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  1. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Space Merchant in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I’ve been on line for sometime now and I have wondered about the increase of sisters who now are feeling  they are anointed ….I am not a brother…but a sister…so I can look at this with fair and unbiased eyes..
    Anointed sisters and Ive known two who definitely were in my time…still observed  Jesus command and observed their headship arrangement InThe cong.
    These sisters often knew and understood much more than any of the brothers taking the lead ..sorry brothers but it’s was true…even tho one of them used to get really frustrated with certain things…even to the point of tears at times..but she always kept her earthly obligations to Jesus arrangement…but I know she found it hard at times..
    Yet they respected the arrangement and their place as it was not time for them to step out of that earthly arrangement…it’s the law of  Christ and it’s being obedient to our King until he changes it or their death does.
  2. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I’ve been on line for sometime now and I have wondered about the increase of sisters who now are feeling  they are anointed ….I am not a brother…but a sister…so I can look at this with fair and unbiased eyes..
    Anointed sisters and Ive known two who definitely were in my time…still observed  Jesus command and observed their headship arrangement InThe cong.
    These sisters often knew and understood much more than any of the brothers taking the lead ..sorry brothers but it’s was true…even tho one of them used to get really frustrated with certain things…even to the point of tears at times..but she always kept her earthly obligations to Jesus arrangement…but I know she found it hard at times..
    Yet they respected the arrangement and their place as it was not time for them to step out of that earthly arrangement…it’s the law of  Christ and it’s being obedient to our King until he changes it or their death does.
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The security of Russia was threatened.  Russia has asked several times for negotiations about this but he never received an answer. (Sound familiar?)  Not only were continually bombing his neighboring states but apparently there were hostile airplanes doing nuclear maneuvers 14 km from his borders (not in western press).
    There is already calls for the UN to take this up and please broker a peace and UNITE the world!. I guess they will want Putin to capitulate some things.  This will bring us closer ever closer to the New world order dispensation of Klaus Schwab and WEF
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I really have no idea, because you’d have no idea what the differences between deception and propaganda that is normal during time of war.
    however the news reports I have seen seem to indicate that the Ukrainian citizens are asking for completely on their own initiative weapons to fight the Russians and are being given weapons by the military. I have seen pictures of women who are part of the Ukrainian legislature with a rifle on their backs,  in the office.
    and these are fully automatic weapons.
    The Ukraine has a long reputation for being an extremely corrupt nation, perhaps even equaling our state of Illinois, or Louisiana so you really don’t know what’s going on.
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I am not sure how ‘arbitrary’ it is though, @JW Insider. A ‘pushing and shoving’ between competing systems of government is even how most non-Witnesses view the world
  6. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    @Thinking Understandable, as I told the latter whenever anyone is blocked, there is a reason behind it. But yes, there are people like this online, even in real life, the many people I confronted, some who even seek to commit violence outside of the David Wood types or Mainstream Christendom. The only run in I had, which was a few times, was that of a Berkley Teacher, who ended up getting herself arrested, but apparently because of how the Justice System works people who do bad things are often let free to cause more problems and influence. Similarly to Witness/Pearl, but this woman is driven by an Agenda based ideology so much so it makes her not only dangerous, but deranged, and opposite to the latter because of Anti-Christian notations. Not to mention she in the past used the notation that because she is a woman, she can do as she please without consequence until caught - she was exposed for it.
    That being said, online and in person, there is deception all around. Because of COVID-19 and the situation of Ukraine, things are vastly different, so should more places open back up, more of such ones will be in full force. Likewise with criminals who are let off easy.
  7. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    A downvote for a 59 Caddy? Are you nuts?
    Downvote it at your own peril, Dimitar. I happen to know that tail fins are chief among the perilous weapons in the arsenal of both north and south. kings. Mark my words, they will be game-changers.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    The paradigm is very cunning and callous, there is a reason as to why they censor people for speaking truth. As in regards to faith, they have planted their seeds in the educational institutions, something of which people are oblivious to the workings of the higher education system.
    The next couple of years is going to be vastly different since the culture war started back up again.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I'm sorry. What I should have simply said is that Russia was not the king KON in colonial times, it only became the KON in the time of the end. Before the first world War the KON was Germany I believe and Anglo America has always been the king of the south. I don't know who the KON was supposed to be in the 18th century....
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I'm a bit skeptical about this guy. He's American and as an American he will have American views. Before I came to live in the USA I never heard about gangs in Europe, at least not to the extent he is talking about. Europeans don't have that American gang mentality. There is of course organized crime, but I don't think that's the issue here, because organized criminals already have guns. I doubt that while martial law is in effect they would go around shooting each other.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Well it appears it was nobody......for nearly 2 000 years. The prophecy applies to the time of the end, that's what I was trying to say.
