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    Thinking reacted to John 12.24to28 in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    (translated from Russian to English with Apple Translate)
    "Transcript of the appeal hearing of 23.05.2019 in case No. 1-37/1 charged with Christensen D. O. in committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
    [At the beginning of his address, Dennis Christensen touched upon several legal issues.]
    [...] Now, in the end, I want to express my special gratitude to those who have helped and supported me over the past 2 years of this criminal case.
    First of all, I want to thank my wife Irina, who from the very beginning did everything in her power to help and support me. She took care of me, gave me clothes, groceries, medicines and other things I needed in the pre-trial detention center. She supported me emotionally and spiritually with her visits and letters that I received from her every day.
    My dear wife, your strong faith, your great patience, your peace of mind and love for me and the truth, including your optimism, all this was a great example for me. You should know that I love you very much and that I am very proud of you!
    I also want to thank my family in Denmark, especially my elderly father and my sister. You should know that I miss you very much. I love you and appreciate everything you've done for me. During my stay in the pre-trial detention center, you supported me with your numerous letters and phone conversations. I am sure that you will never give up and will not lose hope that one day we will be able to get together again as a family.
    I also want to thank all my many friends from all over the world. You supported me with your letters, encouraging thoughts, beautiful drawings and various gifts. All this helped me understand that I'm not alone and that I have a big worldwide family.
    Dear friends, you should know that every letter, big or small, encouraged and strengthened me. Please don't lose heart if I don't have time to reply to your letter. I'll find you, thank you and hug you in the future, I promise it!
    I also want to thank the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Moscow and all its employees. You attended many court hearings and repeatedly visited me in jail. Your useful advice, guidance and encouragement mean a lot to me, and I really appreciate your support and the great help you have provided to me.
    I would also like to thank the Court of Appeal for being personally able to attend this court session. When I participated in other appeal cases via videoconferencing from the pre-trial detention center, it was difficult for me to hear everything that was said. I had to guess half of what was going on there. This is an unworthy way to protect. In addition, when using a conference call in a pre-trial detention center, you have to sit behind bars as if you were an animal in a zoo. I consider this unworthy, inhuman treatment today, in the 21st century.
    To date, I have already served in jail for almost two years, and this trial has been going on for 15 months. In order to withstand all this, not to give up and lose heart, it is imperative to have a certain inner strength. The Bible says - in the Epistle to the Philippians, chapter 4, verse 12 - that (I) "I can do everything in everything that strengthens me." In the book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 12, in verse 2 it is written: "Behold, God is my salvation: I trust in Him and I am not afraid; for the Lord is my strength, and my singing is the Lord; and He was for salvation for me."
    Throughout this period, I felt that my God Jehovah was next to me and gave me the strength to withstand all this. The power not to give up, not to lose heart, to be joyful and happy and to continue to smile. I am sincerely grateful to Him for this, and I am proud to serve Him as one of his witnesses, Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Many people asked me how this criminal case affected me. Of course, it is not easy to be in jail for such a long period of time, to be cut off from your wife and from close contact with your family and friends. I've been living a very closed life for the last two years. You could say I existed. I spent 23 hours a day in my prison cell 3 by 6 meters, and for an hour every day I went for a walk in a walking yard, also 3 by 6 meters, albeit in the open air. During this time, I met different people with whom I had a lot of interesting conversations. And I noticed that many of them are trying to achieve a decent, honest investigation and trial. Most people feel that the system does not hear them, and I have also experienced this feeling for the past two years. I tried to support and encourage them as much as I could, because I am sure that Jesus Christ would do the same.
    I made a lot of new friends, some of them attended part of the court sessions, and some wrote me letters. I personally know some of them, and others don't exist yet. Some have the same faith as me, others do not, but they still support me, as they cannot tolerate the injustice that is now happening here in Russia, as someone here is trying to make Jehovah's Witnesses, civilians who love their neighbor as themselves, criminals and call them extremists. It's completely illogical and funny. Many are shocked that such things happen here in Russia, in the 21st century.
