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  1. What is monotheism?

    Strict monotheism is not Biblical monotheism because it allows no room for others to be called gods. Strict monotheism is what abounds today, there can be no one that can wear the title "god" and if they do they are false gods. This view, though, was not held by the Jews and early Christians.

    In Biblical monotheism one worships and serves only one Almighty God. There are NO other gods that can be worshipped. Additionally, the Scripture shows there are beings that can wear the title of "god" but are not gods in toto.

    Almighty God gives them (or allows them) a position and authority to do his will; act as his agents (or simply rule with great power). Angels are called gods so are human judges called "gods" [Psalms 82: 1,6; John 10:33-36 ] but are not worshiped as gods [Rev. 22:8-9].

    They have the title "gods" bestowed upon them by the only One who is Almighty God because they act as his agents. They are invisible representatives of him. They deliver messages to humans for Him. They exercise great power and authority, granted to them by the Almighty God.

    Application of this label, this title, to Jesus no more makes Jesus equal to Jehovah than it made Moses equal to Jehovah when applied to him, nor the judges equal to Jehovah when applied to them, nor the angels, when applied to them.

    For in the Hebrew biblical world - there is only one exclusive recognition and exaltation of one source of all power, all authority, and all creativity above all other sources of power, authority, and creativity which are themselves dependent upon that one single source. From that one source, all other things owe their very existence. That is the description of the biblicaly presented "monotheism".

    The Word is a created being [ colossians 1:15 “The firstborn of all creation“] created long before any other thing . Because all other things were created through and by him. The Word is called the only begotten son because Jesus is not merely God's unique or incomparable Son but also his "only-begotten Son," meaning descended from God in the sense of being produced by God alone.

    This is confirmed by apostolic references to this Son [see above] and as "the One born [form of gen·na´o] from God" (Col 1:15; 1Jo 5:18), while Jesus himself states that he is "the beginning of the creation by God."-Re 3:14.

    Jehovah is from everlasting to everlasting but, as shown by the Scriptural references above the Word/Jesus had a beginning, he was a creation just like every other creation. To believe the trinity, is like saying that God created himself.

    Jesus said in prayer: "Father, . . . this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." (John 17:1-3, RS; (Most translations here use the expression "the only true God" with reference to the Father. NE reads "who alone art truly God." He cannot be "the only true God," the one "who alone [is] truly God," if there are two others who are God to the same degree as he is, can he? Any others referred to as "gods" must be either false or merely a reflection of the true God.)

    1 Cor. 11:3, RS: "I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God." (Clearly, then, Christ is not God, and God is of superior rank to Christ. It should be noted that this was written about 55 C.E., some 22 years after Jesus returned to heaven. So the truth here stated applies to the relationship between God and Christ in heaven.)

    Peter, when speaking of Jesus to the Jewish Sanhedrin said: "God exalted this one [Jesus] . . . to his right hand." (Acts 5:31) Paul said: "God exalted him to a superior position." (Philippians 2:9)

    If Jesus had been God, how could Jesus have been exalted, that is, raised to a higher position than he had previously enjoyed? He would already have been an exalted part of the Trinity. If, before his exaltation, Jesus had been equal to God, exalting him any further would have made him superior to God.

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