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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. They have a massive amount of control legally attained..which in itself was corrupt…most people here do not realise that as we were by nature not interested in politics .It seems legally everything is in place for them to start turning on anyones faith when they see fit .
  2. Why?…they were active..but I’m not sure I have understood your question
  3. Dogs are kept in quarantine for somewhere between 6 to 12 months over here…..
  4. I do not know Wood…and yes I have great pity for these….as I said..I understand why some do this…….or get swayed to stray…but to continue down from that fork in the road….and take so many with them..my pity runs out for these leaders… Again the thing is …they probably are all nice people..and it’s hard for some to detach themselves from them……and make a stand for truths… You know if we was walking along and seen Satan sitting at a table..he would appear as a good looking nice kind man…a man of great intelligence and he would also appear to be modest about it…some choose to sit and talk with him….some see thru him and escape his trap….but some are so intrigued with certain revelations that only a man of great spiritual powers would know..so they take another bite …and then another bite….just as Eve was deceived…so are many who listen to Pearl and the likes of her, Its sad as they genuinely beleive her teachings….
  5. Pearl was a witness and a very nice lady but now teaches demon inspired teachings…I know this for a fact…she has no time for study and writes sitting at her table with pen and paper..she does not know what she is about to write nor has studied the question she is about to answer from someone. she writes and it just flows and she herself is surprised at times of what is written….it’s called automatic writing…like channeling …her writings have truths wrapped and Intertwined with expressions and words coming from demon sources …that’s why she can sound intriguing and fascinating at times…the demons can see when we have teached a wrong belief….they relay the proper understanding to her….years later the brothers have corrected that understanding…..she is being used as a mouth peice for them..so they do give her some truths and this acts as a hook to those who listen to her…it’s how Satan always works….over the years I have seen followers of her have a real hate for witnesses…a real venom comes from them. satan targets hurt brothers and sisters….while at their weakest…many follow her…some see thru it..having said that. I do understand why she became like that..and it’s a shame a real sad shame….but is no excuse to mislead so many and put them on the road to destruction…it’s a cruel and selfish thing they are all doing. By the way I have blocked certain ones here who will probably answer this..
  6. No worries…I’ve done that myself…I don’t how but it happens sometimes…
  7. Well I can always come over for a yak and sit on your lawn and garden chairs…😆✌️
  8. Yes I find it very confusing..ever since I came into the truth over forty years I have never understood this…America and England have ruled over so many lands with unbelievable power and extreme cruelty..just take Australia alone..they decimated a beautiful people to gain that country…Russia didnt….Africa..the same…Even India was ruled by English for a time and in modern times they decimated so many middle eastern countries…but Russia didn’t…so I have to ask what lands has he flooded over?????…but then we have to remember the king of the North is mentioned regarding Gods people..and their relationship…???? But the King of the North has flooded over many lands In Their communistic belief thus flooded many lands in killing any belief in any God..he has been very successful in that…so there has to be something in that!…Putin/ Russia may just be the tip of the spear head of the King of the North…so we have to get our head around that…KN has to be extremely damaging to spiritual things…as Russia and he is in alliance with China as is many other non Christian countries… who are at this minute trying to kill of any Christian belief. The king of the North is an enemy to true faith….thus it must all be about a spiritual battle…and not lands. I agreee that America/England look like the king of the North and act like the King of the North because they are war mongering hateful acts of other lands and people…and have flooded over and taken other lands much more than Russia…..but for them it’s about power and ruling…not about faith..they don’t kill of peoples faith…where as As Russian and her allies will without doubt kill faith off…it’s a spiritual war.. just my thoughts …also it’s why I like Aruana and her explanations of the subject…it helps untangle my doubts to a degree..
  9. Yes I wonder these things too…but Aruana explains it so well too..
  10. What about when Gabriel fought with the prince of Persia ( demon Angel) for sometime and he had to call on Michael the archangel to help him so he could get the messages to Daniel…does that count.?…or when Joshua came upon Michael the Commander of Jehovahs army and got given advice….would that count???.I dont know I’m just asking?
  11. I have often wondered this as Anglo American powers have flooded other lands and gain their riches and ruled their governments with cunning..read confessions of a economic hit man ….what lands have Russia flooded over…?..or perhaps they are about to?…so many questions ??? But then the Anglo American powers have not really hurt Jehovah’s people to badly…so that doesn’t fit ?
  12. Well it depends on how I’m to die…put me up against a brick wall and firing squad..yeah..I could handle that..even a gullatine is doeable….but being skinned alive…..well…yeah I’m going to run…!!!
