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  1. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    So the Lawyers of JW Org / Wt are not highly educated. The designers of the new HQ / Bethal are not educated. 
    The designers of the means of translation into all the world's languages are not educated. 
    Your GB are not educated. The Board of Directors are not highly educated.
    In fact it seems by your opinion that no one in the W/t or JW Org is educated. 
    Um, so i wonder how they wriggle out of paying the fines and compensations that they should pay.
    i wonder how they've managed to fight court battles to get the freedom to preach in many places. 
    I wonder who does the accounts at the top. 
    I wonder who arranges planning permission for so many K/hs earthwide. 
    And now you will probably try to pretend it is done with God's guidance through Jesus Christ. 
    This stupid idea of trying to compare the times of Jesus and his disciples/apostles, with the times right here and now, is so pathetic. Even comparing now to 100 years ago is stupid. Here in the UK people could do and say things years ago that they cannot do or say now. There was working class hands on work here that is not here now. So all this comparing means nothing. 
    Education means being able to support a family properly.
    It also means, what the GB does not want, that people can do research in books, on the internet and communicate in many ways. All you are doing is being a parrot to the GB and it's Org. You are trying to convince people that having a good education is a bad thing. 
    As for your stupid idea about higher education causing the troubles here on this earth. YOU well know WHO causes the troubles here on this earth. It is the Devil and his Demons. Matters not what education you have, you can be serving the devil even if you have the lowest education available. In fact in my opinion, if you do not try to gain knowledge then you are not using the brain that God gave you. 
    Just one tiny thought, bloodless surgery and cell salvage, invented by whom ? Uneducated were they. 
  2. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Witness in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    So the Lawyers of JW Org / Wt are not highly educated. The designers of the new HQ / Bethal are not educated. 
    The designers of the means of translation into all the world's languages are not educated. 
    Your GB are not educated. The Board of Directors are not highly educated.
    In fact it seems by your opinion that no one in the W/t or JW Org is educated. 
    Um, so i wonder how they wriggle out of paying the fines and compensations that they should pay.
    i wonder how they've managed to fight court battles to get the freedom to preach in many places. 
    I wonder who does the accounts at the top. 
    I wonder who arranges planning permission for so many K/hs earthwide. 
    And now you will probably try to pretend it is done with God's guidance through Jesus Christ. 
    This stupid idea of trying to compare the times of Jesus and his disciples/apostles, with the times right here and now, is so pathetic. Even comparing now to 100 years ago is stupid. Here in the UK people could do and say things years ago that they cannot do or say now. There was working class hands on work here that is not here now. So all this comparing means nothing. 
    Education means being able to support a family properly.
    It also means, what the GB does not want, that people can do research in books, on the internet and communicate in many ways. All you are doing is being a parrot to the GB and it's Org. You are trying to convince people that having a good education is a bad thing. 
    As for your stupid idea about higher education causing the troubles here on this earth. YOU well know WHO causes the troubles here on this earth. It is the Devil and his Demons. Matters not what education you have, you can be serving the devil even if you have the lowest education available. In fact in my opinion, if you do not try to gain knowledge then you are not using the brain that God gave you. 
    Just one tiny thought, bloodless surgery and cell salvage, invented by whom ? Uneducated were they. 
  3. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    No. @Srecko Sostaris the one who raised the subject. Take it up with him.
  4. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Witness in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    This is a very confusing statement.  Did you notice that I linked to Anthony Morris' talk on the dead at WT's "Armageddon", as compared to charred, split open hot dogs?  That is your darkness that you live in, shown to you by your professed anointed GB member.  It is not a demonstration of "light".    
    And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.  Eph 5:11
  5. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Following on from @Srecko Sostar this management / board of directors now say that are the 'Faithful and discreet slave'. 
    Thank you Srecko. 
    But i lost it a bit about if they are all supposed to be of the anointed or not now.  Either way it does seem a crafty move and i find it quite funny that the W/t changed their title to suit their own convenience. 
