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  1. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Why would a JW use the Gospel of Thomas which is possibly fake and not inspired of holy spirit ? 
    Remember 'all scripture is inspired ...... ' but the gospel of Thomas is not scripture. 
    My feeling is this Kid is defo' not a JW but is trying hard to destroy the reputation of the JW Org in an indirect way.
    Unlike me that uses direct means and am not frightened to speak my mind. I think the Kid has a grudge against the GB / JW Org / Watchtower and is being sneaky about how he is getting back at them. 
  2. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    TTH is here trying to put the blame on JTR. TTH has learnt well from the GB and it's Org. 
    Victims in the JW Org very often get told they are to blame. Especially in cases where a victim of mistreatment blames an Elder. Once again we see worship of the Org. 
  3. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Oh, I thought you were sending all my comment to a higher authority, the one that the bible mentions 'Superior Authorities' 
  4. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I copied the whole comment to my FB page so that people can make their own mind up about it all. 
    Unlike some on here that pick out just a few words out of context.  
    But I still find people having a love of guns strange. There are people here in the UK that collect German war memorabilia, i find that disturbing too. Perhaps, in my opinion, it should all be forgotten. War in my opinion is racist. The idea that one race has the right to live above another. 
    I tend to collect old household items and farming items, things used for constructive purposes not destructive ones. 
  5. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Well it's quite funny to read this comment right now as I've just posted, on my FB / Ex JW page, about JW's that have a stockpile of weapons in their own homes. And how they love to talk about war and about men being run over by vehicles and having their heads blown off. Very Christian attitude, not. 
    And how it seems fine with the GB for 'brothers' in the USA to stockpile guns, and how those 'brothers' seem to have a love for weapons of war..
    I'm sure my readers will find it interesting. 
    I got the idea of copy and paste from the Kid, so I copied and pasted from this blog to my FB. 
  6. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Years ago at insane asylums, you could go on tours.
    On the second floor overlooking the great room where the insane ...uh... "interacted" with each other they had doors that opened onto balconys, where you could with your friends stand and watch the show, below.
    That is what it is like here. Perhaps I should be ashamed of thinking the show below is so very funny ...
    ...but I am not.
    I am merely a humble Barbarian.
    silly me.

  7. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    On which list would be your name ? :)) Which other names would be with your?
  8. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Billy is strange, pretending to be a JW, using writings that are not for true Christians, just to try to back up his useless comments. I think the person is unwell. I was going to say man, but one never knows with stupid avatars, if a person is male or female. 
    I think your own comment applies to you Kid 
     If you were a JW at one point, whoever taught you scripture did a poor job of it. 
  9. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Why would a JW use the Gospel of Thomas which is possibly fake and not inspired of holy spirit ? 
    Remember 'all scripture is inspired ...... ' but the gospel of Thomas is not scripture. 
    My feeling is this Kid is defo' not a JW but is trying hard to destroy the reputation of the JW Org in an indirect way.
    Unlike me that uses direct means and am not frightened to speak my mind. I think the Kid has a grudge against the GB / JW Org / Watchtower and is being sneaky about how he is getting back at them. 
  10. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Thanks for warning me about names of dangerous elements in this forum. 
    So, you would like that i pay my attention to Billy? Because his name is not on your list?!
  11. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Why would a JW use the Gospel of Thomas which is possibly fake and not inspired of holy spirit ? 
    Remember 'all scripture is inspired ...... ' but the gospel of Thomas is not scripture. 
    My feeling is this Kid is defo' not a JW but is trying hard to destroy the reputation of the JW Org in an indirect way.
    Unlike me that uses direct means and am not frightened to speak my mind. I think the Kid has a grudge against the GB / JW Org / Watchtower and is being sneaky about how he is getting back at them. 
  12. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Au Contraire TTH .. I am not trying to portray myself as anything.   I just stated facts, and you can draw whatever conclusions you have to, based on your WDS.
    I just thought it was incredibly rude, deceitful, and dishonest on their part, as I introduced myself, even though they had already been told my name, although we had never before met.  Also, I instantly determined that a Judge who will not divulge his name is one chain short of wearing a black hood, and carrying a headman's ax.
    The reason I did not respond earlier is I do NOT assume motives for other people, where there are no clearly discernible facts in evidence ... or they TELL me what their motives are.
    You have assumed quite a LOT about my motives ... without facts.
    I feel I was grievously mistreated by their being anonymous, and therefore dishonest judges..
    They had NOTHING to fear from me, based on 55 and more  years of hard facts .... unbroken by even a single instance of violence or threat of violence.  ( To be fair, about 1981 a rich and influential  Elder called me up on the phone and said he was going to DESTROY ME, and I replied he was welcome to try, and that I would be willing to meet him in the street outside my home, and we would shoot it out ... and he hung up and never bothered me again.).
    The last time I was in a fight was as a teenager, at a school bus stop in Jr. High School.
    Because i do not consider consequences once I decide what is right or wrong, I did not need their names to write in a book, and ambush them later. 
    If I was a mind to (and I would like to EMPHASIZE that I was not then, and am not now...) I would have shot them to death in that room, at the time.
    Basically, they were cowards, and bullys, pretending to be fair and impartial, and successfully deceiving themselves.
    ... and the hand, having writ, has moved on ... just another day in Margaritaville.

