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    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I don't use opinions.
    Facts can be verified, opinions cannot. Not once have I ever used an opinion here at all, for if I had, you'd quote it. The facts and evidence shown derives from context and Biblical hermeneutics.
    God's Order has not changed at all, even concerning widows, the Bible is very clear on said structure concerning the union of people in the Church, Body of the Christ.
    The Bible makes it clear who the head is concerning God’s Order in regards to the church as is the family.
    Granted the Men and Women are of the body of Christ, they, as is the head, cannot function on its own. It is as dependent on the rest of the body as the body is on the head. God is careful to define headship by comparing it to Christ and the Church. That headship role is best fulfilled by those in that order of which Paul had conveyed correctly in Scripture.
    The Traditions Paul was referring to is instructions of which was passed down, put into practices for others to follow. These Traditions were properly acceptable concerning true worship, hence the reference for the verse, which is 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6. An example of this is the Lord's Meal, which is something acceptable to Christians, something of which we are to follow, then you have the opposite, hence Mathew 15:2, 3; Mark 7:3 and various references.

    You should be looking for context concerning what Paul said, do not interject something without understanding what he was referring to.
    Another verse of which you do not understand. You do realize as to what head coverings is in relation to?
    Verse 16 is in regards to God's Order concerning headship and subjection, it was pretty clear in the pervious verses, as is what came forth in the following. Paul also went on to convey woman with long hair as is what that entails concerning her position vs that of a man, hence why head coverings were a thing in the early church, for concerning women when it comes to praying, etc. This action is continued in the early church, even before Christianity, the Prophetesses of old, took this into account, such as the likes of Deborah and Anna.
    The JWs doing this is no issue as to those who understands the full context of Paul's Word. What you are attesting to is cherry picking and breaking away of what was already applied in practice.
    Men and Women are members in the Body of Christ, be it earthly or heavenly, God's Order has not changed, nor did God himself change.
    As we all can see, you are interjecting your own Exegesis into the passage, this passage was brought up in our last discussion concerning this and you were corrected.
    This is concerning the Chosen, not of God's Order of which Paul addressed. As said before, it does not change what God put in place.
    Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with JWs, it has to do with what Paul said as is what was written - literally in the opening of 1 Corinthians 11, as it being noted even referenced many times in Paul's other Epistles, even tracing back to what the Order God put in place concerning the creation of Adam, and later, Eve.
    No one can change. Not even you.
    It is not about saying, it is about context, of which you are ignoring, when you read the Bible, you study it, you observe it, understand the context of what a verse or a passage entails, to go around, with your own Exegesis is a dire call back to what Paul stated in Galatians 1:1-11.
    There is no distinction. Men and women are in union in the church, but the roles are different despite being of that Body. Equal in faith, but in role and operation, many differences, even in a biological sense.
    Women can teach, to prophesy the Messianic Age that is to come by means of the good news gospel, even with the spirit, however, they cannot lead in regard to Religious Office. If that was the case, you'd see that in context in the Scriptures, primarily the Greek Text.
    There are Prophetesses, and there are women who are Ministers, there are no leaders ever mentioned that are women. Paul even mentions some, therefore, as what is written about the early church, people such  as Prisca, Euodia, Syntyche, Phoebe, Persis, Apphia, etc. All of them are Ministers, Preachers so to speak, of high regard.
    She does, but the head of a woman is still a man. Likewise, to the head of a man being the Christ of whom all are under, and above all, is God.
    The Order has not changed, and it seems you are leaning on the modern view of submission, something of which even some JWs are guilty of.
    What you assume, is not of what the Bible entails.
    Yet concerning God's Order of which Paul conveys, regardless if the woman is chosen or not is clear.
    Apostle Paul focuses and concludes on the primary headship of God, the Head of Christ, as is the headship of the man over the woman, an Order of which is maintained and upheld in the early Christian Church. For the woman recognizes that the Most High is the one who ordained headship of man, hence the notion of head coverings by wearing a head coverings, as is roles.