  13. it means you had a very emotional dream that caused you to remember some very brave acts of men who died for what they believed in. The colour thing happens with lots of people now and then or even only once in their life time..some people dream in colour all the time…it doesn’t make them inspired. I too have admired many different soldiers for their bravery and their deaths…I have cried because of their heroic acts..no matter what nation they were from …I am in awe when I hear about the men who defended Darwin when the Japanese constantly attacked and Churchill refused to send a defence..and considered Darwin and Australia expendable…theses men fought with bare chests due to the heat…they fought knowing they were alone and abandoned..they did not expect a victory…I admire them…and I thank them..and I cry when I hear them talk of it….I sat with a highly decorated Vietnamese vet on The edge of his bed with my arm around his shoulders as he wept and told me of his missions in Nam….I quietly sang to him a verse of a song which I know they all sang over there…” We gotta get out of this place if it’s the last thing we ever do “…he looked at me with his tired worn out face and said…how did you know that….he has died now. None of that makes me political..what you feel does not make you political. It makes you humane and an admirer of bravery in the face of diversity and death….and you weep with them at their pain and loss…you admire their sheer bravery and sacrifice……sorry Pudgy nor does it make you inspired …but hang in There.
  14. Perhaps you just don’t know Jehovah as well as you think…and why he allows certain things….and you certainly don’t understand the gravity of your own situation in judging things before the due time….. so you have found the perfect faith sereko….one with all doctrines and thoughts in perfect line with Jehovahs thoughts….people who never act dogmatically at times….people who have never had sexual abuse or mishandled such cases….perhaps you could name that faith…or group…so where do I go sreko…to the forums that banned me because I questioned THEIR NEW faiths and doctrines…and broke THEIR rules…those forums full of ex JWs….who now don’t even use the name of Jehovah anymore ….so as not to confuse or put people of….and who all claim now to be anointed with their great cause of saving poor brothers and sisters from the WT…and who all have different opinions of revelation and different thoughts on every scripture. To what faith do you belong to Sereko…who do you bow down to….tell me how you help spread the good news of Jehovahs great plan and the hope we all have that lies ahead…so tell me…did the Israelites get it all right….or perhaps the Jewish system got it all right…or maybye you beleive the Christian system got it all right…..none of them…and nobody will ever get it all right until after Jehovahs great day is finished. Your the one who has been seduced sereko…by the Judas like spirit amongst the ex JW community which Jehovah is allowing for a winnowing…so stop the blubbering and whining and pick up your torture stake…and act like a soldier of Christ…one who doesn’t crumble like a girl when one of his Generals barks an unfair order at him…
  15. You know Ditmar the only person you are hurting with such cruel remarks is you…and for the sake of peace….I will let this go …
  16. The dogmatic views did exist…I do notice no practising witness comments on these sorts of posts but I am going to…one which I am thinking of is Organ transplants..of which many died because if they took them they would be disfellowshipped…and I read some examples of one’s dying true to the faith et cetc…later it was found to be unscriptural and a conscience matter. in the meantime a number of witnesses died before this dreadful over reaching of the written word was admitted… This Ditmar is going beyond the written word and being dogmatic because they were disfellowshipped if they went ahead and had one….I often wonder if they were or even offered their disfellowhipment to be pardoned. I see that…and me admitting that does not count me as a witness that lacks loyalty…because it turned out to be a man’s law…..the same thing applies to the 1975…that came from the top…it was misleading..again going beyond the things written…It did not come from the rank and file. these things were errors….serious ones…and that’s why we need to be like beroeans and make sure of what is said is scriptural… That does not make me Disloyal to Jehovah or Jesus….nor the org…because the org changed those views in time and admitted their error…. I read a WT article warning some witnesses to be careful not to idolize Jehovahs visible organization….as the Israelites did in the wilderness and went into panic mode when Moses didn’t come back….some are doing that….some not…. Doesnt make me a bad witnesses (Ditmar) more like a wiser one….if I say so myself. But I will stand toe to toe with those who trash on the org….because they are lacking trust in Jehovah …there is a difference in admitting errors….and attacking because of those errors…..and you dont get that Sreko and nor do some others here…including Ditmar.
  17. Yes I know some are vicious and I have stood up to one of them…toe to toe…and got myself banned from a forum because of it…..and he’s probably here scoffing away privately at two witnesses disagreeing….. And who in the hades is Tim and Mr Deaver and Susie’s Dad?????
  18. Wow thanks for those down loads…are those books still attainable ..
  19. All I know is generally they dont like us….as a people…..I cannot comment on their Christian conduct because I dont know them personally..as in over a long period of time… They find a lot of faults with us…but that could work both ways…I read an account of a JW going and attending their meetings but was disappointed as he saw the same fault with in them as he did with us. I do not recall the harsh critic you speak off…
  20. I don’t even read most of sreckos posts so I’m not sure of what you are referring to…so sorry I cannot give you an answer
  21. I don’t frequent their groups but have listened to their talks…and FB pages…...and in my line of work have been able to speak with a few personally …..asking them questions etc…I’m also grateful for the Chicago Bible students who provide Russell’s writings at no profit….all the ones I’ve met are nice people….mind you I have met one I considered very childish and foolish….and who refuses to use Jehovahs name…and really hate us..and was a ex JW… They all were a bit disappointing as as to being very loose as to celebrating pagan holidays etc…and in a bit of a time warp….but lovely people generally .
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