Org to God's high standards, then see how smug you can be.  
  25. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in Geoffrey Jackson Before the Commission - and the New Requirement to ‘Go Beyond the Law’   
    @TrueTomHarley 'In your dreams is right, for the whole first comment you wrote.
    What twaddle. Didn't Peter and the Apostles say at Acts 5 v 29
    But Peter and the apostles answered and said, We must obey God rather than men. 
    And now the JW's are admitting they have a clergy class ? clergy-penitent privilege 
    Quote "Unity among Jehovah’s Witnesses is a commonplace and unremarkable fact." 
    What utter rubbish. JW's take each other to worldly courts. They bicker and gossip about each other. It has been proved that some congregants have been 'threatened' by Elders to keep their mouths shut or be disfellowshipped, and that includes me. There is adultery, divorce,  family disputes, all sorts of problems, dishonest dealings too. 
    You rabbit on about the world and the UN, but why ?  The W/t, JW Org, GB, are supposed to be NO PART OF THE WORLD, so why doe you people even try to compare yourselves to that world ? 
    I've said before, living in my house is much better than living in a sewer. Does that mean my house is perfect ? No of course not. It just means it's better than a sewer. 
    So comparing W/t and JW Org to the world means nothing.  As people tell me the 'world' is a big place and is varied in many ways. But even I have met people 'in the world' that are much 'nicer' in a humane way than people in the JW Org. 
    Then of course you find the need to off into the realms of fantasy, to obscure the truth about your wicked Org. So be it.
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