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  1. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Matthew9969 in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    It is a dangerous thing to tell someone they may not pray with their family members if they are disfellowshipped.
  2. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Good work on JTR, boys. Rest up a bit. I may have another job for you soon.

  3. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    My advice to you is to stop your scurrilous attacks on what the critics with any sense are calling the literary masterpieces of our time.
    If you do not, I may send my “office assistants” for another visit & this time they may feel obliged to do a little more than just rearrange your furniture.

  4. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Quite a disappointing comment from you Anna, as i think you have actually supplied me with information previously which has helped me to give foundation to my accusations of the GB and it's Org. Note i said i think it was you that has helped me in that way, it may not have been.
    But now that you have the 'snobs' club I suppose you can use this club just to put rubbish on.  
  5. Confused
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    @BillyTheKid46  There you go Kid. I said TTH told me off sometimes. This is TTH and his sarcasm. So it's not just me that says things which may be considered out of line by some. I don't consider any of it out of line as i give as good as I take, but some get easily offended. 
    TTH Do you have a problem with someone that wants to fight for truth ? At least I'm not writing books about JW's and hiding their lies. 
    And  "renunciation." Yes of the GB and it's JW org, and it's Watchtower Soc'. 
    I'm still a firm believer in God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, the Anointed and the Bible. 
    As TTH indicates, I'm still fighting for truth.  
    Oh and i notice Kid, you had to cut my quote short as you didn't like the truth of it. 
  6. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Shiwiii in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    I hope your little personal attacks make you feel better.
  7. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Shiwiii in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Boring boring boring. But it's a hiding place for you all I suppose. 
    Frightened of someone that is a bit assertive (not aggressive). 
    A place to have your ears tickled. I think that is mentioned in God's word. 
    I agree that arguments are pointless, but a bit of lively discussion never hurt anyone  
    And at the very end I laughed to read 'No one is allowed to talk against the gods' sorry the GB.
  8. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Frightened at the guy who has one of those pissy little loud yappy dogs that nip at your ankles 24/7, and who says “Don’t worry. He justs wants to fight for truth!”?
  9. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Kosonen in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    @JW Insider I think you put your faith in the Gb and it's Org, not in God.   And when the message from that org keeps changing to suit the GB then how can anyone put faith in it ? 
    When the legal dept can be seen as telling lies in courtrooms, the elders can be seen acting as policemen and just obeying the GB, and the congregations being frightened not of God but of the Gb and the Elders, then how can anyone even trust such an organisation ? 
  10. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Matthew9969 in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    My thought on this is this forum is much better moderated than a few other forums I've been to, Topix being the worst. I like it here.
  11. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Not hardly!! Did you take note at how I knocked the formidable JTR out of the ring? I’ll have you for lunch!

    By the way, I’m reading a new author of science fiction, Darth Dethway. In a very exciting chapter, the evil alien says:
    ”Surrender, earthlings! You have no chance!   Zip...zero...nada!”
    Do you think?
  12. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from JW Insider in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    @JW Insider It's called being light hearted.    No point being angry about other people's viewpoints. 
    Billy the Kid and I seem to disagree on most things, but it's not a problem for either of us it seems.  
  13. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to JW Insider in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    I really miss AllenSmith34. For reasons I've explained before, there should be no such thing as "permanent" disfellowshipping on a forum such as this one. The rebuke of the majority should be sufficient.
    I miss the comments that he often put a lot of thought into, and that honestly revealed what he was thinking. One thing I don't miss about him was his constant habit of taking serious posts and tacking a "HaHa" emoticon on them. It seemed like a lazy person's mischievous way of showing derision and scorn, and trying to stir up contention instead of taking time to explain his view in a mature manner. Many days AllenSmith would produce more "HaHa" responses than actual posts.
    (Proverbs 22:10) . . .Drive away the scornful man, And contention will disappear; Disputes and insults will cease. Fortunately, we don't have as much of that any more. Oh...wait, sorry...what's this:

  14. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Oh dear Kid, are you so frightened of me ?  You want me permanently removed ?  That is so funny and i don't even hate you for it. 
    Go find your blanket Kid. Go lay down.  Jesus was 'eliminated' (or so they thought), for speaking the truth. 
  15. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Jack Ryan in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    Jehovah's Witness Organization Redefines Shunning to Falsely.mp4 Every JW visiting this page should MORALLY comment below and publicly state that this JW Lawyer is LYING through his teeth to the Canadian Supreme Court.
    If you don't, YOU participate in this gross sin. Because you ALL KNOW this is a false statement.
    Remember as well that this JW Lawyer is also an Officer of the Court.
    What the courts do not know is that JW's consider outright lying in court a part of "theocratic warfare" just like Muslims do. So it is a virtue to them.