    Board of Directors = Faithful and discreet slave,   I don't think so   
    As the Board of Directors of course, it is much easier to understand how they try to hide the pedopphilia problem and try to stop victims claiming compensation. It's big business isn't it ? They don't want their business to lose money or status.
    Um, Judas was the money handler wasn't he, and look what he did and how he ended up.
  6. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Now you did say this however ( @TrueTomHarley )  Quote  "because you are such a pit bull."
    So I'm not always silly and I'm not exactly mentally ill, but I am a bit of a dog then  .. 
  7. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Wow, complicated huh. So, once upon a time the Board of Directors were the GB. But in 1971 the GB was the Board of directors + other older brothers. However since 2001 the GB and the Board of Directors are two seperate groups of men. 
    Now I have more questions. The Watchtower B&T Society is one 'company', whilst the, Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a seperate 'company'.  
    When exactly did they seperate and why ? 
    So who rules over which 'company', GB or Board of Directors, or both ? 
    And which of those two 'bodies' GB or B of D has the highest rank / control, over which of the two companies ?
    I think the $4000 a day fine situation was because the GB / B of D  were deliberately slowing down court proceedings by sending letters between the W/T and the CCJW, as each has its own legal departments. 
    Try comparing that to the 'early Christians'.  Did they have two 'companies' and two legal departments ? 
    Jesus didn't even have a bed to call his own. 
    It must cost the congregants a fortune in donations  
  8. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Billy is sounding more like a demented pervert every day.
    He once was funny but now he seems to be getting desperate and boring. 
    However this whole conversation is way off topic but quite funny. 
    (Que Admin telling me off) 
  9. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in NEW TV-JW.ORG FEATURED PROGRAMMING!   
    Well the JW Org is definitely not Theocratic that's for sure. 
    But you're right it's not democratic either, it's a dictatorship.  
  10. Haha
    Of course this would never happen. The org. is not some kind of talk show or democratically run establishment.  You either take it or leave it.
  11. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    THAT was worth preserving for history !
    Here is a .jpg !

  12. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    It would do well to remember this quote:
    "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet!"  -  Abraham Lincoln
  13. Haha
    Perhaps that was the reason I didn't suggest his book was proof. I think I purposely worded it something like this:
    Why would I be speaking of "proof" if my whole point was based on how we nearly always lack proof? As I said a little later in the same post, that I agree with you that nothing is "proven" here. These topics live in a world of conjecture, opinion and sometimes, hopefully: evidence. Even with evidence, there is the hurdle of interpretation to get over. This isn't mathematics, geometry, etc.
    There you go again!
    Quite an uneven comparison. Should I suppose that's really your answer to how you know for sure Covington had a drinking problem? Because I would be a faithless cynic if I didn't believe he was DF'd for a drinking problem? Faith in who? You? Because your word is as sure as that of the Bible when it speaks about Jesus?
    You seem to have no problem being posted here, and you have repeatedly called this an apostate website, too. As long as we are speaking truth to the best of our knowledge, truth shouldn't hurt anyone in the long run. Truth can hurt in the short run. But at least it's always better than falsehood, which is what most of those sites are known for.
    I would never believe that, much less say it. You evidently haven't read what I say very carefully.
    For someone who has been known here for blatant examples of "projection," did you perhaps just provide an explanation of your lack of care? Not claiming you did, but your imputed motives are often fairly disgusting, and you may have just been hoisted by your own petard! Can't think of another reason at the moment why you have seemed to obsess on unclean thoughts.
  14. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Do your handlers know YOU are visiting "Apostate Websites", and reading everything, in order to find such things?
    Have you told YOUR Elders you are doing this?
  15. Haha
  16. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Quote @TrueTomHarley " Every project needs leadership. Once you grant persons that leadership, you refrain from undercutting them at every step. Why in the world should that be so hard to understand? "
    So Tom, did you grant the GB leadership ? Did you make the GB into the 'Faithful and discreet slave' ? 