    Someone asks me how this criminal case affected my faith. Thanks to this criminal case, my faith has only become stronger, and I experienced what is written in the Bible, in the Epistle of James, chapter one, in verses 2 to 4: "Take with great joy, my brethren, when you fall into various temptations, knowing that the test of your faith produces patience; patience must have a perfect effect
    I'm still far from perfect, but I've learned to be persistent and remain joyful in trials. And the most important thing I want to emphasize is that I have come even closer to my God Jehovah and received an even more ardent desire to tell others about him and his intentions, an ardent desire to continue to preach the good news about the Kingdom of God, which is the only solution to the problems of mankind. An fervent desire to share with others the good news from the Bible about peace and eternal life here in paradise on earth to help them get closer to the Creator and help develop strong faith in him and his promises.
    This speech is officially called "The Last Word in Your Defense," and maybe it will be the last words you will hear from me today. Maybe this is the last court hearing in this criminal case, and it will become a point in the two-year period of my life. But I want to assure you that these are not my last words in this case about the injustice that is happening here in Russia against peaceful and completely innocent people. I've just started, and I still have a lot of things I want to tell you publicly. I'm not going to be silent, as if I'm guilty and I have something to hide. I have a clear conscience, I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't break any law of Russia and I have nothing to be ashamed of.
    What is being committed against me and other Witnesses here in Russia is false accusations of extremism, interrogations, detention, searches, confiscation, detection, threats, and now (and) torture. It should be a shame for that. This is, of course, a shame. The truth always becomes clear, and justice will sooner or later prevail. The Bible, in the Epistle to Galatians, chapter 6, 7, says: "Do not be deceived: God is not scolded. What a person sow will reap."
    The court of first instance appointed me 6 years in prison, but for what? No way. There is no evidence that I did something wrong. On the contrary, there is a lot of evidence that I enjoyed the rights granted to me under Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. I observe the law of the Russian state and I am an honest person. I am a Christian, a believer, a Jehovah's Witness, and I love the Russian people. What am I punished for? Why should I stay in prison for 6 years? No way. It's unfair.
    I sincerely hope that the Court of Appeal today will defend the law and make sure that justice prevails. That it is he who will stop the persecution of faith that is happening now in Russia. I really hope that this Court of Appeal will send a signal to the whole world that there is freedom of religion for all people here in Russia.
    In the near future, the following words will be fulfilled: "And he, God, will judge many nations, and they will forge their swords on ploughshares and their spears into sickles; the people will not lift up the sword against the people, nor will they no longer learn to fight. But everyone will sit under his own vine and under his fig tree, and no one will frighten them." Words of Micah, chapter 4, verse 3 and 4.
    God always judges fairly, and under his rule there will be no more disagreements, violence and wars. On the contrary, there will be peace, and there will be no worries. In other words, there will be true happiness for all mankind.
    Your honor, by your decision today you can take a big step in this direction, towards justice and peace. A big step towards a world without anxiety, sadness and injustice. And I hope you do that. Thank you in advance!"

  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    First of all. Thanks for the sentiments in the previous post. I don't plan to focus much on things said here anymore, so you're right that it isn't really going to matter much whether those details about 2016 are explained to me or not. 
    I've read what the editors of "DTIB" have said about genealogy and it's easy to understand. I also understand what it says about "generations" in those pages you referenced and in other parts of this same "Bible Dictionary." Also, I know that if someone did a search on the term "overlapping generations" among all the Bible commentaries and Bible dictionaries, the term almost never comes up at all except in this particular one: "Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible" (DTIB). And it only happens on page 244, the first page you quoted. Yes, it's "cool" and "unique" that someone can find a person with academic credentials who used the term "overlapping generations" but its very use here undermines the Watchtower teaching instead of helping to support it.
    The problem, of course, is that the editor you recommended here (pp. 244-246), doesn't really believe the Bible's genealogies are trustworthy and accurate as actual genealogies. He prefers to see many of them as unhistorical. But that's typical of modern critical commentaries. However, he quotes Rendsburg who actually does argue that the genealogies of the Pentateuch are reliable and historical. And in that paragraph, he uses the phrase: "overlapping generations." He says that:
    Rendsburg "has based his conclusions in part on the observable pattern of overlapping generations so that people of the same age need not be of the same generation."
    But it's quite easy to see that this goes completely against what the Watchtower publications have tried to say about generations. In fact, it directly opposes what the Watchtower publications say.
