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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. I do know of some that have left us and gone on to fortunetelling and full on spiritism…..I do not understand how anyone can blame the faults we have….and turn to Satan and act as his mouth peice …it beggars belief. I have no doubt they are give a certain amount of power from the dark side when this happens…(.then pride becomes a real problem with them)not wanting to believe in what they were taught of such things….sadly he despises them in reality….and will turn on them when he no longer has any use for them.
  2. I did not know of some churches going door to door…I know SDA do try off course the Mormons..and I know some have tried individually go door to door..which is commendable…but they sort of don’t last…. Aso to being a different world out there I also totally get your concern. A sister and I were talking on this point ourselves and not looking forward to going door to door again or cart witnessing due to the change in people . People are now angrier than ever…so many unemployed and on government payments…lost employment..a drop in the manner of living. Prices of food up as well as petrol…floods and fires and a virus that has terrified everyone and a corrupt government….so yeah we really hope no more door to door work….it’s a different world out there now..
  3. It’s sAying worldly IDEAS…Like same sex marriages etc…they are of the WORLD….he is not calling a PERSON worldly….big difference .
  4. I dont know where you have been but we have not used worldly as a description for those not of our belief for a very long time? It was a terrible way of speaking and we have corrected that attitude.
  5. Don’t bring me in on your ridiculous argument…as far as SM goes I believe him to be truthful…Sheeesh!
  6. I dont think space Merchant was the one that said that ….
  7. Your playing with words to try to prove that our preaching work has stopped…you NEED to beleive that to support your own arguments,,,time and time again you have had it explained to you that we still preach…by letters phone and Informally and yes by the internet and zoom which is operated under careful directions so one’s like you do not enter certain meetings…. as a people we use the internet a lot now…but face to face and flesh to flesh is a a better way to do it…it’s like the skin on skin meaning…but we have had to learn to make the internet work for this…the time will come when all this will disappear…even internet…and we will as a people adapt to that as well..if it should happen. People are having bible studies and going on to be baptised…even in my own extended family…one’s who I never ever thought would…some of them have left the truth..didn’t cope with some things they thought were unfair or too wrong…but see the basics and the relationship to Jehovah is the most important thing…they are prepared to,put up with what they don’t agree with as they are usually not doctrinal concern.. Gods people will always have errors and many of them very grave ones ….like King David who did an census…and tens and tens of thousands of his people died for that error so you will be able always to show our errors on written paper. To those who wonder about us…I hope you get to know a witness you click with and check things out now..all the best to those ones thinking on it…
  8. Some may leave as we have fled at different times of war..I’m thinking of Africa when I speak …I’m thinking this is a personal decision tho I have read else where the GB warned us to leave Ukraine ahead of the attack..so who knows what going on…but the brothers would all be in contact and I’m guessing have some plans that they would not share with others….
  9. Jehovahs people are very organized in what they do and how they preach…we do not pray for the spirit to lead us to a certain door as some do. We cannot read hearts and must give everyone an opportunity…or a fair go at least of some spiritual food. When there is a hurricane we do not go out but instead bunker down as the rest of the world does…when their are floods we make preparations to combat those devastating waters..we do not go swimming or surf boarding amongst it…..when there are raging uncontrollable fires we take cover for the duration……when there is a unknown virus circulating the world that nobody seems to know anything about and all reports from so called health experts paint as the plague ….we bunker down and try to not infect or spread this unknown virus and take precautions just as all our neighbors and In fact the world does and did…and take care with our own loved ones just as the rest of the world does. As you well know we are a organized people and don’t do things like the preaching work in a helter Skelton manner..we are 8 1/2 million strong ..a huge people from many cultures and world wide…so hence we need to have a earthly captain at the head of the ship so as not to act in a irresponsible manner in these sorts of conditions …As you well know The GB made that decision and the sake of peace and safety all witnesses followed thru…..why do you ask sereko…have you started going door to door…may I ask who told YOU to stop..or did you listen to mere men and not follow what in your dear heart was right…..and follow Christ lead in the preaching work..at that and this time …..are you now doing the door to door work.????…and if you are not..may I ask…again….WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP..?
