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Posts posted by Thinking

  1. 13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:



    I think we should be far more careful with the ideology behind the phrase “god allows”. In fact, I’m not sure the phrase “God allowed or allows” is found anywhere in the Bible text.
    If we deal with the explanation of an event and say "God allowed it", then we must know which events "God did not allow" to happen. How will we know when the permission or non-permission happened and why? We can only find the answer in our interpretation and our ideology.

    So there is no real or correct answer, because the answer does not come from God but from man. If one claims that something is “God’s will” then such an individual puts himself in the place of God, and then it is idolatry.

    You write about degradation. On the one hand, you are assessing the general degradation of humanity, and on the other hand, you are talking about the degradation of the WTJWorg organization itself and its members. Of course, this is a subjective and emotional statement.
    Humanity is no better or worse than in past centuries. The scenography has changed and other global changes have taken place, but the nature of man is constant. People love each other and people hate each other. Of course, my assessment is also insufficient, because it is based on personal circumstances and the conditions in which I live.

    If you personally notice the degradation within JW membership then we may wonder to what “new light” JWs have been exposed to over the past 50 years? Does degradation depend and arise on the type of theology and doctrine you are exposed to or is it due to “external factors”?


    Romans 8:22

    For we know that THE WHOLE OF CREATION has been groaning TOGETHER in the pains of childbirth until now.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Good advice, each and every word … I am thankful ( somehow ) that most JWs have no idea what often happens.

    …… sigh ……



    Some just never see it…maybye a good cong or such things are not obvious….believe me there are a lot of us survivors in my neck of the woods so take heart ..that you may be one of them….big victory brother ..bigger than you realise…

  3. On 4/14/2022 at 11:15 PM, Pudgy said:

    As you may or may not be aware TTH, in the Truth there is no means to address grievances. And until the last 8 years the Governing Body has acted as if it was infallible, inspired of God, and more.

    This is no longer the 1950’s.

    Even a dog does not like to be beaten, even by the persons that fed him.


    There is…nobody should be beaten..not spiritually  or emotionally….but it does and has happened and if anyone says that not true then they are either lying or have genuinely never seen it or experienced it….beleive it or not but there really are some good congs who don’t ..and there are some appalling ones who do….

    We are not door mats..tho many things can be excused as normal common human responses and we need to forgive or just not take notice of some things…as many many times I have experienced such forgiveness also from my brothers and sister.

    Yet there are things that at times one must stand up like David did when facing Goliath…and it’s not pleasant…it’s not nice…and blood symbolically speaking may be shed…even doing it the right way ..the theocratic way…this will still happen.

    1) You take your complaint and  lie it before the Court  of the God of Justice first…number one thing to do…

    2) Make sure your written formal letters is addressed to Elders Co then the Branch and the GB…apparently then those who it is addressed are forced to read it. Write your letter well and only once…as Jehovah has it in his Justice  court.

    3) Be respectful and not a smart….but be blunt and to the point…and do not skirt any emotional trauma…right from the heart…use only a few scriptures…( very important as they don’t have time to read novels ) lay it all out on the ground…the truth and even the ugly parts..and personal faults as well.

    Give it directly to your CO…they then must then Handle it theocratically..keep a copy….then muster up your strength to go back to those meetings …DONT…DONT EVER Let them chase YOU away from amongst Gods people…YOU FIGHT your spiritual fight..just as you had to when in the world.

    Give up any hope of ever hearing again from your letter….it will never happen….no apology…as if it was never written.
    This is hard to take…but don’t let those guilty change your Personality…fight your own inclination to become resentful and bitter ..it took me two years and at times I still battle it.

    Consider Joesph and  his battle In getting justice..8-10 yrs his cries went un heard..are you any better than him..I know I’m not.

    one has to learn a new humility as Joesph did…unfair treatment…down right server injustice with blatant lies involved…lack of loyalty and a trusted friendship ruined…some dont like to hear this but it happens in the truth as well…

    My experience took the greatest toll as a mother….and yes I’m still a bit cynical which I hate…as I was never like that before…it’s hard…but with Jehovah’s help it’s doeable….and most of the brothers and sisters are loving and kind …some are not..and I dont mix with them…my motto is..if you don’t build me up but tear me down stay the h…..away from me…and yes I slip back into the bitterness at times…it’s a hard fight they put on you…and then  Jehovah reminds me of my considerable errors..and I am shamed and humbled.