    The Watchtower publications NEVER use the expression "overlapping generations" with respect to the generation teaching, because our current teaching is the opposite. Our teaching is that even persons of widely different ages NEED to be part of the SAME GENERATION because Jesus said that "THIS GENERATION" (not "these generations") would not pass away. Our current teaching is that almost all of the people in the first part of the generation do not need to have their lives overlap with most of the people in the second part of that same generation. In fact, our current teaching is supposed to work out even if only ONE person among the thousands in that first part has a lifespan that overlaps with at least ONE person in the second part of that SAME generation. The infamous Splane chart even mentions the possibility that this ONE person might be, using a known example: Brother Frederick W. Franz. If FWF was indeed the last living person from the first group, then his lifespan, in the end, would only need to have overlapped with ONE remaining person from the second part of that same generation by the time the end of this system arrives. Our definition of the current teaching could allow for this even if that overlap had happened for only a few seconds and the overlapping person in the second group had never met or even known about FWF while FWF was alive. And then, by definition, this ONE GENERATION Jesus spoke of can only go on for as long as at least that ONE person from the second group, is still alive.
    That might sound complex and I'm using an extreme example. But it's an example that fits the current teaching.
    I'm personally not too concerned with whether this teaching is going to hold true, time-wise. It very well might. If it does, I don't think it's necessary that it was because the teaching was right. It could just be a coincidence if the end of this system comes tomorrow.
    One reason I'm not too concerned is just based on the very nature of speculative teachings. If the teaching is now correct, then this means that it is the "truth." Yet, if someone believed and promoted this "truth" back in 2004, for example, then it would have been an apostate teaching at that time. Speculative teachings are always this way: they could be an apostate teaching, then a true teaching, then they might become an apostate teaching again in the near future.
    I'm not saying the Watchtower is wrong. But I'm not personally concerned with our more speculative teachings. And this one is the kind that creates a range of dates, which, to my conscience, goes against what Jesus and Paul said about not needing anything to be written to us about the times and seasons. These things are in the Father's jurisdiction, not ours.
    We should be more concerned with what type of person we ought to be knowing that the end could come at any time.
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in The state subsidy is denied to WTJWorg in Norway   
    I probably haven't kept up enough with things being said recently, so I don't really know what you're asking about.
    A few months ago, I always tried to read almost everything that everyone would write on this forum. I did this for a few years here but decided it was a bit excessive even though this forum is relatively small. I have read only a very small percentage of posts for about two months now. So I don't really know what you are talking about when you ask if I and BroRando did the numbers. I don't know anything about the significance of 2016 or the "Alpha Generation." I've read that the Alpha generation refers to people born after the year 2000, who are therefore currently about 23 years old or less. I don't recall reading anything from BroRando about 2016 or the Alpha Generation.
    I am hopeful that the end of this wicked system comes soon, but I have never believed in trying to tie the future fulfillment of prophecies to specific dates. I'd go so far as to say it's unchristian to get overly involved in such speculation about the times and seasons. But I do understand the desire to peer into such things and always want to learn more about the fulfillment of prophecy. I'm intrigued about whatever you mean about me "doing the numbers" "2016" "Alpha Generation" and whatever you meant by my "reference." I'm sure I didn't refer to any of those things, so I wondered what you meant by that. 
  4. Sad
    Thinking reacted to Rijk in New Documentary The Great Awakening   
    Documentary is a bit long 🙂 The road to WWIII seems a lot shorter.
    Quote: "Just as US State Department policymaker Victoria Nuland broadcast the US destruction of Nord Stream pipelines days in advance, Nuland apparently announced in a video conference with Kiev government officials that’s since been removed, her intent to ignite World War III on July 11th, 2023. Nuland boldly declared that World War III would be ignited on July 11th, the day that a NATO summit in Lithuania will convene".
    SOURCE: https://jameshfetzer.org/2023/06/jo...ds-are-now-leading-to-imminent-world-war-iii/
  5. Like
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    It is true, but that is the extent of my rebellion - right here on the World Forum - home of wayward Witnesses and a few good blokes. I wouldn't try to spin an entire thread out of it.
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    You have misunderstood my comment and it is my fault for not being more clear. 