    Can you spell P-E-R-J-U-R-Y?
  16. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Jack Ryan in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    "Inaccurate points" = LYING (aka PERJURY) on the part of Jehovah's WItnesses to none other than the Supreme Court itself.
    It can't get more "officially LYING" than that.
  17. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Aaron Gallegos in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    This lawyer is lying shamelessly. At the traveling overseer school, the subject of how to treat disfellowshipped ones was touched. We received instructions to remove elders and ministerial servants and pioneers who have any type of contact with disfellowshipped ones. Immediate action is to be taken especially if the Congregation lost respect for an appointed brother. 
    Granted, only in extreme family emergencies such as death of family or legal matters are JW's allowed to have LIMITED contact with those disfellowshipped or disassociated. If anyone with privileges has a child living under their home that has been disfellowshipped, that is cause for removal of privileges. 
    If the JW starts to justify and verbally defend his expelled relative perhaps even expressing that the decision was wrong, then after repeated counsel being ignored, a judicial committee may be formed.
  18. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Shiwiii in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    I agree with you that this lawyer is lying. I understand the policy as well and I think you stated it precisely how it is to be applied. The only problem I have is that Mr. Jackson didn't explain it as well as you just did when he was under oath in Australia. Mr. Jackson stated that normal family relations continue, just not spiritual ones. How is this not also lying? Mr. Jackson knows the truth, exactly as you stated it, since he approved it, but yet decides to lie in court under oath? How can an honest person follow the lead of such person(s)? 
  19. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    @TrueTomHarley I quote you "Most of your fellow malcontents.. " 
    It is you that is part of an organisation not me. I do not have fellow anything. I stand alone. 
    You seem to have to link me with others. Is it a fear you have ? Are you afraid to deal with a man that can actually stand on his own ?
    It seems you have to take comfort in thinking that i am part of a movement, a clan, or revolution or something. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not part of anything, I am just me.  I have my own thoughts and do my own deeds. 
    The Elders seem to act the same way as you are acting. Demanding that everyone that leaves the Org is shunned. Pretending that everyone that leaves the JW Org has forsaken God. Lumping them all together, just as you seem to be doing.
    Homosexuality is wrong, fornication is wrong,  smoking is wrong, drinking too much alcohol is wrong, telling lies is wrong, physical violence is wrong, child abuse of any sort is wrong, stealing is wrong, and so much more. 
    I've left the JW Org Tom, I haven't left God or Jesus Christ. Bible principles still stand true in my life. 
  20. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Ahh...brothers, isn’t it nice and peaceful now that the loudmouth @JOHN BUTLER is not around.  Boy, he sure could...YIKES!! I’ve posted in the wrong club! Abort, Librarian (you old hen) abort! Take this down!
  21. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    TrueTom vs the Apostates is free.
    Dear Mr. Putin - Jehovah’s Witnesses Write Russia is free.
     I will put them into audio version someday. That will not be free. I am not Bethel. My smooth crooning is not to be squandered lightly. Maybe a print version in time. But the plain text will always be freely available in some format. 
  22. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Shiwiii in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Interesting point John, I mean if the "closed" club is only comprised of jws that support the gb and the wt, then what is there to discuss? They all nod their head to the same line of reasoning or lack there of. So no progression in thought, only regurgitation of what the gb says. What a boring forum that would be. 
  23. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    Debating is not the same as refusing to shut up once your point has been addressed.
    It is as I close out my books, speaking in the third person for the sake of sounding more majestic than I actually am - in an attempt to forestall people like you:
    “Sometimes people disagree. He can live with that.”
  24. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from MeekSpaceNG in Norway Declares War on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    @TrueTomHarley He is good at zany storytelling. 
    zany /ˈzeɪni/ adjective adjective: zany; comparative adjective: zanier; superlative adjective: zaniest 1. amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic. "his zany humour" synonyms: eccentric, bizarre, weird, peculiar, odd, quirky, avant-garde, unconventional, off-centre, strange, outlandish, ridiculous, ludicrous; More
    Well yep you said it Tom. 
    Tom you are indeed a weird storyteller, your own words i think.
    I read that page you linked too and it's total untruth and ridiculous, ludicrous rubbish, bit I'm sure you enjoy the GB's rules of 'spiritual warfare', which in truth means telling lies. 
    You know why people are turning against the JW Org.
    Child abuse is one of the biggest issues. You know that.
    The Elders, on one hand pretending not to be a 'clergy class', then on the other hand using 'Clergy Privilege' to hide criminals within the JW Org. 
    The GB giving instructions that lies can be told to protect the JW Org and the GB, but calling it spiritual warfare. 
    The Blood Issue seeming contradictory by saying NO blood but any amount of fractions which is made from blood. 
    The Shunning problem, a rule made up by the GB and enforced by the Elders. 
    The list of genuine concerns goes on. The GB and their ranks below them, right down to the Elders, show no love or mercy, just laws and rules. Just as the religious leaders did in Jesus' time. 
    And if anyone dare, like me, find fault in the JW Org or the top 'brass', the GB, then we are branded Apostates.
    Well I for one am proud to be an Apostate to a religion that enjoys telling lies, makes up rules from nothing, misuses scriptures, changes meaning of scriptures  when it suits them, hides pedophiles within it, misuses the law of the land to suit their own purposes, and then asks for money to cover all the expencies / fines when the courts finally catch up wit them. 
    Remember this Tom, an Apostate turns against a former religion, an apostate does not turn against GOD or JESUS CHRIST. 
  25. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to TrueTomHarley in Open Club, Private Club, JW club   
    There IS something strange going on. I think the Librarian (the old hen) is trying to separate warring factions for the sake of decorum. I had to “join” a club to confront the malcontents, in a forum where anything goes & so I suspect that anyone can join here.
    You might find it harder to join the “loyal” JW forum, because you have proven that you can speak about only one thing, and, as often as not, you insert it where it is completely irrelevant.
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