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  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I did not - so do not talk for me.
  3. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    I do know of some that have left us and gone on to fortunetelling and full on spiritism…..I do not understand how anyone can blame the faults we have….and turn to Satan and act as his mouth peice …it beggars belief.
    I have no doubt they are give a certain amount of power from the dark side when this happens…(.then pride becomes a real problem with them)not wanting to believe in what they were taught of such things….sadly he despises them in reality….and will turn on them when he no longer has any use for them.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Pudgy in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    It’s sAying worldly IDEAS…Like same sex marriages etc…they are of the WORLD….he is not calling a PERSON  worldly….big difference .
  5. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Oh for  goodness sake!
  6. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Don’t bring me in on your ridiculous argument…as far as SM goes I believe him to be truthful…Sheeesh!
  7. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I dont think space Merchant was the one that said that ….
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    I have wondered about that too. Of course this is directed at citizens of other countries not Russians, so not sure how taking up that opportunity would work in practice because this would involve having to be granted  refugee status. I have heard that some (who could afford it financially) have fled Russia before now, but each country has their visa and immigration laws, so unless something changes and those fleeing are given refugee status they will have to go back after a few months....
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    What is gather is that the GB warned brothers to leave Ukraine and it seems there are no longer safe corridors to leave.  One should leave as early as possible.
    If America warns its citizens it is because they fear harassment or even worse from Russian citizens and the government. Our brothers may leave and spill over the borders a.s.a.p to get away from the persecution. 
    America is not yet in the war and does not intend to join officially (only supplying arms) - but then consider, they did not intend to enter any of the previous world wars. 
    Alliances are being made - smaller countries are being forced to say on which side they are on.
    Depopulation agenda....and so much suffering.
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in UKRAINE: Historical Context PRIOR to the Current Russia-Ukraine Conflict   
    I have just been listening to a discussion.... actually it was the presentation of a bill to the house of commons about cracking down on illegal wealth in the UK. Finally! However, the funny, or I should say the sad thing is that no doubt some of the MPs there may have friends, or may themselves be directly or indirectly involved in illegal wealth. Ha! 
    Addition: the reason for this bill of course is because of the recent spotlight on corrupt Russian oligarchs and the fact that London is the money laundering capital of the world. 
  11. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in UKRAINE: Historical Context PRIOR to the Current Russia-Ukraine Conflict   
    Assuming that many world-watchers these days were much younger than I am, and assuming that most of us also have short memories, I will jump to the major events of 1991-1994 or so, before going back to pick up more history from between the 1930s and the 1960's.
    1991 to 1994:
    The fall of the USSR included the US selecting Yeltsin and his vice-president (PM) Putin, to put into power. It was a violent coup in the midst of very large pro-communist protests in Moscow. The US gave tons of money and intelligence support. Naturally, the US backed the privatization of all major industries and factories. Yeltsin/Putin had US support to abolish the constitutional bicameral legislature to rule by Presidential Decree only and ban political parties (1993). Yeltsin sent tanks and shelled his own government buildings when the elected representatives refused to accept this.
    The US then promised Yeltsin/Putin that NATO would no longer try to expand even "one inch to the East." But seeing that Russia might be able to integrate economically into Europe because of its control of 30% to 40% of Europe's gas supply (along with oil, potash and other resources) the US decided to break that promise. The US capitalists wanted the gas/oil monopoly, and used NATO as a bullying army to protect monopolistic interests against resources in Yugoslavia, Syria, and Iraq -- literally killing MILLIONS. The Nord Stream 2 was a cooperative effort between Germany and Russia to supply natural gas, which would also have interfered with the monopolistic goal of the US. Russia had already figured this out when NATO bombed Yugoslavia and when NATO used the strategy of recruiting parties of former European Nazis/ultra-nationalists to help use ethnic differences to split up countries.
    Russian officials had declared countries along their border as the "Red Line" that NATO wouldn't cross, so the US pushed, not just NATO expansion to Russia's border, but even nuclear weapon across that line wherever possible -- so that Russia would be surrounded with US-supported troops and weapons. 
    This is the part of the background to the recent statement by Adam Schiff, when he declared in January 2020, that we are using Ukraine to “fight Russia over there so we don't have to fight Russia here.”
    But back to the 1990's. With the fall of the USSR, nearly all the once-Soviet countries suffered from the capitalist privatizations. In Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, for example, it quickly led to deep poverty, unemployment, etc. What was rarely reported in the West was actual starvation, mass emigrations, and even millions of deaths across these countries. With employment, trade and production interrupted, people tried to provide for their own dietary needs through gardening. This was much greater damage in Eastern Europe even than that of the Great Depression.
