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  1. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    He's always been that way. You just don't know him very well. The more he is wrong, the more aggressive he gets. Some others do the same, and then posters disappear because of them.
  2. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    What is wrong with you tonight, Pudgy? So hateful! Get a grip 🙏
  3. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Then why argue about it. Why bring it up in the affirm if you are not willing to listen to scripture.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    For me, it’s an exercise in “…. Not going beyond the things that are written …”
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I really don't see the point of discussing whether suicide is a sin or not. 
  6. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Perhaps in some cases. Mentally illness or not. God will make that distinction. What we can't say, What will God do when judging a person. You and @Pudgy are animate to affirm, suicide is not a sin, when scripture says otherwise.
  7. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Most living creatures, including humans will do anything to stay alive. That is how Jehovah made us. No human in their right mind wants to kill themselves. That's a fact. Satan recognized this and tried to use this fact against Jehovah: But Satan answered Jehovah: “Skin for skin. A man will give everything that he has for his life" Job 2:4 
    So when a person goes against his instinct and ends their own life, you know this is not normal. 
    Dying a sacrificial death for the greater good is not suicide though. We are told we should be willing to lay down our life for our brother. . If I take a bullet by deliberatelly jumping between the shooter and my son, and I die, I did not commit suicide. I was trying to save my son. Jesus was saving mankind, Samson was saving the Israelites. 
    Suicide is an act by one's own hand, usually not for anyone's benefit, it is not usually a heroic act. Some in fact say it's a selfish act. I would be afraid to judge it quite that way because honestly, the mental state can be so harrowing that the person probably just wants peace. He sees no other way out. There must be all kinds of reasons for taking ones life and we should be ashamed to dare to judge that person. It is entirely Jehovah's business. He knows the person inside out, he knows their heart. He knows there is something horribly wrong with a person's mental state if they go against their God given instinct of self preservation....apparently for nothing.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Hmmmmm….. Perhaps he will expound on that.
  9. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    When it comes to the killing of another, justified or not by man's law, it doesn't guarantee God will NOT judge that individual that took that life. Life, regardless, is not ours to take. What did Jesus tell Peter in John 18:11?
    If a brother at a kingdom Hall happened to be carrying a gun when a gunman came in and opened fire on the members, that brother shoots the suspect. Depending on each State's or Countries laws, he might be acquitted of all wrong doing, by man's law. God's law is different. He will be judged for taking that life regardless. God will look at the purity of the circumstance. Could something else been done to prevent further shooting, like those church members did in California? To God, it is a long way before it becomes justifiable. Humans are dealing with a creator, not another human being.
    Therefore, the logic in this is, don't think like an imperfect human being.
    Now, posters question suicide. There are at least two people here that don't understand scripture, in spite of their long-standing at their church. These two individuals need to understand:
    (1 Corinthians 6:15-20) . . .members of the Christ away and join them to a prostitute? By no means! 16 Do you not know that anyone who is joined to a prostitute is one body with her? For “the two,” says he, “will be one flesh.” 17 But whoever is joined to the Lord is one with him in spirit. 18 Flee from sexual immorality! Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body. 19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves, 20 for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in your body.
    Human beings don't have a RIGHT to do what they wish with their bodies. Taking their life, harms the body in God's eyes. So, YES!!!! The Bible does say something about suicide without using the WORD suicide.
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
  11. Sad
    Thinking reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    He shot himself.
  12. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Amidstheroses in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Since the hairs on our head are numbered, he is infinitesimally aware of our aches and pains…
    The Bible repeatedly prohibits murder and defiling of one’s body. As our loving life-giver, He has offered to support us through ANYTHING 💖
    “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power”  🙏 Philippians 4:13
    He would be very hurt if we trashed our gift of life…💔
    As would be the brotherhood and our friends to a lesser degree 💔
    Our fleshly family 💔
  13. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    My understanding of Jehovah is that he is very understanding of our circumstances and hardships, an that is why He nowhere in the Bible prohibits or speaks against  suicide.
    Those who believe otherwise are just playing with a lot of words that apply to other things, but not this.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    It used to be even more common in the Truth  and in the general population in the 60’s before it became universal to put up guardrails before the approaches to bridge underpasses to deflect vehicles from the concrete supports.
    I suspect loneliness and unrequited love kills at least as many people each year as Covid does now, especially among men and boys.
    I feel sad for his family, but at least he is not in anguish, anymore.
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    I find it amazing someone can choke on false premises  as much as you do, and not strangle themselves.
  16. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    The last post indicates, EVERYONE in this world has a get out of jail free card. Meaning, they will be forgiven and brought back in resurrection because they simply committed suicide. No consequence. Reminds me of the Catholic Church.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    When someone commits suicide, it's because they are not of sound mind, if perhaps only for that moment. Jehovah is not going to punish them for that. 
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    OK …… Once again I challenge you to point out the Scriptures where God forbids a person from killing one’ own self, specifically, and to THAT specific point. 

