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Posts posted by Thinking

  1. 36 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God,... - 1 John 4:1

    God is spirit, demons are spirits, WTJWorg are spirit guided organization, Bible is inspired by spirit, human also have spirit. All of this numbered are connected to "spirit".

    What is wrong to put all sorts of this spirits to challenge, to test? 


    Off course…but I have a feeling you may be taking this scripture out of context…correct me if I’m wrong ..

  2. 5 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    “ …. Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has in store for those that love him …. “

    I hardly ever quote Scripture, and almost never debate scripture, because I believe there is so very much we do not know about any subject you could mention … and subscribe to Jehovah’s Witnesses core beliefs only because they make good common sense, which really is unique.….

    But then we get into speculation about what happened to Enoch, and accounts musing about being caught away to 2nd or 3rd Heaven, etc., and things about which there is a staggering ambiguity.

    With all my heart I believe there really is a “Rainbow Bridge”, without any Scriptural support whatsoever, or basis except the yearning of my heart.….. just the hope that the ones I have loved the most in my life, they have not perished from the Earth.

    And perhaps, just maybe, Jehovah will someday let us meet at the Rainbow Bridge.




    Take heart pudgy that our precious ones are not dead to Jehovah or Jesus….but alive….and I hope you meet yours under a rainbow 🌈 and that rainbows may still be In Existence In Jehovah’s judgement day….( I think ) 

  3. 4 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Well I mean you can't blame them tho lol, our generation is often times strange. But yeah Tiktok has a lot of propaganda going on too. I usually just watch it for friends, sports, and memes, check up on how others are doing, etc. but just to get around that other stuff is annoying. Speaking about memes, this is an example


    I heard about the bribes. I also heard about crazy stuff about people being trapped in Ukraine, what both you and @JW Insider mention in the other thread, elsewhere I heard important Russian figures gone missing, a crazy time we are in, but what to expect from the current system of things.

    My cousin's girlfriend's father almost went to his country to fight for it, almost. He does not believe the trapping thing is true but since the media and news is getting to his emotions, even if it is propaganda, I guarantee he is believing it as something true.

    He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…

  4. On 3/20/2022 at 12:35 AM, Arauna said:

    I agree, we can all ask for Jehovah's holy spirit and receive it. I do not know what she means by "guidance". 

    I know that the prophets in Israel received more Holy spirit than others so they could finish a specific task Jehovah wanted them to complete. This fits in with the meaning in Jehovah's name.  "He causes to become" makes people become what Jehovah needs them to be so they can complete a task he has for them.   Or Jehovah worked in them until the task was completed.  Take for  example Cyrus......  Jehovah anointed him and it is clear from his life that he had some diplomatic  skills that were exceptional.  But after he, as a pagan Zoroastrian, had completed the task assigned him (unknown to himself)  - he went to war again and again to extend his realm and was killed by a WOMAN!  it is clear that he did not receive Jehovah's Spirit any longer.

    Regarding the gifts of the Spirit - these went away after the Apostle John died.  The special gifts were given by the Apostles who "laid their hands" on those who had not yet received the Spirit.  They then could do the gifts mentioned in 1Cor 14.  But 1 Cor 13 clearly show that these gifts would eventually end and LOVE would replace all gifts in the congregation.

    I studied this very well after I came in the Truth because I ran into an apostolic sect in South Africa who believe they are the true Apostles (inherited the apostleship from the original Apostles who passed this on to the next generation). And they do all these weird falling down when receiving the Spirit etc. they talk in tongues and other "gifts " as well.

    The secret to understanding this very well is to look to the history in the bible on the "laying on of hands".   If I remember correctly it was only the Apostles who could do this or those who received a special Apostleship. ..... (to be sent out). 

    We no longer do the laying on of the hands and when John died these special gifts died with them. 

    Moses could do special signs.  Some prophets could do them as well as Jesus and Apostles.  Why?   These signs helped to establish the new congregation - that was the purpose.

    Hebrews 2: "For it began to be spoken through our Lord and was verified for us by those who heard him,  while God joined in bearing witness with signs and wonders* and various powerful works and with the holy spirit distributed according to his will.

    How interesting was that the group who guards the book of Enoch?