    If it was up to me, we would drop our emphasis on always being so immaculate in appearance. Just last week a householder gave me what he thought was a helpful tip that if we didn't dress to the nines routinely, our message would better resonate with the average Joe. 
    When in the ministry, I dress as casually as I can without triggering alarms, for a full suit with shined shoes fails to do it with the average householder, IMO.. Having dressed down just a bit, I am content,. On a few beastly hot evenings last year,  I dispensed with a tie altogether in the ministry. 'Let them come out themselves and stop me,' I told myself.
    I admit the overall picture is not going my way - it is just one of those things to adjust to and keep in perspective  - because I see fully attired brothers on the website trekking through the wilds where anyone else would don safari gear. This is only minor grousing - don't take it as anything more. I realize that it is a matter of showing respect and that you'd don't go slumming with the Lord. We just overdo it sometimes. To the extent formal dress is almost exclusively the realm of the political, legal and business worlds, I even think it feeds the perception of JWs being "corporate." @adminhimself would agree. 
    I'd be happy if there was no correlation at all between photos of dress and lessons about Christian conduct.
  7. Upvote
  8. Haha
    Thinking reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    I look in the mirror and forget what I look like, just like the Scripture says ...
    That's why I use a picture of Yassar Arafat to shave by.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Nothing is perfect in this system, so one cannot assume that everything will be perfect in the congregation either.  This is why Jesus said we must forgive and be prepared to be hurt sometimes.... and still forgive.  To give for the sake of giving and expect nothing in return. To give cooperation as far as possible is important because anyone can (at times) abuse their power. 
    A child who is difficult at home has power over the entire family and can make life hard.  Similar to a wife who does not cooperate with her husband is abusing the power she has over him. We can go beyond our power in the congregation too and overstep subtle lines we are not supposed to - especially if one  feels entitled for some reason or other.
    In a group situation difficult behavior is a bit harder to maintain without censure all around because one will find that people will avoid you, especially if one is subtly critical or offensive. Even though we are supposed to forgive and forget one will find that in practice it is hard for people to deliberately walk into "trouble" if they know that they will not be able to respond to overbearing or critical remarks. Many people are not equipped for this dynamic. 
    I can usually deal with this and I like to sound my new ideas off others but there are days when I will avoid someone who is always a sour ass.  There was one woman in my previous group whom had been a diabetic for many years and she was known to everyone to be rude.  We put up with her..... but it was by sheer kindness and a determination to be so.  My heart used to sink when she was assigned to work with me. Most of my encounters with her were not pleasant to say the least and I was so glad when it was over and I had left her presence on a pleasant footing.  Every encounter was a painful time to not say anything she could take up in the wrong way.  She was a kind of a tyrant. So, yea, these are the realities we deal with. I also knew that her disease together with a spoilt/privileged upbringing was the reason for this. She was an unhappy individual and this helped me to feel pity for her at times.
    I have met some of the governing body and they are just people - very busy and not pandering to popular appeal - which I think is good!  However, I do not agree with you that they are lovers of power.  I agree with you that one may find an individual in a congregation who may love rules because one can enforce rules and get a sense of power from it. But this is a weakness - not a strength! This type of person will take a guideline and make a rule out of it...... to feel righteous by keeping the rule.  If you fall victim to this - bear with it until Jehovah sorts it out.   I have often seen this type of problem sorted out but it needs trust in Jehovah and not a personal rebellion or intervention.  This is a recipe for disaster to yourself if you do not have patience. 
    So one can seal your own lot as a negative person if one does not work hard to put on the "new personality."   To put on the new personality does not mean that we may not think and have a sharp brain regarding philosophy, or other forms of knowledge. It means that we will have wisdom as to when we use this information and how we use it and when and how we express it.
    I love to speak to atheists and use most of the knowledge I have accumulated to use in the field. Or I bounce it off those brothers/sisters who can deal with my type of information without a critical view.  Some kinds of people just cannot handle some kinds of information!  They will judge you - so learn to distinguish who to speak to about things.  I have also learnt the skill to present new information in a palatable way - which helps in my work in the field.
    By the way - I am not saying here - be like me.  I am just saying we all learn all the time and some of us do not have the most conformist of personalities.  So we have to learn to be adaptable.  You have a critical personality.  I can see from your comments.  Although you like to present yourself as rational - there are times when I think you are out of whack! or downright  severed from reality.  
