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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Truth is truth and cannot be a half-truth.  Truth that is exaggerated or minimized is not truth.  Most of the propaganda in the media today (no matter which country one goes to) starts with a truth-like sounding statement and then twists it ever so slightly so that it is no longer truth.  This is how they get millions of people to harm themselves without realizing they are being harmed by what they listen to.
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    To forgive a great sin against you is surely the one act that jehovah would appreciate and reward.... so work on it.  Your everlasting life is important to all of us. 
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Sometimes an act of repentance is to forgive others and even to forgive yourself. Who of us does not act irrationally at times? Eccl 7: 7  "Oppression can drive a wise one to madness" 
  4. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    We need to do the best we can at this time…..I have come to the realisation that Jesus forgave those who REPENTED…..everyday ask Jehovah to help you with the anger and resentment ….it works!!!
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Yes, of course. Believing in Jesus whole-heartedly doesn’t mean beans in itself—unless you define “whole-heartedly” as embracing the scriptures you included:

    Though the crazy faux-anointed person here appends scriptures to her comments for tonnage, she can never find the relevant ones, as you have.  
    When it comes to who will be saved, the Christian organization is not authorized to go beyond what the scripture plainly says: 
    “Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you…” (1 Peter 3:21)
    If they have any private thoughts on this, those they must keep to themselves. Of course, baptism assumes doing it the biblical way, not the sprinkled baptism of infants, not the baptism to the hellfire/trinity God. 
    The governing brothers choose not to speculate on this matter. They choose to be bounded by 1 Peter 3:21. We, who do not have a worldwide association of brothers to coach, (though Her Craziness thinks she does) are freer to speculate. When a loved one of mine was asked specifically whether this one or that one will be saved, she replied that she was not Jesus and didn’t know.
    The organization does the best it can. Not all scriptures dovetail. It remains to be seen how certain things will work out. “You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.” (Matt 10:23) throws a monkey wrench into worldwide coverage. This verse has been cited to show not every person will be adequately reached, maybe not at all, so the question arises just what is God going to do about that come Armageddon? From what I can recall, they only gingerly touch that one. (They have said in the past that the mentally incompetent should get a free pass, so maybe we’re all okay here.)
    At any rate, the Watchtower statement to carry the day is easily found on the website. To the question, “Do Jehovah’s Witnesses feel they are the only ones who will be saved?” included in the answer is: “In any case, it’s not our job to judge who will or won’t be saved. That assignment rests squarely in Jesus’ hands.” If they have seemed to judge in the past, it’s because they don’t feel free to blow away1 Peter 3:21 as though it were nothing.
    Then, too, from the Insight book (under the topic Destruction) comes this beaut, that indicates we don’t even know ones destroyed by Jehovah suffer eternal destruction: 
    The Bible indicates that not all destruction is eternal. This is demonstrated by the fact that the Hebrew word ʼavad·dohnʹ (destruction) is used twice to parallel “Sheol.” (Job 26:6; Pr 15:11) ….When speaking of the destruction of the rebels Dathan and Abiram, Moses wrote that they went down “alive into Sheol.” (Nu 16:31, 33) Since Sheol in the Bible denotes the common grave of mankind from which there will be a resurrection, it is evident that not all destruction—not even all destruction at the hand of God—is necessarily eternal.
    So even Patiently Sitting on his Hands, that piece of work, who thinks he will not survive Armageddon and assumes that gives him the stature to advise others….well, maybe he is right and he won’t survive and still I’ll see that dodo on the other side someday, in which case I’ll take back the bad things I’ve said about him and maybe he’ll do the same with me.
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    I thought the WT study on Sunday was perfect. It was about readiness for baptism, but the primary theme was about stripping off the old personality and putting on a new Christian personality. People complain about the idea that we tie baptism to an organization. But the primary intention is alway about doing our best to meet the standards of Jehovah's heavenly organization, an organization that only INCLUDES an imperfect earthly part. Also, I don't think that anyone would complain that an Amish baptism is meant to identify you as part of an Amish church, for example. All well-organized churches keep membership roles.
