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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. The push for false information is to keep the masses calm while they put into action the satanic agenda…it appears that Satan now has everyone one he wants in strategic positions WORLDWIDE..that is in every country to do his bidding…the virus and vaccination is just a Trojan horse to his next big move….thus the need to calm and stupidify the people….so they do not rise up and make things messy and harder for them…..here in Australia this false information or propaganda has been used by a master craftsman who is a professional at it…..just as he relayed false information to Eve and created the first major doubt in truth…and as he has done thru out mankind’s history. the exception now is that he has accomplished it worldwide…which would indicate Jehovah’s appointed time may be on the cusp of action….for as Russell pointed out that the governments of the world will at some time become so oppressive that the people would rise up and rebel…and this would eventually lead to anarchy….at which point if left unchecked no flesh would be left… Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide. False information is how Satan works…the father of the lie gets so much of his work done thru that one thing….indeed…..May God help us all !
  2. It has started..it’s bad…Satan will be successful in even turning brothers against each other…one must be very wise with words..for the sake of peace and be prepared to be wronged..by those not understanding….I remember reading Russell’s words…..that governments will be so oppressive at the time of the end that people will rebel and In turn anarchy will result…..and even those with some insight will not realize it has started …but some will see..and understand …. what is happening is terrifying….but what is more terrifying..is so many cannot see it…..stay strong..and remember…nothing is worth selling out our integrity… I dont come here very often but I enjoy your posts SM….as a people we are just starting to cop it from other religions for not opening our KHs and fighting back…they don’t understand this is not our fight …and when we do fight back it’s legally and thru the court’s…..which are preety useless now anyway as they change legislation during the dark of night and in secret. One good thing..people are getting very fearful and are asking questions…seeds are being planted..and Jehovah reads the hearts of those who listen…… Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
  3. We are a small nation in number and a isolated country..we always were a prime target for the Satanic NWO..now renamed the Great reset…neighbours are turning on neighbours..police turning on the people..laws being in ignored and overruled…parliament shut down when it suits those in power….Hysteria and fear even amongst brothers and sisters….fearful times indeed ….and many not having insight into the evil workings behind it all…..this is so much more than virus and vaccinations…it’s just the start ….
  4. You have a lovely culture..never lose that respect it has taught you..not sure where you are from..I’ve been to South America ..and a few other places around…and when returning to Australia ..it saddened me…to have to admit ..our culture had lost what you speak of……I wonder if we ever had it in the first place…it taught me a great lesson.
  5. May I ask your view on the locusts in. Revelation….Russell seems to have had the correct view In Joel..many years ago….some where along the line that was changed to represent Us….which never made any sense to me…so I’m relieved we have corrected that..yet we still claim the locusts in Rev are still talking about us. yet Russell thought they were the same as Joel…..I am confused on this point..yet aware….that the bow and arrow…horses…crowns..etc all have and do have double meanings..and are interchangeable….with those who are against Jehovah ..and those who are with Jehovah…so it may be the case here….
  6. I also wish certain things had been acknowledged in that talk….but I also had to agree with a lot of things he said….he brang out some things which I had not taken into account also…. I have also seen lies on forums and distortions of facts..and off course there are distortions on court cases..in the media…..I’ve seen it happen with the Amish and Mormons and SDA…and yes..we have had genuine cases which should never had gone to court…and shame on us as a people for those….never ever should have been treated as they were ….and shame on us for those poor innocent kids…I know some of them… They should be acknowledged ..and Jehovah has… You think Jehovah’s hand hasn’t been visible in bringing these innocent cases to light ….yes bad men do enter into the Congs….yes we have elders who should not be elders and who have abused their powers and thus abused the sheep under their supervision…yes the Branch at times have given directions they should definetly not have given…yes we had to change some of our policies….yes some if not a lot of witnesses may not be able to ever see this…or even consider such a thing because it has not happened in their congs…they have not been touched by such things…because this sort of rot is not the norm…it is in fact the minority…and that is a fact!! I have also heard them apologize…from the platform for such things..and even in print …but you are not there to hear it…I was…you are not there to read it…I was….even in the current convention they spoke about ones wronged and hurt in the truth…. There is no faith that does not experience these things…none! I know you will not agree with anything I say..I expect that..I hope someone who has been hurt does not walk away from their faith because of the one sided …unrealistic view you and others paint. You all see the gnarled ugly old tree…..you don’t step back and see the green lush forest… Brother Splane was right when he said Satan is active in a sneaky way…..what ones like you do…is manipulate those who have genuinely been hurt and crushed….to such a point..they go off into the wilderness all alone…to be devoured by beasts…..those who do this..are no different than elders and those in authority who have abused the sheep….you rape brothers and sisters of their faith….and leave them dying on the side of the road…and done all in the name of Jehovah because most of them claim to have all been chosen and anointed….so whose now abusing who?
