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Everything posted by Thinking

  1. There is no way he will understand this concept,,,,he doesn’t understand that spiritual death is worse than the first death…he doesn’t understand the ways in which people of faith can be attacked……I’m done with him…
  2. Just another Pang I’m afraid …stronger than the first pang….but the next will be even worse ….
  3. Romans 8:22 For we know that THE WHOLE OF CREATION has been groaning TOGETHER in the pains of childbirth until now.
  4. such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating that some men in positions of power or authority can wield a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care. But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me. Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become. Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things… At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end. My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  5. I am speaking of much much more than ego and hurt feelings …it was wickedness a cruelty unscriptural and ended in some one’s death…and blood guilt….
  6. Some just never see it…maybye a good cong or such things are not obvious….believe me there are a lot of us survivors in my neck of the woods so take heart ..that you may be one of them….big victory brother ..bigger than you realise…
  7. There is…nobody should be beaten..not spiritually or emotionally….but it does and has happened and if anyone says that not true then they are either lying or have genuinely never seen it or experienced it….beleive it or not but there really are some good congs who don’t ..and there are some appalling ones who do…. We are not door mats..tho many things can be excused as normal common human responses and we need to forgive or just not take notice of some things…as many many times I have experienced such forgiveness also from my brothers and sister. Yet there are things that at times one must stand up like David did when facing Goliath…and it’s not pleasant…it’s not nice…and blood symbolically speaking may be shed…even doing it the right way ..the theocratic way…this will still happen. 1) You take your complaint and lie it before the Court of the God of Justice first…number one thing to do… 2) Make sure your written formal letters is addressed to Elders Co then the Branch and the GB…apparently then those who it is addressed are forced to read it. Write your letter well and only once…as Jehovah has it in his Justice court. 3) Be respectful and not a smart….but be blunt and to the point…and do not skirt any emotional trauma…right from the heart…use only a few scriptures…( very important as they don’t have time to read novels ) lay it all out on the ground…the truth and even the ugly parts..and personal faults as well. Give it directly to your CO…they then must then Handle it theocratically..keep a copy….then muster up your strength to go back to those meetings …DONT…DONT EVER Let them chase YOU away from amongst Gods people…YOU FIGHT your spiritual fight..just as you had to when in the world. Give up any hope of ever hearing again from your letter….it will never happen….no apology…as if it was never written. This is hard to take…but don’t let those guilty change your Personality…fight your own inclination to become resentful and bitter ..it took me two years and at times I still battle it. Consider Joesph and his battle In getting justice..8-10 yrs his cries went un heard..are you any better than him..I know I’m not. one has to learn a new humility as Joesph did…unfair treatment…down right server injustice with blatant lies involved…lack of loyalty and a trusted friendship ruined…some dont like to hear this but it happens in the truth as well… My experience took the greatest toll as a mother….and yes I’m still a bit cynical which I hate…as I was never like that before…it’s hard…but with Jehovah’s help it’s doeable….and most of the brothers and sisters are loving and kind …some are not..and I dont mix with them…my motto is..if you don’t build me up but tear me down stay the h…..away from me…and yes I slip back into the bitterness at times…it’s a hard fight they put on you…and then Jehovah reminds me of my considerable errors..and I am shamed and humbled. Did I get justice…sort off… not what I wanted….elders were removed…( it took two long years ) three years latter a assembly the last talk was given by a bethel brother and it was absolutely scathing on the elders and those in positions of authority….he got the cat of nine tails out on them and beat them over and over……I was stunned.and had tears running down my face…..and at times I felt for them…I watched them as they sat thru that…..I don’t feel sorry for them anymore as you never get an apology….you never get …do you want to talk over a coffee……you get grunts when you humbly say hello to the….well I tried all that lovey dovey stuff and it didnt work so I don t waste my time with them anymore…..even Jesus say you have to repent to be forgiven… If you have been wronged and I’m talking severely wronged….after the shock wears off ….TAKE YOU STAND….and then leave it and try to let it go…or put it on the back burner or find another cong and move. As to Bro Morris’s 111….he’s not my favourite speaker …but In Fairness he didn’t laugh over one’s dying his little laugh or smirk was the match acted like a little unexpected firecracker before it blew out….fairs fair… I loved Dan Sydlick…..but he wasnt perfect…a little on the chauvinistic side…he gave great talks but one talk he introduced himself saying he never had children …but he’s got a wife…and I guess that’s like having a child…..I remembered I cried out ..whoooooah..and so did the audience…you could hear them..but he was a genuinely warm loving brother and we easily forgot his blunder…not sure if his wife did tho…lol….. … Just don’t let them make you angry and resentful….then Satan has got what he wants..Jehovah will deal with all of us eventually ….and kindness may even be shown to these ones….so don’t be a victim…be a soldier of a Christ and stand up to the serious wrongs…with out hatred and remember Jehovah know the full story. Our whole cong changed but it too, two years of facing those men…I don’t call them brothers…I wouldn’t even look at them when they had their parts…and blocked my ears at their voices ….and read my Bible…I got anxiety at these times…my heart beat faster…and I felt sickly…it was like torture..and I would silently say to Jehovah in a heated voice,,,this isn’t fair, how much longer do you expect me to last!!!! The truth is I really wanted to get up and smash them one….should I have been a brother…I would have been prepared for jail time and disfellowshippement over that,….such was the pain and mental torture…but I had to not behave as I wanted and act before Jehovah in a judicial matter… I don’t know what it was like in the 1950s….do tell more …
  8. Even Franz who wrote the book Crisis of conscience…stated clearly on a utube interview he did not think JWs had any more of a problem with this than any other faith.