    But if you want to come closer to Jehovah - you have to apply yourself to put on the new personality - as we learn over this weekend in the Watchtower study.  I know it is hard to navigate this world and some of us have non-conformist type of personalities....... but one has to pummel your body to do so.  Those who do not stumble by correction will receive the crown of life.  
    By the way - I have a family member who is dis-fellowshipped and has made no effort to come back.   I send him money because he has run into problems.  But I restrict communication with him because it is requested by John (under direction of Holy Spirit) to do so. "Do not greet or eat with anyone who brings these false teachings. "   Hence - it is a matter of being obedient to God or to be your own God to decide what to do.   It is only rebellious people or unrepentant ones who are dis-fellowshipped.  The problem is not with Jehovah's instruction - the problem is with them!   If he shows humility and comes back and shows a spirit to try to improve  - then he will be a good association again. Most who do not come back have a problem with pride! or are self-willed. 
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't the Society translate and provide the Russian Court Transcripts for us?   
    Thank you for that fine and accurate analysis of the reporting and theocratic and secular responses, now and over the years..
    I agree with each and every word, except the last sentence, which subject  I have covered elsewhere using the example of the man who stole a truck during last weeks Las Vegas massacre, who, if he had been one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he would be convicted in ecclesiastical court as an unrepentant sinner, because he could never repent from having stolen that truck ... to take wounded and dying to the hospital, and his "extenuating circumstances" would not be considered. 
    I have seen this sort of reasoning used in actual practice .... where policy overcomes rational justice.
    Like the young girl who, walking along a beach covered with stranded starfish,  threw a starfish back into the ocean ... in the grand scheme of things it matters little, but it does matter to that particular starfish.
    To elaborate about Justice .... we both know that real Justice you only get from Jehovah God ... all else is just local due process which sometimes, perhaps even most of the time, approximates Justice.
    The reason we have a trained conscience is to individually make those decisions.  Otherwise we do not need one at all ... institutional policy controls everything. 
    I am sure you have read more than enough of my rants about that.
    I agree with "Pastor Russell" that INSTITUTIONALLY, this is the wrong thing to do, as in actual practice it leads to witch hunts, punishment by personality, and destruction of family and extended family ties to punish one person. 
    This is not Justice, this is cruel, unusual, and "theocratically" illegal ... and it has a great chilling effect, and turns families against each other unnecessarily. Adopting the methods of the old Soviet Union is not conducive to Justice, or reason, or mercy.
    And... because we are dealing with humans from every background and walk of life, and education, experiences, and biases both at the "management" level, and the "employee" level, ( GB to average publisher level), as in EVERY political, social and religious organization that has ever existed, the power base tends to do whatever is necessary to insure it stays in power.
    One particular problem I see is that there is no one on Earth to fire the Governing Body when THEY  do whatever is necessary to insure they stay in power, including they themselves being governed by the need to keep the money rolling in through illegal "theocratic" intimidation, making the usual mistakes, but destroying whole families as they go.
    From my observations, the "Emperor has no clothes", while the city insists he is finely dressed, and have convinced themselves of that. 
    I am convinced otherwise.
    I agree with shunning on an individual basis for unrepentant sinners without mitigating and  extenuating (and unusual) circumstances.
    I do NOT agree with institutionally destroying their whole families.
    That is why these discussions, like between you and I, as rational humans, are essential.
    I only shoot the "Green Dragons" in the head if they chew on me or the Brotherhood, first.

  11. Like
  12. Haha
    Thinking reacted to Srecko Sostar in Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's   
    How do you show respect to a person who left the Church or was excluded from it?
    Is it so that you don't greet her on the street?
    Who is the God you worship?
    Jesus spoke not only to tax collectors and adulterers but also to religious opponents.
    Everyone who talks to me and others like me on this forum is violating religious rules and beliefs if they are JW members. They should also be excommunicated...immediately ..... hahaha
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in The heavenly resurrection begins after the fall of Babylon the Great   
    Yeah … I once chased a CocaCola Swat Team/Lawyer Van through Toontown, and the back doors opened and they threw out a sacrificial Lawyer.
    The only option was to shoot an extremely adorable cute dog, which would be bad publicity.