    There isn't anything anyone can do to change that.
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It does makes sense concerning what was in that article. Of course, you post it on purpose, but you were never going to address what was in that article to people, namely to @Pudgy.
    Pearl literally spoke of having visions where angels were involved speaking to her in a sense, an ability, those before 100AD. Granted the Apostle Age ended many, many years ago, it is highly unlikely Pearl every communicate with an Apostle of old to even gain such abilities around the time such gifts were to serve the early church in growing.
    Unless she had some sort of Time Machine, perhaps you have a case.
    Pride is dishonorable, as a Christain, even by means of my culture. So, I would not go around culture, or the Bible for something that the paradigm expresses to a great deal.
    Therefore, the accusation, is an appeal to motive.
    That being said, last time you tried to save something that of a similar effect, you were not aware of the Cultural mannerisms of Religious Caribbean people.
    Nice try though, although a failed attempt.
    To speak truth is not arrogance. To defend something that is not Christian Core, someone will say something, as is do something. God's Word, as is the Early Church and how they operated should not be defiled by Mainstream ideas, let alone something out of core teachings that had a Biblical purpose concerning the Church.
    Hence why you fail to see what the one whom you defend is saying, unable to think on your own concerning what is core and what is not.
    Your Pearl in her article swayed people to the fact that she deems herself an inspired prophet who is capable of having visions, a miraculous gift of the Apostles of old.
    At this point it makes JWs irrelevant because now there is someone who claims divine inspiration.
    How are you sure about your last remark? If you took into account what Babylon did in a span of the last 3 weeks, it should be obvious of whom he referenced here. The enemy is the one who seeks Peace by means of Conquest, as far as I had seen, since tracking Babylon, your former faith community is nothing more than a minority, and minorities are common targets of the threat itself.
    Like I said, those who do not know how Babylon operate, are the ones who fall victim to it. I stated this to many in 2016 and look where they are now, Babylon continues to sweep away such people, using tools, people such as yourself, to do it.
    That being said, @Kosonen as is Solider of God, are known to be chosen themselves, but unlike Pearl, they would never make the accusation of somehow receiving miraculous gifts if no Apostle existed for a long time, let alone came into contact with any of the Apostles in the modern age.
  3. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…
  4. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    Well who was billy the kid???
  5. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    He should delve into Ukraines President..and his past..it might give him second thoughts…
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    So, Witness, with ALL THOSE WORDS …..
    You got not a single valid example.
    Ya got NUTHIN’ !
    …. Perhaps you could go live in your car in the Disney World parking lot.

  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Ya ever notice that ALL of today’s “faith healers” heal stuff that is invisible to start with?
    …… let me know when someone heals a thalidomide baby with no arms or hands, with fingers growing out of her shoulder
    THEN you will have my attention!
    Until then, EVERYBODY is just playing with words, like a retarded kid in a pool full of Scrabble chips.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    @Space Merchant As for women holding a leadership role, that is also true in respects to what the Bible says.
    But yeah, the whole Unisex thing is modernized, so much so it spreads to other things outside of Christianity. Protestants and Baptist have done something similar. As for the media source you quoted, I see what you met about Feminism or any agenda with that kind of media because head coverings and women being ministers is not an issue. I guess this is why you made the response to the thread about pearl, for now I understand why you debated. even so I guess the idea also came from the word "Minister", where some people would assume leadership, a role of leadership. Going back to Feminism, I guess you can say it's woke? It is in most of the schools and colleges, not only by some students, but teachers as well.
    But yes, in our faith, women of Jehovah’s Witnesses are preachers, or ministers, and there is a lot of women who partake in this activity. For not only men partake in sharing the good news, but women as well Psalm 68:11. Women who are Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the example set by women in the Bible. (Proverbs 31:10-31) Although they don’t assume a leadership role within the congregation, they have a full share in the public ministry, I believe you said this also to some effect. They also teach Bible principles to their children. (Proverbs 1:8) By their words and actions, Witness women work hard to be an influence for good.—Titus 2:3-5.