    Did I  get justice…sort off… not what I wanted….elders were removed…( it took two long years ) three years latter a assembly the last talk was given by a bethel brother and it was absolutely scathing on the elders and those in positions of authority….he got the cat of nine tails out on them and beat them over and over……I was stunned.and had tears running down my face…..and at times I felt for them…I watched them as they sat thru that…..I don’t feel sorry for them anymore as you never get an apology….you never get  …do you want to talk over a coffee……you get grunts when you humbly say hello to the….well I tried all that lovey dovey stuff and it didnt work so I don t waste my time with them anymore…..even Jesus say you have to repent to be forgiven…

    If you have been wronged and I’m talking severely wronged….after the shock wears off ….TAKE YOU STAND….and then leave it and try to let it go…or put it on the back burner or find another cong and move.

    As to Bro Morris’s 111….he’s not my favourite speaker …but In Fairness he didn’t laugh over one’s dying his little laugh or smirk was the match acted like a little unexpected firecracker before it blew out….fairs fair…

    I loved Dan Sydlick…..but he wasnt perfect…a little on the chauvinistic side…he gave great talks but one talk he introduced himself saying he never had children …but he’s got a wife…and I guess that’s like having a child…..I remembered I   cried out ..whoooooah..and so did the audience…you could hear them..but he was a genuinely warm loving brother and we easily forgot his blunder…not sure if his wife did tho…lol….. …

    Just don’t let them make you angry and resentful….then Satan has got what he wants..Jehovah will deal with all of us eventually ….and kindness may even be shown to these ones….so don’t be a victim…be a soldier  of a Christ and stand up to the serious  wrongs…with out hatred and remember Jehovah know the full story.

    Our whole cong changed but it too, two years of facing those men…I don’t call them brothers…I wouldn’t even look at them when they had their parts…and blocked my ears at their voices ….and read my Bible…I got anxiety at these times…my heart beat faster…and I felt sickly…it was like torture..and I would silently say to Jehovah in a heated voice,,,this isn’t fair, how much longer do you expect me to last!!!!

    The truth is I really wanted to get up and smash them one….should I have been a brother…I would have been prepared for jail time and disfellowshippement  over that,….such was the pain and mental torture…but I had to not behave as I wanted and act before Jehovah in a judicial matter…

    I don’t know what it was like in the 1950s….do tell more …


  4. 2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You have no proof of that number - it is merely an accusation. since 1957 until the Australian commission there were slightly more than ONE thousand names...... cases where there were accusations made. So yes, there may be more but not to the extend you are wildly accusing of.... in your mind every JW is a criminal ready to commit a ' porneia' act.

    Also, in your accusative frame of mind you try to pretend that porneia is accepted as part of JW teachings - which is a blatant lie!  

    Who is the fibber here ?   Does your false accusations make you righteous before god? Does your false teachings make you more righteous with god?  or are you just a hateful person taking out your gall on JWs here, with NO hope of eternal life yourself.  Many people choose to become opposers instead of showing repentance. 

    Even Franz who wrote the book Crisis of conscience…stated clearly on a utube interview he did not think JWs had any more of a problem with this than  any other faith.

  5. 23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Mr Rando, you seem to take great pleasure in the wet dream of your own, that you will see people suffer as they die.

    There is no mention above of the destruction of Babylon the Great, the removal of wicked governments or other in 'power' and no mention of the removal of the devil and his demons. 

    You just seem to thrive on the idea of NON JWs suffering and dying. 

    That idea is so very old school JW / Watchtower. It comes back to that old idea that only baptised JWs will be 'saved'. 

    I really don't see anyone beating themselves with grief just because JWs have been conned into believing that old 1914 propaganda. 

    After all any one with common Bible knowledge KNOWS that Yeshua had ALL AUTHORITY in Heaven and on Earth from 33 C. E. ... Unless you intend to call Yeshua a liar Mr Rando. 

    But do you really think that Yeshua / Jesus wants to watch all the wicked die, OR, is it just YOU that wants to watch people die ?  

    I would have thought that Yeshua would just simply remove all the wicked ones, or at least kill them all at one time. 

    I suppose in your wet dream that you have, you can see angels protecting the JWs whilst the wicked are still here on Earth. After all if JWs are going to be getting younger and watching the NON JWs die, what stops the NON JWs attacking the JWs ? 

    But I'm sure you have it all worked out in your dreams Rambo.

    And @Thinking upvotes that wonderful idea of yours about watching people suffer and die. 

    There is more wicked thinking inside the JW Org than by Ex JWs it seems. 


    Thinking up votes 

    him because he’s encouraging and often seems to reflect Russell’s views,..of which I hope come about as they are kinder ….and if some people cannot accept Jehovah’s patience as Bro Rando explains …. what do you expect Jehovah to do with them,,,….and he’s very brave in his faith to write before fools such as you..I think you have a sick problem you may be projecting on to him…..Go Bro Brando …keep up the fine work…none of us have everything right…and I’m sure we will be In  for some surprises….

