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    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I have preached this many times when I have reached this teaching  stage of  discussion regarding Jehovahs purpose and justice.... because it shows the LOGIC of Jehovah (every aspect of his actions have been well planned. ........Having the foresight to plan to test all "perfect" humans like he did Adam.   Him having the foresight to rule humankind in complete justice and remove those with an incomplete heart.   At the end of thousand years jehovah will test each perfect person, just like he did Adam....... as a perfect human being they will have the wonderful  opportunity to prove their faithfulness.
    The bible itself shows that jehovah will release the demons again and an indeterminable number of people (like sand of the sea), will rebel ( like Adam did)......or in greater numbers and with similar intent  as Gog and Magog  -  to disrupt Godly rulership.... but Jehovah has proven that humans cannot rule the earth successfully - so they will go straight to second death.... by their own "perfect" choice. 
    I see your point too! But we cannot be covering  all "possible scholarly arguments" when talking to people about Jehovahs' purposes.  Jesus is a good example to us. He knew the pharisees were argumentative and likely to divert attention from his message when they put themselves amongst the people.  
    Consequently, he knew their bad intent, so he only answered them when the ordinary people, who were genuinely interested, could benefit from his reply to the learned pharisees. 
    I have already preached to a group of Muslims where they all keep on listening ... despite the fact that one person is saying out loud that I am a false prophet.  If they want to listen .... they will listen and go and think about it! 
    We preach to those who want to listen and to those whom jehovah is drawing to Himself.  We are not better than Jesus are we? We know that very few rich and powerful individuals listened to Jesus.  They did not need him.... they wanted to destroy him. 
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Actually the scripture in its context is speaking about God's People. This event of Gog and Magog is a rebellion of those whom are influenced by Satan as he is released from the abyss. Even though, it is Post-Millennial, the people in this rebellion come agianst God's Kingdom with the the same intense hatred for God's Name JEHOVAH, His Sovereignity, and Kingdom.
     Just like Gog and Magog will happen at a specified time allotted.. so it goes with the attack from Gog of Magog.  Just like the Last Days that begun in 1914, they last for an allotted amount of time. The same 'time limit' can apllied to Gog of Magog exsistence.
    Few, very few people gained the discernment that Gog of Magog attack has already begun and now coming to its conclusion. We read, "So the dragon became enraged at the woman and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her offspring, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness concerning Jesus." (Rev 12:17)
    Did you notice the word WAR in the scripture?  So when will Satan strike?  The attack has already begun... back in 1919.  How long will it last? "And I saw, and I heard an eagle flying in midheaven say with a loud voice: “Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling on the earth because of the rest of the trumpet blasts of the three angels who are about to blow their trumpets!” (Rev 8:13)  If each woe is a period of testing, then one can attain the timed event.  Afterall, the Manifestions of Propehcies are 'timed events'.
    * Notice how the Watchtower strings together 1919 and the very next sentence, mentions now at the end of the  thousand years. 
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    There are several other posters that also pointed to the timing when the UN would make its move.... towards a One World Government (they will have one thought) Rev 16:13-14
    They United Nations are the mouthpiece of Gog of Magog that will bring on the Great Tribulation (1 Thess 5:3)
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK   
    I would not assume that he is not. Time was when upon coming across someone like him one would say that he has his own special territory, one that others have little contact with. 
    As to income, who is to say he does not put it to very good use? The angels may sing out, “Another nickel from Harley!” at the end of the month, but it is guys like (perhaps) Benson who provide most of the practical fuel.
    On the other hand, “Have you beheld a man skillful in his work? Before kings is where he will station himself; he will not station himself before commonplace men.” Do these ones all grovel around in sackcloth? These days ordinary  publishers are given counsel not to let spiritual gifts go to their head. 
    I would not conclude just from his work that he has an inflated ego. If he does, he has plenty of company in ones who haven’t separated ego from bring their gift to the altar.