  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in You’re Invited to a Sacred Event!   
    You’re Invited to a Sacred Event!
    The Memorial of Christ is not the Last Supper that the world continues to celebrate. The Last Supper is the Last Passover Meal that was first established in Egypt. The Jewish Day began at Sunset. Since the Sun sets at various times, the Passover Supper would begin and be consumed as the Sun was beginning to sink into the Horizon while there is still Sunlight. The meal needed to be eaten in hast in its entirety during twilight or between the two evenings of the sun setting. (Exodus 12:6) The Last Passover Meal was Nisan 14th, 33 CE with the fulfillment of the Mosaic Law.
    Today as Christians, we invite others to simply observe the Memorial of Jesus Christ that was instituted moments later after the Last Supper was concluded and brought to its end. As the Last Supper was concluding, Jesus was reclining at the table with all 12 disciples.  While they were eating, he said: “Truly I say to you, one of you will betray me.” (Matthew 26:20-21) Therefore, the event that concluded the Last Passover Meal was the dismissal of an unfaithful apostle. Jesus answered: “It is the one to whom I will give the piece of bread that I dip.” So after dipping the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.  After Judas took the piece of bread, then Satan entered into him. So Jesus said to him: “What you are doing, do it more quickly.” (John 13:26-28) “So after he received the piece of bread, he went out immediately. And it was night.” (John 13:30)
    After dismissing the betrayer from the midst of the Faithful Disciples, Jesus instituted a new teaching for His Faithful Followers. Notice, the whole world wasn’t invited, but those who proved to be faithful and trustworthy up to this point. Since the founding of the Christian Congregation on Pentecost 33 CE, Christians have been commemorating the death of Jesus Christ every Nisan 14th. With one simple command, his faithful sheep “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) Share this Post on your social media and Save a Life.
    Please join us for the annual observance of the death of Jesus Christ. This year it will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. More information @ JW.org
    Don’t give up, You have a reason to keep on living…
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Emma Rose in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Our little brothers and sisters in Ghana singing for the children in Hamburg.
    VID-20230318-WA0000 lil bros and sis singing one of our songs.mp4
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Shooting at Jehovah's Witness hall in Hamburg, Germany; several killed and wounded   
    Tragic. Germany though has been hit with a lot of issue similar to this in recent years, both by jihadists and far-right extremists. Other than that, best believe your opposition will spin the narrative as they did with other shooting situations, while at the same time, rational people are getting fed up with them, and attacking back claims.
    That being said, the shooter in question was a former JW (wasn't a JW for 18 months and had left the faith community), some of his publications, noted by sources, were found online, such as The Truth About God, Jesus Christ And Satan. A New Reflected View Of Epochal Dimensions, these books were also mentioned by your opposition, even by some of Pearl's people, granted they use anything and everything to counter whatever publications you have.
    Not only this situation effects the Jehovah's Witnesses faith community, but it also effects anyone who use firearms responsibly, as well as those who believe an unborn child to be a living soul, since we already know how some groups few a child in the womb. Africans and Ukrainians will also be angry too, hence the victims.
    As with the other situations, similar to a degree, I wouldn't be surprise if influence was involved, granted, most cases like this seem to stem form that, no matter how anyone tries to deny it, ironic too because I mention this many times before.
    Like I said, times will be more tough and serious, therefore, it would be suggested to make some applications because nowadays, there are, and will be people out to get you, even being pushed by others to do so.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Just read a good portion of B W Schulz new book. "Separate Identity" Volume 2.   
    Thanks  I have been able to get hold of them...big read ahead I suppose 
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    The truth about Armageddon is that there is a parellal account that we can learn from.  We read, "They did not see his signs and his deeds that he did in Egypt to Pharʹaoh king of Egypt and to all his land; or what he did to the armies of Egypt, to Pharʹaoh’s horses and war chariots, which were overwhelmed by the waters of the Red Sea when they were chasing after you, and Jehovah destroyed them once and for all." (Deuteronomy 11:3-4)
    The generation after Pharaoh did not witness Jehovah's signs and deeds but Pharaoh and his armies did. Remember the ten plagues?  Even before the ten plagues began Pharaoh was personally witnessed too by Moses and Aaron.