  6. 7 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    most disfellowshipped ones who do venture out to the memorial run the risk of being destroyed instantly if their attitude is wrong or they disrespect the occasion , and touch the emblems ,but that rarely happens in the 21st  century


    7 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    most disfellowshipped ones who do venture out to the memorial run the risk of being destroyed instantly if their attitude is wrong or they disrespect the occasion , and touch the emblems ,but that rarely happens in the 21st  century

    Simply not true…in other words ..rubbish …we have had disfellowshipped ones take the emblems…respect is paid to all….they often come back year after year so no instant destruction for anybody…how do we know who’s of the annoited?




  7. On 4/12/2022 at 3:39 PM, Pudgy said:

    AND SPEAKING OF CURRENCY BY THE POUND….. NEWS FROM BELGIUM (. … who are famous for their breakfast Waffles!)







    I also seen a short article sometime this week where Witnesses were compensated for a unfair ruling or judgement previously given out by a court….so it goes both ways..depending on the day of the week .

    But I bet you meant to send that to old Dmitar and not me hey ….😜

  8. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    the world has become wicked and the problem is that most are moving away from god and also from his principles of good and bad.  So it is just going to go into anarchy or persecution. Persecution because you are not falling in line with the new morality of the UN.  They are the ones promoting all the child "porneia" in schools.

    I had a short conversation with my GP today..he showed me something on his computer…and said…the government Have Total control ( over all of us ) he is not Australian and his home country is in civil war…yet he is noticing these things…and seemed quietly astounded at their iron clad grip…..it’s not like his country…because the grip is silent…and he could see that..( and no the time wasn’t right to do our thing ) ….I see Pakistan has fallen…I remember a article written about the country and it’s role seemed to be crucial in all of this??…Blowed if I can remember  any of it now?…

  9. 11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    I have often wondered when there was a great war in heaven, with one side having truly unlimited power and the authority of Jehovah God, and the other side not, not only how long did it take, but what was the casualty rate on both sides?

    My best guess, and it’s only a guess, is 3/8 of a second duration, and 100% POW rate on the losing side.


    But what about when the prince of Persia ( one of the fallen angels, not sure if it was Satan himself.?) battled with Gabriel for a considerable amount of time…weeks??..to lazy to look it up..and he was too strong and had to call on Micheal for help….but your probably right .

  10. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    According to your publication on jwlibrary:

    “And she gave birth to a son, a male, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron rod. And her child was caught away to God and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.” (Revelation 12:5, 6)

     The child is “a son, a male.”............Therefore, the birth seen by John closely involves Jesus Christ. No, it is not Jesus’ being born of a virgin back before the first century of our Common Era; nor could it refer to Jesus’ being raised again to spirit life in 33 C.E. Furthermore, it is no transmigration. Rather, it is the birth of God’s Kingdom in 1914 as a reality, with Jesus—now in heaven for close to 20 centuries—enthroned as King.—Revelation 12:10. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1101988027

    WT JWorg interpreted biblical passages in such a way that the Kingdom is represented by the birth of a child, a baby. So I just used your terminology in my comment.

    Next thing is that another sort of birth pains in 1 Thess are used not for 1914 but for period of time after proclamation of “peace and security”.

    Your comment about birth pains was connected to GREAT WAR, aka WW1 in 1914, and not with 1 Thess.  So, i assume you are speaking about Jesus Kingdom from Revelation. Sorry :) 

    …it certainly was a GREAT WAR ..like never before it rocked the earth and set the foundation for the second GREAT WAR…they say in the scientific world that it actually affected everyone genetically …their trauma and PTSD was I imprinted  in their genes to be passed on to their children …it really was like no other War…perhaps the first  -PAINFUL -pang felt from that pregnant woman.



    I’m on the fence with this peace and security…so I cannot answer to that,

  11. 1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

    Of course, it may be some FUTURE War … where no one sets their Phasers on “STUN”.

    Yes it certainly could be….how long this era or time of trouble will last…who knows…we will only really know when it’s over…and a few of us here may not experience that…but I have always wondered how long the war In heaven lasted?


  12. 7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Then things could be presented in such a way that the spiritual kingdom was born in heaven in 1914, and that the earthly kingdom will be born on earth in the future. So we have two births of one (same) child.

    It’s only birth pangs for the earth…as in woe to the earth as he knows he has but a short time….it’s symbolic talk?Hes going to let mankind go to the point of extinction…as in no flesh left then he will roar as a might Lion King…there is no baby  being born??????? At this point…you are deliberately talking stupid.

    your question doesn’t make sense to me?.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    It's a little vague to me. Is the First War just the beginning of labor/birth pains that will enable the "birth of the Kingdom" after a while? Or did the birth pains have to start earlier in order for the "child" to be born at the same time as the beginning of the First War?