    In GDP terms, the Ukraine itself has still not recovered from the 1991 independence. This makes a country ripe for partisan strife and civil war. About 30% of the population is Russian (or Russian-Ukrainian). The ethnic diversity around the ex-Soviet states left Russians, Georgians. Poles. Armenians in additional potential conflict in many places.  Examples were the conflicts in Azerbaijan and Armenia, and even worse in the case of Georgia, where wars occurred in 1991, 2004 and 2008 between Georgians in the south and "pro-Russia" Ossetians in the north bordering with Russia. Russia intervened especially in 2008.
    Although Putin sees the fall of the USSR a "major geopolitical disaster of the century," he has not given indications that he supports reconstituting it, as the West will often claim. (Even by purposely mistranslating Putin's comments.) But he does acknowledge that tens of millions of Russians "patriots" immediately found themselves outside Russian territory.
    This is why most of the Ukrainians who fled Ukraine during the last 8 years of US-supported bombing of their own citizens were actually fleeing to Russia. Even now many Ukrainians who end up fleeing to Poland would prefer to flee to Russia but the entire border is now an "eastern front."  A third of Ukrainians still claim nostalgia for the USSR, since their standard of living was somewhat higher for most of them. And Moscow's leadership often showed preferential treatment for Ukrainians, since many of those leaders were from Ukraine to begin with.  Polls (Gallup, Pew) show that this nostalgia, believing things were better, is actually a majority view in many former Soviet states, even parts of Germany.
    But with the former state-backed industries sold off to capitalists and "oligarchs," there has also been a terrible influence of corruption along with an associated right-wing influence in politics. The oligarchs (and oligarch-backed politicians) were inclined to pay the OUN and neo-Nazi street gangs to serve as their own mafia protection, which helped legitimized the Nazi problem. (Should note that the word "oligarch" tends to imply non-Western corruption, but it's just as true in the West that the billionaire pharmacy leaders, the billionaire tech leaders, the billionaire petroleum giants, etc., are just as much oligarchs, and also spend millions upon millions in the West to influence decisions of government.)
    Ukraine's Nazi problem is openly out of control, but similar issues have arisen in Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, etc.
  12. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in UKRAINE: Historical Context PRIOR to the Current Russia-Ukraine Conflict   
    In the event of war, American main-stream media (MSM) becomes State Media. MSM outlets can become partisan on public bipartisan issues and might lose half their population of listeners, but at least they believe they will gain loyalty from the remaining half. But with the State apparatus pushing against a common national enemy or antagonist, these outlets can't afford to be seen as anti-American. Today, even attempts at neutrality are seen recently as pro-Putin, and therefore anti-American.  BBC journalists who just recently exposed the corruption of ultra-nationalists at all levels of the Ukrainian government are already re-writing their position to claim it's a recently coined "Putin myth." Wikipedia articles that discussed Russian issues with Ukraine, Georgia and Crimea have been undergoing very recent changes in the last few weeks, even to the point of re-titling links and names of newspaper articles so that it appears they were saying the opposite of what they originally said.
    So I thought it would be a good idea to review some of the well-documented history, even as that "history" changes before our eyes.
    For the first part, I'll deal mostly with the early background.
    1930s through WW2:
    The German Nazis worked with the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) in order to sabotage, destabilize, and hopefully destroy the Soviet Union. Prior to WW2, the US and UK had not decided which side they would support in the event of war, and Churchill was ready to side with the "Axis Powers" wanting Germany to invade the USSR. Thus, pre-WW2, the US and UK supported the OUN. Immediately after WW2, the US and UK began supporting the OUN again. The OUN's UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) had been guilty of dozens of horrendous massacres, including the rounding up of Jews in barns,  for example, and then burning them alive in those locked barns. There is a direct link between this practice and the praise of OUN leaders by the current Ukrainian Nazis. In fact, during the Euromaidan uprising (around 2014), one of the most famous repetitions of this practice was the rounding up of about 50 counter-protesters into a building, and burning them alive in Odessa. 
    To get a better understanding of OUN history, one can look up Category:War crimes committed by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army  Here there are links to articles about nearly 20 of the more famous Nazi war crimes and massacres committed by this Ukrainian army. Under Stepan Bandera, the OUN massacred Jews, Russians and communists. The Ukrainian Nazis established a so-called independent government allied with Germany and joined Hitler's attacks. They led their end of the Holocaust and pledged allegiance to Hitler, while Hitler's invasion of the USSR (1941) ultimately resulted in the deaths of about 26,000,000 Soviets and communists. By the end of the war, the OUN was forced "underground." 