    But back to the WT article. It should be clear that baptism discussions are never about an organizational focus. It's always more about our Christian personality. I don't think even the die-hard WTS haters would find a thing wrong with last Sunday's WT article.
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Or, do you truly believe that jehovah is the only one who can rule the earth successfully.  This entails absolute obedience. 
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    To me this is why I don't sweat it when someone says that I gave a "bad witness". I try not to, but it's going to happen and happen repeatedly. We all have patterns. I just keep trying and relax while doing so. Straining to me or OCD-like obsessive behavior like somehow I held the life of another person in my hands is spiritual narcissism in my view. The same kind of spiritual narcissism I see in apostates. If the GB screws up, so what? They'll figure out how they screwed up and do better next time. I doesn't change me or my responsibility to take charge and responsibility for my own actions or beliefs. You want to know who's engaging in idolatrous creature-worship? It's apostates. They imagine the organization is equal to Jehovah or Jesus and they aren't. We aren't Catholics with a holy see and a pope. Jehovah may be using the organization, but it's not infallible, nor do they have any urim and thummim. They have the bible, just like the rest of us. It isn't "disrespectful" to take note of that. The path to apostasy in my view is an over-reliance on human organizations as if these were Jehovah or Jesus. Organizations are necessary, but not sufficient. They can't point the way, but we individually have to make decisions. We CAN disagree and make our own conscientious decisions and we should. True that some of us in my view want to ride the coat-tails of others, but eventually they'll be bumped off by time and circumstance to stand on their own biblical legs.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Sure. I have no idea who will be saved or not. Nor does it make any difference to my personal responsibility to make known the good news.
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    One thing to keep in mind both now, at Armageddon and even afterwards when the rebellion at the end of  the 1000 years occurs is that none of us will ever know all the antecedents leading to a decision made by any given individual or even for that matter that of ourselves. We will never "know" that any individual "rejected the truth" of their own free will... we will simply have to trust that such is the case. We're fooling ourselves if we imagine that there will always be tangible external evidence which we can point to and say "See! They rejected the truth!"
    It comes down to "Do you trust Jehovah or not?"
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    We know it is not perfect because Jehovah has to work with imperfect people. We are grateful that we have such good bible knowledge and still get spiritually fed and updated.  But what you see is mega-magnified and exaggerated issues.....of your own making.....   so even if we were the organization which Jehovah is really using - you think what Jehovah provides is not good enough.  Your are similar to Waiting on her hands.... waiting for perfection -which in this world is impossible.
  12. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    You need to change your font or whatever it’s called ….I go cross eyed trying to read your posts…it’s terrible to read…
    Im not reprimanding you……you frustrate  me more than anything….and yes I notice the problems with in the org…..and I’ve tried to explain to you numerous times about this…..
    I see some of the things you point out….I’ve lived thru some terrible cruelness that even unbelievers would not condone….and I don’t defend any of it.
    But I also know that the organization is not all like my old cong ….and tho I’ve absolutely detested with the greatest loathing what was allowed……I also have experienced wonderful moments with a vast array of different personalities with in the org…some of the best memories of my life have been with in the truth….and some of the very worst as well.
    I remember the good…I see the good…and I choose to stay around those types .
    The difference between you and me….is I never ever did see the org as something perfect….I went in with my eyes wide open to the errors…fortunately I had enough brothers and sisters around me who were grounded and down to earth.