    I dont understand what you are asking…your a little vague to me???..

  14. On 4/6/2022 at 2:29 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    I recently had someone try to undermine this is a completely novel way, by claiming that WWI was nothing unique, that many wars in history could be classified as “world wars.” He pointed to a published book to that effect. Remember, he told me, WWI was initially called the Great War, and was only renamed later. 

    Yeah, when there proved to be a sequel, I replied. That would have been the perfect time to rename it World War VII if there was anything to this theory of yours. I swear, let Jehovah’s Witnesses take a stand on anything and a cottage industry of retro-scholars arises to torpedo it.


    When I was young and in high school….I was an avid reader…the only subject I got an A in was history…but even at 14 and 15yrs old….I could see that the WW1 was very different to other wars…one aspect that was glaring to me as a young girl..was how women had changed in our clothing dramatically …in the Era of WW1…it was shameful to show one’s ankle and a woman was really fully covered…yet that same woman would still be Alive in 1960 and 1970s….her generation lived to see the bra less look…the mini skirt..the topless bathing…the see thru braless look ….the nudist beaches…the free sex..for everyone …and hippie era ….I often wondered what they thought..she would have been about 70 / 80 yrs old as they watched this phenomena…..because no other war before..had ever caused such a thing to be able to happen….at the time I didn’t own a Bible and had no religion to speak of….

    This is just one aspect that ..that Huge war caused…it’s tentacles rearranged everyone’s thinking and attitudes around the world ….I really dont know how anyone can say that it was just like any other war…and I’m not even considering  anything from a spiritual view ….just a common sense thinking ….practical thinking….factual thinking….that fellow was right…it certainly was a GREAT WAR ..like never before it rocked the earth and set the foundation for the second GREAT WAR…they say in the scientific world that it actually affected everyone genetically …their trauma and PTSD was I imprinted  in their genes to be passed on to their children …it really was like no other War…perhaps the first  -PAINFUL -pang felt from that pregnant woman.

  15. 7 hours ago, Pudgy said:







    I just had a scary thought ……..,,,,,,

    What if, in the New System ……. Everybody is like Dmitar?













    ….. ( announcer with headphones intones melodiously into the radio microphone…..”Six diving boards means there is never any wait … at the Empire …. Hancock  …. Building. Free monogrammed body bags … for EASY identification, and free parking ….. with validation …. At the Empire …. Hancock …. Building.”).












    Then you would know you were just dreaming….or having a night terror 

  16. 3 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    I do this all the time. It is a Famila thing, well a Latino thing. But visiting tends to be more than just checking up on someone's health but to keep them company, even reaching out if need be. Since I am among the youngest of my family, we've been taught that we jot only respect and honor our elders but to visit and talk with them. My father has taught us this and encourage myself and my relatives to do the same because he wants the family and their inner circle to be well connected. He isn't a fan of how some Families in America operate. So regardless if someone is a brother or not, we make the effort to visit physically or over the phone even run errands if anything. In my case family and friends live in the same area very close.

    Also not sure if anyone mentioned this, it is also good to visit even younger ones too because mentally they're fragile.


    The only person tough to visit is my other uncle who lives in the middle of nowhere, like Log Cabin life. You can only reach him by phone. This guy jokes that he fights bears lol 😆 

    I have been to your country and seen first hand the very very strong family bond and decency between you all..it made me sad….and when I came home I could see our arrogance and lack of love between all ….I love the respect you all seem to give automatically to the aged…..

  17. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "We have to be absolutely sure that everything fits."




    Cannot see anything wrong with this…????…the sleaze ball who introduced it was rather sickening..he was hard to take..some of your lot left the org because of its faults….but when they try to fix things or adjust things you all complain it’s not the org you remember …so why did you leave in the first place….???

    all this post does is to reaffirm why the brothers warn us of such drivel..

  18. 1 hour ago, Peter Carroll said:

    also back to the topic ,for sane people, there was only one universe and one ranson sacrifice for all,and there is no other higher alien life forms out there ,


    sane answer ,jehovaqh god created man in his image his likeness ,not in a lesser likeness with a smarter alien in a better likeness ..the only aliens out there are those alienated from the creator ,and they can be lost in space drifting away for  ever and longer

    Yes I agree…sorry if it seemed as if I didn’t ..

  19. 2 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    You are a much better person than I.

    I just cannot see a brother talking and being like that..but I would be sad if he died alone ..or anything happened to him….that’s why I would be no good as a anointed one…I would want to save everyone…but then the world would just be the same as it is today…

    Makes me appreciate that Jesus’s does the judgment..and takes that massive load on his shoulders ( so to speak ) 

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