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    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from runtifus in Police raid Jehovah’s witness buildings in sexual abuse inquiries   
    If this news is true and if the investigation is carried out properly then it is good news, both for victims and for children.
    It would be nice to see this happen Earthwide, if done properly when evidence was available to show genuine reason to do so. 
    I cannot understand why HQ in USA / Bethel USA  / GB members homes, are not 'raided' for similar reasons. I presume there is some form of protection racket going on. 
    But the cleansing has started and it will continue. If God wants the JW Org clean then He will have it clean, and if God wants the JW Org destroyed then He will have it destroyed. Jesus Christ will do the will of his Father. There will, one day, be a pure organisation here on this Earth through which people will serve God properly. 
    Ten men clinging to the skirt of a ' spiritual Jew ', it will happen. Only then will people know truth and be able to face Armageddon. 
  2. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Shiwiii in Police raid Jehovah’s witness buildings in sexual abuse inquiries   
    If this news is true and if the investigation is carried out properly then it is good news, both for victims and for children.
    It would be nice to see this happen Earthwide, if done properly when evidence was available to show genuine reason to do so. 
    I cannot understand why HQ in USA / Bethel USA  / GB members homes, are not 'raided' for similar reasons. I presume there is some form of protection racket going on. 
    But the cleansing has started and it will continue. If God wants the JW Org clean then He will have it clean, and if God wants the JW Org destroyed then He will have it destroyed. Jesus Christ will do the will of his Father. There will, one day, be a pure organisation here on this Earth through which people will serve God properly. 
    Ten men clinging to the skirt of a ' spiritual Jew ', it will happen. Only then will people know truth and be able to face Armageddon. 
  3. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Teresa Graves - My Story   
    Speaking of the phenomena of JW Celebrity Media Stars:
    From all reports, Teresa Graves seems to have been the exception to the general rule about JW celebrities. She lived modestly with her Mother, and if memory serves, was a Pioneer minister, when not making TV shows.
    Neither Michael Jackson, or Prince were ever reproved or disfellowshipped for their deep immersion worldly lifestyles, so it it's no surprise that not a WTB&TS "peep" will be heard about Serena Williams illegitimate baby, etc. ( mentioned in above List  posting).
    I know that Prince contributed $30,000 a month to the local Kingdom Hall, and I suspect MJ did something similar..
    It seems probable to me that how Prince, MJ and Williams have escaped Congregational public censure and sanctions is simply a matter of their fame and money giving them complete immunity.
    Can you imagine the global headlines if either of the three were disfellowshipped, or publicly reproved?
    What gives credence to this theory is that in the State of Delaware, the Society's Lawyers have openly perverted Justice in trying to delay the trial of a woman suing the Society for child sexual abuse, by changing the venue from a county that has an open docket, to a county that has a very crowded docket, about which the Judge was NOT amused, and called them on it.
    Deliberate evil, to try and win ... by attempting to bankrupt the Plaintiff's legal team.
    Like all religions ... once there is a large stream of free money, and you start accumulating more and more real estate .... justice and mercy, and basic fairness become completely lost.
    Of course ... there has to be some mechanism where the people that know about what is really going on are kept from talking about it to others who do not know, or the whole skein would unravel.
    That's why we punish, and often irreparably destroy, whole families and extended families ...... for the sins of one, singular person.
  4. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Anna Rajala in Police raid Jehovah’s witness buildings in sexual abuse inquiries   
    If this news is true and if the investigation is carried out properly then it is good news, both for victims and for children.
    It would be nice to see this happen Earthwide, if done properly when evidence was available to show genuine reason to do so. 
    I cannot understand why HQ in USA / Bethel USA  / GB members homes, are not 'raided' for similar reasons. I presume there is some form of protection racket going on. 
    But the cleansing has started and it will continue. If God wants the JW Org clean then He will have it clean, and if God wants the JW Org destroyed then He will have it destroyed. Jesus Christ will do the will of his Father. There will, one day, be a pure organisation here on this Earth through which people will serve God properly. 
    Ten men clinging to the skirt of a ' spiritual Jew ', it will happen. Only then will people know truth and be able to face Armageddon. 
  5. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Witness in Police raid Jehovah’s witness buildings in sexual abuse inquiries   
  6. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to JW Insider in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    You might be stating something so obvious that the Watchtower has explicitly used this as one reason for a recent change in doctrine (only 5 years old) that states that the GB/FDS* only counts from 1919 onward. Previously, we said it was from 33 CE onward and would thus have included the indiscretions of Russell and a few of Rutherford's. The new doctrine now leaves Russell completely out of the picture. Also, Rutherford's time of saying how the League of Nations was 'wonderful and awesome' changed in just a matter of months, just before the beginning of 1919.