  13. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    TTH is here trying to put the blame on JTR. TTH has learnt well from the GB and it's Org. 
    Victims in the JW Org very often get told they are to blame. Especially in cases where a victim of mistreatment blames an Elder. Once again we see worship of the Org. 
  14. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    JTR never responded to this. After he had made the charge that: “I was the subject of a Congregational Committee Trial once, and the three judging me REFUSED TO TELL ME THEIR NAMES.“
    He never responded. JTR always responds. His responses are as dependable (and often as smelly) as a bear pooping in the woods. 
    He has responded to many other things in the interim.
    It makes me think that I hit the nail on the head. If not directly on the head, then close enough. I strongly suspect his seemingly outrageous “mistreatment” that I have never heard of as happening anywhere before was somehow triggered by something outrageous on his part.
    And here he is trying to portray himself as a victim.
  15. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Shiwiii in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    I did, i left it.  And now i advise others to do the same. 
  16. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I think it would help if i tell my opinion how Jesus want to express very strong illustrative argument, assurance how his words will be fulfilled Even IF all Milky Way would blow up in explosion :)))
    Hyperbola. To enhance the effect and leave an impression on the listener.
    How so? Because some Bible verses say how Earth was created to stay forever. Again, one problem more we have in here too. In Bible, word "forever" not carry always the meaning of "never ending, eternity".  
    This is not clarification. This is more stuff to confuse us more :)))
    JHVH said: Earth will last forever
    Jesus said: Earth will gone
    To Who do you believe?   
    OR.... what sort of Earth will last and what sort will perished? Literal or figurative destruction? ... and so on.
  17. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   

    Dateline: May 30, 2019
    Local Authorities find the severed head of famous cowboy desperado BillyTheKid46 in THREE SEPARATE PLACES around the county, next to businesses' 3-D printers, each next to a small jar of screws and a small jar of marbles.
    Police suspect that this  was an attempt at recovery after the suspect's screws all came loose, and he lost his marbles.
    Residents are asked to be on the lookout for a headless zombie dressed in a cowboy outfit, with a large red plastic funnel stuck in his neck.
    He is considered to be heavily armed and moderately amusing..

  18. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I have no idea. If he is, he certainly is not a typical one, that’s for sure.
    I don’t think that he is mentally sound. That does not mean that he is stupid. But both oars are somehow not in the water. It is just too weird to be as outrageous as he consistently is, picking fights with everyone.
  19. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Oh YEAH!?
    Just for that I'm gonna carve your BTK photo on a Coconut, put a handlebar mustache on it,  and throw it in the Ocean!
    Take THAT!
  20. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    You should get out more, John.
    Here in North Carolina .... first day of Deer Season, the KH's are empty of brothers, and the program has an echo.
    By comparison, I am a gentle vegetarian.
  21. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Oh, I thought you were sending all my comment to a higher authority, the one that the bible mentions 'Superior Authorities' 
  22. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    All the same, you are not he, and that was my sole point. 
    He was very nice to me. You are mean to me. That clinches it from my point of view.
  23. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Well...I will lend you some support on something that seems to be important to you.
    So many here seem to think that you are one of the Allans—he got all the way up to #30 something, advancing a number each time he got tossed out on his ear for getting too abusive (and he was right to object that others had been equally abusive and had not been disciplined, which @JW Insider pointed out even more than me, and on more occasions.)
    I used to point out that Allan made a significant contribution here—he proved the resurrection.
    I messaged him privately, or maybe he messaged me—I forget—and in the course of a very nice exchange, I gave him a copy of Tom Irregardless and Me, which he said nice things about, as well as nice things to me.
    So I don’t think that he was you at all. Hear that, @Witness, @JW Insider, @James Thomas Rook Jr., @JOHN BUTLERand others? He’s not the same guy.
    Billy is mean to me. Allan was not.
  24. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I would still think it over beforehand.
    I doubt that is so.
    You can always blow away a chipmunk with your sharpshooter.
  25. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    I had a Brother show me his list of survival equipment and food he was stockpiling for the Great Tribulation.  ( I do not stockpile food, myself...)
    I suggested he stock up on Trail Mix Granola Bars, ( My Favorite !) after I noticed his list was short on defensive weaponry.
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