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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in What is the Body of Christ?   
    I have challenged you before, and you choked.
    If you have something better …. Give me a name, a physical street address, and a valid phone number for me to call.
    If you can’t do that …. You have nothing.
  2. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There certainly is a lot I can do…when they come for thinking I can direct them to the dog pound and say she’s in there and you will know her because she looks all pudgy and old…..and pudgy doesn’t speak English so I should be safe …
  3. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There is no way he will understand  this concept,,,,he doesn’t understand that spiritual  death is worse than the first death…he doesn’t understand the ways in which people of faith can be attacked……I’m done with him…
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in I have a question about your memorial.   
    We do not care what you think. I only answer for the benefit of others and read their comments. 
    Your rejection is obvious but sometimes you try to hide it.  That is why I do not trust you at all. 
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Not a chance. (unfortunately)
    When you drift away, sometimes. When you stomp your feet leaving the sheepfold, less often. When you thereafter turn your flamethrower upon it….
  6. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Romans 8:22
    For we know that THE WHOLE OF CREATION has been groaning TOGETHER in the pains of childbirth until now.
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I admit this is true. “What does Patiently Sitting on his Hands really have to say?” I ask myself 20 times a day. But every time I pick up my phone to call and elder glares in the window. “Don’t you even think it, TrueTom!” he orders.
    “And to the congregation in WorldMedialand. What can I say? You put up with dodos, imposters, and saboteurs! What on earth is wrong with you?!”
    Not even God? Where’s the faith? Just today at the Watchtower Study we met someone (Uzziah) whose downfall he caused. Seems to me the authority of the GB looms far larger to you than it does to any of the JWs you squabble with. The latter simply know that any project needs headship and feel overall that they’re doing an acceptable job. They don’t occupy anywhere near the place of prominence in our minds as they do in yours.
  8. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    That said, you flea-bitten mutt, if you ever downvote me I’m calling the pound.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I would say that Satan attacks true worshippers more than those who are already on his side.  He has a kind of hate-OCD.   He just cannot leave them be.  He goes away for a while and then comes back again and again, 
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I assumed that too! but maybe I put it a little clumsily.  I do not agree with brothers who do not think that imperfection can take place in the congregation - that is why I quoted JOB.  He was a  servant of Jehovah but that did not protect him.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Imagine yourself living at the end of the 1st and the beginning of the second century and you were in one of the seven congregations. Imagine the letter was read to you how Jesus viewed your congregation. You also got to hear what he had to say about the other congregations. If you thought the others were getting a better report, would you abandon your congregation to move to the one with the better report, or would you have stayed and helped to improve it? Or would you have abandoned the project of being a Christian entirely imagining wrongly that you could go it alone. "It's just me, Jesus and Jehovah against the world of darkness out there!", you might imagine to yourself. (and you'd be wrong).
    You simply cannot be a Christian by yourself. You need the perpetual annoyances of the congregation to live up to the requirements. Oh, you might say to yourself "What about the baptists, the seventh day adventists, the christadelphians, the way or any other non-denomnational group. What about the catholics, lutherans, episcopalians, methodists, etc?" Well, I'd say, if you feel that these are better at following the bible, then you need to hook up with them ASAP and be a REAL Christian (if that's what these are and I'm not the ultimate judge) otherwise you're not a Christian, because you absolutely need to be attached to a congregation to be one.
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No. They upvoted because you are a dodo. You can’t even get the reason for your unpopularity straight.
    It looks from this .like they bent over backwards to make things easier for you. The endless bellyaching you do about being shunned—they would have spared you that. But no—you made it clear you no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. So later an announcement is read at the Hall: “Patiently Sitting on his Hands is no longer one of Jehovah’s Witnesses” and the brothers treat you accordingly. You brought it all on yourself, not necessarily by lapping up ill reports, but by your hastiness to assign wicked motives to your brothers.
    You could have avoided your shunning, with no stain on yourself. Were you convinced some great injustice was being done, you could have waited on Jehovah to rectify things. He’s God, you know. He can fix things. Possibly had you found something better…well, then I can see a departure.  But no. In your quest to prove yourself more righteous than anyone else you put yourself in a place where you can no longer remember how the death of Christ benefits humanity, nor how God’s name is universally pronounced in the Western world. You willingly put yourself in a place where you don’t expect to survive, separating yourself from your former brothers who do expect to survive based upon their faith in Christ’s sacrifice. No wonder they want nothing to do with you.
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I think that Thinking was talking about problems and imperfection within the organization not from the outside.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No - it means they do what they please (where their own desires lead them), which may include the above behavior.  God has standards and we have to follow them to get Jehovah's approval.
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    The concept that we all can be tested by satan and must prove our loyalty to god under difficult circumstances - not only at a time when everything is going well with us.
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It hardly matters, does it? You can fart all you want and as along as there is plenty of space between you and your neighbor, there are no real consequences. But when population, technology, and competition for resources bring people shoulders to shoulder, your unpleasant ways provoke strong reaction.
    So it is with the world today. At any time, applying godly wisdom would have been beneficial. In our time it become crucial.  
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I feel for you my sister. I am just glad that your love for jehovah was greater than the great problem ... and jehovah blessed you with a better understanding..... and in the new system he will bless you more by compensating you for the suffering. 