    In the mid-seventies, rumors swirled that Glen Campbell had become a Witness. The rumors were untrue. He hadn’t. However, one of his band members had and proceeded to talk Bible so much that an exasperated Glen forbade all discussion of religion during working hours. Who is to say that George is not doing the same before people who cannot tell him to shut up? He’s to quit this gig in order to write letters? Given the restricted forms of ministry available today, it’s even more understandable he would choose to continue what he does.
    There is an account of Larry Graham and Prince talking faith backstage. Suddenly there was a lull in the program, and Prince said, “Oh—I think I’m supposed to be out there now.”
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK   
    You might like the story of a young brother I knew who would respond to a certain overinterested party intent on ‘encouragement’ with the short reply, “1 Thessalonians 4:11.”
    The bro intent on encouragement said he didn’t know that verse. ‘Look it up,’ was the reply.
    The next day that brother, who was also a modest man, approached to say, “You’re a pretty good teacher.”
    I see @Araunais not backing down. She seldom does. It’s the prerogative of we old people who have seen a lot and think we have something to say, who see young people chomping down on cotton candy, imagining it substantial, and would warn them that it’s not. And it certainly is true that those who ‘reach for the stars’ come to spiritual ruin far more often than not. So I will tell her a story that spins things her way.
    The story was told at LeRoy’s funeral that he, as a young black man in the Deep South, was invited to play along as one of B.B. King’s band members. His son confirmed it. He declined the offer, on the basis of family and spirituality, and went on to make his living on the railroad instead. He came up from the South in his later years to my neck of the woods. For a time we served together on the same BOE. He was outspoken, even occasionally outrageous in things he would say, but always genuine, and universally appreciated. In time, he stepped down as an elder. I even helped persuade him that it would be a good thing, that he had done it all, and should go out ‘on top,’ not when his faculties were starting to decline and people would start to say bad things about him. He was true to the faith till his death and would frequently get together and jam with brothers young enough to be his grandsons. 
    I used to tell him that, should I die before him, I wanted him to give my funeral talk. Whoa, that would be a beaut! “Hee hee hee,’ I could picture him rumbling in his deep roguish and jocular voice, “that Tom Harley was a good ol boy, but he’s deead now, D-E-A-D!”
    I don’t know. Maybe George is being a bad boy. Arauna thinks the Librarian (that old hen) points to him with a ‘Look! A celebrity! And he’s one of ours!’ type of admiration. Who knows? Maybe she has. Is it really so that having celebrities onboard somehow buttresses your cause? Some of the silliest people on earth are celebrities—all of them, really, except our guys, and we only have a handful. Serena doesn’t even count, because it doesn’t appear she was ever baptized and she has gone on record saying (now that she has a daughter) she means to get serious about the faith she was raised in. We will see what comes to pass. I have a chapter in TTvtA on the brouhaha surrounding that statement..
    I agree with Arauna that George is not the one to emulate. But it seems we do damage when we become too insistent that everyone must be ‘an example.’ Leave the fellow in peace and appreciate him for whatever gifts he has. Here we put the constantly repeated ‘Do not compare yourself with one another’ counsel in a setting that we usually don’t put it in, though it applies nonetheless. Alas it is human nature that we will do exactly that.
    Growing up, I took one of those psychological tests in which you answer all sorts of nosy questions and are rewarded with indications of what vocation you would be best suited for. Being raised suburban in a non-Witness home, I imagined results would point me to some nice secure field, the sort in keeping with the saying then in vogue, “To get a good job, get a good education.” My dad, raised on the farm, used the GI bill to put himself through engineering school after WWII and took a job with the local utility, figuring that since everyone requires heat and electric, no job could be more secure. People raised during the Depression came to highly value security. 
    Instead of similar recommendations, results were that I should be an a) music performer, or (slightly lower priority, but still head and shoulders above anything else) a b) youth counselor. I’ve never done either of those things, but I have come close enough to satisfy both urges. Public speaking (and now blogging) is not so different than music performing. Shepherding (and now writing) is not so different than youth counseling. 
    So I have a thing for creative people. And I don’t like  to see them dismissed as ones ‘trying to make a name for themselves.’ or persons incessantly in quest of satisfying their ‘big egos.’ I don’t think that has to be the case at all, though it can be.
