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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. This Who treaty and its sighing has gotten a lot of air and TV time over here…our two major parties have said they will sign But there is a lot of push back.
  2. I have never heard or read the GB likened to Jesus….and I dont know anyone who even thinks that?
  3. That was a great answer…you have a lot of knowledge and experience…and express it so well… Sometimes it’s like you are two different people…this one…I really like..I actually LEARN from such comments.
  4. Well pudgy why dont you try the closed group….yeah some might find you a bit prickly or you might find others prickly…..sort of like it Is in real life…one is allowed to disagree over there Too….or DONT reply to him…..you can pull the plug on him.
  5. You really dont need to go thru all that nor write such to defend yourself…or should I say there should not be a need to. Unfortunately anybody can come on here and slander and slander and slander…..again…and again…I dont know who runs this site…but I would imagine there has to be some legal responsibility for permitting said slander . If the person who runs this site is a witness then they really need to get their act together……if the person who runs this site does not like witness’s..then it makes sense.
  6. Oh thank you as I hadn’t a clue…I do remember outta here..but I thought that was from another forum…I don’t go back as most of you on this forum,,,,so thanks for setting me straight…much appreciated
  7. Well from now on pudgy you can now and go get jumped on….I’m done with ya !!
  8. I wouldnt say we were totally disarmed…we do have guns but nothing like you yanks have ….I carn’t even hardly believe that’s a kids book…shesssh! .
  9. Good grief …no wonder we are all screwed up…propaganda machine at its finest…..get ‘‘em while their young.. we didnt get them down under…or maybe our politicians imported them for their kids ..that would explain a few things.
  10. Yes I remember the film and this time…I also read the autobiography…JUST STAY ALIVE MY SON……These accounts and many others ..always got me thinking where was God in all of this..and how could he just watch this and not help them……and I could not wonder at how others could watch this film and not ask the same questions ….these questions eventually lead me to the truth…or to a people who had the answers…and yes Pudgy I also was profoundly affected by such things…. I made my 11 yr old watch the movie ..RABBIT PROOF FENCE….against her will….explaining she had to learn about our history…in the end she was grateful. I would like to show them the KILLING FEILDS…if I can find it…again I will have to force them or bribe them….as they know nothing of this history… Another one I would like them to read is a novel ..autobiography of THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER….a Germans perspective as a foot soldier as they invaded Russia ….again these things they know nothing off. Our children know so little of the real world…once they do…then they will appreciate Jehovah and the hope he gives us. thanks for that Aruana..
  11. Make sure you get his latest..he’s a very brave humble and honourable man…I do hope the GB hears it…not that it matters as the harm is done and cannot be undone. Makes me understand the wording of….no flesh left…..and the need for Jehovah to step in for the sake of chosen ones…..
  12. Fearful signs InThe heavens and the earth…have you ever wondered what will happen with all this stuff….I have thought he would use it at his appointed time. Just for the record I dont understand Quantum entanglement…but Juuust enough to use it…as it says in your pic….and as Einstein said….it’s spooky..he didn’t understand it nor could he explain it…
  13. It’s a good local paper and I’m surprised they are allowed to get away with so much….fortunately….thanks for the share. I would hazard a guess 99 percent of Australians haven’t a clue about this…..I envy them to a degree…ignorance can be bliss for a time…..Still if Geert Vandeem Bosche is right about the you know what …( on the high wire interview ) best to be prepared as well as we can.
  14. Don’t let it unsettle you…after seven years they will have their freedom with something to help with their new way of life.
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