  7. Funny thing is…not one so far…they have come to me….and if some one asked me to have a coffee with them at their house…..and even if I knew from that spiritual talk would evolve…I would go…. The thing with this is the power of Jehovah’s ability in maneuvering people …to be where they can hear truths….his hand is not cut short…in conjunction with specific prayers…and the internet is also incredibly useful in sending info….and in my circle and neck of the woods…often the best info comes from other sources than JW ORG… when the restrictions are server..as in no visitors allowed in homes …with modern technology…it is not a hinderance.
  8. that’s the biggest load of crock that’s put out on the net…It was an Avenue of the preaching work and the most successful at one time….nothing not one little thing can any witnesses do that will help him attain to everlasting life or survive into the coming day of Jehovah…. Anything anyone gets is pure mercy and grace graciously given by the Creator…Jack and SS..if you feel we have let the people down…then you go out into the Door to door work..with your bibles…why are you not doing that…… Bible studies and baptisms are still happening….if anyone goes out on the doors in Australia…you will be viewed by the householder as Freddy Kruger…such is the hysteria and fear factor over here….and what purpose will that serve…none…so we adapt..just as the apostles had to adapt their preaching at certain times….do either of you think that the Christians during the horrific reign of Nero didn’t tread very quietly and carefully in that period of his rule….they adapted to that time period…thus we must adapt…what worked for us previously …certainly won’t work now… But for those reading this..the preaching work goes on…on a personal level I have more talks and studies now than ever before….people are asking questions….people are worried …. As to who is going to survive all of this…we dont know who…it’s up to Jesus to do the judging….Jehovah is the reader of hearts….and yes we as a people did once preach and teach that you had to be a baptised witness to survive…(.but some of us also did not believe that)…once again as a people we have had to eat humble pie….and realize only Jesus can judge this…we cannot say or even think such things…so hey…a lot of us are getting fat on eating humble pie…
  9. But what about the many who didn’t say those things….I’m still here and I never said that…..and have NEVER heard any of my brothers and sisters from my region say that…of that time period……and that’s sister even tho she had wrong expectations..is just as you said….she’s just sleeping….she will be back….none of us have all this right…and many of us have had to eat humble pie….
  10. We are all so different in personalities…( thank goodness) aruana you are fine the way you are…I would happily share a cell with you…I hope some of your answers as I hope all of us here…….have helped some one tuning in or perhaps that has been hurt or stumbled unfairly or wrongly..or simply know nothing about Jehovah’s witnesses….but it is a waste of time in talking with certain ones that’s for sure…and who has the energy in these last days or this period of time we live in….I’m tuning back in because SM has come back…and the quality of conversation has been lifted…pity he couldn’t be included in the JW Club….but he’s too honest to appear as an alias….
  11. This is what it has come too….I am also at that point…as hard as it is..when the subject now comes up…when I hear such ignorance spouted…even with genuines behind such sayings…..the wisest thing to do now…is to keep silent for the sake of peace between us all….having said that there is a few of us older ones who have been around the block in the truth a number of times…speaking quietly to each other…in hushed tones….who would have thought hey!
  12. Sadly it is still not enough for some to understand why many do not take the so called vaccination…I respect those who do….and why…but their is little respect or understanding for those who don’t. when one truly investigates this….it fills one with absolute terror with what is coming upon mankind….and yet many brothers and sisters are caught unawares at the stage we are at…..for this is not really about a virus..it’s much darker than that. There are divisions even amongst brothers and sisters now happening..fighting with each other..calling each other stupid and an idiot..not speaking to each other over THIS….. One comment was made…..if any brother and sister refuse to take this they should be denied all access to any further medical treatment… some one quick in mind replied….what if they took that stand when we refuse blood transfusions.. Unfortunately…this satanic plan is having success…in turning ..companion against companion….such is the power generated by hysteria and fear…so very sly and cunning is Satan in How to cause divisions in so called countries claiming democracy. He does not need such cunning in many other countries….the implications of what lays ahead is so utterly terrifying..that it leaves one dazed..and in great sorrow..as this is just the start.