    Pharaoh and his armies can be compared to Gog of Magog.  Just as Pharaoh and his army were destroyed, soon, Gog of Magog to be destoyed as the Great Crowd makes its way into the land of milk and honey. While Gog of Magog grows jealous of the health and prosperity of Jehovah's Witnesses. It will prove to be too much for them. And they will be motivated to plunder. “Are you invading to get much spoil and plunder? Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold, to take wealth and property, to seize a very great spoil?”’ (Exekiel 38:13)
     “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan.  You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.”   It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth.  “‘Sheʹban and Deʹdan,o the merchants of Tarʹshishp and all its warriors will say to you: “Are you invading to get much spoil and plunder? Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold, to take wealth and property, to seize a very great spoil?”’ (Exekiel 38:10-13)
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    I guess you would like me to delete the scriptures about the beast with the seven heads which is about world empires and human governments that ruled over Jehovah's people....
    I guess you would like me to scratch out the "image of the beast" from my bible so I live in darkness about what they are up to.   NO- in my opinion it was given to us as a sign where we are in the stream of time. 
    I guess I must ignore the scriptures at Revelation 16:13 - 16 which indicates that unclean "expressions" come out of the mouth of the false prophet and the world-wide beasly political system and leads all kings to Armageddon - propaganda.
    I can go on and on.  What is the main themes of the bible,
    1. ransom sacrifice provided by Jesus
    2. Adam and eve chose independent rule from god  and make their own governments (politics) and also chose their own morality of good and bad.  Can humans rule the earth successfully without god  and godly morality?  The final battle between human governments 666 is on its way with Jehovah and his king in the final battle. ..... heavenly rulership or earthly rulership.  Where do we put our allegiance? 
    Many of the visions seen by Daniel is about rulerships and the timeline of earthly rulerships - until the 7th head (Anglo-American).  I cannot imagine Daniel ignoring the fact that Babylon was ruling over the nation of Israel. He even discerned when they would return. The 3 men refused to worship their God and bow down to it.  Today we know who is ruling and who is expected to be the 8th king for one hour.......and what they are doing but are you informed enough to know to what you are going to be showing homage to?  Many churches have already accepted the new "morality" given them by the political rulers - are you?
  20. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    Depends on whether the person understands the full impact of AI - which most people do not. 
    It is the dream of the world leaders (those running the world right now) to have all humans gradually turned into hybrids which can carry digital information and become part of the " Internet of Bodies". There is much more to this that meets the eye.
    Read under transhumanism, body hacking etc.
    Isn't this situation the same as before the flood?  When angels came down and mixed foreign DNA with human DNA and Jehovah had to step in and bring the flood? Did you know that the Nephilim hybrid offspring would not have been able to spawn children because there is a natural barrier created by Jehovah when different kinds mix?
    Jehovah removed all foreign DNA from earth during the flood.  There are now new groups on internet that are worshipping these hybrids that existed long ago. It has different names but I will not go into that.
    Did you know that hybrid babies that survive these new synthetic DNA technologies will not be able to reproduce. It seems that Satan wants to destroy Jehovah's plans for the earth once again.  But we are sure that Jehovah is going to step in at the right time. And it is getting closer with each new step these hubris science leaders are taking.
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Are you experiencing great tribulation?   
    The answer is in Hebrews 5:5 to which angel.
    So, too, the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by the One who said to him: “You are my son; today I have become your father.”
    I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Exodus 23:20
    Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name is in him. Exodus 23:21
    Who was that angel?  
    Now I want you to know, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all got baptized into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they used to drink from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock meant the Christ. Other translations read:
    Aramaic Bible in Plain English
    And they all drank of the one drink of The Spirit, for they were drinking from The Rock of The Spirit, which was with them, but that Rock was The Messiah.

    Good News Translation
    and drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the spiritual rock that went with them; and that rock was Christ himself.

    International Standard Version
    and drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that went with them. That rock was the Messiah.

    Literal Standard Version
    and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking of a spiritual rock following them, and the rock was the Christ;

    Majority Standard Bible
    and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.

    New American Bible
    and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was the Christ.

    NET Bible
    and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they were all drinking from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.

    New Revised Standard Version
    and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.

    New Heart English Bible
    and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.

    Webster's Bible Translation
    And all drank the same spiritual drink: (for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.)