    The salt of the earth types….I also had the super apostles…I also looked at many other faiths…
    Unfortunately and to my utter devastation,,,JWs were the only ones who had all my questions answered correctly….yet even then I saw what I considered a lot of errors….and I wondered why….and eventually I worked it out…
    Now you have to work it out…..yes they always taught that first paragraph you wrote….I still hear it from time to time…..but it’s a old thought…and old teaching…and I wish we had never taught it….and it will probably take another generation for it to die out completely…….but my guess is it came from Rutherford claiming the ark represented the org….the org is just a huge group of people….from all walks of life..with all different personalities and cultures….somehow when we meet a fellow witness in another town or country …automatically we have a bond ….like it or not…there has to be a captain of  the ship….we have eight men who are just men…some I enjoy more than others…..some I take note of more than others …some thoughts I disagree with…overall they have done a incredible job in getting some basic truths out there…and keeping a huge massive family in reasonable order in a world collapsing around them….I don’t worship them and I second guess them all the time…and there has been a number of heart wrenching casualties along the way…..What do you want me to say Sreko…that we are a wonderful bubbly happy lot of people who worship the GB as if they were rocket men ….Like gods from North Korea….some do…a lot dont…and no a lot of us are tired and weary..grumpy..worn out…trying to live in a world run by and evil dictator named Satan…
    Why are you here..why do you talk with me???…go and be happy with your faith..preach the good news and be satisfied with that…and if we are wrong….we die….
  13. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    You need to change your font or whatever it’s called ….I go cross eyed trying to read your posts…it’s terrible to read…
    Im not reprimanding you……you frustrate  me more than anything….and yes I notice the problems with in the org…..and I’ve tried to explain to you numerous times about this…..
    I see some of the things you point out….I’ve lived thru some terrible cruelness that even unbelievers would not condone….and I don’t defend any of it.
    But I also know that the organization is not all like my old cong ….and tho I’ve absolutely detested with the greatest loathing what was allowed……I also have experienced wonderful moments with a vast array of different personalities with in the org…some of the best memories of my life have been with in the truth….and some of the very worst as well.
    I remember the good…I see the good…and I choose to stay around those types .
    The difference between you and me….is I never ever did see the org as something perfect….I went in with my eyes wide open to the errors…fortunately I had enough brothers and sisters around me who were grounded and down to earth.
    The salt of the earth types….I also had the super apostles…I also looked at many other faiths…
    Unfortunately and to my utter devastation,,,JWs were the only ones who had all my questions answered correctly….yet even then I saw what I considered a lot of errors….and I wondered why….and eventually I worked it out…
    Now you have to work it out…..yes they always taught that first paragraph you wrote….I still hear it from time to time…..but it’s a old thought…and old teaching…and I wish we had never taught it….and it will probably take another generation for it to die out completely…….but my guess is it came from Rutherford claiming the ark represented the org….the org is just a huge group of people….from all walks of life..with all different personalities and cultures….somehow when we meet a fellow witness in another town or country …automatically we have a bond ….like it or not…there has to be a captain of  the ship….we have eight men who are just men…some I enjoy more than others…..some I take note of more than others …some thoughts I disagree with…overall they have done a incredible job in getting some basic truths out there…and keeping a huge massive family in reasonable order in a world collapsing around them….I don’t worship them and I second guess them all the time…and there has been a number of heart wrenching casualties along the way…..What do you want me to say Sreko…that we are a wonderful bubbly happy lot of people who worship the GB as if they were rocket men ….Like gods from North Korea….some do…a lot dont…and no a lot of us are tired and weary..grumpy..worn out…trying to live in a world run by and evil dictator named Satan…
    Why are you here..why do you talk with me???…go and be happy with your faith..preach the good news and be satisfied with that…and if we are wrong….we die….
  14. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    You need to change your font or whatever it’s called ….I go cross eyed trying to read your posts…it’s terrible to read…
    Im not reprimanding you……you frustrate  me more than anything….and yes I notice the problems with in the org…..and I’ve tried to explain to you numerous times about this…..
    I see some of the things you point out….I’ve lived thru some terrible cruelness that even unbelievers would not condone….and I don’t defend any of it.
    But I also know that the organization is not all like my old cong ….and tho I’ve absolutely detested with the greatest loathing what was allowed……I also have experienced wonderful moments with a vast array of different personalities with in the org…some of the best memories of my life have been with in the truth….and some of the very worst as well.