    Being God's true representatives here on Earth is not just any old project. Surely it should never even be compared to worldly projects.
    So, yes, some kind of organisation in needed. However you know me and how I go back over things soooo much. So I'm back to that scripture about the 10 men - Jew 
    American Standard Version
    Zechariah 8:23 (ASV) Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: In those days [it shall come to pass], that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations, they shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.   My personal opinion is that the GB are not that 'Jew' .  So i haven't 'granted those persons that leadership'.  And I would suggest that they granted themselves that leadership. You didn't 'vote them in' did you ?     Maybe you should consider what exactly a person is taught when they start having a 'Bible study' with JW's.   I would say that they are not taught the 'workings' of JW Org.  People believe that they will be studying God's word, but in fact they end up studying Man's word from a book, which only losely considers God's word.    Many of the books that have been used as study books are now long gone and would cause embarrassment to 'modern day' JW's. The GB hide this by saying they have 'new light'.     So whereas you may like to say I have mental illness and am infantile, I think I have reasonable thinking ability and at this point I have made a fair to good choice to not be part of the JW Org.    Just a couple of points Tom before i go. To quote you  That does not mean that when I appear on a forum where the majority seek its destruction and level one attack on it after another, I will say “you know, you’ve raise a good point there.”   First point. Do you really think it is the aim of most on here to totally destroy the JW Org  ? 2. Does that then mean that Jesus was seeking the destruction of the Pharisees when he criticized them ? 3. Why  then are you on this forum ? 4. Will you ever say on here, “you know, you’ve raise a good point there.” ?    Have a great day Tom and all of you. 
  17. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Quote @BillyTheKid46 However, I do find it strange that John and James hone in on the same thing, my avatar. Can you explain, John why you haven't mentioned or call out the avatar of JWinsider, and Anna? or is it just another dense thought coming out of your head. I can see the true mental state your in. 😁
    I see that Billy and TTH take their lead from the GB of JW Org. It's a bit strange how the GB, pretending to be the 'Faithful and discreet slave', yet accuse people of being mentally ill. However we can see here that some JW's act like parrots and use the same type of speech. The GB have obviously, deliberately used this idea of saying people are mentally ill, if such ones do not worship the GB and it's Org. And it can be seen to have worked well for the GB, as those that do worship the GB and it's Org are now using the same expressions. What does this show ?  Well it seems to have shown that the GB and it's Org have misled and twisted the minds of a lot of JW's. These JW's will now say and do anything that the GB and it's Org tell them to do. This is obviously not serving God or Christ, it is serving the GB and it's Org. 
    Back to one of Billy's points, that i hone in on his avatar. Billy may not want to remember but I have said previously that I cannot fully understand why anyone would want to hide behind an avatar. I've also said that i do not give serious attention to the comments of people that use avatars. However, when i upvote a comment, that is what i am doing, I am upvoting that particular comment, and when I thank a person for a particular comment, that is what I am doing, i am thanking a person for that particular comment. If Billy said something that I thought was right and sensible i would upvote it, in fact I think I have done so in the past. It matters not to me if a person should want my upvote, I do it anyway if I find the comment makes sense.
    Regarding @Anna I have said that I do not understand her as she seems to comment from 'both sides of the fence', but that is good I suppose as she is viewing both sides, whereas I am only viewing for the outside now. 
    @JW Insider is just that i suppose. A JW that is prepared to give true information to us.  So i can see a reason for the avatar. 
    But the funny  thing is when i think of all of you. I do not know who is male and who is female due to avatars. I suppose it should not matter really  
    But to me Billy's and TTH's main problems seem to be that they do basically worship the GB / JW Org / Watchtower, and therefore will not have anything bad said against those things, even if the criticism is constructive and true. 
    They seem not to believe that those Soc/ Orgs have dictated to the congregants that the congregants must believe everything the GB says, without question. And therefore the congregants are led along by false teachings some of the time. 