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in DID ANYONE SEE THE A&E SPECIAL "AFTERMATH: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES" ON CABLE TV ?   
    Apparently, from your thread, Jack Ryan, almost a million people saw the show. ... and there will be MORE about Jehovah's Witnesses.
    I clicked on "21 replies", in your above post, to review it.  I had forgotten much.
    The Governing Body was invited to be on the show ... but declined.  ( !!!!!!! )
    Instead, the program showed their published opinions  in recordings and videos, verbatim.
    It was QUITE fair. The Society was quoted and shown with precision accuracy .....sigh.
    This is where understanding the Law of Unintended Consequences is so very vital.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Are you experiencing great tribulation?   
    Are you experiencing great tribulation?
    Have you ever experienced a tribulation that was so great and horrendous, that you thought you were just going to die? Well, you're not the only one. The whole world is going through some sort of tribulation in one way or another, and I am sure that you can attest to that. There is good news, this time period doesn't last forever, it does and will come to an end.
    Charles Taze Russell was a youth searching for the truth for a better life. He literally was walking by a building and heard singing in the basement which attracted his attention. He soon found out in his teenage years that the teachings of his religion was very different what the Bible teaches. Through Bible Study, he continued his studies undaunted to search for the answers to his questions. He became a student of prophesy and shared his findings with those who would listen. His forte' was learning about the End of the Gentile times would come about and looked forward to the rule of God's Kingdom.
    Brother Russell wrote: "'The Earth Abideth Forever' Christ will not return to Earth as a Man - Present Year Believed to Mark Great Change of Dispensation, but World May not discern Immediate Difference." The Bible Students Monthly, January, 1914.
    Since Christ will not return to Earth as a Man, Brother Russell wrote: "Our Lord, in describing His Second Presence, clearly indicated that it would be unnoticed by the world until the cataclysm of trouble should come. Thus He likened the earlier days of His presence to that period before the Flood, when the world, unconscious of the impending catastrophe, continued to build, eat and drink as usual, and knew not. So, says the Master, it will be in the end of this Age. Eating, drinking, building, planting and marrying will proceed as usual; and the world will not know that they are in the PRESENCE of the Son of Man."
    According to Bible Prophecy, 1914 marked great change of dispensation. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary - Dispensation means a general state or ordering of things specifically : a system of revealed (see REVEAL entry 1 sense 1) commands and promises regulating human affairs.
    to make known through divine inspiration to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known reveal a secret to open up to view : DISPLAY the uncurtained window revealed a cluttered room He continues, "The Bible nowhere tells that Jesus took the human nature to keep it forever, and to return with it to Heaven, where it would be completely out of order and out of place. The Bible teaches, on the contrary, that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God" (1 Cor 15:50); and that Jesus was made flesh merely 'that He, by the grace of God, should taste death for every man' (Heb 2:9) and that after doing this work He would "ascend up where He was before." (John 6:62) The great Day of Trouble, noted throughout the Scriptures as the Time of Trouble such as never was since there was a nation, will come upon them suddenly."
    Brother Russell also mentions that this time of trouble could last a certain amount of time as in the time of Noah. Then he mentions, "Then, later on, will come the Epiphania; that is to say, the revelation, or manifestation, of the present One. This will not be a manifestation in the flesh, but in a great Time of Trouble, symbolically represented as fire, as when we read, "He shall be revealed in flaming fire, taking vengeance." -- 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10. (Matthew 24:21)
    Look at the picture above and read the scripture of (Matthew 24:21) that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ warned us about. This time period began in 1914 but remember, these days we are experiencing now, do not last forever, "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:22) Look with your mind's eye of reasoning what you are experiencing. You're not alone!
    The Bible tells us, "Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; He saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Pslams 34:18) Also, we have a helper in His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ whom states, "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you." (Mat 11:28)
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255
  24. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Unfortunately, that's how he deals with facts. He makes up things as he goes along, and when he is caught, he lashes out. There can be only one winner, that would be him. Then he starts to insult and fight, just to get rid of people that challenge his kind of facts. None facts.
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    When in a religious debate demanding specific scriptures to support specific ideas becomes “hateful”, the phrase “… do not go beyond the things that are written ..” becomes noise.
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