    *** w91 6/1 p. 13 par. 14 The Spiritual Drunkards—Who Are They? ***
    In 1919 she was among the foremost promoters of the League of Nations. While Jesus said that Christians would be no part of the world, Christendom’s leaders cultivate relationships with political leaders. *** ip-2 chap. 13 pp. 184-185 par. 9 “Cry Out Joyfully in Unison”! ***
    When the Greater Cyrus, Jesus Christ, freed God’s covenant people from captivity to Babylon the Great in 1919, they came to a better understanding of Jehovah’s requirements. They had already cleansed themselves of many teachings of Christendom that have their roots in pre-Christian paganism, such as the Trinity, immortality of the soul, and eternal torment in a fiery hell. Now they set out to rid themselves of all traces of Babylonish influence. They also came to realize the importance of maintaining strict neutrality regarding this world’s partisan affairs. *** kj chap. 18 p. 346 par. 28 Resurrection to Unity in a “Garden of Eden” ***
    Then in the liberation year of 1919 the faithful survivors of World War I reunited with the one objective, namely, to be loyal to Jehovah’s reigning King, Jesus Christ, and to preach world wide “this good news of the kingdom.” Jehovah forgave their transgressions and cleansed them of the “dungy idols” of worldly nationalism and other religiously disgusting things.  
  7. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    ....... easy for YOU to say!
    I personally do not believe in qelques the philosopher, OR dan the spirit!
  8. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Yes of course, Satan is in control of the world, and that perfectly explains the "mess", but by discussing these things we are not making ourselves a part of it are we? Not only that, but notice that my reason for my initial comment was because I have someone who is interested in the Bible, but who is actually involved in one sector of what we are discussing. The reason for me to "educate" myself, at least with what the various terminology means, is so that I can better understand what this person is talking about. If I have no idea, then how can I address anything they say properly? Besides, there is no harm in educating ourselves, no matter what it is. Being ignorant can make someone believe things are false to be true, or conversely, things that are true they may believe are false,  and that in turn can lead to bad decisions and as a consequence a host of other undesirable things. So I don't think anyone is trying to sidetrack or smokescreen. On the contrary, these kind of conversations help to establish facts. No one knows everything, so although you say you are uneducated, you probably know a host of things others don't. I wouldn't say I am educated, but I do have a thirst for knowledge, and I crave facts Of course a Christian's prime focus should be in gaining accurate knowledge about God and his purpose. That's a given.
  9. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to JW Insider in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    It's definitely a side-track. But it's an interesting one to some people. Also, I see that this topic was in a religiously neutral part of the forum, and an admin has now  moved it into the "Jehovah's Witnesses Public Club."
    To me, this will make it interesting because of how politically-influenced our own prophetic explanations have been over the years. Russell himself wrote to the President of the United States to tell him that Filipinos were lazy and that we (USA) should give a large portion of the Philippines to Japan. Rutherford was constantly involved in the political trends of his day. In fact, Rutherford, wrote to Hitler to tell him that he thought that what Hitler was "preaching" in the early 1930's was kind of like a political expression of what the kingdom of God stood for, and therefore, Rutherford expressed appreciation for what Hitler was saying. This only lasted a short time because Hitler didn't buy it. In fact, Rutherford for a short time also stated that the League of Nations was like a political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. That only lasted a few months. But he was famous for taking sides between capitalists and labor, and just like Russell, predicted that the chaos of Armageddon would be triggered by a clash between the interests of Capitalism and Labor's interest in social justice. This developed into the idea of the West (Capitalists) being the key representatives in the King of the South, and the socialist/communist powers being the key representatives of the King of the North.
    Watching this idea develop between the old Daniel book (Your Will be Done on Earth) and the Babylon book and the new Ezekiel book is EXTREMELY interesting to me.
  10. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    I don't mind you keeping this topic, although I do believe I wasn't off topic since it discussed the 1percenters, and they are supposed to be the "Globalists" and those behind the "deep state" . There is only so much you can discuss about; "How much money you need to be part of the 1% worldwide" lol. Most of those 1 percenters can print money, legally, because they own banks, so they dictate the amount you need, to be the 1%. And who knows what that amount is? It's not even "Pretty Woman" caliber, but more like owning a country. But I understand it became off topic since it started involving JW ideology. So how about changing the title to something like: An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies
  11. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to admin in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    I moved it from my topic on the 1%
    i can delete this entire topic if you like.? Let me know. 
    I move things in order to not just delete them when they are off topic.  
  12. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    1. This topic is not by Anna
    2. Whoever put the title of this topic here needs to know Anna never started exploring "deep state" after reading a question on the 1%. Anna started exploring this way before.
    Here is a suggestion: 
    1. Don't start a topic on my behalf unless you ask my permission
    2. Get your facts right
    Thank you.
  13. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Josué2 in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    Exactement ce chamailler pour rien.
