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  1. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Kosonen in Geoffrey Jackson: Questions and Answers   
    And so much he tried to deceive the officials that the Governing Body are not in control of the Jehovah's witnesses. Already the thing that they call themselves the Governing Body makes it clear.
    But it is true that the GB has no formal registered authority within the WT corporation. Because the president of the WT corporation is a non anointed brother. 
    Seems that is a tactic to protect the GB from lawsuits. Instead it is the WT society that faces the law suits. 
    It would be fun if the non-anointed President of the WT corporation would stop obeying the GB and would instead choose to take directions from other anointed.
  2. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Aaron Gallegos in Geoffrey Jackson: Questions and Answers   
    Questions for Geoffrey Jackson from a Circuit Overseer:
    01.) During the Australian Royal Comission in 2015, why did you deny that the Governing Body is gods only chosen spokesman for God? Isn't this apostasy? 
    02.) Why were you forced via a subpoena to testify on the 8th day of the Australian Royal Comission? Shouldn't a true Christian with nothing to hide be eager to give a witness when required to do so?
    03.) Why did you claim that you had no knowledge or that it wasn't your field to decide on policy for the Watchtower Corporation? 
    04.) Why did the attorney Angus Stewart have to quote from the Branch Organization manual to prove that as a member of the Governing Body, you do indeed have knowledge and a share in forming policy for the Watchtower Corporation? 
    05.) Why did you deny that the Watchtower Corporation is against physical discipline when in fact the Watchtower publication's agree with corporal punishment?
    Please answer these questions as many have been disappointed including myself for supporting this Organization that I thought was guided by god' s spirit.
  3. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Aaron Gallegos in Norway Declares War on Jehovah's Witnesses   
    By their fruits you will recognize them- Jesus Christ
    The true colors of the Governing Body has been exposed. They don't care about protecting children from pedophiles. Protecting the authority of the Governing Body is more important than protecting children. Justice and truth means nothing to the Watchtower Organization. Power corrupts just what happened to the Pharisees. (Matthew 23:23).
  4. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in UN Compact 2018   
    Oh dear you really do love yourself don' t you? You are so funny.
    Quote "I understand the scriptures ... "     Um, everyone here on earth could say that. 
    You seem to mix up serving God, with serving your GB and JW Org.  How sad that you cannot understand the difference.
    Serve God through Jesus Christ, yes. But not serve God, through Jesus Christ, through the GB of JW Org. 
    When the GB can realise that they are not in charge, and when the Elders can realise that they are not superior to the Anointed, then maybe, just maybe, God and Jesus Christ can use the Org as it was meant to function. 
    the heart is treacherous and always wants to be independent.... Oh yes, and we can see that in your GB. 
  5. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Noble Berean in JW Lawyer on Disfellowshipping and Shunning   
    A disfellowshipped person is completely SHUNNED. AND any person that leaves the JW organisation is completely SHUNNED.
    Grown up children are asked to leave the family home. Grown up children that do not live at home are completely SHUNNED. 
    Any person can walk into a Kingdom Hall as it is for public to visit and listen to talks, BUT a person that is being SHUNNED will not be spoken to by anyone, and they are made to feel dirty and evil. They are put to shame by everyone else in the hall. It's horrible and definitely not Christian. 
    But JW legal dept will of course believe that deliberately lying is part of serving God. Yes, it's called 'spiritual warfare', and they are told it is right. 
    How low the JW Org has sunken. What shame it brings on God Himself. 
  6. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Oh dear you really do love yourself don' t you? You are so funny.
    Quote "I understand the scriptures ... "     Um, everyone here on earth could say that. 
    You seem to mix up serving God, with serving your GB and JW Org.  How sad that you cannot understand the difference.
    Serve God through Jesus Christ, yes. But not serve God, through Jesus Christ, through the GB of JW Org. 
    When the GB can realise that they are not in charge, and when the Elders can realise that they are not superior to the Anointed, then maybe, just maybe, God and Jesus Christ can use the Org as it was meant to function. 
    the heart is treacherous and always wants to be independent.... Oh yes, and we can see that in your GB. 
  7. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to FelixCA in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    How demonstrative to think a heretic writes an op-ed and people believe it comes from the Watchtower. The letter itself continues to make the same claim heard over and over again on the internet.