    I remember the good…I see the good…and I choose to stay around those types .
    The difference between you and me….is I never ever did see the org as something perfect….I went in with my eyes wide open to the errors…fortunately I had enough brothers and sisters around me who were grounded and down to earth.
    The salt of the earth types….I also had the super apostles…I also looked at many other faiths…
    Unfortunately and to my utter devastation,,,JWs were the only ones who had all my questions answered correctly….yet even then I saw what I considered a lot of errors….and I wondered why….and eventually I worked it out…
    Now you have to work it out…..yes they always taught that first paragraph you wrote….I still hear it from time to time…..but it’s a old thought…and old teaching…and I wish we had never taught it….and it will probably take another generation for it to die out completely…….but my guess is it came from Rutherford claiming the ark represented the org….the org is just a huge group of people….from all walks of life..with all different personalities and cultures….somehow when we meet a fellow witness in another town or country …automatically we have a bond ….like it or not…there has to be a captain of  the ship….we have eight men who are just men…some I enjoy more than others…..some I take note of more than others …some thoughts I disagree with…overall they have done a incredible job in getting some basic truths out there…and keeping a huge massive family in reasonable order in a world collapsing around them….I don’t worship them and I second guess them all the time…and there has been a number of heart wrenching casualties along the way…..What do you want me to say Sreko…that we are a wonderful bubbly happy lot of people who worship the GB as if they were rocket men ….Like gods from North Korea….some do…a lot dont…and no a lot of us are tired and weary..grumpy..worn out…trying to live in a world run by and evil dictator named Satan…
    Why are you here..why do you talk with me???…go and be happy with your faith..preach the good news and be satisfied with that…and if we are wrong….we die….
  15. Upvote
  16. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    WHAT!!?? After I have overhauled my entire theology?!
    Thanks a lot, bub! I’m sending Pudgy over to pee on your leg.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Par 12 WT 2006
    "We therefore have reason to think carefully about our personal situation. Are we actually inside Jehovah’s arrangement of spiritual protection? When the great tribulation strikes, tears of joy and thankfulness will stream down the faces of those who have sought such protection. For others, there will be only tears of sorrow and regret."
    When you carefully read this paragraph, it is important to note it is addressing people who have access to the Study version of the WT, which is studied at the KH of Jehovah’s Witnesses. . I do not see a resident of the slums of Calcutta mulling over this WT. Logically, it cannot apply to those people who are not in a position to read these words, and therefore it must apply to those who are able to make a choice, i.e. those who are associated with JWs, know what they should do according to Jesus, but are sitting on the fence. (Or it it sitting on their hands?)
    The person in the slums can hardly have regret over something he was not aware of in the first place.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    You're flat out wrong AND you have no common sense to boot. What is the dragnet, if not the disparate nominal Christian organizations? How CAN you NOT isolate yourself like the selfish do w/o an organization? How WOULD the Bible have been preserved w/o an organization to do so.
    Being part of an organization is critical and you have to make a choice. Pretend you aren't as corrupt and flawed as those you might sneer at, or work out your own salvation w/fear and trembling WITHIN an organization which YOU feel is supporting your efforts BETTER than the others.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    The boxed “quote” is an example of false, manufactured “documentation”.  The added sentence I made up to show how false attribution can be done.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Still doesn’t say the ark equals Jesus ….I remember that passage…didn’t like it then and still don’t …..since 2006…the brothers now say only Jesus can decide who will be saved….WE CANNOT…long time in coming I admit,…just goes to show you one must study and reason and not beleive everything written…nor have heart failure and run for the hills screaming ..in panic….one must use the oil in the lamp…..remember…the apostles preached the kingdom had come on their first mission….they no doubt had to eat those words….there are a number of things the WT has had to be humbled on….this is one ….