  18. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Wow, complicated huh. So, once upon a time the Board of Directors were the GB. But in 1971 the GB was the Board of directors + other older brothers. However since 2001 the GB and the Board of Directors are two seperate groups of men. 
    Now I have more questions. The Watchtower B&T Society is one 'company', whilst the, Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a seperate 'company'.  
    When exactly did they seperate and why ? 
    So who rules over which 'company', GB or Board of Directors, or both ? 
    And which of those two 'bodies' GB or B of D has the highest rank / control, over which of the two companies ?
    I think the $4000 a day fine situation was because the GB / B of D  were deliberately slowing down court proceedings by sending letters between the W/T and the CCJW, as each has its own legal departments. 
    Try comparing that to the 'early Christians'.  Did they have two 'companies' and two legal departments ? 
    Jesus didn't even have a bed to call his own. 
    It must cost the congregants a fortune in donations  
  19. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Foreigner in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Following on from @Srecko Sostar this management / board of directors now say that are the 'Faithful and discreet slave'. 
    Thank you Srecko. 
    But i lost it a bit about if they are all supposed to be of the anointed or not now.  Either way it does seem a crafty move and i find it quite funny that the W/t changed their title to suit their own convenience. 
    Board of Directors = Faithful and discreet slave,   I don't think so   
    As the Board of Directors of course, it is much easier to understand how they try to hide the pedopphilia problem and try to stop victims claiming compensation. It's big business isn't it ? They don't want their business to lose money or status.
    Um, Judas was the money handler wasn't he, and look what he did and how he ended up.
  20. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    You know, it IS a remarkable coincidence. I can see why you might think it. However Billy takes digs at everyone—even me, sometimes, though at the moment there is an tenuous truce between us.
  21. Thanks
    We got to a few other issues on this thread, so I suppose it's only fair to try to address your questions here.
    I think it's obvious that a few things still work a little differently in practice than in theory, because there is such a considerable overlap in the way policy/procedure is followed and changed -- and potential consideration of any scriptural principles involved, which would then go back to the governing body for that reason if changes are being considered.
    But in theory, it's possible to distinguish the major purposes and utilization of each of the various corporations. Even here there have been several legal issues raised by the way that the corporations were set up in various countries. For example, Australia branches are still under the direction of the Pennsylvania Watch Tower corporation. Most others are under their own local corporation with some functions reporting to their own zone, and some to Pennsylvania, and some even to New York. The CCJW was specifically set up NOT to be under the direction of the Watchtower of New York or the Watch Tower of Pennsylvania.
    I will quote from the appeal that the Watchtower just filed in a CSA case in Montana which makes some clear statements about how it works in theory. (Someone just sent it to me.) But I can't do this just yet because I don't know if the appeal has been publicized yet, and I will never be the first to put something like that out into the public.
  22. Haha
    That's true. You can. That's the nature of social media. You could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe you. I could tell the truth, and no one needs to believe me. Someone could just as easily make something up and no one needs to believe them.
    Hypothetical example that would probably never happen: I could claim that Charles Taze Russell was the first Vice President of the Watch Tower Society (which he was, and this is something I'm sure you already know) and you could get angry and claim that he was never the first Vice President, only the first President. If people believed you, I'd have less credibility. If people believed me, you'd have less credibility. But even if no one believed me now, someday they might buy a book by B. Schulz, for example, and see that a seemingly unbiased source agreed with me. You might then remember how angry you were, and begin to re-evaluate other things I claimed. But I might never know that a small trivial item like that might have made you positively re-evaluate some less trivial things that you once fought against.
    This is why, I have no problem bringing up lesser known items that you treat as merely conjecture at the moment. Perhaps one day you will run across one of Covington's relatives, or a former Bethelite who knows more about it. Or perhaps it will be for another reason altogether, perhaps when/if the Society changes its stance on a certain doctrine or two. And perhaps none of these things will ever happen, and you will be suspicious of me for the rest of your life. It's not a problem as long as my own conscience is clear, between me and Jehovah. 