    That means the same senseless propaganda continues to circulate to entice the masses, instead of looking at the worldwide problem as it should be, with diligence, not cynicism.

    Watchtower faders must be loving this. The most important thing would be, how the government operates, and how their own laws make it a conflicting proposition for those that want genuine justice.

    There lies the difference between keeping records and not keeping records. The reality is not one size fits all, but each case is unique and should be handled with caution not with guilty until proven either way guilty or innocent.

    A good case of destroying evidence is with a US case in Texas where a priest “murdered” a woman, and the church along with the STATE OF TEXAS concealed the matter. It wasn’t until a reporter found some documents that brought this 57-year-old case back to life. A murder case, with child sexual abuse outcome.




    “Assistant District Attorney Mike Garza -- no relation to the victim Irene Garza -- said during trial that a deal was struck following the murder between local law enforcement at the time and officials with the Catholic Church to protect John Feit from prosecution and allow the Church hierarchy to discipline the priest under its own terms.”

    Therefore, the only slander I see here is with exJW’s, faders and noneJW’s

  8. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    I write from memory but as far as I remember this refers to the period after Jesus started ruling in heaven during the first world war. Mal 3 refers to the cleansing which took place in this time.
    The king of the fortresses after this in Daniel 11  then then stands up (Russia) and the king of the south pushes against him (cold war era).  The last part of verse 40 and 41 - 44 will soon go into fulfillment.   ( I also think that Russia and China have the same imperialistic goals at present).   The west has almost been conquered by the cultural communistic agenda and the One World Government of the UN is starting to rule covertly as we speak. (Look at other headings on this forum such as Migrant compact 2018).They want the full Agenda 2030 to be in place by the year 2030.
    The Northern Seleucid king Antiochus IV put Zeus in the temple at Jerusalem and profaned it - this will happen again because they will force all religions to accept the UN god - the old god of the fortresses (UN religion will be forced on us) which will run this system of things.  The morality the UN will prescribe like a bible -  will be the new morality we are starting to see appearing out in the open in gender politics with transgenderism totally accepted and being indoctrinated in universities and schools.   They will expect all religions to accept this as well or face the consequences....it may be at this time that priests, rabbis and imams pretend not to be religious leaders etc.....religion will be unfashionable.     UN will call peace and security and then all hell will break lose.
  9. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    @Arauna  I can tell you are on autopilot, automatically defending the GB and its JW Org. So there is no point in me making a sensible reply. You do sound like a robot though, spewing out all the GB dribble like a computer gone wrong. 
    Quite entertaining for a Sunday morning. 
  10. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    @Arauna Quote "Accusations, accusations of being institutionalized problem." Well it seems to be quite widely spread within the JW Org doesn't it ? Or as I've said to others, do you not believe any of the victims evidence ? 
    Quote " all I see is a lot of whiners about sex abuse and they only have hearsay as proof " 
    Um, that kind of proves you do not believe any of the victims I suppose. 
    As a victim of child abuse myself, I have empathy for others. 
    Quote "We do our duty in the congregation "  what a large generalisation that is. 
    Many of the Child Abuse cases are against ELDERS. Elders that are supposed to be protecting the congregation.
    And, many of the cases are dismissed as lies. The two witness rule that you don't seem to believe happens. 
    So, it could quite easily be that, if for example here in the UK an inquiry found evidence of 500 cases of Child Abuse allegations, there  could have been another 500 that were dismissed by Elders as lies, and therefore not recorded. 
    What a wonderful ploy it would be to show only half the figures. Wow, look the JW Org recorded Child Abuse accusations, but how much evidence did they destroy to only show what they wanted to show ? 
    There was a video actually put up on this forum which shows that instruction was given to destroy evidence. but of course you will not believe that either, because you are so blind. 
    To be slightly balanced. A lot of the scriptural teachings are great. Not perfect I suppose but good. And I would say that being 'within' the Org in my wild youth, may have helped me to have more moral standards than i otherwise might have had. 
    But i do realise i was stupid enough back then to just accept all I was taught. My older brother was a JW and he did a lot to support me whilst I was going through a really bad time. So i thought if he believes it then it must be true. Crazy notion I realise now. 