    My pain came with my husbands death just after my daughter was operated on for cancer.  The events after this..... I also wish I had had better insight and knowledge..... but that is water under the bridge.... I rarely think of it.... but just about the positive things I learnt since then....... which is a bunch ! 
    I have been in two congregations where i have not approved of some treatment of someone.... now that i am older i will stay quiet until the time is right to say something. ... i am not a busy body at all! 
    But i say something when things are evident and it is not a false accusation or a whim. 
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    JESUS also stated in 33 CE  "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet." (Matthew 24:6)
  19. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating  that some men in positions of power or authority can wield  a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care.
    But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me.
       Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become.
    Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding  I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things…
    At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end.
    My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And  be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish  a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  20. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating  that some men in positions of power or authority can wield  a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care.
    But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me.
       Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become.
    Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding  I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things…
    At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end.
    My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And  be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish  a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  21. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating  that some men in positions of power or authority can wield  a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care.
    But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me.
       Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become.
    Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding  I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things…
    At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end.
    My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And  be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish  a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  22. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from xero in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating  that some men in positions of power or authority can wield  a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care.
    But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me.
       Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become.
    Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding  I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things…
    At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end.
    My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And  be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish  a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  23. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    such dreadful things have happened…it is devastating  that some men in positions of power or authority can wield  a ignorant understanding of Christs Law over a cong…it does happen…I don’t understand at times why some cannot see that it happens…perhaps because they cannot imagine that Jehovah would allow such things amongst his people…yet that in itself means they do not understand how Jehovah works..what he allows..and why….and it has ALWAYS happened amongst his people…because we are not yet under his full blessings and care.
    But there is good too..kindness and acts of brotherly love that I cannot find elsewhere,,,and I want to remind you…that it was loving brothers that corrected my dreadful situation…yes it was too late….but they did act…and were as devastated over the situation nearly as I…..they were the kind and good brothers in places of authority…they out number the bad…and even the bad after discipline may very well be forgiven…and as I write this I know if I picked up my phone to my loving kind elders..(of whom I don’t always agree with) and ask for help…I know they will be there for me.
       Being used as a people does not mean he finds us all acceptable….or as once taught that the organization as perfect….far from it….but what you are doing is not acceptable either ….you dont have it all correct either…and you have as much sin to carry around as I do…or any other brother and sister…and to who ever you associate with…they also cannot do what Jehovah has a achieved with this imperfect people assembled before him…and it’s even going to take Jesus a thousand years to get it all right…not because of his lack of power…but because how degraded we as humans have become.
    Even his people at this time have become more degraded than fifty years ago….I wish I had the understanding  I have now …twenty years ago….not in chronology or in getting an exact understanding of every little bit of law…and scripture….but in Jehovah himself and why and how he teaches his peoples…in what he’s really like..and why he does certain things and why he allows certain things…
    At times I wish I had my time in the truth all over again…but I was a babe..and I had to grow and mature..and yet I’m still a babe In Jehovahs eyes…and even those that direct us go thru the same experience… they don’t do everything right either…just like Moses never got it right…just as we get a bit of wisdom we are ready for the grave …as we die like gnats at this time of the end.
    My and my families experience has forced me thru the fire of refinement…and a long hard look at what Jehovah has forgiven me for….certainly makes me stand before him as if naked and ashamed…..try to remember that you don’t serve a organization…you don’t serve the GB…but you serve Jehovah and his Son….you must hold on to that…and endure…ENDURE ENDURE ENDURE And  be kind to other brothers and sister trying to stay afloat and never ever endanger their faith that may be getting tested…never ever be the one to extinguish  a flickering flame of faith….because Jehovahs watching one’s like you and me..and he will treat us as we have treated others…and as far as ones like Space Merchant making it….I think you will find Jehovah has that all in hand as well….in fact we need to be thankful that Jehovah even gave one’s like you and me a sideways glance…
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The Final Phase of Christ's Presence soon to be revealed...   
    So now, the one who was removed from the Congregeation denies the Birth Pangs of a New System of things coming in.
    Once the distress pangs come to their climax, don't we celebrate what comes next as the birth pangs subside with the new delivery?
    Instead of thinking of the pangs as an ending, should we not think of it as a New Beginning?
    WTS quote "As we have already seen, it was in 1914 that Jehovah God conferred upon his Son authority to begin ruling in the midst of his enemies. The long-awaited “new heavens” then came into existence. What occurred was far more magnificent than the events associated with the deliverance of ancient Israel. (Psalm 110:2; Daniel 7:13, 14)  The government brought to birth in 1914 actually rules from heaven itself, and God has given it authority over all the earth. The enlarging of this government occurred later with the resurrection of Christ’s spirit-anointed followers (who had already died) to be kings and priests in heaven with their Lord. As other members of that Kingdom class have finished their earthly life, they too have been added to the growing membership of the “new heavens.” (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17; Revelation 14:13) By far the great majority of Christ’s joint heirs are now active in that heavenly Kingdom. The spirit-born Christians thus joined with Christ make up the New Jerusalem, concerning which Jehovah said: “Here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation.”—Isaiah 65:18."
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Joan Kennedy in Meeting Workbook week of April 11-17 & April 18-24, 2022   
    It’s been a busy week or two so am just now printing out the scriptures and highlights.   Thanks so much for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated. 
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