    I also see that @Srecko Sostar assumed your mindset to be like the pastor you mentioned, but of course, you already know what to expect from the Cedar group. I know about Steven Anderson, and he is a.... How should I put it, quite extreme in which he actually advocated in the killing of homosexuals at one point and had prayed to God for the death of former President Obama. Hid mindset on women was a misapplication of Paul's words. He is known for telling women to shut up and be silent using Paul's words without knowing what Paul met. He also made Sexist remarks about women and a list of other things. That guy is crazy lol.
  9. Haha
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    It’s as if I using you. Sorry. 
    But really, I would not know of his diatribes otherwise. I recommend the course to anyone concerned for their blood pressure. I mean, I’ve got stuff I want to do. Who needs the continual low-level aggravation? I don’t want this wasp stinging me all the time just for the sake of being—well, I have no idea what he is doing! Nobody can figure out his malignancy. Nor can I, but I’m done trying.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in It's called, "You have a right to know"   
    The 520 are all the notifications I have in the last 30 days from the dozen or so people I follow, or people who respond to posts I made, or react to them, or mention me. But I am saying that out of every 500+ notifications, it's not unusual to have over a hundred of those notifications where Dmitar has referred to me or down-voted me, or tried to draw my attention to him in some negative way. 
  12. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words… 
  13. Confused
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    How interesting was that the group who guards the book of Enoch?
  14. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    He’s just flogging a dead horse because that’s all he knows how to do…your patience with him is admirable…and very good for visitors here reading your words… 
  15. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening
    Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises…..
    I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear .
    I think it was a hangover from Christendom  teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it..
    I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them,
    The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?…
    I genuinely  would like to know what you mean please .
  16. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening
    Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises…..
    I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear .
    I think it was a hangover from Christendom  teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it..
    I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them,
    The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?…
    I genuinely  would like to know what you mean please .
  17. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    May I ask how so…??…I would have thought the opposite was happening
    Example: a few of us older sister were discussing the old bible story book..you would know them…the scary pictures of a mother holding her Baby appearing to scream for help as the water rises…..
    I didnt know a number of those fearful pictures have been removed tho actually depicting truth were really instilling to much fear…and children needed to be taught to love Jehovah and Jesus not from fear .
    I think it was a hangover from Christendom  teaching…but we have seen that and as a people corrected it..
    I have not needed to use the Bible book of stories for sometime so I didn’t know that…even a firm brother in the truth did not read certain stories to his children because he deemed them not appropriate for them,
    The society have seen and understood this and changed their way of teaching ..is this not a good thing?…
    I genuinely  would like to know what you mean please .
  18. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    There is something very peculiar about me speaking to Dimitar through a mediator. It is all I can do not to wear a veil afterwards.
  19. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    @Witness By the way, granted I can't edited, pertaining to Galatians 1:1-11, this is true. No one can have visions at the level of a Prophet Inspired, therefore, anyone claiming, for example, an Angel showed them what Heaven looks like, or Hell; the claim of what God does to the wicked for an eternity to men, women and children, not only is the claim false, but that is indeed a legitimate Prophet who is false, especially one who claims to be a Prophet Inspired.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I run into such people a lot, so at some point one has to understand these type of people and their mindset; discernment. Ms. Ashton is no different.
    The Christian Right, Conservativism Christians, are part of the paradigm, as is their Left counterparts, so they tend to be all over the place. Mainstream Christendom has their hands on them also, so much so, as to what I mentioned to @Dmitar concerning the events of 2016, such ones were swept away by Babylon; like a wave of water crashing into people, only a few left standing while the others vanish, type of deal. The person running the show was Pope Francis, with the backing of the UN.