    Having come out of a very wicked situation back then, and having found the congregation so pleasant and helpful, i was fooled into a false sense of security.  Knowing what i know now, I can see the reality.
    That is balance. I do know the wicked world, I do know the JW org. I have been in at least three congregations in Southern England, having moved around a bit.  I can compare situations. I'm not as naive as you pretend I am. 
    You on the other hand appear blind to the reality of what your JW Org is really like. 
    i'm not saying it's not the Organisation that God will use, but I'm saying God has to clean it out thoroughly now. 
    And God may by using humans to help him just as He as done in the past. 
  11. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Kosonen in "As the clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in my hand, O house of Israel."—Jer. 18:6 ~⚱️   
    @Bible Speaks  It is a good thing to be maellable in God's hands instead of being stiff-necked as the Isrealites were.
    And as long as the elders really give advise strictly according to the scripture it is good to listen to their advice. But unfortunately a whole lot of their advices based on the WT and elders' letters are commandments of men and  WT org traditions and falsely applied scriptures. The same old things happens as when Jesus was on earth. Those who were responsible of the spiritual education in Israel and those who served at God's temple had gone astray in many aspects. And when Jesus tried to correct them, majority of them refused to be corrected. 
    So how will it be this time when the judgement will begin with the house of God as apostle Peter wrote? Hopefully a majority will not refuse to be corrected. But who knows? 
  12. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in Predestination ? Life planned before birth ? Chosen before birth ?   
    For many people who was born in poor countries, it could be said how their life is "predestined", or they are predetermined to stay poor and illiterate because parents can't afford to pay a school for their children. And for major of such population that is present and future. 
    In some other cases we can talk about ones childhood. A circumstances in that period of life can be also very significant about life of such in older ages. With genetic you mentioned, too.
    Are we all some experiment of gods? :)) It could be. JW and some other when talking about book of Genesis and Bible at all, say how God put The Tree in Garden to see will human obey Him or not, will they obey because of love too. So, this sort of explanation smell much to me, on some sort of experiment. Such idea is continued, same stuff is repeated with Abraham or Job, Jesus too. All of them, and many more was put in position "to prove" something about God.
    Examples with Adam and Job, JW using as explanation for Crucial Questions of Life and Death. They say how God's Sovereignty and Honor depends on how would, will people answer to that challenge. Of, course, it is interesting how Adam, Job and Jesus answered about it,and make A Point, but still this seems it is not enough for God to make conclusion on this stuff and stop all injustice, misery and suffer for millions (people) or innocent children for centuries until today.     
    Things are not, usually, black/white, but, perhaps JW explanation is not good enough, it is not valid, or interpretations on Bible text is terribly wrong, or bible description of past is poor, or all is in vain, or .... or i am predestined to talking stupidity    :))))))    
  13. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in UN Compact 2018   
    Quote : " Any case I found a new tit-bit.  On the JW app is says that the beast with the seven heads has a different kind of rulership than the Eighth king. Small difference but significant. "
    Wow, and of course you will believe anything the GB tells you, even though they have a massive history of GETTING THINGS WRONG. 
  14. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    @Arauna  I can tell you are on autopilot, automatically defending the GB and its JW Org. So there is no point in me making a sensible reply. You do sound like a robot though, spewing out all the GB dribble like a computer gone wrong. 
    Quite entertaining for a Sunday morning. 
  15. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    You received some view on this by John. He made good points. 
    For a long time, WT publications shows JW religion as superior over all other religions. For what reason? For it is considered as the only right/true that came from God alone. Considered by whom? By Leaders and Members. Their Self Valuations on own interpretations about Bible and derived Organizational Doctrines from such Interpretations, and the way how they practice own religious beliefs, gave them this Right to Think so about themselves. Most of all, they are very confident in idea how God Himself with help of Jesus, GUIDING this earthly Leaders of this Multilevel Corporation/s. In their eyes God not running only Spiritual aspects of religion, but also All other parts of JW System under Leadership of WT and GB who are, supposedly, putted in this place by God Himself (or by Jesus, doesn't matter).  
    In Light of this "knowledge" that exist inside GB and JW members, it can be very disappointing to see how WT Company have problems and "do not know how" handle things that is not Nothing New from religious point of Thinking. How so? Because all those things already were happen and described in the Bible. And WT (not only one in the World) preaching about Bible past records, prophecies, last days, big world problems, immorality and all evil things in 20, and now in this 21 century. 