    Since we do have at least two specific examples, perhaps an exposition of SPECIFIC SCRIPTURES using the examples of 1.) Judge Sampson, and 2.) King Saul, both who committed Suicide …. Er …. Killed themselves. 

    You could list them as:
    1.) Judge Sampson = ___________________________
    2.) King Saul = ___________________________
    Or, you could continue to try and hypnotize with many words, which more often than not, unfortunately, does work.
  19. Downvote
    Thinking reacted to Allen Smith in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Then, you need to certainly understand scripture, especially what Paul meant.
    (Acts 16:25-31) 25 But about the middle of the night, Paul and Silas were praying and praising God with song, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the jail were shaken. Moreover, all the doors were instantly opened, and everyone’s bonds came loose. 27 When the jailer woke up and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, assuming that the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Paul called out with a loud voice: “Do not hurt yourself, for we are all here!” 29 So he asked for lights and rushed in, and seized with trembling, he fell down before Paul and Silas. 30 He brought them outside and said: “Sirs, what must I do to get saved?” 31 They said: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will get saved, you and your household.. . .
    You do remember Apostle Paul, don't you, James?
    So, in Exodus 20:13, you must not murder, killing yourself (Suicide) is for all intent purposes murder.
    Sin is a faring reaching condition. 
    (James 4:1-3) 4 What is the source of the wars and fights among you? Do they not originate from your fleshly desires that carry on a conflict within you? 2 You desire, and yet you do not have. You go on murdering and coveting, and yet you are not able to obtain. You go on fighting and waging war. You do not have because of your not asking. 3 When you do ask, you do not receive because you are asking for a wrong purpose, so that you may spend it on your fleshly desire. . .
  20. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    Did Elon Musk buy this platform?
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    The is no record in the Bible that there is any punishment whatsoever for suicide, and many people go on “Suicide Missions” , knowing for a certainty that they are going to die, in duty to some perceived concept of the “greater good”.
    Often we as bystanders view this a an honorable thing of courage and a sound mind, as well as a lamentable tragedy.
    Jesus, of course, was the perfect example.
  22. Sad
    Thinking reacted to xero in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    FYI - In my congregation we had two suicides, and our sister congregation had a couple who drove off to Florida and gassed themselves. One of the suicides was a fellow young elder and that was really hard and I didn't see it coming. The other one was a young man who took some sleeping pills and drowned himself. The couple I didn't know other than in passing and I got a mental vibe off them like there was something wrong with them before it happened. The young man who took some sleeping pills was a missed opportunity. I felt bad about him because he kept "making up" stuff to confess to and I tried to explain to him that the things he was doing weren't great, but didn't rise to the level of judicial intervention. At the time I was just really exhausted. I was working full time, pioneering, handling the school and I was just used up. I didn't have the band width to deal w/needy. Maybe I should have made room, but he had another brother who was doing OK and his parents and it's not like I was the only elder available. He wasn't even in my book study.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in TOP STORY TODAY:  DETAILS TO FOLLOW …..   
    It is my considered opinion that people have the right before God to commit suicide. There are many examples in the Bible of those who did commit suicide without any disparagement at all.
    Sometimes it’s necessary, other times it’s a really really stupid idea, But that’s another story.
    Sometimes it’s an idea and action born of loneliness, desperation or necessity, as in the case of the Judge Sampson.
    I often lament that when “my time comes“, there will be no one to show me the same kindness as I showed my dog Cubby, when she was dying of cancer.
  24. Like
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in 2034 and its significance...   
    I never said that the world has not changed, or anything remotely close to that.
    My statements stand as written. 
    Everone who has ever predicted dates for the “end times” has been wrong. All the complex calculations have been a fantasy induced fraud.
    Look out the window.
    No Great Tribulation, Armageddon, or New System is evident.
    Have patience. 

  25. Haha
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in 2034 and its significance...   
    @pudgy : If the world is the same and has not changed - you have your pink glasses on or 

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