    This is why I do not like KAIROS or PEAK because they are affiliates, as is Religious Powers who are of the Beast, one in question who had a hand in the banning of your faith in Russia back then.
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Context of Scripture, when Jesus was made King, a war broke out in Heaven in which he and his angels battled The Devil, and Jesus' side won out, the Devil was, as the Bible attested to, cast out of Heaven, along with the Angels.
    I recall this was explained to you when you assume Satan was cast out twice, when in reality, it was only one time.
    As for those in Tartarus, they lost God's presence and evidently unable to possess abilities of which they had before, hence the verse in Genesis.
    The context of those verses, as is the Hermeneutics of said passage is true.
    Jesus was made King; Satan (spoke of as the [Scarlet] Dragon) and his demons were cast out after losing a War in Heaven.
    Well, you do not have to do anything, I can simply quote what you said concerning the War in Heaven, for this isn't the first time this was discussed. You had made several remarks, of which is parallel in what you're saying now.
    The Bible was clear, especially when an Army of Angels as is an Army of Demons were battling it out sometime after Jesus was made to be King. Jesus himself was the one who led the Army of Angels against the Dragon and his rebellious allies.
    The verse even tells you literally a war broke out in Heaven (Revelations 12:7) as is those involved.
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    The Bible is both fact and true in it's Word, Srecko.
    The War in Heaven; Jesus' Kingship
    Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
    As for the ones in Tartarus, it is obvious as to why some of them were sent there, we can start with Genesis,
    Genesis 6:2 - the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.
    Peter brought this up as well
    2 Peter 2:4  - For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell [Tartarus] and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment;
    Then there is Jesus
    1 Peter 3:18-20 - [18] For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, [19] in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, [20] because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.
    Jude 6 (Ref.) - And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day—
    How did you miss this???
    That being said, concerning the War in Heaven this was addressed to you, several times.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It is no claim, it is fact. Some were cast to Earth along with Satan, others were locked away in Tartarus, imprisoned until the time of Judgment, of which Jesus himself gave such a message to them.
    Demons are associated with Spiritism, the Occult; Ritualism. They can influence and manifest in persons.
    As for sinful nature, that is in association with man's imperfect. Fallen Angels can entice such things in a man, even towards ill intent. Reasons why those who fall, seek God's aid, those who fell and wish to come back to God, do the same, but a man who falls and does not get back up, he is consumed by his sins, and is in the hands of the Fallen, mainly if the effort to get out of such a grip is no more.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Did you bother to do the research after the failed BBC article?
    Other then that, because of Ukraine, they're trying to get others involved in the war, some people, volunteers is said to have become Canon Fodder and their passports destroyed, entrapment.
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    The Parable of the Sower passage is verses 1 to 9, in which verse 10 is regarding what the Disciples asked the Christ concerning the Secrets of Heaven, and verse 11 Jesus answers them. The verse is cf from 24:14. It would make more sense on my part to include the Parable itself, but the focus on the cf verse was due to reason, The fact that God's Love in which Christians have moves them to action, as is to take in God's influence, thinking, by means of the spirit he gives and his Word. As Jesus explained to them that these sacred secrets are connected with the Kingdom of the heavens, the heavenly Kingdom of which Jesus will take his Kingship position, for they, the Disciples knew, but others did not.
    Likewise for us today, we know of this information, as proclaimers of the Word, moved by the Spirit, we proclaim the Messianic Age gospel to the people so they too will know. This is why on the other quotation I put emphasis on Spirit Led, so all cf reference were used for that.
    Reformers are the end result of those who Protest and demand changes in the Church of Catholicism, namely, the Roman Church. It is in association with Reformationist, who still to this day, Protest the Church, however some gave in to PEAK and KAIROS.
    A Restorationist seeks restore/apply core teachings and beliefs associated with the Early Church, even going as far as to become like them when it came to the earliest form of Christianity to be applied in the modern day.
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