    Stepan Bandera's name is still celebrated in Ukraine. The anniversary of his birth is celebrated. His picture is still carried. Streets are named after him. Imagine if every major US city had streets and avenues named "Hitler Boulevard."  President Zelensky himself has been forced to acknowledge Bandera's "hero" status, although appears very uncomfortable about the number of streets named after Bandera:
    "There are indisputable heroes. Stepan Bandera is a hero for a certain part of Ukrainians, and this is a normal and cool thing. He was one of those who defended the freedom of Ukraine. But I think that when we name so many streets, bridges by the same name, this is not quite right," 
    The commonly heard Ukrainian chant: "Glory to the Heroes" is actually a reference to the WW2-era Ukrainian "Nazi heroes" and has become the equivalent of the "Sieg Heil" among modern Ukrainian Nazis. 
    There are dozens of modern pictures of Ukrainians with Nazi swastikas and other Nazi symbols. I won't put them here, but it's easy to find pictures of single large rallies with all these things at once, including the Svoboda party, Right Sektor, the red-black OUN flag, images of Stepan Bandera, and the "Sieg-Heil" salute. Of course, there are also pictures of American politicians (e.g., John McCain) standing with members of these same white supremacist, nationalist parties.
    In spite of the bad optics, the US and Ukraine were the only two countries that voted against a UN resolution condemning Nazism and Neo-Nazism just a few months ago (December 2021). Overwhelmingly, 130 countries voted in favor. Why not just abstain like several other countries, including Germany and all members of the EU, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand? It's because Russia is among the 30+ co-sponsors of the anti-Nazi resolution every year since 2015. And the US always votes against it, and US allies also feel they must abstain. As this article points out: https://countercurrents.org/2021/12/u-s-and-ukraine-only-two-countries-vote-against-un-resolution-condemning-nazism/  
    On December 16, the UN General Assembly passed its annual resolution on “Combating Glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” with 130 countries voting in favor and only two in opposition. . . .
    Sponsored by Russia and more than 30 other UN members, the resolution expresses concern about any form of glorifying Nazism, including putting up monuments and holding public parades honoring the Waffen SS – combat units within Nazi Germany’s military – or declaring them national liberation movements, among other things.
    Russia has long taken issue with Ukraine and the three Baltic states – Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia – honoring individuals and organizations affiliated with Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
  13. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I dont think space Merchant was the one that said that ….
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in UKRAINE: Historical Context PRIOR to the Current Russia-Ukraine Conflict   
    Thanks for your analysis JWI. All I can say is Satan has his grubby fingers in everything. It's hard to know what are facts and what is fake. So much corruption in every facet of life...
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Interesting.....  I will watch out for this development in India in the news reports.  I do know that Putin has already informed PM Mohdi that some of the Indian students, who were studying in Ukraine, have been collected and are being used as human shields.  Apparently they have 5 universities which specialize in foreign students... from Africa and India. 
    I would like to add that since JWs do not take up arms or defend themselves they most  probably will be termed as having ' bystander effect'.  The reason being that Jehovah says : 13  Then Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah that he will perform for you today. 
    Because we follow the instruction in the bible and carry no arms the coalition of nations will come up against the people of God because it seems as if they have no protection and can be plundered.
    Ezekiel 38: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “On that day when my people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not know it?q 15  You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north,r you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army.
    I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilencey and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstonesz and firea and sulfurb on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.c 23  And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    They are cunning, they used a Mainstream Christian Tradition of their own to draw in people, even more effective with the very man who cause the 2016 situation, Pope Francis. His friend, alleged to have spiritual power, is also looking foolish.
    PEAK and KAIROS are going to use this situation for another wave in the coming months.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Possibly. Because the majority are aware Jehovah's Witnesses are not taking sides politically, but when it comes to War and War-time efforts, they are neutral, as most are who oppose war. The Bystander Effect may be an accusation in relation to those who do not participate in the War between Russia and Ukraine, and the Propaganda tends to spill over to those types, even some who see the wrong in both Presidents of those countries.
    As we speak, there is Racism and Discrimination on the rise in the EU, surprisingly, pertaining to Blacks and Russians.
    That being said, the Cancel Culture aspect is ridiculous. I don't see how banning Russian cats or taking a Russian Futball team out of a video game is going to change Putin's mind.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    The US and their allies tend to make rivals and enemies of some countries. A lot of bloodied coins and lives traded amongst those of power. NATO, being among the top-dogs in that sense.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Just remember both sides are part of the wild beast!  And they do act like beasts - bloody and with cunning.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Some may leave as we have fled at different times of war..I’m thinking of Africa when I speak …I’m thinking this is a personal decision tho I have read else where the GB warned us to leave Ukraine ahead of the attack..so who knows what going on…but the brothers would all be in contact and I’m guessing have some plans that they would not share with others….