    So, how came to this reaction of WT and GB that they must get special commands, instructions, laws and Court decisions on how to handle Child Sexual Abuse problems inside own JW Organization? How is possible that such Faithful and Discrete (wise) Leaders not see what Bible told them to do as Prevention and as Solution of Issue?
    As result they are "called" by Secular Authorities as any other "human" organization to pay for mishandling and "ignorance" toward own members who suffered as victims. And to pay millions of $ from voluntary donations that was Dedicated and Given by JW people for God and Kingdom News and NOT for Court and Out of Court Settlements in to private pockets!!!
    Such kind of Self Importance, Humble Superiority, Elitism on religious basis, because they think about self as The Only People on Earth who doing God's Will. That is really Big Burden on their backs to carry on. 
    But despite all objective problems that ones have to face in dealing with molestation issue, with or with out The Laws (worldly laws), JW Religion who's "Founder" is no one else but God, can not have excuse, especially not in a way You wish to present to us, how WT depends on Wisdom of this fallen World.       
  16. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    11.25 pm Friday,  That's over 24 hours and NO reply from local Police on the matter. 
  17. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    @Anna you have been well trained (brain washed) by the JW org.  I do hope nothing of these sorts ever happens to you or your family. 
    Yes I'm sure you would tell my local elders if i gave you their phone numbers, tell them to destroy evidence that is. 
    i didn't find that piece of paper with the details on, maybe I destroyed it.  I honestly cannot remember the man's name, so now i have no info at all. Oh well if the Elders can destroy evidence and still think they have peace with God ...... 
  18. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Jack Ryan in Predestination ? Life planned before birth ? Chosen before birth ?   
    I don't believe in life being predestined, preplanned, but some scriptures seem to show otherwise. Or is interpretation wrong ?
    Pauls says at Ephesians 1  3  Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in union with Christ,b4  as he chose us to be in union with him before the founding of the world, that we should be holy and unblemished before him in love. 5  For he foreordained us to be adopted as his own sons through Jesus Christ, according to his good pleasure and will, ... 
     Foreordained = (of God or fate) appoint or decree (something) beforehand. 
    Now is this correct translation of the scripture or not ? Did God know Adam would sin ? Did God have plans for a 'heavenly class ' 144,000 anyway ?
    My brain can only take in so much at once and although i would have read this a hundred times or more I've only just began to think on this particular scripture. But it made me think on another scripture. 
    Romans 9 v 10 through 13. 
    Not only then but also when Re·bekʹah conceived twins from the one man, Isaac our forefather; 11  for when they had not yet been born and had not practiced anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose respecting the choosing might continue dependent, not on works, but on the One who calls,12  it was said to her: “The older will be the slave of the younger.” 13  Just as it is written: “I loved Jacob, but Eʹsau I hated.”
    ( As a note here I could not find this scripture by searching in JW Org but found it immediately by putting it as a question into google. Google showed BibleHub and there it is. )
    God chose Jacob before Jacob was even born. Why ? How ? Predestination ? Jacob's life pre-planned by God ? 
    There are probably more examples but i think these two serve the purpose. Does God have plans for all of us or only a chosen few ? 
  19. Sad
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Anna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    11.25 pm Friday,  That's over 24 hours and NO reply from local Police on the matter. 
  20. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    Quote " then I am prepared to talk to you. "  Do you think some of us care if you will talk to us or not. Why are you trying to make yourself seem so important that we need to justify ourselves to you ? Typical JW attitude, thinking too much of yourself. 
    God's laws have been there for far longer than man's laws. Hence a true Christian knows what is the right action to take and never needs the law of the land to guide them in that way. 
    Are you suggesting that here in the UK, and in USA, Australia, Canada, that it was actually legal to rape or sexually abuse young children ?
    And are you suggesting that if a law of the land was not in place then you would happily stand by and let it happen ?
    Typical JW stand on the matter. But when a law of the land is in place to join the Armed forces you will disobey it. Rightly so because God does not want a person to go to war. So when it seems suitable to disobey the law then you disobey it.
