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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. You are not listening…..because you don’t like what I am saying . We are under Christ law….we therefore abstain from blood…..what is it you want me to say?
  2. No..by Christ's Law. What you are doing here is clouding the blood issue in tangled webs and murky water with the fog of words so as to mislead. Your arguments don’t make sense Miles….its and emotional issue in modern days times but it’s not all that hard to work out.
  3. Oh my goodness…..it is a fear of all parents and surgeons and all medical people put such fear into such parents…what a calamity….i hope the recovery spiritually as I know they won’t ever recover from her death, But Jehovah shows great love and mercy such one's just as he did to Peter..I sincerely hope the elders dealt with them in as Jesus would have…what a sad sad story.
  4. Yes we are held to a higher standard…you are very confusing ….we are under Christ’s law now wether gentile or Jew.
  5. Thanks for this but let’s pull it apart ….what about the sentence where it says in harmony with that Law. also the events that predated the Law ……. well that is what a number of us have been saying….( jehovahs view on blood and his attitude to blood all thru all the scriptures demands respect for blood ) even those predating the law… I'm sorry for your personal pain in the past but I agree with the above and it’s basically what we have all been saying . For myself I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree.
  6. Well fill me in…honestly I am genuinely asking.
  7. My goodness that would have been so hard to do with that young lad with an unbelieving dad…so happy you didn’t try to persuade him in any way….its sur not easy being a elder in these occasions . I think miles regrets taking or encouraging one’s to stand firm with the blood issue and it weighs heavily…as it seems to have ended sadly.
  8. My goodness that would have been so hard to do with that young lad with an unbelieving dad…so happy you didn’t try to persuade him in any way….its sur not easy being a elder in these occasions . I think miles regrets taking or encouraging one’s to stand firm with the blood issue and it weighs heavily…as it seems to have ended sadly.
  9. There were only three things the elders put on the shoulders of the new Christian’s . And you know them well, idols fornication and abstaining from blood. I don’t understand what you mean by the who policy?
  10. The stand on blood comes from the mosaic law.
  11. It was a bad line and wording, but I don’t think he meant it as it sounded. I don’t know..I’ve been in the truth for nearly fifty years and I’ve never known anyone who has died from refusing a transfusion. A few times such a thing was reported on by the news papers and one time a mother bled out after birth but I don’t know why.? I would say it’s very uncommon to die from a lack of blood nowadays and even in the old days I think fear mongering went on and the numbers of death were not as large as reported by the news outlets. We had a young lad who was surfing and a shark bit his leg clean off…as he was loaded up into the ambulance he made his thoughts on blood be known and they respected his wishes…he’s alive… I think they are heroes…because they were ready to lay their life down for their God and his principles..and that would have been so excruciatingly hard for that mum and her new born child….
  12. I would say a lot has changed since then, you are talking about one select group of people ( Christ’s followers )who came out of the Jews who were up until Christ Gods chosen people. That’s it..two groups.. We now have a world of a huge amount of faiths that never existed back then…and what of the Indian faiths who seem to worship all gods..and what of the faiths who see no problem in kissing the cross as they go to war killing their own spiritual brothers…all of them love Jesus…you simplify or try to simplify something that is not at all simple…. Amongst ex Jews on line many of them had been very hurt…and there was this starting of what I now call the Jesus movement …amongst us…off course I understand the pain..I was there…but it’s simply not as easy as you paint it. And yes we know it is only Jesus who will judge who is acceptable to his worship. Seeee we JWs think the same as you…and I understand your scars..some have had to stop attending meetings for the sake of their mental health…and I’ve seen that with my own eyes…..personally I don’t think these things can be fixed until that New World Order can be hushered in….i don’t see any great relief in this old system…it shouldn’t be that way…but that just shows we need Jesus to rule totally..so we have to wait….and limp along the best we can. As to the blood issue personally I can see how Jehovah views blood, so I understand why we abstain from it…let’s put aside the medical view of it but the satanic practices seem to all require the sacrifice and offering up of blood, ether that just be a killing or a killing a drinking of blood…take the era of vampire movies….satan has done all he can to encourage mankind to disrespect blood.
  13. This is a good and just point…I do remember big question marks on this document and nobody really talked about it. I also remember asking the brother as to how I could have a study with someone and teach what I didn’t believe or was not sure of. He explained you could make the statement …this is what the society believes …which I did and obviously some would inquire as to what I believed ….then we hear instructions from the GB we are not allowed to say that or make that statement… I can remember thinking…..yeah that’s just because they don’t want to be caught out if it was proved wrong….I still say it today….. Unfortunately legalities often come into play.
  14. I have not read your book but the parts I have read are pretty good….helpful I think for one’s who have been hurt in the past.
  15. You said this treatment wasn’t known To most witness…in other words not discussed or talked about or widely known …..
  16. Probably why it’s kept of the list of alternatives.
  17. It’s not actually …they have to accommodate the many many who have had very little and often no education…..if we need and want more depth well that’s up to us..they can not spoon feed us everything. we got corrected as apparently a number were complaining about the lack of meat or depth to the studies…and they said..get used to it….but they needed to preach and teach to all sorts of men…..that’s fair enough I reckon.
  18. Yes that was a good read many years ago..I remember reading it and thinking it was from us…I looked into Ellen White after that and still have one of her books….the conclusion I came to over her was ..Just as Babylon /satan mimicked Jehovahs Temple priest and sacrificial system…so here was A satanic mimicry going on….I mean Satan tho locked out spiritually and in dense darkness…..he’s astute and highly intelligent and he can work out basically how this is going to wind up by reading those scriptures … I mean he was blind sided by Jesus and his successful ransom…..but after that ..and the Hebrew Scriptures …of course he could speak thru Ellen…with his current understanding……sure was/is interesting reading….but I always wondered if indeed…I am guilty of having looked into the deep things of satan ?
  19. I think it will be the other way around ….the humble scared and hurt will listen before the educated….we will have to wait and see…
  20. If I remember correctly Doubting Thomas still paid a price for his doubt…I cannot remember what it was…..I would be Doubting Thomas Of today…..but I hope I’m more like the beroeans…Miles I liked how you pointed out that Eve actually looked into the deeper things of Satan be even engaging in conversation ….i hadn’t thought of it that way
  21. Ha! I remember that exchange between you and pudgy…I found it amazing that pudgy could do that…IT and those who know how to really work it are fascinating…all these young kids and anyone around forty is young to me but the younger ones just whip out their phones and like Jack Flash organize my whole world in a few minutes…..amazing !,
  22. Perhaps his hands are tied by his own righteousness …he said they would die….so he has to wait until all flesh may be wiped out…mankind will have died if he had not intervened….he cannot go back on such a command. Yes we feel enough is enough and all the points we make as a people have been reached..but perhaps we don’t understand HIS DEMAND for Justice….its not like any of us deserves any mercy from him..but it’s a heavy weary thing to see such pain by men.
  23. I don’t know how to answer that but I do think of the chaos and deaths caused by the many kings of Israel….that sure is frustrating ..
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