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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. Good advice for me to follow too.....
  2. Well I hope you don’t get banned..I don’t see why you would..probably for the reason you have quoted above.. Yes I liked JRT...for a number of reasons of which I won’t go into here...but yes I also winced as some of his phrases.... but I got him... As to abusive language..well I tend to be surrounded by it normally...so what you and some others here class as abusive probably wouldn’t bother me too much.. personally if I’m honest I dont really know who’s who..or who’s what..here... But I would object strongly if you were banned...
  3. Nor should they..this thread is stupid....brothers and sisters are dying out there.. being tortured..thrown into prison...losing their employment..families turning on them...their faith tested to the max!!!!!! And the worse is yet to come for many of us and this is the Calibre of point of discussion...c’mon..people!!!
  4. Bad men,,and women will always infiltrate the congregation..we have so many scriptural facts on that...I think where the society had to readjust and were forced to readjust was on our policies...we need to admit that...and we now have policies that allowed in house and even strongly encouraged in house handling ..removed..due to those policies being changed...certain things will no longer be handled or tolerated as they were once. It would have been best if the brothers had done this by themselves instead of the ARC forcing them too...BUT...they have changed..been corrected....we are being refined..wether we like it or not...wether it hurts or not...we are still his imperfect people...wether chastised by the world or not...
  5. I also read of a ex JW who stated he went to the Bible students ( Russell’s followers) and some other groups of which I cannot remember and he noted that all the problems he/she saw with In The org...was also present within those said groups..it’s everywhere...even Franz who wrote his famous book said he did not see that this was a issue any worse than any other faith...
  6. Someone really anointed or really Invited would not promote or make it known on line ...it’s as simple as that..a really humble one ..would allow them selves be wronged..as Jesus did and as the apostles did.. PRIDE makes them have the need to be known.....
  7. Do you think Jehovah lacks the power to correct the errors you talk about?
  8. Every man and his dog on line now claims to be anointed....it’s hard to take any of them serious...why on earth would he or any one be jealous of them??...I’ve had my differences with JWI here..but I will stand up for him..on this..I think he’s got a lot more guts and backbone ..than you give him credit.
  9. Well it totally depends on what amount of damage the hypocrisy .( that’s the only point I’m addressing here) .which is there...actually did...and we are not and nor will we be for many years be like Jesus ....In The ability or power...of forgiveness ...but we can try....I think that’s what your saying Tom. I think what certain ones here have done.....is allowing their pain..and often a extreme pain ...a righteous anger ...turn to resentment and bitterness that may even be justified....BUT...it then it controls them....thus satan has got them either way. Im Not sure exactly what was said In This thread as I have blocked a couple but can pick up a fair bit. what helps me..is remembering where Jehovah planted his son...right smack In The middle of his.....Then people...the most self righteous pious lot if there ever was...but ALSO there..were the wheat...and people struggling to serve their God .....and a lot that have been hurt forget that...and their anger consumes them and they are then a tool of the devil ....thus those that were the culprits..those hypocrites...won. I actually dont write this for anyone here ...because I know they will smart mouth my comment...but hopefully some one reading who has been hurt may be encouraged.
  10. I sort of like Russell’s thoughts on it...not sure if it’s wrong or not...but he explained exactly as to the point you have made...that many won’t ever here the preaching work...for what ever reason this Is ...they will not experience the second and final death at Armageddon....but just the first death...thus pay the price of sin....they will then be resurrected back IN to a new world and be given an opportunity to learn what they never did in the old world...they may or may not listen to it...then they will pay the price of the second death. Many will definitely experience the second death at Armageddon because of their willful ignorance,,,(the false prophet and the beast) ...maybye more...?????? Rutherford changed that understanding,,,as he did with the Joel and the locust...we have reverted back to a number of teachings or understanding of Russell.....this may be one of them...hopefully
  11. I hope things work out for you both..and wherever you go I know Jehovah will be with you
  12. True I have come in some way to the defence of someone I was a bit fond off. Perhaps not defence but for him to be given the right of presumed innocent until found guilty. And thus participated in this to that degree. But there is really nothing more I can say on the matter. I’ve said what I have concerning a spiritual brother. Not sure you would comprehend the principles involved with that. True I took the bait and opened that link that started this fiasco...more fool me and a lesson learned to a degree. False that the info was true....yet to be proved False a person should not be made to feel shamed if they are innocent of such charges...how on earth did you come to such a conclusion?