  21. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Your playing with words  to try to prove that our preaching  work has stopped…you NEED to beleive that to support your own arguments,,,time and time again you have had it explained to you that we still preach…by letters phone and Informally  and yes by the internet and zoom which is operated under careful directions so one’s like you do not enter certain meetings….
    as a people we use the internet a lot now…but face to face and flesh to flesh  is a a better way to do it…it’s like the skin on skin meaning…but we have had to learn to make the internet work for this…the time will come when all this will disappear…even internet…and we will as a people adapt to that as well..if it should happen.
    People are having bible studies and going on to be baptised…even in my own extended family…one’s who I never ever thought would…some of them have left the truth..didn’t cope with some things they thought were unfair or too wrong…but see the basics and the relationship to Jehovah is the most important thing…they are prepared to,put up with what they don’t agree with as they are usually not doctrinal concern..
    Gods people will always have errors and many of them very grave ones ….like King David who did an census…and tens and tens of thousands of his people died for that error so you will be able always to show our errors on written paper.
    To those who wonder about us…I hope you get to know a witness you click with and check things out now..all the best to those ones thinking on it…
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    No, they're not preaching at this moment.
    Yes. There are people who pretend to be JWs and try to preach. Ran into 3 JWs, 2 of them, were not really JWs yet tried to use their publications (trying to replicate the cemetery situation from a while back).
    One of them when exposed started to bring up ExJW opinion points and named dropped sources from reddit, one alluded source being connected to someone on this forum. I challenged him on Scripture, but he kept trying to divert the conversation to the Watchtower, which tells me, as I apply 1 John 4:1, that he was faking it when knowing Scripture, and is no different from the situation in London's Hyde Park. As for the other, even though he used the publication, he spouted stuff that wasn't even in the very thing he was trying to use the publication seen below

    A 2 vs 1 debate, and they both lost badly. What killed it for them was outside of the Gay marriage and political nonsense they spouted, they kept saying the NWT Bible purposely removed verses and passages deemed inspired by God, and got a KJV App (at this point they dug their own grave using the KJV). Indirectly those around us heard about what verses/passages were omitted, and some didn't take too kindly to the 2 false JWs who were leaning towards Gay marriage, some who are heavily Conservative, didn't like what they heard. Afterwards, I simply left them to the pack of Conservatives who were not too pleased with what they had to say after I was done with them. The interaction as a whole took 10-15 minutes.
    The one met in Kentucky was a legitimate JW, whom I ran into first prior to the other 2 mentioned. Although he did not preach to anyone, he only started to talk about God when a middle aged woman who got her house destroyed kept wailing and blaming God for what happened, even stating as to why the people of Kentucky as to suffer, even the ones who died, several people comforted her, and it was the JW who explained why God isn't the cause of the damage done to ease the woman, even reassuring her. I found out that this person was JW when I confronted him. Running into different people wasn't uncanny because people volunteered to help from various counties, some come on their own accord. In my case, was in Michigan for some time, when to Kentucky, then Washington.
    Only ExJWs who are under the influence, no legitimate JW is out preaching. There were some earlier who people assume to be JW, but there were Gov't lackeys trying to see who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated, and press you as to why you are not jabbed up, evidence of this was in impoverished areas, and moved up to middle class areas.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Indeed. People will practically harm or kill other families to support their own during an escalating crisis. With how things are going now, things of this nature will take place.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now ?   
    Your playing with words  to try to prove that our preaching  work has stopped…you NEED to beleive that to support your own arguments,,,time and time again you have had it explained to you that we still preach…by letters phone and Informally  and yes by the internet and zoom which is operated under careful directions so one’s like you do not enter certain meetings….
    as a people we use the internet a lot now…but face to face and flesh to flesh  is a a better way to do it…it’s like the skin on skin meaning…but we have had to learn to make the internet work for this…the time will come when all this will disappear…even internet…and we will as a people adapt to that as well..if it should happen.
    People are having bible studies and going on to be baptised…even in my own extended family…one’s who I never ever thought would…some of them have left the truth..didn’t cope with some things they thought were unfair or too wrong…but see the basics and the relationship to Jehovah is the most important thing…they are prepared to,put up with what they don’t agree with as they are usually not doctrinal concern..
    Gods people will always have errors and many of them very grave ones ….like King David who did an census…and tens and tens of thousands of his people died for that error so you will be able always to show our errors on written paper.
    To those who wonder about us…I hope you get to know a witness you click with and check things out now..all the best to those ones thinking on it…
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Daniel 11:44 - King of the North   
    In the end, the people will be put to the test, the aware and the unaware, and some people will break.
    Babylon the Great made moves, a few, in this month and the last, and the Beast is ever moving now because of all the instigation leading up the the other team under the UN banner.
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