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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. I just cannot see a brother talking and being like that..but I would be sad if he died alone ..or anything happened to him….that’s why I would be no good as a anointed one…I would want to save everyone…but then the world would just be the same as it is today… Makes me appreciate that Jesus’s does the judgment..and takes that massive load on his shoulders ( so to speak )
  2. I can only read a little of what he says in your answer Arauna…..he is right…I was wrong…and I admit that..and I shouldn’t Have written it the way I did….so Ditmar…you are right…I must endure your whipping…it was deserved.
  3. Well we will all find out eventually in the New System of things ( I promise I won’t say..I told you so ) 😄
  4. I think we all just need to go for a coffee….or do remote witnessing….sort of trapped in a car all together…lol…I reckon it would work too…🤗
  5. Not many listened to Jesus Pugsy..and none of the original Israelites other than Joshua and Kaleb survived or were found acceptable to Jehovah…as to the 73% who leave…I dont know if that number is correct..but that narrow road is preety hard to stay on with one’s like this brother…..and others just cannot be bothered.
  6. I have had the exact same thoughts as you have expressed….hence at times trying hard to understand him and upvote his considerable knowledge. I can also perceive a jealousy when he sees a bond between most of us….I get that…I can tolerate that….but when one kills people off and condemns them spiritually …and runs others off….without even a hint of remorse…there is something terribly wrong. Then at some stage someone needs to step up and say enough….stop. Because kindness has not worked I dont doubt what you seen at bethel….but at some stage someone pulled those brothers up before they killed each other…and reigned them in. If he is a brother…then I would like nothing more than have peace with him..I also agree he has great knowledge but he abuses it..and it’s a shame… because it’s wasted. I dont doubt it when he said he was taught by Franz….but beating brothers and sisters does not keep them on the narrow road…
  7. Well thank you..for I thought I must be going nuts or have thin skin …but I would have to say there is no excuse for cruelness…and at some stage someone needs to stop such..because it cannot come from a source or spirit as Jehovah …
  8. I never said special laws I said different laws….one law ( applied to mankind ) when disobeyed resulted in death that would be considered the first death for mankind …there was hope of recovery from that death due to Jesus ransom. The same law when applied to the angels who sinned …had a different outcome there was no hope of recovery for them….their deaths will result In The second death . My apologies if my wording was confusing,,,not that I think your at all genuine Sereko…I don’t,
  9. Taken from Gizmodo site Researchers recently set out to determine the diet of 90 different theropod species. They were expecting to find a lot of meat-eating - after all, theropods are known informally as the predatory dinosaurs. But even confirming that hypothesis would be tricky because so little evidence of dinosaur diet remains. Teeth do often pass into the fossil record, but it's not always easy to figure out diet based on just teeth. While the sharp teeth and jaw of a T. rex is obviously that of a fearsome superpredator and the blunt teeth of a Triceratops obviously belong to a plant eater, a lot of dinosaur teeth fall somewhere in the middle. A lot of therapod dinosaurs have strange, peg-like teeth which seem less than ideal for either a carnivorous or herbivorous existence, so figuring out what they ate becomes a real challenge. This is just a small sample I quickly found on line that big teeth in dinasours and sharks DOES NOT prove they were always carnivores…it’s a bit of an eye opener to see what they are now understanding about such huge massive apparently violent creatures.
  10. The bonnethead shark, a relative of the hammerhead, absorbs nutrients from the seagrass it eats, making it the first known omnivorous shark. Biologists had previously noticed that bonnetheads consume copious amounts of seagrass in addition to crustaceans and other shellfish. But because the bonnethead’s digestive system looks almost identical to other meat-eating sharks – and so seems to be best suited to deal with a high protein diet – scientists always assumed the seagrass ingestion was accidental. To better understand these sharks’ diet, Samantha Leigh at University of California … Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2178549-weve-discovered-a-shark-that-eats-plants-as-a-side-dish-to-shellfish/#ixzz7OsVgGG00
  11. 50/50 chance of it….already proved by Abel and Cain…the rot would only increase as time went on..Jehovah knew that..
  12. Well I’m just going by the Bible…but if you want to read up on this there are books that prove your belief wrong…And stop Yelling at me
  13. She would only lose credibility if you lived In The animal kingdom ..as it would not have the intellect to read it…such a disadvantage to being a puppy..
  14. Knowledge is not what is most important JWI….if he behaved in the KH as he does here..he would be spiritually counselled by the elders…once and perhaps twice…and if he continued to slander other brothers and sisters and bully them and call out numerous ones as liars etc he would be disfellowshipped for that. Any witness…real witness must conduct themselves at a reasonable level of Christian conduct …ANYWHERE….even on a forum..you cannot excuse any witness of incredibly bad ….repeatedly bad behaviour …just because he offers up some good info…of which I agree…and have even upvoted….just because he is on a forum. Satan himself would offer up as good a argument..and even better..but we would not sit at his table with him. Tho I have blocked this so called brother I can follow the gist of this argument… Even tho his knowledge is good and his defence at times admirable…it is rubbed away..and deleted by his conduct and absolutely incredible slander and abuse to other brothers and sisters here. In doing that he actually backs up in a way others who deliberately lie about witnesses…he is helping and aiding their hated and confusion of nearly every witness on this forum and the brotherhood. The woman who followed Jesus around continually crying out that this is Indeed the Son of God ….actually caused Jesus such irritation even tho speaking highly of him and in fact truths ..frustration enough to demand the demon with in her to depart. Giving himself and his followers a measure of peace..even tho she had only cried out truths. Do you think this person can really be a brother..going by his fruits displayed over a long period of time. I openly admit he has much more knowledge of the scriptures than I…but I have had to walk away from this person because of the harm he does to the truth in his behaviour. I have never seen such behaviour anywhere in over four decades in the truth and being on a forum is not a free for all as some seem to think….not for a witness of a Jehovah …not for a true witness. And for those that disagree with me…then I ask you to invite him onto your personal Facebook pages or into your homes….or perhaps arrange to meet him at your or his Kingdom Hall…or for a coffee. See if he turns up…he’s a con job …
  15. Your all over the place sereko…you really do need to have a sit down with structured bible discussion and it’s okay if you dont agree with everything. Christ was sacrificed for mankind alone….not for the angels..yes both species were perfect….but the angels had much more understanding and their rebellion was a deliberate one done with much more knowledge than Adam and Eve ever had….they held court with Jehovah over probably eons of time before mankind was created…they knew full well what they were doing. Animals we’re not meant to eat each other at all by Gods law. neither were men meant to eat each other by Gods law…..this is basic bible understanding…..so who is teaching you or are you just pulling everybody’s chain here….you must be a Russian spy I reckon!….