    As Arauna says: The King of the North appears again after Jesus was crowned*...
    (it won't let me quote from more than one post. It used to be possible.....what happened? @The Librarian)
    *Of course JWI would say this was in the first century
  12. Sad
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Aphorism No. 328.
    ”Never let a crisis go to waste”
    Martial Law allows EVERYBODY to shoot at each other.
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Putin has requested these three requests for a peace settlement:
    “the recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea the fulfillment of the tasks of demilitarizing and denazifying the Ukrainian state and ensuring its neutral status.”
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I think many people who have an ax to grind with enemies will shoot each other during chaos.  I am not naïve as to the capabilities of lawless people. 
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The villain got off but Perry impaled him on the fins of his Cadillac.

  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Agreed = I have the same sentiments.  My mother, when close to her 80s used to reread Agatha Christy because she said she could not remember how they ended BUT as you say it is sometimes the emotional and intellectual journey to get from point to point in a drama that makes it good!
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    I remember thing, as a teenager, that it would take about 400 miles per hour for those fins to have any value., but it would not matter as the airflow would tear the car apart.….. same with Spock’s ears.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    A long time ago I researched the Book of Abraham.  It uses an "adapted" picture from a Book of the DEAD and the funerary text which was  found with a mummy/  Joseph smith only bought this papyri and then pretended that he received "devine help'  to translate it.  Later the papyri was said to have burnt (in a fire that was deliberately set).  
    About the translation: Wikipedia has a highlighted paragraph which you can read here
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Abraham#:~:text=Church leadership traditionally described the,of the book of Abraham".
    It also tells that they found some of the texts that he was supposed to have translated and what 
  19. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I can only read your comments SM and I will explain why I have blocked certain ones..it is not out of fear..but I have discussed in the past with such ones.
    but it becomes like being on a merry go round..round and round we go with no sensible discussions….much energy is spent..and wasted…and fruitless debates are worthless to each side.
    To those I have blocked I say be at peace with your decisions…I am not scared of you…I have had discussions with ones like you and pearl many times..many many times ..and it becomes fruitless for both sides….my energy must be reserved for others….and not those that try to pull us into endless merry go round that never stops.
    I have no time for certain ones who speak in a Judas tongue…which drips with the blood of many you have deceived….and shipwrecked many faiths……
      Being hurt or abused by one’s in power in our faith does not excuse certain ones who break away and devour their own former brothers and sister who are working in the trenches ……instead it is best to learn to step Over those ones…it’s a test of faith for sure .but it can be done. 
    Even Jesus walked away from ones who did not discern his sayings…..it’s a principle some would do well to follow for their own  sense of peace..perhaps it’s best some  block me to get that,
  20. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    The king of the North was not visible after the destruction of Jerusalem.  The King of the north and South was very visible as part of the Greek empire until the last King of the North - Rome (which actually also gained control of Egypt (Julius Caesar and mark Anthony).  The bible then mentions the "exactor (Augustus) and the despised one - Tiberius Caesar during the impalement of Jesus.
    The King of the North appears again after Jesus was crowned and a visible people of Jehovah would be on earth that renders pure worship. The Slave were approved in 1919. (For the sake of history we must look where the King of the North came from before 1914 as he had to come from somewhere.)  Germany was unified into one country - the city states amalgamated. They grew into a industrial powerhouse and eventually the eldest grandson of queen Victoria, Wilhelm 2, came up against the king of the south (Anglo-american world power).  This Great wat and WW2 forged England and USA  into a dominating power. Of course there was much maneuvering behind the scenes. 
    Now we have the pushing of south and the north in the same fashion they have done for decades.  CIA still toppling governments in color revolutions and shenanigans of legitimate regime changes... bringing chaos and extreme corruption in its wake.  They have fleeced Ukraine and are using her as a pawn with no intention to help except send weapons to turn this into an Afghanistan (maybe) or get Putin to play ball with the New world Order.  He attended klausch schwab (Young leaders indoctrination school),  but he is a lover of nationalism and want to keep his nation separate from the NWO.
    China will take Taiwan but will get away with it (I think) since they are the darling of the UN.  The UN are now negotiating  a new agreement to give WHO (UN) full powers over all the world health.... all countries will be forced to adhere. America has signed. We will see how far they get with NWO. Putin - will he capitulate or remain separate as King of the North?  We will see.