    But,  you seem to need a law of the land, to make you obey God's law, on Love and protection and care of young children, and adults that need your help within the JW Org, and those that have had to leave because of the disgusting abuse.  
    How strange that you would choose when to serve God and when not to. 
    Your GB have proven themselves to treat the victims of child abuse within the JW Org as collateral damage. This is typical American thinking.
    Your GB has proven that they see themselves and the JW Organisation as more important than serving God or Jesus christ. 
    Your GB has proven that they do not love the people of the congregation. And this is only in the Countries that we know about.
    I honestly fear for the children in countries like India, Pakistan, Africa, from where we have no news of the abuse. What terrible things are happening to children there.  
  21. Like
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Srecko Sostar in Predestination ? Life planned before birth ? Chosen before birth ?   
    Things in Life are weird sometimes :))
  22. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in WATCHTOWER'S SHAMELESS FACADE CALLED TRUTH   
    We will have to agree to differ. If you believe in a Judgement day / Armageddon time, then all people on the Earth have to be given a warning. 
    The 'model prayer' asks for God's will to be done here on Earth as well as in heaven, that is one reason I fully believe that humans will live here on this Earth in perfect conditions. Though we come to this word perfect again, and I mean it in as much as conditions that God wants to exist. 
    So i also believe that an Earthwide teaching work is needed to help people know what God wants from us. To do this the Anointed need to work together, that means being 'organised'. Whether you want to use the word Organisation is up to you. But in my opinion the work needs to be organised. 
    I have no idea who the Anointed are. I have no real idea of what truth is anymore. I have no idea when the Judgement day will come. BUT,  I am not prepared to listen to just anyone that says they are anointed. 
    I have what i will call snippets. Little bits of what I believe. But I'm a simple practical man, hence I complain about the Child Abuse, because it's a simple practical issue, though some on here try to complicate it, to make excuses for their leaders.
    Although I no nothing for sure, it is my feeling that the Judgement day / time, is a long way off. My reasoning is that people need time to find the 'truth' from God through Jesus Christ, and conditions need to be much worse Earthwide so that people can see the seriousness of it all, and see the need for God's rule to take place.. 
    Now i will be 70 this year, so i do not think I will see the Judgement day. And God's word says about the resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous. I am definitely of the unrighteous, but if I'm right my death will guarantee me a resurrection. Time will tell. 
  23. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    Oh what massive lies the GB and their legal departments tell.
    What they put in print does not match up with what they do in practice. 
    Unless you want to believe that all the VICTIMS tell lies. 
    But then you probably don't want the truth on this matter. 
    Get it in your head, the GB didn't care. The victims were just collateral damage, expendable. 
    The GB care now of course because the truth is made known and the GB and the JW org is suffering financially and losing face.. 
    But what is most important is that God and His son have been brought low and made objects of insult. 
  24. Thanks
    We can do that.   
    We’ve had the full Bible for over 2,000 years.  The words of Christ are not new and have spread worldwide; and we don’t know what the anointed over that time period, accomplished.  We have the guarantee that the Father searches and “weighs” each heart; and would not abandon anyone who desires to serve only Him and His Son – “fully committed” to following His decrees in Christ.    Prov 21:2; 2 Chron 16:9
    Although, judgment begins with God’s House – His people under covenant.  When we see the sins of His people come to light, then we know the end is near.  1 Pet 4:17
    I encourage you to keep seeking out the anointed and the "fruit" they offer (John 13:20; Matt 7:18-20),  remembering that the coming Kingdom of God “does not come with observation”  Luke 17:20,21, but as a “thief in the night”, when God’s people (since judgment begins with His house , Eph 2:20-22) will be saying, “peace and security”.  1 Thess 5:1-3
    Spiritual “peace and security” is offered by “Jehovah’s organization”, where the sins of God’s people are now being brought to light.  Rev 18:4-8
    love in Christ,
  25. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Shiwiii in RECLAIMED VOICES new letter to JW brothers and sisters.   
    Here's what I think is funny, but not really, So John becomes the subject of conversation in this thread and scorn from some because he has not reported abuse to the police based on the knowledge he may have. These same folks who point the finger at John, defend a policy that does not report anything to the police. 
    There is only one description for this kind of behavior. 
    And this surprises me none coming from those who support the wt and gb.
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