  6. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK   
    Though it has nothing to do with anything, I’m on a roll and can’t stop:
    Employees could be crude at the power company, though my dad was not one of them. “I just wasn’t prepared,” said one brother who started working there as a young man, “for one of those guys to grab me from behind and another to pull my pants down,” a common hazing for new employees.
    This brother came to know my dad, sometimes traveling to the nuclear plant where my dad had been promoted. Nuclear technology was then brand new and this is among the oldest plants in the country. He told me that tour guides would lead visitors through the plant. In on the joke, an employee would walk by staggering and drooling, muttering nonsense. “Don’t mind him,” the guide would say. “He’s one of the earliest here and absorbed a little too much radiation.” 
    Another story our brother, now retired, told was of newcomers and laborers from General Maintenance being advised that the invisible radiation hangs around at the 3 foot level, but if you stay below that, you’’d be okay. They would walk about and work all day, even carrying heavy gear, in a crouched over position.
    Here were jokesters satisfying their ‘big egos,’ though perhaps not making ‘a great name for themselves.’ Or perhaps they were. Our brother remembers these donkeys decades later.
  7. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Did you know that when you take the Y away from the HWH it means (הוה HWH) - Disaster: A wicked or disastrous event. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [df: hyh] KJV (21): calamity, wickedness, perverse, mischief - Strongs: H1942 (הַוָּה), H1943 (הֹוָה), H1962 (הַיָּה) as in Yahweh YHWH to HWH or יהוה to הוה
    Look up the links...  so now what? Your claim about Jehovah is PROOF that YHWH is synonymous.  

     13  For we are going to destroy this place, because the outcry against them has indeed grown great* before Jehovah,d so that Jehovah sent us to destroy the city.”
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    13  For we are going to destroy this place, because the outcry against them has indeed grown great* before Jehovah,d so that Jehovah sent us to destroy the city.” 14  So Lot went out and began to speak to his sons-in-law who were to marry his daughters, and he kept saying: “Get up! Get out of this place, because Jehovah will destroy the city!” But to his sons-in-law, he seemed to be joking.
    As dawn was breaking, the angels became urgent with Lot, saying: “Get up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here with you, so that you will not be swept away in the error of the city!”
    Nobody can escape Jehovah's Sovereignty, unless a way out has been made for you. (1 Cor 10:13)
  9. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    James: 1
    12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
    The destruction of any human is only righteously due (from the viewpoint of Jehovah or his Son, who will judge the sheep and goats at time of the end). Jesus has been given the right to resurrect humans - so even if Satan or his associates have in some unrighteous way put someone to death (destroyed him so that his body decays, has a destructive process in the grave), it is not everlasting destruction or spiritual destruction, when the person is resurrected by Jesus. 
    Many of those who were destroyed by Jehovah are not in Gehenna but in Sheol. Take as an example Dathan and Abiram. Moses wrote that the earth opened up and they went down "alive into sheol". Numbers 16:31 and 33. The Assyrians also went into sheol. Ezekiel 32: 21 an 22. So, not all destruction by God is necessarily eternal.
    On the other hand all deliberate blasphemers will go to Gehenna - everlasting destruction / oblivion.
    Everlasting destruction is righteous when Jesus leaves someone in death forever - Gehenna.  The wicked angels and Judas have been judged to go into Gehenna.   There is an unrighteous destruction  and a righteously judged destruction.  Adam went straight into the second death did he not?  The Canaanites were so wicked that archeologists wonder why god did not destroy them sooner..... but Jehovah used another nation as his tool to destroy them.  He also did this to Juda when their wickedness was so great - Babylon became the executioner.
    Jesus is the image of his father.  While he is love (like his father) he is also destruction to those who disobey the father.  Revelation 19: at war of Armageddon he will act as a destroyer of all those who have morally and physically ruined the earth and sided with the enemies of Jehovah. 
    rev 19:19 + 20 "And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army. 20  And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beasti and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur."