  5. On 3/22/2022 at 2:29 PM, Space Merchant said:

    The thing is I have explained to him before concerning what transpired via Jesus' Kingship, only thing time he is simply being oblivious, yet he mentioned the war in the original post.

    He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words… 

  6. On 3/23/2022 at 9:01 AM, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

    This place of desperation seems to be fueling the aggressive flames of extremism within the organization and Society at Large.

    May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening

    Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises…..
    I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear .

    I think it was a hangover from Christendom  teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it..

    I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them,

    The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?…

    I genuinely  would like to know what you mean please .

  7. 4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You're the woeful fool that keeps responding to my post. Be smart like @TrueTomHarley thinks you are, and heed your own advice, or does that D'fd @Pudgy your friend needs to draw you a cartoon? 

    It is also hypocritical for you to be opposing and arguing with former Jehovah's Witnesses like @Patiently waiting for Truth, @Srecko Sostar, @Matthew9969, @Witness. You people should be supporting each other. Show the love among your ranks. 

    Remember, Jehovah does mind fools using his name in vain, much more using it as false prophets.

     Mathew  5 :22

    But I say to you but that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council and whoever says ‘you fool’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

    Your abuse and the fact that Satan is laughing his head off about you fighting with and causing dissension  amongst Jehovahs people..I have no alternative but to step away from you via blocking such behavior.


  8. 14 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Unfortunately she isn't. Because in that same discussion people brought up as to why revisions were made, the difference between early and later manuscripts, etc. - it all traces back to the events of the 4th century, which she is unaware of, as is the fight to defend the Scriptures from Bible Tampering, which effectively won out for a while until people got into the realm of Textual Criticism. When something like this was mentioned, she narrowed it down to propaganda in Christendom when someone corrected her with the truth. Then a sub-discussion came forth when talking about Apocryphal Text, which she was unaware about.

    She also assume the KJV to be the true Bible, which it is not. It was also deduced that she isn't as serious about Christianity, especially from snarky comments for attention about events in the Bible (despite it at times revealing the true nature of other Mainstreamers who often get triggered), granted she does not know much about how serious of a threat The Wild Beast and Babylon truly is.

    I mean, you should be aware of this, we talked about Strong's before as with roots.

    That being said, granted she was, in her words, a MAGA Gun-totting Girl, it is clear from her days at Info Wars, that she is a Conservative Christian (Christian Right). She, as with some other rivals of mine, are unknowingly tied to the Mainstream. As mentioned to @Dmitar, she is the one I've mentioned who later burned her MAGA Hat denouncing whom she followed and although she still holds her semi-political views, she deems politics like that of a cult, hence the opposite of the woke, to this day she complains about it, as is her constant remarks of whom she followed, Trump as is her being a constant target to Leftism. One of the view things she is correct about is what society is doing to children, and those who advocate for things that is of ill intent. The only reason as to why she drew people into Conservatism in the first place a long time ago was due to the fact some people blindly followed her for her attractiveness and not realizing what she was proclaiming, thus the destruction of those who follow, jumping head first into the fire that is the culture war.


    Goodness me,,,you certainly do your reasearch…

  9. 30 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is worth noting that there were plenty of false brothers in Paul’s day and they made considerable trouble for him.

    “ in dangers in the wilderness, in dangers at sea, in dangers among false brothers,  (2 Corinthians 11:26)

    Having said that, I don’t know that those in Matthew’s past were necessarily false. They were just pieces of work.

    Well I wouldn’t let them around my kids…alas the days are dark…and they at times seep into the congregations…it’s a sad fact..and hard to understand  at times….but inevitable…

    But Jehovah has had complaints according to revelations… with all his congregations down thru times….we really are no different than the Israelites that were in the wilderness…once we understand  that…REALLY understand that….the walk will become easier…and as you reminded us….Paul had to deal with false brothers as well…..but he also dealt with such great faithful ones with all their faults..whom he loved…so it was certainly worth it in the long run for him.

  10. 4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    It's funny when a JW criticizes other JWs because of their behavior, when those supposed JWs here are in name only. Not withstanding that disfellowshipped mutt.

    How will God be deceived by this double standard here?

    Not to mention, those colorful stories from a former witness that is famous for lying about his/her past.

    How should a JW parent treat a child that is hell-bent on being GAY?