  16. Both parties sinned..wether of the heavenly arrangement or the earthly arrangement…the only law Adam and Eve had back them was one as far as I know..and that was not to partake of the fruit of the tree. This law of obedience was required….from his earthly family. As far as Heavenly laws…Jehovah is a God of Justice and that alone requires many laws that are laid out in the Bible…for earthly mankind and heavenly spirits. Ezekiel is one scripture where it shows he has a legal system in situ above In The heavenly realm. Ezekiel : 21:27.A ruin a ruin a ruin I will make it.and it will not belong to anyone until the one who has the —-Legal Right —-Comes and I will give it to him. That legal right was established in the heavens ..you would know this American Standard Version Isaiah 61:8. For I Jehovah love Justice I hate robbery with iniquity and I will give them their recompense in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them . Psalms 37:28 Jehovah is a lover of justice Job 38 :33 Do you know the laws governing the heavens, can you impose their authority on the earth Psalm 33:5 he loves righteousness and justice . 1Peter 5:8 keep your senses be watchful as you ADVERSARY the devil walks around like a roaring lion ready to devour you. Just this one scripture shows the fallen Angel has broken a law against his father Jehovah..as he became his adversary Strongs Concordance 476 antidikos ( an accuser, adversary brings formal charges ie they are binding to exact penalty . Satan acts as such an adversary —- bringing a law suit —-of darkness against believers for their eternal damnation . At this very moment and since Adam and and Eve their has been a legal fight between Satan and Jehovah and the laws Satan has broken…it’s difficult for Jehovah because he cannot break his own righteous laws…..where as Satan can break every law or principle he was taught In heaven . Jehovah has his own council chambers Psalms 89.5-7. the heavens praise your wonders LORD YOUR FAITHFULNESS TOO, In the ASSEMBLY of the holy ones. for who in the skies above compare with the Lord Who is like the Lord —-among the heavenly beings. —-in the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared.—-he is more awesome than those who —-surround —him. Psalms 82:1 God has taken his place In ——-The divine council in the midsts of the gods he holds judgment.. —- We can see from just these few scriptures that God has laws he abides by and he himself cannot break them…he holds court In his heavenly council and he rules over his —-spiritual beings in his divine council…—-Satan and his followers once gathered with him. These angels obviously had laws they needed to abide by…it would be great to know what else what said there but he has given us a peak at what happens .and this is just one account…—-laws or legal ramifications would have been spoken—-of as well as many other aspects concerning the earth. Jehovah has legal obligations….to his heavenly family and those who break his laws of Justice..and to his earthly family…who disobey him. Even the stars must obey his heavenly laws….
  17. They ….man and angels are under two different laws…man is under the laws of the earthly kind…their home is the earth. Angels are under the spiritual laws for spiritual beings..their home is the heavens. 1) satan and his minions have suffered….their dominance over the earth has been severely curtailed..they can no longer roam the earth and feel the delights of man…not just with women…but not taste the delights of food and the breeze on their faces they do not have the blatant power of rulership over man and beast as they once had …they are not served by slaves anymore..they do not enjoy the slumber of a good sleep…and have their every need kept anymore..remember….they Were MIGHTY KINGS ruling over their own personal domains…..That is now gone ..and given to paltry man..of who they utterly despise. 2) They have endured the loss of their children..even tho many were grown men many would also have been young and children when the flood came..just because they are fallen angels does not mean they did not love their children dearly as anyone on earth does. Can you imagine watching you children being violently killed..not just by torrential brutal downpours of rain but the volcanic sub terrain that exploded with boiling water from the earth…it would have been a long drawn out death for all of them….as they had extra strength to fight these things off…and they would have fought for their lives….Their parents watched this slow death and could not do anything about it..these of superhuman strength were shackled and must have screeched in anger and rage over such inabilities they now had….they also could no long pro create.having the ability to create is something highly desirable to them…they are very very jealous that mankind can keep doing this….angels have not got the power to create anything or anyone…one reason why they despise men.. 3) When excluded from the heavens they were excluded from any spiritual truths there after…hence spiritual darkness .. The fallen angels are In The Throws of death..as to what they are now compared to what they were when they first sinned….and they know it..but their deaths are on a spiritual timeline fitting for spiritual beings…quiet different to mankind’s…..but mankind has hope to get up from his grave…but these angels will have no such hope…hence their punishment will in the end be much more server than man’s.
  18. Yes but one aspect of the argument with this is that every man and his Dog on line and even in some congs claims to be saints or annoited…and many are blatantly not and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them…
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