    Jehu was anointed and given command to destroy the house of Ahab, so he was not blood guilty for following the command of Jehovah.
    Jehovah has a purpose to destroy the entire world of wicked people at Armageddon and the executioner is Christ, riding on his white horse symbolizing righteous warfare. Just like in the flood, the earth will be cleansed. Unfortunately at this point in time people do not fear Jehovah as they should and go on eating and drinking and paying Him no attention.
    I think there is more than enough evidence that Jehovah can destroy and Jesus can destroy ..... but they do this when someone has been righteously judged.  Not in all cases is It necessarily everlasting destruction, except at Armageddon.. 
    Revelation 20: 1 - 3 clearly indicates that an angel of Jehovah has the key to the abyss. 
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Ezekiel 28:14
    I assigned you as the anointed covering cherub. You were on the holy mountain of God, and you walked about among fiery stones.
    Ezekiel 28:16
    Because of your abundant trade, You became filled with violence, and you began to sin. So I will cast you out as profane from the mountain of God and destroy you, O covering cherub, away from the stones of fire.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Jesus - set the example for us to obtain the best results.  I have read extensively throughout my life (next year I will be 50 years baptized) .... I learnt the truth while I was at university.....  Many of us can challenge people we meet with worldly knowledge....... but this is not the way Jesus taught us to teach. Paul tells us we must not try to convince people with worldly knowledge but with the Truth and the Spirit of Jehovah.
    Of course there is a time for everything!  So, at times use good logic and  with a little help of our secular knowledge to convince people...... but the Sacred Secret is our most valuable possession to share.
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I think I have been on this forum since 2016..... (I have not checked it).   In that time I  have come to know the remarks of  of some of the extremely nasty apostates on here.  I usually ignore them. It is rare that I answer them unless they get into their usual MO. I then point out to them that they are acting in character. 

  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    This is why I usually avoid this person.  Logic has evaporated.... 
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    I have never been uncomfortable in answering scathing remarks but it is a matter of showing wisdom in each situation.  We follow Jesus' example do we not?  Is Jesus' example not timeless? ... and wise? "
    ASV "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, as ye go forth out of that house or that city, shake off the dust of your feet."    We know that Jesus used this saying as well: If you say that someone is casting pearls before swine, you mean that they are wasting their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable to someone who does not appreciate or understand it.   
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The truth about Armageddon...   
    Perfect people can be deceived....  which was the case in the Garden of Eden...  
    Jehovah God then said to the woman: “What is this you have done?” The woman replied: “The serpent deceived me, so I ate.”
    The Cult of Pearl Doxey is a Ministry of Deception...  she never got anything correct.... and so does this commentor who tries to spin scripture to mean something other than what is stated...
    She makes the false claim that there is no 1,000 years, then quotes the scripture, "Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison," (Rev 20:7)
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    It is a coalition of nations who come up against the Nation of Jehovah in the time of the end... as Ezekiel 38 so well describes.  People of all nations have been collected together in true worship to Jehovah but Gog of Magog devises an evil plan because it looks as if these people have no protection.  When this coalition of nations come up against Jehovah's people, Jehovah will step in to protect a great crowd  ho will survive Armageddon.
    Like you, I have also looked at the names of Togarma, Tubal and Ross (Rus), Persia (Iran) and many of these countries who are (at present) part of the coalition of the King of the North (all with totalitarian regimes). 
    We do not know who will further join the king of the North (India? some of those in africa and south america?) but we know that North Korea, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia are part of this new financial coalition...     We also know who are supporting the king of the South.  It is as if the entire world is now choosing sides. 
    Russia has already started its march towards Jehovah's people on its own (as a single country), but soon there will be a whole coalition of nations together with it who want to take the spiritual spoil - take away all this pure worship. Will Russia and its allies lead this onslaught? - it seems like it .... but it is not a definite outcome.  We know that the UN (the image of the best or scarlet colored beast) will turn against ALL religion and then later, together with king of the North, UNITED against the people of Jehovah as Satan goes forth to finally attack pure worship.  Satan knows it is his deathblow to turn against Jehovah's people but he will be drawn out like a captive animal in iron hooks ........by Jehovah as the nations fulfill Jehovah's prophetic word.