    I’ve tried to be patient with you but your viciousness and vile talk against so many cannot go on any longer.

    you do have a lot of knowledge which I upvote often..because it is truth ..but the way you talk to people and about people cancels all that out as worthless.

    I personally don’t know any witness who would speak as you do and cast others into damnation  and death as you so quickly do.

    I think you need to ban yourself now as you are putting your own life In spiritual jeopardy.

    I certainly hope those that read here realize witnesses are not at all like you..and you would never be tolerated  in any cong for speaking as you do.


  11. On 3/12/2022 at 7:02 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    Actually I did take it up with Jesus, and He led me to a family that gives more in one month that the watchtower has ever given.

    I am happy you have found comfort with another family…but Mathew please understand that there are others who have been badly hurt within their congregation…you described your terrible conditions inflicted on you…well I can honestly say my appalling experience within the cong was far worse than that…and it took me some time to come and see that it was done by individuals who abused their positions of power with in the cong,…I also have seen what I call false brothers and real brothers ….there are some I will call made up of fairy floss and no real substance to them….but there are many who are fighting to be as good as they can in a world full of wickedness …and are weary with the stake they carry…and I hope one day that your wounds may heal a little..perhaps the time is not now….but future…I genuinely wish you nothing but calmness and peace..and please don’t hate us all…we are not all the same…for myself I know full well I certainly am a broken Cracked vessel …and many of us are not worth anything really but stand before our God like Joshua did in rotten dirty clothes .

    Take comfort in that Jehovah sees all…and he remembers your tears


  12. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    No no no, you’ve got it all wrong. I did not say charities are attacking Jw. I said you were. It is the first thing you did on this thread started by another person: find fault with Witnesses focusing on their own rather than aiding indiscriminately. I did not criticize other aid-workers. I praised them, as did Thinking. But you criticized our efforts.

    Well, maybe this accounts for it. If you come in contact with nuts given to strong statements—well, it really is so that people reap what they sow. But even so, I suspect you are being selective. Unbalanced people are everywhere and a mature person learns to screen them out. (Granted, they don’t make that easy.) In T.I & Me I related how Bro Bob said something truly outrageous, that brothers determined to stand at the convention had jumped and beaten up the attendant carrying the ‘Please Be Seated’ sign—that this evil report got around and stirred up turmoil throughout the circuit, even district, but eventually truth got its pants on and people learned the source. Upon which they said, “Oh….well…..you know Bob. He says things like that.” I made the incident up, it didn’t actually happen. However there was a Bob, he would say things equally nutty, and (most) people would just cut him slack, focusing instead on his good qualities, which he had in abundance. 

    I have no doubt you’re sincere in relating this, nor would I ever say that a person’s own experience is not theirs, but it may also be that your memory is selective. It is not especially uncommon for parents to provide training and have goals for their offspring, nor is it uncommon for teens to feel “attacked” if they do not accede to those goals. I’ll concede that Witness goals include some not of the mainstream, so the “attack” of someone kicking against the goads of parental upbringing may seem greater.

    Well, it’s not as though the Bible itself waxes in appreciation for those who oppose and seek to undermine worship. (Ps 3:7—‘Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked,” says David.) I know the snippet you speak of.  I know what he said. I know that he meant it. I recall he lit a match, then blew it out without further comment, and that reinforced what he had already said about the likely success of apostates opposing the Christian cause.  And I also know that it is one of the 10,000 things he has said. Everything must be put in context.

    I’m terribly sorry Mathew if you had such unstable parents as you describe ,,,this does happen at times. I am for the last few years talking with and adult who experienced what you seem to have . This person can see we are not all like that and has a even started praying again after twenty years of hating all religion. This person has also told me strongly they will never ever go back (kh) I said that was fair enough…they have made contact with Jehovah and he is a reader of hearts…I’m sure he will do what is right with this person’s situation.

    Again I really am sorry for your particular situation…and wish you well.

    And yes the match stick quote was a cringeworthy time for me also….we are all so  different in nature…

  13. 13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    One of the domains I was able to trace to San Francisco, unless the other 3 are located elsewhere, so that might be the case. The main page is evidently on the main domain, but the other stuff is outside of the page.

    Yes, so it is safe to shut out the browser completely better to be safe then take a potential risk.