  13. I am not suddenly absent Anne and you have done much more than speculate. so let me be less cryptic for you. You are In my opinion a shameful trouble maker with very little sense ........again you say the shame is being arrested for that crime .. again you have presumed he is guilty of that crime...more personal speculation on your part It would have been much wiser to have perhaps spoken or shared this info privately with some one you could trust ..and waited to see the legal outcome of what you found on the Internet Many people have been arrested for crimes....the shame comes when one is guilty of that crime. The shame comes when one rushes with information that may or may not be true...And places it on a public forum ......a fool does that Anne you started this whole saga and now you hope his family will be okay...you didn’t care a fig about his family when you posted up his mug shot and allegations ..so don’t pretend to now. I am not participating in this public debacle because of the reasons I have clearly stated. just for the record ..I am a she and not a he
  14. Yes I did Anna ..thank you for the clarification...and your right..this thread certainly is teaching us all something..and now I know what Tom was saying...but I guess this is a prime example of true brotherhood...we sort it out and fix it up...✌️
  15. Who Did This???? No trial for him then hey Well I cannot read his heart so I wouldn’t know if he was a lover of Jehovah or not...you must have super powers Tom......also the point about this statement of this website is Theocracy Dies in Darkness....errr ummmm ...not if your one of Jehovah’s Witnesses it doesn’t...or it shouldn’t !😉...or should I say not if your a true lover of Jehovah...aaaaaah..I’m getting as sarcastic as you my brother....not a good trait to have actually 🥴
  16. It’s okay Anna ...I’m not slamming you..we all make mistakes and Ive done some beauties.......can you remember many years ago...actually decades ..the case of Lindy Chamberlain and the child that was taken by a dingo...the cry ...A Dingos got my Baby....went around the world. Just about everyone had an opinion on her...before and after her trials ...even in the Cong...they had her as guilty..even today I have heard brothers joke...about ..A Dingo taking a baby...or such things... Cartoons were prolific Over here and world wide... That destroyed that family and the children...she did many years in jail..and after many legal battles was declared innocent and given a pardon.......She was religious which is an oddity in itself in Australia and added fuel to the fire... I’ve seen a young brother accused of what Rook has been...he was nearly lynched by his town....later the police admitted they got it wrong...he was destroyed...He has major hang ups to this day...too scared to go IN to school to pick his kids and Later his grandkids up...just in case.....he suffers anxiety and depression and contemplated suicide.....and will until Jehovah’s day starts..and the former things not remembered..People say he’s hermit ...he’s a loner....and he is one of the Most honourable brothers I Know. we cannot play with peoples lives...and often we don’t even mean to...but it happens... The person who started this should hang their head in shame....but then again you would have to have a conscience to do that...it’s okay Anna...you didn’t start this...hey a wise persons learns by others mistakes...unfortunately that’s not me...I seem to have to make the mistake ...then I learn..so I’ve got nothing to brag about Sis....
  17. You are right Anna I don’t ...I’m looking at the principle involved...it always boils down to that...
  18. Which also says that the person may be guilty or innocent and being charged means nothing at this point ... Even if he is guilty in the end....shame on all those who threw their hats in the ring...before it was legally morally and spiritually decided. This is none of your business nor mine...never alone being a topic of discussion by brothers and sisters on a public forum... why would any of you do this?....where are your senses... I am gobsmacked at how you have all expressed your personal opinions and posts like a mob of gossipy old women... Talk about shafting someone before a trial...sheesh...hate to have you as my friends ... One would have to be very ignorant to think everything that comes out of the Sheriff office is true..and wow ..with a mug shot as well.... Let him have his trial....let him defend himself or not defend himself... if he is guilty so be it...if he is innocent...imagine him coming here and reading all of this... I don’t know what is going on but nor do you..so I would advise the moderator to take down all of these posts until his trial is over...
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