    As you already admitted, nothing is "proven." How, for example, do you know that he was DF'd for excessive drinking? Did you see this, or did someone claim it, and it made sense to you? Did you know for a fact that he was officially reinstated? Perhaps you heard his funeral talk. Was something said about his "drinking" in that talk? The funeral talk (1978) mentions that he was now considered one of the anointed, which surprised many at the time. Do we take Brother Colin Quackenbush's word for it? What if Brother Quackenbush thought he needed to say this to protect the reputation of the newly defined "governing body" since it had long been associated with "the board of directors." The GB was already claiming that it was "representing" the entire 10,000 or so members of the "faithful and discreet slave" as they were still defined in 1978. Could Quackenbush have been trying to gain some extra credit for himself as a good friend of Covington, as if the one who had talked him out of doing something rash and stupid?
    I didn't know that a "tell-all" piece had been referenced on Wikipedia or anywhere else. Also, I'm not worried about how I'm quoted elsewhere. I'm still semi-anonymous, so what does it matter? I've been asked several times if people can quote me on their sites. I always say yes, and that they don't even have to credit me. But I have also found things I've written used in ways I didn't like, so that last part might have been a mistake.
    Always feel free to correct any mistakes.
    According to A. H. MacMillan, and as substantiated by others, this was only to happen in the event of C.T. Russell's death.
    True. And not just from the "corporation" through its bylaws. There were organizational "harvest siftings" and the equivalent of both organizational and congregational "excommunications" well before the 1947 Awake! that condemned excommunication as a pagan practice. (Look at Olin Moyle's disfellowshipping, for example.) The only thing that changed in the early 1950s was that there were now consistent organizational procedures for both congregational and organizational disfellowshippings. Consistency can result in better justice, so this should not be a completely unwelcome development.
    I gave him no input about apostates, and I don't know what recanting of his you are talking about. As I recall, I only skimmed some of what he had already written the way a proofreader or copy-editor might read it. I found a few minor errors like typos, mostly, and made a few suggestions about using statistics in such a way that they would NOT be vulnerable to attack by apostates. Of course, just as you said at the beginning, that you could say a million things, but without proof, it's all just conjecture.
  23. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    There is more than one person named John. Why would you think that I am speaking of you?
  24. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in How the New European Data Law Will Affect Jehovah’s Witnesses - My Take   
    If we accept ...... OK ..... and if we do not accept or we are unable to read, to get Bible, etc  ..... then what? ... does god have problem how to make communication with such person ??? Obviously Not, because you stated that Bible is Prime Method. If it is Prime than it is Not Only Method. :)))
    This is also interesting and almost contradict  idea in WTJWORG. As first, they teaching people how Bible is God's Letter for All People. In second step, in WTJWORG exists explanation that Bible (or some parts as you explained) is written for, primarily for, or only for special Class aka 144000 aka FDS aka GB (because last interpretation is, that FDS is GB and GB is FDS) By that only GB need to read Bible because God was send to them his word, not to some second class people. :))))
  25. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in REPROOF FROM THE PLATFORM   
    Wow, complicated huh. So, once upon a time the Board of Directors were the GB. But in 1971 the GB was the Board of directors + other older brothers. However since 2001 the GB and the Board of Directors are two seperate groups of men. 
    Now I have more questions. The Watchtower B&T Society is one 'company', whilst the, Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is a seperate 'company'.  
    When exactly did they seperate and why ? 
    So who rules over which 'company', GB or Board of Directors, or both ? 
    And which of those two 'bodies' GB or B of D has the highest rank / control, over which of the two companies ?
    I think the $4000 a day fine situation was because the GB / B of D  were deliberately slowing down court proceedings by sending letters between the W/T and the CCJW, as each has its own legal departments. 
    Try comparing that to the 'early Christians'.  Did they have two 'companies' and two legal departments ? 
    Jesus didn't even have a bed to call his own. 
    It must cost the congregants a fortune in donations  
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