    The source of where Witness may have gotten the link is possibly Reddit, the website in question is in connection with this person - 




    Not only he has a strong disdain for JWs, but also God. Seeing his mannerism, he is most likely a younger person.

    This is scary stuff …

  14. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I rest my case. What’s it to you what my faith is? With all the truly vile characters out there today, why target the religion whose members under no circumstances will take life? Why not go after one, you could almost pick at random, in which if you put members in just the right circumstances, they will take life? The energy your pour into your crazy mission is bizarre.

    to the same extent that a student puts his teacher on a pedestal, an athlete puts his coach on a pedestal, a soldier puts his general on a pedestal, a tourist puts his guide on a pedestal, a businessman puts his advisor on a pedestal. Such relationships are routine in life and are only depicted as “putting oneself under tyranny” when it is the religion you don’t like.

    This statement only reflects your jealousy that the Witness organization does not recognize your self-proclaimed ‘anointed’ status and does not afford you the platform you assume is your due. You are a crazy woman—I don’t back up on that for a second. Even Patiently Waiting for the Truth, who is sure a “True Anointed” will come along to save the day, knows enough that it is not you.

    I am livid that in your quest to undermine the Witness organization, you knowingly display a dishonest site stealing logo and artwork of someone much better, and you expose admin to risk in doing it. I accept that the risk to admin was done unknowingly. Still, I am grateful for the writing platform he has granted me. I get it that it’s not altruism nor is he especially religious. I get it that he takes advantage of the enormous traffic the JW stuff generates to boost his website’s stature and branch into other fields. I get it that he makes a modest sum off advertising. Doesn’t matter. These things have all worked to my advantage—it’s a symbiotic relationship we have, and so I am furious when someone is so reckless in their quest to destroy what’s noble as to potentially make him trouble.

    Same as what Space Merchant points out about atheism. As your rage inadvertently puts Admin in a bad way, so it also puts God in a bad way. Plenty of taunts toward God and Christ in what SM points to. Doesn’t bother you a bit to embrace atheists sneering at God if it furthers your anti-Witness quest.

    It’s because they are fueled by the demons …it’s not like being possessed as many think…but Just as Jehovah will put it in the minds of the the King of the North….the demons put things in peoples mind to act for them to come up against Jehovahs people….it’s a direct attack as they do not speak badly of any other religion who have the same faults…and these attacks are getting angrier and wilder as months go by on a number of web sites..and are taking down a number of our brothers and sisters….as time must be close….personally I think they are exposing themselves with their own tongues and many things are becoming unstuck with what they say…

    It is a warning to always harness whatever hurts we have extreme or light..only Jehovah can bring about Justice to those who have been wronged…he has their and our tears in his bottle and book…he sees all..and unlike others…he remembers.Ps 56:8

    It actually boils down to trust….we have to trust Jehovah that he knows what he is doing….but If one’s lack that.  Then they act in a presumptions manner and try to rectify or reform ….righteous resentment and anger does exist…but unless one prays to keep it at bay it will devour one,,,,and then the demons have a opening..as we see here…and it’s very sad because they pull people into their resentment and cause their spiritual  death thru lack of trust….and the cost is high .







  15. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    I say what I say because I had seen people get into some serious trouble with spoofing.

    And I reason concern for anyone to be cautious because of key logging may be a possibility.

    I don't think you'll get hit by the alphabet boys unless a victims of a spoof comes back here, and they won't go to you, they'll go to Admin.

    You linked it, but at least give a warning for anyone to be careful of the links that take you off the main page.

    You should say something to the effect, only focus on the main page and do not click on anything else, be it JW or EXJW, and knowing some JWs have logons, what would happened if you Trojan horsed them into getting not only their emails and passwords net-packed, but any personal information?

    From experience, when we took down a hacker website, we has a reason to. The website was shown to be an opposition website however, it tracked more than that. My contact was able to do more to shut down the website due to him being in Russia at the time of where the domain was being broadcasted. The Software in question cannot be stopped, but the usage of what it was used for in that website, was halted. Spoofing did more than trace people, some had nefarious intent, i.e. stalking/following women to their home.

    What you should do next time is carefully examine the website(s) before linking them. Like I said, in IT, some admins/net admins would see this as a land mine type situation.