  9. Thinking up votes him because he’s encouraging and often seems to reflect Russell’s views,..of which I hope come about as they are kinder ….and if some people cannot accept Jehovah’s patience as Bro Rando explains …. what do you expect Jehovah to do with them,,,….and he’s very brave in his faith to write before fools such as you..I think you have a sick problem you may be projecting on to him…..Go Bro Brando …keep up the fine work…none of us have everything right…and I’m sure we will be In for some surprises….
  10. Simply not true…in other words ..rubbish …we have had disfellowshipped ones take the emblems…respect is paid to all….they often come back year after year so no instant destruction for anybody…how do we know who’s of the annoited?
  11. I also seen a short article sometime this week where Witnesses were compensated for a unfair ruling or judgement previously given out by a court….so it goes both ways..depending on the day of the week . But I bet you meant to send that to old Dmitar and not me hey ….😜
  12. I had a short conversation with my GP today..he showed me something on his computer…and said…the government Have Total control ( over all of us ) he is not Australian and his home country is in civil war…yet he is noticing these things…and seemed quietly astounded at their iron clad grip…..it’s not like his country…because the grip is silent…and he could see that..( and no the time wasn’t right to do our thing ) ….I see Pakistan has fallen…I remember a article written about the country and it’s role seemed to be crucial in all of this??…Blowed if I can remember any of it now?…
  13. But what about when the prince of Persia ( one of the fallen angels, not sure if it was Satan himself.?) battled with Gabriel for a considerable amount of time…weeks??..to lazy to look it up..and he was too strong and had to call on Micheal for help….but your probably right .
  14. I’m on the fence with this peace and security…so I cannot answer to that,
  15. Yes it certainly could be….how long this era or time of trouble will last…who knows…we will only really know when it’s over…and a few of us here may not experience that…but I have always wondered how long the war In heaven lasted?
  16. It’s only birth pangs for the earth…as in woe to the earth as he knows he has but a short time….it’s symbolic talk?Hes going to let mankind go to the point of extinction…as in no flesh left then he will roar as a might Lion King…there is no baby being born??????? At this point…you are deliberately talking stupid. your question doesn’t make sense to me?.
  17. When I was young and in high school….I was an avid reader…the only subject I got an A in was history…but even at 14 and 15yrs old….I could see that the WW1 was very different to other wars…one aspect that was glaring to me as a young girl..was how women had changed in our clothing dramatically …in the Era of WW1…it was shameful to show one’s ankle and a woman was really fully covered…yet that same woman would still be Alive in 1960 and 1970s….her generation lived to see the bra less look…the mini skirt..the topless bathing…the see thru braless look ….the nudist beaches…the free sex..for everyone …and hippie era ….I often wondered what they thought..she would have been about 70 / 80 yrs old as they watched this phenomena…..because no other war before..had ever caused such a thing to be able to happen….at the time I didn’t own a Bible and had no religion to speak of…. This is just one aspect that ..that Huge war caused…it’s tentacles rearranged everyone’s thinking and attitudes around the world ….I really dont know how anyone can say that it was just like any other war…and I’m not even considering anything from a spiritual view ….just a common sense thinking ….practical thinking….factual thinking….that fellow was right…it certainly was a GREAT WAR ..like never before it rocked the earth and set the foundation for the second GREAT WAR…they say in the scientific world that it actually affected everyone genetically …their trauma and PTSD was I imprinted in their genes to be passed on to their children …it really was like no other War…perhaps the first -PAINFUL -pang felt from that pregnant woman.
  18. I have been to your country and seen first hand the very very strong family bond and decency between you all..it made me sad….and when I came home I could see our arrogance and lack of love between all ….I love the respect you all seem to give automatically to the aged…..
  19. Cannot see anything wrong with this…????…the sleaze ball who introduced it was rather sickening..he was hard to take..some of your lot left the org because of its faults….but when they try to fix things or adjust things you all complain it’s not the org you remember …so why did you leave in the first place….??? all this post does is to reaffirm why the brothers warn us of such drivel..
  20. Stupid autocorrect…gets me in trouble a lot …..because I really can spell,,,honest 🤥
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