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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. Off course…but I have a feeling you may be taking this scripture out of context…correct me if I’m wrong ..
  2. Take heart pudgy that our precious ones are not dead to Jehovah or Jesus….but alive….and I hope you meet yours under a rainbow 🌈 and that rainbows may still be In Existence In Jehovah’s judgement day….( I think )
  3. He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…
  4. He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words…
  5. May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises….. I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear . I think it was a hangover from Christendom teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it.. I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them, The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?… I genuinely would like to know what you mean please .
  6. Mathew 5 :22 But I say to you but that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council and whoever says ‘you fool’ will be liable to the hell of fire. Your abuse and the fact that Satan is laughing his head off about you fighting with and causing dissension amongst Jehovahs people..I have no alternative but to step away from you via blocking such behavior.
  7. Then follow instructions and stop talking to me and the others ..we won’t mind .
  8. Well I wouldn’t let them around my kids…alas the days are dark…and they at times seep into the congregations…it’s a sad fact..and hard to understand at times….but inevitable… But Jehovah has had complaints according to revelations… with all his congregations down thru times….we really are no different than the Israelites that were in the wilderness…once we understand that…REALLY understand that….the walk will become easier…and as you reminded us….Paul had to deal with false brothers as well…..but he also dealt with such great faithful ones with all their faults..whom he loved…so it was certainly worth it in the long run for him.
  9. I’ve tried to be patient with you but your viciousness and vile talk against so many cannot go on any longer. you do have a lot of knowledge which I upvote often..because it is truth ..but the way you talk to people and about people cancels all that out as worthless. I personally don’t know any witness who would speak as you do and cast others into damnation and death as you so quickly do. I think you need to ban yourself now as you are putting your own life In spiritual jeopardy. I certainly hope those that read here realize witnesses are not at all like you..and you would never be tolerated in any cong for speaking as you do.
  10. I am happy you have found comfort with another family…but Mathew please understand that there are others who have been badly hurt within their congregation…you described your terrible conditions inflicted on you…well I can honestly say my appalling experience within the cong was far worse than that…and it took me some time to come and see that it was done by individuals who abused their positions of power with in the cong,…I also have seen what I call false brothers and real brothers ….there are some I will call made up of fairy floss and no real substance to them….but there are many who are fighting to be as good as they can in a world full of wickedness …and are weary with the stake they carry…and I hope one day that your wounds may heal a little..perhaps the time is not now….but future…I genuinely wish you nothing but calmness and peace..and please don’t hate us all…we are not all the same…for myself I know full well I certainly am a broken Cracked vessel …and many of us are not worth anything really but stand before our God like Joshua did in rotten dirty clothes . Take comfort in that Jehovah sees all…and he remembers your tears
  11. I’m terribly sorry Mathew if you had such unstable parents as you describe ,,,this does happen at times. I am for the last few years talking with and adult who experienced what you seem to have . This person can see we are not all like that and has a even started praying again after twenty years of hating all religion. This person has also told me strongly they will never ever go back (kh) I said that was fair enough…they have made contact with Jehovah and he is a reader of hearts…I’m sure he will do what is right with this person’s situation. Again I really am sorry for your particular situation…and wish you well. And yes the match stick quote was a cringeworthy time for me also….we are all so different in nature…
  12. It’s because they are fueled by the demons …it’s not like being possessed as many think…but Just as Jehovah will put it in the minds of the the King of the North….the demons put things in peoples mind to act for them to come up against Jehovahs people….it’s a direct attack as they do not speak badly of any other religion who have the same faults…and these attacks are getting angrier and wilder as months go by on a number of web sites..and are taking down a number of our brothers and sisters….as time must be close….personally I think they are exposing themselves with their own tongues and many things are becoming unstuck with what they say… It is a warning to always harness whatever hurts we have extreme or light..only Jehovah can bring about Justice to those who have been wronged…he has their and our tears in his bottle and book…he sees all..and unlike others…he remembers.Ps 56:8 It actually boils down to trust….we have to trust Jehovah that he knows what he is doing….but If one’s lack that. Then they act in a presumptions manner and try to rectify or reform ….righteous resentment and anger does exist…but unless one prays to keep it at bay it will devour one,,,,and then the demons have a opening..as we see here…and it’s very sad because they pull people into their resentment and cause their spiritual death thru lack of trust….and the cost is high .
  13. Yes these words encourage the belief of 75….it should have been stepped on instead….this selling of business happened in our area..some openly preached 75 was the end….probably much like the apostles on there first mission who thought Jesus time had come to rule as king….he didn’t stop them with that false understanding either..
  14. I honestly don’t think he is…no witness would talk as he has and does but he does have a lot of info and good at chronology….I think he’s a plant to cause divisions ..and he’s very good at it,
  15. That is so encouraging to hear…may you all be successful and safe..we are very proud of you 👏
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