    Sereko you are as shallow and panicked out as they come…you must learn to reason….the WT is not the Bible …it is not holy….those who write it are not holy…it’s a tool…it’s a guidance which gets things wrong from time to time…and some who have written some things have had to eat humble pie…
    I did not get my knickers In  A knot over that passage when I read it years ago….I sighed deeply and wondered how they ever passed it..and just who on earth wrote it…
    Needless to say Bro Luciano gave a excellent talk recently on …..it is only Jesus who can Judge who will be saved NOBODY else can say that or even try to say it….he was politely letting us know..the above statement is wrong….
  21. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Sadly many many countries have and do feel like that 
  22. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Anna when you finish watching the family series you will get it ….that show made it clear to me visually and not by just reading and reasonings,,,,,,the religious people are political but if not actively a politician they give power to them because they convince its Jesus using them…and their power in America is ENORMOUS …….and the …want to be politicians must work with them because they are so powerful and so many of them…..take trump….he’s not religious…..but he has the faiths backing him so he acts as if he’s religious..to get what he wants…from what I’ve read..he had to agree to his vice president…who was not his choice but theirs…because he was religious…that was the deal…eventually the next president won’t need the religious back up…and their demands will no Longer need to be met….
    That series made me understand how joined the harlot is to the beast..from the American point of view…( world Power) neither can exist with out the other….but I could see how the beast will get rid of her..as she’s to demanding..to irritating…to limiting to the beast …
    wait till you watch it all….
  23. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    Still doesn’t say the ark equals Jesus ….I remember that passage…didn’t like it then and still don’t …..since 2006…the brothers now say only Jesus can decide who will be saved….WE CANNOT…long time in coming I admit,…just goes to show you one must study and reason and not beleive everything written…nor have heart failure and run for the hills screaming ..in panic….one must use the oil in the lamp…..remember…the apostles preached the kingdom had come on their first mission….they no doubt had to eat those words….there are a number of things the WT has had to be humbled on….this is one ….
    Sereko you are as shallow and panicked out as they come…you must learn to reason….the WT is not the Bible …it is not holy….those who write it are not holy…it’s a tool…it’s a guidance which gets things wrong from time to time…and some who have written some things have had to eat humble pie…
    I did not get my knickers In  A knot over that passage when I read it years ago….I sighed deeply and wondered how they ever passed it..and just who on earth wrote it…
    Needless to say Bro Luciano gave a excellent talk recently on …..it is only Jesus who can Judge who will be saved NOBODY else can say that or even try to say it….he was politely letting us know..the above statement is wrong….
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    from our publication: "God is impartial, and he extends to all people the opportunity to be saved and gain everlasting life, regardless of their nationality, race, or social status. To benefit, however, we must call on the name of Jehovah, which is the personal name of Almighty God.   Psalm 83:18.
     In the Bible, the expression “call on the name of Jehovah” means more than just knowing God’s name and using it in worship. (Psalm 116:12-14) It includes trusting God and looking to him for help.—Psalm 20:7; 99:6.
     God’s name was important to Jesus Christ. The very first words in his model prayer were: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified,” or made holy. (Matthew 6:9) Jesus also showed that we must come to know, obey, and love the Person behind that name if we are to gain everlasting life.—John 17:3, 6, 26."
    Most Christians do not accept these names and do NOT believe that Jesus is NOT Jehovah.  Baptism means dedication.  So would you say that dedication to Jehovah and the ransom of Jesus (and maintaining that path) would lead to being saved?
  25. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in How a Christmas song would lead me to believe that our 1914 teaching must be right after all.   
    I remember this argument being brought up on another forum..so I dug a bit deeper…..I cannot remember everything but basically..Gods people at the time were acting in a manner not pleasing to him at the time…I cannot remember what they did or their attitude but they bore some responsibility for that judgement,,,they were not in good standing before Jehovah at the time….but I cannot remember what they were doing to displease him……then off course David made it all ten times worse….
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