    I do detect that you divide the families of Noah into 3 distinct groups.  This is rather a simplistic view of what happened. While some of the nations can be tracked to the children of Noah and their offspring (many nations have a clear pathway from the children of Noah), one must still be careful to lump them together so simplistically. For 4 thousand years nations were taking slaves, going to war, displacing whole nations and murdering whole villages of peoples.  Some nations were assimilated by others. .... And while the language groups sometimes helps us to detect the origin of a nation (indo-european, sino group, kushites,  etc, a nation usually comprises many gene pools that were mingled - depending on who they fought in wars and how stable the geopolitical area was.  
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Armageddon...   
    The UN will take power for one hour with the ten new kings (or the kings who have not ruled before).  WHO almost took power 3 weeks ago at the UN's WHO health summit but was thwarted by the African nations who do not trust the WHO any longer.  WHO is the only UN organization which has a constitution to rule.  However, the instituted a "working group" who are working behind the scenes to give the UN more power to control countries who did not completely obey orders during the first lockdown.  They will push through amendments to the 2005 World Health Agreement which most nations signed.  It will then be legally binding.
    Yes, they there will be chaos once they have brought about the propaganda for the "signs" we are expecting to see - peace and security and destruction of religion.  The system will collapse and the money lost will make the merchants cry over their wealth as they see Babylon the great disintegrate and anarchy ruling.  The fear of the nations as their societies and organizations are rocked like an earthquake.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    That makes as much sense as sayin that because prostitutes wear high heel shoes, that women that wear high heel shoes must be prostitutes.
  19. Haha
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Understanding the Sign of the Son of Man...   
    Many a person is in full expectation of that time when all those with a sense of humor will be wiped off the face of the Earth.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Paradise… Will it come?   
    I agree... yet according to a certain commentator, Christ was abyssed Satan in 33 CE..  The odd thing is that the following scripture was written several decades after 33 CE states, "We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19
    If Satan had already been abyssed, how is it that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one?
    Isn't Satan's Abasement yet a future act that will take place over a literal thousand years?  
    Revelation 20:3
    And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not mislead the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were ended. After this he must be released for a little while.
    Revelation 20:7
    Now as soon as the 1,000 years have ended, Satan will be released from his prison,
    Revelation 20:2
    He seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for 1,000 years.
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Paradise… Will it come?   
    Absolutely in error. In the Last days that began in 1914 (the wicked would receive the good news about God's Kingdom) and the Warning that these Last Days are approaching their end. Instead of being jubilate and happy, their response is almost always negative. 
    So when JW's approach such ones with the Good News, their reaction is often hostile, rude, and unchristian, sometimes even demonic. 
    "But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,  having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness,  betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
    In order for a Paradise on earth to be possible. The "wicked will be removeed by dying the second death" as the Last Days come to their conclusion.  JW's will no longer be preaching to such ones as we turn away from these. 
    During the thousand years of Christ Millennial Reign that will start with Armageddon. We will soon begin having Bible studies with the newly resurrected ones. 
    We are now being told to prepare for Life in the New World.
  22. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    If we were both watching your dog and I said to you: " your dog does that, just like my my cat".  And you say: "why?" .... and I explain: "your dog yawns with a long, stretchy abandon just as my cat does". .......Should you be satisfied with that explanation?..... or  go on and on and try to find many more small little things which are similar between my cat and your dog? 
    That would be excessive would it not?  I was making only one comparison - they yawn the same.
    Similarly, Jesus was only focusing on his death that would happen in future and he called it a sign - which event has a single similarity to the experience of Jonah. What was similar? Jonah was imprisoned in the belly of a fish for 3 days and then he was miraculously released.  Jesus was  imprisoned in death for 3 days and then miraculously released in resurrection.  - that was the sign.