  10. Mersheimer is excellent to listen too…his very latest update on the situation is spot on……so is Hanson….common sense speaking
  11. I understand..I just watched his address to his nation…not good…so if he is the King of the North…or Part off..and he comes all the way to his end…..what happens with the king of the south? In other words how is this going to play out..I’m actually surprised Putin has let it go this far but then he is on Jehovahs time table and not his…
  12. Just watched him addressing his people….he explained it clearly and seemed to sigh and have the weight of his actions on his shoulders….what a mess man has made…
  13. I actually dont know who you are or what your experience is with Jehovah’s Witness as a people….but this is a wrong understanding you have…..anybody would help to get everyone of the plane you speak about.,.if they didn’t they would be blood guilty…but I can tell you now…if I was on that plane I would get my son of first and get my grandkids of and then turn my attention to every other person…as I hope every catholic or Buddhist would. I like to think I would do that even if I was a atheists…and I know many atheists would do that….. I would like to ask you were there any Catholics standing there with a Poster to direct their followers…we’re there baptists…maybe there were other faiths and i did not see them….I’m sure behind the scenes other faiths may be helping their believers and sheltering them. But Cudos to those brothers and sisters who had the guts to stand there freezing on the edge of war…to identify themselves so blatantly. As to my comment being typical of watchtower writing committee…well then they have it right..tho I did not consult them in my answer as I did not have to…my comment was a humane comment…and knowing the brothers around me…you seem desperate to find fault with JWs….Mathew you will find many…and I would not defend our errors…I acknowledge them and the pain caused by them…but when the chips are down..we put aside some very serious problems and dig in and work together as one…some here refuse to acknowledge that because it would undermine their hatred of us as a people…….and we do also help our neighbors…..over the last years I have noticed the brothers emphasizing and teaching us to be kind to all and to help our neighbors weather believers or not. Your words may..and I stress may..have had some weight…in years gone by……..but not for some years now….credit must be acknowledge where it is due. .
  14. I did not know that about the Indian people…I shudder to think what they will do with the brothers that never got out..
  15. Ummmmm I think sometimes he finds them…hee ..Joke joke ..just kidding…tongue in cheek and all that stuff
  16. They do…but they are probably putting the brothers first as they may be tortured for not complying with the Ukraine instructions that all men of faith MUST take up arms….
  17. King of the North and his alias ..I have no doubt China is one of those alias
  18. Every government head is dirty..absolutely filthy.dirty with the blood of their own people….I wish people could understand this more but we have a new generation of people who know none of this…it’s just so sad!
  19. I’ve been on line for sometime now and I have wondered about the increase of sisters who now are feeling they are anointed ….I am not a brother…but a sister…so I can look at this with fair and unbiased eyes.. Anointed sisters and Ive known two who definitely were in my time…still observed Jesus command and observed their headship arrangement InThe cong. These sisters often knew and understood much more than any of the brothers taking the lead ..sorry brothers but it’s was true…even tho one of them used to get really frustrated with certain things…even to the point of tears at times..but she always kept her earthly obligations to Jesus arrangement…but I know she found it hard at times.. Yet they respected the arrangement and their place as it was not time for them to step out of that earthly arrangement…it’s the law of Christ and it’s being obedient to our King until he changes it or their death does.
  20. Do you mean there is always just the one King…..and that king must always be acting against gods people in some form……….he then then pulls In The second king…sorry for my ignorance…but it can be confusing to read as sometimes I misunderstand written words….
  21. I can only read your comments SM and I will explain why I have blocked certain ones..it is not out of fear..but I have discussed in the past with such ones. but it becomes like being on a merry go round..round and round we go with no sensible discussions….much energy is spent..and wasted…and fruitless debates are worthless to each side. To those I have blocked I say be at peace with your decisions…I am not scared of you…I have had discussions with ones like you and pearl many times..many many times ..and it becomes fruitless for both sides….my energy must be reserved for others….and not those that try to pull us into endless merry go round that never stops. I have no time for certain ones who speak in a Judas tongue…which drips with the blood of many you have deceived….and shipwrecked many faiths…… Being hurt or abused by one’s in power in our faith does not excuse certain ones who break away and devour their own former brothers and sister who are working in the trenches ……instead it is best to learn to step Over those ones…it’s a test of faith for sure .but it can be done. Even Jesus walked away from ones who did not discern his sayings…..it’s a principle some would do well to follow for their own sense of peace..perhaps it’s best some block me to get that,
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