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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. Your a nut…you wouldn’t even know what you know about Jehovah without the GB…you follow unreasonableness and demon spirit inspired people who contribute absolutely nothing to anybody..and nobody knows anything about them if they were never associated with witnesses…they contribute nothing to poor uneducated people who have no computers or who do not read…and nothing to society at all…just people massively engulfed and drowned by their own pride…they are the modern days Sauls even… The GB have done such things…they have taught people to read…and see and study the scriptures for themselves….even if they didn’t go on to follow our beliefs….they have helped the deaf to hear the message of the Bible…..at no cost and even if they don’t follow our belief system…they have organized a world wide program to reach people…yes they have errors…and will continue to have them u til judgement day arrives….but the basic doctrines have always been solid…and you wouldn’t even have known them if it wasn’t for the GB down then the years. Do I like everything or agree with the way they may handle everything….no…but nobody else knocked on my door and explained the basic truths as good as they did… what have you and others like you done but sit at your computer and try to ruin others faith…do you do that to the Catholics or any other beleif system.. Satan has fueled you with a sense of pride that excels that of Sauls…your as crazy as they come. Talking to you and your lot is like talking to a stobie pole..thick as a brick.
  2. Aaaaaah but you know she’s close to you before she’s seen by your eyes because you can catch the smell of her perfume…
  3. It was Not EVER said Gods day would come or Armageddon…..it was alluded to strongly that it was a significant event and meant something important ….
  4. Mmm well I remember the MAD magazines also…and I never got them either….but as long as they gave you a laugh…we each have our own sense of humour😊
  5. That’s one thing that has amazed me as I have developed friends from all over the world since internet and how even in the truth something can be a issue in one place and not even be mentioned in another place…at first it was hard to grasp but then it helped me understand the diversity amongst us…it was a issue over here..but seems not in other places…
  6. I’m not disagreeing with you with that…what you have said is true…but the brother who gave the talk was humble enough to admit the error…I like brothers like that…and the moral of the story Pugsy has nothing to do with cofffee…it is….don’t trust anyone but Jehovah and Jesus..and be like a beroean…who were more noble minded than the Corinthians and took responsibility for their own spirituality. Many left over that,,,shaken because they looked to men….and a date… If you lived thru that you would also know many did not go along with it…
  7. That is largely true but the original telephone message did lean heavily to that date.with articles and graphs etc…it was like striking a match and not expecting it to start a fire…they at the top have to take responsibility for the written articles and graphs that fed that fire….having said that with each article there was a paragraph saying it was all in Jehovahs time line etc etc. yes the 70s was a different era…but 75 did not start with the rank and file… I know the GB learnt from that…I listened to a excellent talk from a brother who admitted they had and that the GB had listen to you ( the rank and file ) he was encouraging one’s not to be weakened by that…and then he said the words…..”You don’t think Jehovah was watching all of that “ It was in my opinion a honest admission of a major spiritual stuff up…. it was a great talk…and a humble one…
  8. Well those that fell for that were not studying and understanding the scriptures …and they trusted in Men….big learning experience for them ..
  9. Then perhaps you need to be neutered..then you might calm down and be peaceable puppy who couldn’t careless…😁
  10. Well after the thousand years you can run naked thru the poppy fields and leave your tie behind….wooo hooo!!!!!
  11. There is no REAL let up with COVID in Australia New Zealand and Canada.. In The Eastern parts of Australia where the most population is they have eased restriction only because a election is coming up..so they are acting kind and placating that population..the rest of Aust it’s like this COVID has just started..we are back in 2020…
  12. I am sorry you and your father have had such a hard fight to stand for your biblical principles …and under such conditions as you have described.
  13. Hahah….yes I do have trouble with it …especially when it’s written…sarcasm is another that I cannot discern ..in written form…I think I get muddy in it too…which is funny really as B Splane at our last big convention said….” You Australians need to be careful with your speech as some think you come over as harsh and sarcastic “…..I smiled as he said that..( as I know I come over as blunt..)
  14. Kel is very very good at explaining about the trinity….I would advise all to listen to him if they find the trinity troubling..
  15. Very sad all the way around….but this is how the demons infiltrate all forums ..
  16. Okay got you..but it’s hard to read sarcasm and flippancy…for me anyway..just when I thought I had worked you out you screwed with my head….all good..✌️
  17. Yes we must have free right as to which government we choose to come under …we make that decision at baptism….and we take and bear the consequences of that decision. we dont get baptized if we Choose to vote for a man made ..or still desire to participate in such things …..doesn’t take a scientist to work that one out.
  18. This comment basically uncovers yourself ..no witness in good standing and mature would ever post this as it would be considered slanderous by scriptural understanding. You would be if Pudgy wished brought before the elders to explain your accusation and where you got your info and how and why you said such things on a public medium. In fact your statement could actually put yourself before a judicial committee. At the least it shows a immaturity which rules out any thing you tend to say as untrustful..and prepared to sink to slanderous talk vis biblical standards. Personally I find it disgusting.
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