    Be Careful.

    You can't see tracing and or key logs, you would not know if there was a problem or not. You can only find out if you have the tools and or if you really got hit with something.

    That being said, next time, just examine, and forewarn people before they click, although you do not like JWs, at least notify them, should they have a logon, to not click anything else after it redirects them to JW.org.

    Spoofing is highly dangerous and deceptive, and from experience, I have seen a lot of Hell for it.

    Thank you for this info…I didn’t know this.

  16. 18 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Oh boy. 1975 Again? 😕


    All I would say about this is that there are some who did assume something entirely different about 1975, and the whole world ending thing for 1975 was drummed up through some people hearing differently. This is why even today, people are getting quite annoyed with the 1975 thing spoken by only one side who says they were right, effectively trying to defame JWs at the time. Technically, when it comes to these things some people (as seen here) bring up the topic of 1975 for one sole reason: to brand Jehovah's Witnesses as 'False Prophets' by their own definition, ignoring what is meant by the word 'prophet' and what was intended by WBTS publications, even during those days.

    I can also say that the 1975 ordeal did not occur until the book, titled "Life everlasting in the Freedom of The Sons of God" was released; published in 1966.

    I realize whenever the discussion of 1975 does come up, many things are taking out of context (even snippets), numerous times to make it seem that Jehovah's Witnesses at the time assume Armageddon would come in the year 1975, which is untrue because like I said, things taken out of context.

    For example, often, if not most times, the quotes are never addressed by the one side party.

    What I have listed here are several examples, but there are more, often times ignored, but they all speak in the same effect.

    Now there were numerous people around that time, and there were arguments around that time and the people who knew about 1975 often times won out.


    Further information I found, thanks to Quora:


    But real talk though, I don't see why people try to spin it differently to make it seem that the wrong claim for 1975 to be true.

    There are many people who are still alive who were around that day, in their experience who never assume what is being suggested here. And because of the wrong information being used to point fingers, it shows not only some here rely on a False Witness, but they are not being truthful in their hearts.

    You can't really say you follow the Christ if you're one sided on something, namely shown to be associated with rumors and or speculation. To those people, you kinda know who you are.

    Seeing the discussion on where it started, I already know the party who won that debate; and by winning is the fact that the other party cannot really bring up anything claiming Armageddon was said or written to come in 1975...

    Jesus wants us to be truthful, one can't be if they're leaning on being misinformed heavily with a heart tainted by hate.

    Good research brother !

  17. 7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    This was cited several times, but this is good - then again, comments tend to get lost. There were other remark on the pages and good that 1 John 2:17 is highlighted.

    Srecko left out several parts of that archived article, and I quoted the rest.

    That being said, the fact they were gospel preaching the commission around that is a factor.

    Yes these words encourage the belief of 75….it should have been stepped on instead….this selling of business happened in our area..some openly preached 75 was the end….probably much like the apostles on there first mission who thought Jesus time had come to rule as king….he didn’t stop them with that false understanding either..

  18. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    All of it, Dimitar. It’s all gone. Every verse of it I’ve separated. Not a syllable is left.

    There. Happy?

    Now please, shine your weird paranoid malignant presence that you would have us believe is Christianity whereas anyone can plainly see that you display by far the least Christlike personality of anyone here—please shine it on someone else.

    I honestly don’t think he is…no witness would talk as he has and does but he does have a lot of info and good at chronology….I think he’s a plant to cause divisions ..and he’s very good at it,

  19. 1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

    That is good, I'd love to read the news stories about the watchtower doing this, esp. working with other religious institutions.

    I live in the u.s., and have to stay here to help my elderly jw mother. But I and my church have provided charity here and around the world....FOR FREE.

    That is very commendable…

  20. 17 minutes ago, hgp said:

    While you criticize them, thousands of Witnesses here in Poland (and other countries) work literally day and night to help tens of thousands of refugees. For free.

    Feel free to build up your own organization that helps refugees better and faster and more fairly.

    No really, show me how you do this better in the real world, not just in a discussion on the internet.

    It's so easy to complain, that JWs are not perfect. It's not easy (in this case at least) to do much better. I don't see that you at least try.

    That is so encouraging to hear…may you all be successful and safe..we are very proud of you 👏 

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