    To go and find out if there are many more little similarities or discrepancies between Jesus and Jonah, going into the number of hours, finding out if Jonah was in a coma within the fish, or dead and then came alive,,, that would be missing the point of the sign that Jesus spoke about.
    It was a sign to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus knew he would die sometime on Nissan 14 (depending on how long they would take to convict and murder him), because on the original Passover, the  lamb was sacrificed on that date.....and Jesus knew the Law well. He knew the first fruit festival was on Nissan 16 - the second day of the unfermented cakes - and that sometime on that day Jehovah would resurrect him....as the First Fruit to a heavenly life  with a spiritual body.  He gave that as a sign that he was the Messiah.  His death and release.  The messiah came to provide us with a perfect Passover lamb - to be sacrificed and provide the ransom.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    Jesus cried out " my God why have you forsaken me" (paraphrased)..... 
    If God helped Jesus at this time, then Satan could accuse God of not being fair - that Jesus did not give his all together with his life and suffer of his own free will. Satan  could have said that Jesus was unfairly or extraordinarily helped to endure. He did not really have a death of suffering.
    When they offered Jesus myrrh and wine he refused for the same reason.  This combination was known to deaden the pain and was a kind of drug.  Jesus did everything perfectly so that no legitimate accusations could be brought against his sacrifice.  There were of course, many false accusations.
    Sheol and Hades: 
    These words mean the same: the common grave of mankind (all humans go to dust in the common grave of mankind). Gehenna is the second death (this can be discussed later as this refers to death which lasts forever.)
    I can explain this to you in more detail later if you want........  but it is important to know that Jesus died completely!
    What do I mean by that? Many Christians believe Jesus was a body with a separate soul.  Is this belief correct? NO! This belief comes from the Babylonian teachings of the "underworld" where the soul lives on after death or is conscious.  The bible does not teach this at all. 
    In fact, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would put his "soul" in death!   Isaiah 53: 12 
    "For that reason I will assign him a portion among the many, And he will apportion the spoil with the mighty, Because he poured out his soul  even to death And was counted among the transgressors; He carried the sin of many people, And he interceded for the transgressors." Soul is equated with your life as a person, and some translations render it as " life" or a breather".  Question: if only Jesus' body died - then why does the bible say that the "soul" that sinneth, it shall die.....  If only his body died - then our souls are not saved because the entire soul dies! Humans - when they die - everything they are goes into death - also the part which can think and be morally responsible for the person's actions. Ezekiel 18:4 "  Look! All the souls*—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul* who sins is the one who will die."   In fact you are a soul (there are many scriptures in the bible which prove this).  One can kill a soul with a sword, a soul has blood; and animals are also called souls!   Josh 11:11 (many translations has living person or soul in this verse);   Genesis 9:4. God allowed Noah and his family to add animal flesh to their diet after the Flood but commanded them not to eat the blood. God told Noah: “Only flesh with its soul—its blood—you must not eat.”   Leviticus 17:14. “You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.” God viewed the soul, or life, as being in the blood and belonging to him.    When Jesus died - he died completely.  No part of him remained alive. Jesus is called the Last Adam:  Jesus died the same death as Adam to save us from death - "a life for a life" or soul for soul. Jesus was the only person and last person to be exactly like Adam - a perfect man. (1 Cor 15:45) Adam was created from dust and god blew breath into his nostrils - he became a living soul or person.  (read Genesis 2:7).   (He could not think or do anything conscious before God blew the breath of life into him - he was dust formed into a body).    When Adam sinned - god said he would go back to the condition he was in before he was conscious - before he knew he existed. God said genesis 3: 3 " You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’” 4  At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. Satan lied and many people still believe this lie - that we do not completely die!   Genesis 3:19...... "19  In the sweat of your face you will eat bread* until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” Adam went back into nothingness, oblivion... dust - what he was before god created him.   So Adam was perfect and will never exist again (he is in Gehenna or second death)- he chose to disobey God as a perfect human being.  The ransom sacrifice of Jesus works only for imperfect humans who put faith in him and his resurrection - to get a chance of a resurrection to life.   This scripture usually shocks people:  Eccl 3: " 19  for there is an outcome* for humans and an outcome for animals; they all have the same outcome.  As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit. So man has no superiority over animals, for everything is futile. 20  All are going to the same place. They all come from the dust, and they all are returning to the dust."   We are in the same condition as animals at death.  Animals do not receive a resurrection but humans are different.  We are moral beings (we understand good and bad), and have the opportunity to be resurrected.  All is not futile for those who put their trust in Jehovah and the resurrection of Jesus.  Faith in the resurrection allows us remain faithful.  We know we are not lost in the grave forever even if our persecutors may kill us.   I am sure you will have more questions ... am I right?   That is very good!  Go ahead!