  13. This is the groundwork being laid down in Australia now…I think Canada too…thanks for your explanations…much appreciated…
  14. Can you please expand on this explanation…as to what we as a people dont quiet..or deeply understand..as to the UN…I think I have an idea but I’d really like you to spell it out for me…
  15. When have I ever done this…?..and nor do I view apostates as many do…in fact I view most so called apostates as ones with genuine hurts and griefs needing expressions???..and answers… Do you not think I have not experienced first hand one of those broken people in my family…hence my journey on forums?..same reasons as Anna. could any one save him…no!…he is now awaiting the resurrection …but I will still stand by my statement….all forums as well as this one is used by demons as a play ground…and it’s the genuine ones who will be their victims….. anyway….I shall say my farewells here..and I wish you all well……but I will say one thing before I go…there is no point in bringing to light or tearing down Russell’s name…it’s cowardly as the man cannot represent himself and make an answer….I do t agree with all that is written by him either…but he was one hell of a man to stand up in his time ..and dispense the food that he did..and fight to his death and put in its grave ..the teaching of hellfire and trinity…was he a flawed man…yes…..was he used by Jehovah ..without doubt…..Jehovah uses flawed men and women. is it easy to publicise his errors..absolutely…sadly it will continue on…but remember..it’s just opinions..written by ones who never knew him or his era he lived in…
  16. That doesn’t make sense Anna,,,,sorry but anyone can be persuaded by the devil…as Eve was…are you spiritually stronger than she was…am I…...with correct persuasion one can discern biblical truths…with false persuasions one can follow down the wide path of destruction…with tricky or sly persuasions one can leave the narrow path and join the wide path…or certain persuasions can make one halter on the narrow path…and allow the crowding to slow one down…or look backwards instead of forward… ALL !!!!!forums are the playground of the demons Anna…….and why wouldn’t a hungry lion who has a taste for JW blood not go hunting where they gather….. Beware he who thinks he is standing does not fall……
  17. Well just look at the above discussions now taking place from six screens..incredible how slyly these are introduced and discussed ..with the results of sowing seeds of doubt….unbelievable!…and who introduced it and who is participating….sheesh…is everyone blind!!,
  18. Emotions are naturally existent in any of these discussions because lives are involved…what some of you say here…could very well end in someone’s death…..so I guess for me..beating around the bush isn’t acceptable…..I know this wasn’t you writing this comment Tom…I would t have a clue who wrote it so no emotion is not involved at this point….
  19. thinking is no coward…probably not that brave eith tho……but also has a lot of common sense …I’m not Like JWI who is as dodgy as they come..twists and blabs away losing serious points in a confusion of ramblings. The point is…Pearl has admitted to me personally she does no Bible study…but of course we can all put confidence in Her ….hahahaha….and never know what she is goinng to write as it just flows and comes to her. Now if ones Like JWI…want to find holes or worm his way around such blatant self admissions by the one doing these things…then who’s the coward ….and why????? your as sly as they come JWI…..and I’d say a double agent who sits at the table of demons …and walks amongst Gods people doing the devils work?…and he does it because he has deceived himself ….you act as a insider…and are aptly named…. Ban me if you like from this forum..which houses dark forces anyway….I have to ask…myself why on earth are we and even worse/ me! tangoing with such dark forces…. Also who ever runs this forum at some stage you are going to have to step up and protect ones who are honest hearted….and not become complacent in the devil having a platform……all for the sake of interesting conversations…..why not let’s just sit with the devil….I wonder how Jehovah would view us then..
  20. Anyone who follows or teaches Pearls thoughts or woman in the wilderness…are without doubt being directed by the demons…as Pearl is.. I Have blocked witness for this reason To So I’m just going by your answers to some one….Anyone who admits they do not study the scriptures at all but sit with pen in hand and writes answers to questions..not knowing what they will actually write is engaging in automatic writing…or channeling …it is not fromJehovah…as Jehovah has told us to SEARCH AND look as if looking for a treasure….he wants effort from us to work out his words…he expected it from the apostles as he does now from ANYONE who wants answers from the scriptures … Yes I knew Pearl Personally..and she is a lovely lady….also known by her website….woman in the wilderness…...but nevertheless…what she teaches is without doubt demon inspired …..and highly dangerous as is anyone who follows her or teaches what she teaches… Im guessing witness and some others will respond to this…waste of time if it’s for my eyes as I don t read any thing written by you….or some others…
  21. I will vouch for Tom…he’s a writer…and he banters…he’s also very genuine…yes he can talk a bit harsh at times…but I’ve also seen him be enormously kind …very tactful….and even unbelievably humble…a trait I admire greatly.
  22. I remember GB member Dan Sydlik writing or saying in a talk….he had a hard time with brothers trying so hard to be righteous….and said they…just needed to do their best and leave the rest to the ransom."…..
  23. I hope so too because he has a lot of common sense…and always fair and reasonable…
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