    Ou une expression biblique : ( picoreur de grains )
    (Actes 17:18) 18 Mais quelques-uns des philosophes épicuriens et stoïciens se mirent à parler avec lui dans un esprit de controverse, et certains disaient : “ Que peut bien vouloir dire ce bavard ?  [...] 
    *** Rbi8 Actes 17:18 ***
    Lit. : “ picoreur de semences ”.
  14. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    The point being you now seem to be looking into the 'world'.  We all know what the 'world' is like. 
    However the JW Org is supposed to be 'pure'.  Well it pretends to be. 
    The world is supposed to be wicked and complicated. The JW Org is supposed to be clean and easy to understand. 
    Have a good day. 
  15. Downvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Arauna in An interesting take on politics, conspiracies, and prophecies   
    Keep putting up that smokescreen.
  16. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Anna in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    Interesting you noticed that. Although completely off topic here, I just want to mention that I have been doing some more research on the "cross" and it appears that much of the problem could be due to misstranslation,  I will post my findings in the relevant thread some time soon.
  17. Thanks
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to JW Insider in Why do the elders have to announce when a publisher decides to spend 70 hours a month in service?   
    The "two-balloon slander" is  misunderstanding or mistranslation of the French, which I think just means "bickering over trivialities." (As in, "Isn't all this just some bickering over trivialities?")
    C'est cette médisance a deux balles ?
    Literally "à deux balles" doesn't mean two balloons, balls, or even two bullets, but I think is more like "over [just] two francs."  (i.e., 'Isn't this just some cheap sniping?')
  18. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to Matthew9969 in What should I gift a new born of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    Everyone knows Jehovah is going to kill you for buying and giving a birthday present, Jehovah really hates birthdays.(according to jw dogma at least).
  19. Upvote
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Anna in God's Approval Versus Being Rich   
    A person that has God's approval has far more riches that a person of material wealth. 
    Moderator note:
    John Butler was originally commenting from a religious aspect on this post:
  20. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in STATE OF THE 'WORLD' HOW NEAR IS THE END TIMES ?   
    The State of the World is SO BAD ( How bad is it?), that in my bedroom, behind a hinged picture, in a wall safe protected by a digital keypad, I keep my socks on 55 small plastic sock hangers.
  21. Like
    JOHN BUTLER got a reaction from Shiwiii in Jehovah's Witnesses Financial Downsizing Video   
    As for your idea of the 'truth' and i quote  " It's through meeting  people like this in the "truth", (and there are a few), that  others go apostate."
    The JW Org is not the 'truth'. Calling it the 'truth' is just a sales gimmick.  Please remember who and what the truth really is. And i back this up from scripture at John 14 v 6
      Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    The JW Org and it's Governing Body are NOT the truth. And Jesus clearly states that NO ONE comes to the Father (Almighty God) except through him (Jesus Christ). 
    The JW Org can be likened to a Taxi cab, taking you on a journey. If it was going in the right direction then you would stay in that Taxi no matter what the cost.  However once you know that the Taxi is going in the wrong direction, you get out of it as soon as possible. 
  22. Haha
    JOHN BUTLER reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah's Witnesses Financial Downsizing Video   
    If ya snooze .... ya lose.
  23. Upvote
    Usually Jehovah’s Witnesses can be depended upon to think that world conditions are bad.
  24. Upvote
    The above is from Al Gore's book "The Assault on Reason." I assume that it was him and not Donald Trump, as Trump actually claimed, who invented the term "fake news" (shortly after inventing the Internet). But he's right. Fake news was a theme of:
    Orwell's "1984." Or Well's "War of the Worlds" from 1894. (H.G.Wells) Or Orson Welles' broadcast of Well's "War" as actual fake news in 1938. Fake news has been at the heart of most of our supposedly real news for centuries. It's recently become a way to try to differentiate unsanctioned fake news from official fake news.
    You missed all those pride parades in ancient Greece?
    That's a bit of fearmongering that tends to contradict the fearmongering over a rising population.
    Another contradiction to Malthusian fearmongering.
    Turn up the sensitivity on the meter and everyone will find their way onto the spectrum. It's probably more like: Autism, which was once diagnosed in 1 out of 1000. . . .  Now, one can easily go back and retroactively diagnose Fred Franz, Alan Turing, The Absent-Minded Professor, etc.
    Actually, it had gained ground as "Jewish" and early "Christian" Gnosticism to the point where it was actualy threatening to compete with actual Judaism and Christianity for many years. In the common forms of Gnosticism, Satan was the good god, and Jehovah was the bad god. Now it's more of an attention grabber.
  25. Haha
    Well, people do clean up after their dogs today. That’s a good thing. Gone forever are the days when you as a child might slide through a pile of you-know-what in pursuit of a fly ball.
    Let me assure younger readers that there is no experience quite like it. 
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