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    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    Saturday was the regular sabbath on which no cooking on any work was to be done.  It was the first day of the Festival of Unfermented cakes.  The first day being a special day- kept like a Sabbath.
    Festival of Unfermented cakes:
    The first convention of the Jews was to be held in early spring and lasted eight days, from Nisan 14 to 21, to celebrate first the Passover; and then the festival of unfermented cakes. 
    They were occasions of great rejoicing before Jehovah and happy fellowship, joyful, upbuilding reunions of the entire nation.
    Four days previously, on the tenth of the month, each family head had to take into the house a sound male lamb or goat, a year old. After sunset of Nisan 14 it was slaughtered without a bone’s being broken and then roasted whole.
    "During the first Passover in Egypt - the blood was splashed upon the upper part of the doorway and upon the two doorposts, where every passerby could see it. After this no one was permitted to leave the house.  “Later in the evening the whole family assembled around the table to eat the Passover lamb or goat with unfermented cakes and bitter herbs. They ate in haste, not sitting down at their tables, but standing, with their hips girded, their sandals on their feet and a staff in their hand. They were ready to leave that very night as Jehovah had promised through his prophet Moses. 
    The eating of the Passover lamb with unfermented cakes and bitter greens reminds the Israelites, not only of the afflictions while they were in Egypt and the hasty departure, but also of the miraculous deliverance from cruel slavery under the mighty Pharaoh. This has made Passover a joyous festival. To express this joy, wine was added later to be used during this festival of liberation and songs were sung, such as the ‘Egyptian Hallel’ during the first part of the celebration, that is, Psalms 113 and 114, and at the conclusion of the feast Psalms 115 to 118. 
    “For, indeed, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.” (1 Cor. 5:7) Yes, Christ Jesus was offered as the perfect Lamb of God exactly on Nisan 14, in the year 33 C.E. B y this sacrifice the basis was laid for a far greater deliverance than the release from Egyptian captivity.
    The day following Passover marked the beginning of the festival of unfermented cakes, which ran for seven days, from Nisan 15 to 21. During these seven days the Israelites continued to eat unfermented cakes; in fact, no fermentation was to be found in their homes. This law was very strict; anyone found eating what was leavened was to be cut off from the people, put to death. 
    The next day of the convention, Nisan 16, was another featured day. It was the second day of the festival of unfermented cakes, the official opening of the harvest. The Jews were not allowed to eat from the product of the new harvest before this day, when the firstfruits were offered to Jehovah. On this day the high priest was required to wave a sheaf of the barley firstfruits to and fro before Jehovah at the sanctuary. (Lev. 23:10-14)
    During the seven-day festival, in addition to the regular sacrifices, two bullocks, one ram and seven male lambs were offered day by day as burnt offerings and a he-goat as a sin offering, besides the many voluntary offerings by individuals. The festival climaxed with a final general assembly on the seventh day, Nisan 21
    By the waving of the sheaf of the firstfruits of the barley harvest, another important point was foreshadowed. Again it is the apostle Paul who gives us the correct understanding: “However, now Christ has been raised up from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep . . . Christ the first fruits.” No ferment or leaven, representing sin, was associated with the presentation of the barley firstfruits, for Jesus Christ was “loyal, guileless, undefiled, separated from the sinners.” As the sheaf was waved on Nisan 16 Jesus was raised as the “first fruits,” or the firstborn from the dead, on Nisan 16, 33 C.E. Since Jesus is called the “first fruits” or “first-born from the dead,” there must be more “fruit” following him. This is foreshadowed by the next festival.
    On Sivan 6, the second national convention was held, the festival of weeks, also called Pentecost, meaning the fiftieth day. It was a one-day convention. Many conventioneers stayed in Jerusalem from Passover till Pentecost. Pentecost was a very joyful gathering; it was “the festival of harvest of the first ripe fruits of your labors, of what you sow in the field.” 
     They should be baked leavened, as first ripe fruits to Jehovah.” It is interesting to notice the use of leaven during this festival. 
    The most notable festival of weeks ever held was the one celebrated after Jesus’ resurrection in the year 33 C.E. The historian Dr. Luke has recorded the events of this memorable Pentecost in detail. (See Acts, chapter 2.) It was on this day that the waving of the two fermented loaves began to have fulfillment. The two loaves symbolically represented the entire body of 144,000 spirit-begotten members of Christ’s body as being waved or presented by Christ Jesus, the greater High Priest, before Jehovah as holy unto Him. The 120 disciples who were gathered in the upper room were the first members presented and the ingathering of the remaining ones has continued from Pentecost 33 C.E. until our day, with a remnant yet living on earth. The first ones were taken from the natural Jews, as foreshadowed by one of the loaves, and then others were taken from the Gentile nations, beginning in 36 C.E., when Peter preached to Cornelius, as represented by the second “loaf.”—Acts 10:1-48.
    The watchtower I found this information  goes on to explain why the breads were fermented etc..    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1967523
    Nissan 15: That is, Nisan 15. The day after Nisan 14 was always observed as a Sabbath, or holy day of rest, no matter what day of the week it fell on. Additionally, in 33 C.E., Nisan 15 fell on the regular weekly Sabbath, making the day a “great,” or double, Sabbath.—Joh 19:31; see App. B12 (this appendix B12 is worth keeping)
    John 19:31: New International Version
    31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down.  
    Preparation: A name applied to the day preceding the weekly Sabbath. During this day, the Jews got ready for the Sabbath by preparing extra meals and finishing any work that could not wait until after the Sabbath. In this case, the day of Preparation fell on Nisan 14.—Mr 15:42; see Glossary.
    three days: This expression can mean parts of three days. This is evident from the request that the tomb “be made secure until the third day,” and not until the fourth.—Mt 27:64; see study note on Mt 12:40.
    three days and three nights: Other Bible accounts show that this expression can mean parts of three days and that part of one day can be considered a whole day.—Ge 42:17, 18; 1Ki 12:5, 12; Mt 27:62-66; 28:1-6.
    I looked this up because it is important.  Enjoy!
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    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Bible Prophecy and 2034. Will you gain spiritual discernment to become a Survivor of the Last Days?   
    Hell (“Sheol” and “Hades” in the Bible’s original languages) is simply the grave, not a place of fiery torment. 
    Why not read more about it?
    PS... My Personal Story
    What is it like to die?
    I first learned about death through a Bible Study. After learning the truth about death and that death is the last enemy that will be conquered, I wanted to learn more. Here’s a few scriptures that may give you some Relief and Comfort.
    “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5)
    My Catholic upbringing always taught me that hell was an eternal place of torment and inescapable. This religious teaching never sat well with me. I could never figure out why the God of Love would do such a thing.
    Then at my Bible Study, I came across this scripture, “hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.” (Rev 20:13) This blew my mind because it connected the dots for me. See, the priests would take money from the parishioners to pray for their dead loved ones, telling us this might get them out of hell. All the while, preaching that hell is ETERNAL. Did they know something I didn’t, I wondered? This was nothing but a ponzi scheme.
    Other scriptures that gave me Relief and Comfort is the good news about the Resurrection. “And I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15) I was elated to learn this about my loved ones that have passed in death.
    Then Jesus Christ told his followers, “Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice  and come out” (John 5:28)
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