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Melinda Mills in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Yes, and we learned recently that by and large God's people went into captivity to Babylon the Great  (Christendom, etc) around 200 CE and emerged again around 1919 liberating light again began to shine - Bible Students Association, etc).  So we are looking at the King of the North from thenceforth, when true worship was revived.  (This is not to say that Jehovah had no worshippers on earth during that long period - we  had Bible translators that persisted even unto death; non-Trinitarians burned to the stake, scientists and artists who definitely believed in God like Sir Isaac Newton, etc)  There was no organized true religion during that period until 1919.  Jesus said the wheat and the weeds would grow together until the last days, the harvest time. (Matt 13:25-30)  So there were wheat-like persons who believed the Bible and worshipped to the best of their ability and perception during that period.  As the True God, he must have Witnesses. (Isaiah 43) False gods have none.
    We learned recently that it was not in 1776 when America gained Independence but later when Britain and America began to cooperate together that the Anglo-American world power came into force. So Britain-America has been the King of the South for some time now.  (Was looking for this information yesterday but I did not find the source, so this is just all from memory and perception.)  Perhaps JWI, Arauna  or someone else may wish to bring out these points better. I am a bit busy today.  
  22. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Space Merchant in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I can only read your comments SM and I will explain why I have blocked certain ones..it is not out of fear..but I have discussed in the past with such ones.
    but it becomes like being on a merry go round..round and round we go with no sensible discussions….much energy is spent..and wasted…and fruitless debates are worthless to each side.
    To those I have blocked I say be at peace with your decisions…I am not scared of you…I have had discussions with ones like you and pearl many times..many many times ..and it becomes fruitless for both sides….my energy must be reserved for others….and not those that try to pull us into endless merry go round that never stops.
    I have no time for certain ones who speak in a Judas tongue…which drips with the blood of many you have deceived….and shipwrecked many faiths……
      Being hurt or abused by one’s in power in our faith does not excuse certain ones who break away and devour their own former brothers and sister who are working in the trenches ……instead it is best to learn to step Over those ones…it’s a test of faith for sure .but it can be done. 
    Even Jesus walked away from ones who did not discern his sayings…..it’s a principle some would do well to follow for their own  sense of peace..perhaps it’s best some  block me to get that,
  23. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I can only read your comments SM and I will explain why I have blocked certain ones..it is not out of fear..but I have discussed in the past with such ones.
    but it becomes like being on a merry go round..round and round we go with no sensible discussions….much energy is spent..and wasted…and fruitless debates are worthless to each side.
    To those I have blocked I say be at peace with your decisions…I am not scared of you…I have had discussions with ones like you and pearl many times..many many times ..and it becomes fruitless for both sides….my energy must be reserved for others….and not those that try to pull us into endless merry go round that never stops.
    I have no time for certain ones who speak in a Judas tongue…which drips with the blood of many you have deceived….and shipwrecked many faiths……
      Being hurt or abused by one’s in power in our faith does not excuse certain ones who break away and devour their own former brothers and sister who are working in the trenches ……instead it is best to learn to step Over those ones…it’s a test of faith for sure .but it can be done. 
    Even Jesus walked away from ones who did not discern his sayings…..it’s a principle some would do well to follow for their own  sense of peace..perhaps it’s best some  block me to get that,
  24. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I do not know Wood…and yes I have great pity for these….as I said..I understand why some do this…….or get swayed to stray…but to continue  down from that fork in the road….and take so many with them..my pity runs out for these leaders…
    Again the thing is …they probably are all nice people..and it’s hard for some to detach themselves from them……and make a stand for truths…
    You know if we was walking along and seen Satan sitting at a table..he would appear as a good looking nice kind man…a man of great intelligence and he would also appear to be modest about it…some choose to sit and talk with him….some see thru him and escape his trap….but some are so intrigued with certain revelations that only a man of great spiritual powers would know..so they take another bite …and then another bite….just as Eve was deceived…so are many who listen to Pearl and the likes of her,
    Its sad as they genuinely beleive her teachings….
  25. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Pearl was a witness and a very nice lady but now teaches demon inspired teachings…I know this for a fact…she has no time for study and writes sitting at her table with pen  and paper..she does not know what she is about to write nor has studied the question she is about to answer from someone.
    she writes and it just flows and she herself is surprised at times of what is written….it’s called automatic writing…like channeling …her writings have truths wrapped and Intertwined with expressions and words coming from demon sources …that’s why she can sound intriguing and fascinating at times…the demons can see when we have teached  a wrong belief….they relay the proper understanding to her….years later the brothers have corrected that understanding…..she is being used as a mouth peice for them..so they do give her some truths and this acts as a hook to those who listen to her…it’s how Satan always works….over the years I have seen followers of her have a real hate for witnesses…a real venom comes from them.
    satan targets hurt brothers and sisters….while at their weakest…many follow her…some see thru it..having said that. I do understand why she became like that..and it’s a shame a real sad shame….but is no excuse to mislead so many and put them on the road to destruction…it’s a cruel and selfish thing they are all doing.
    By the way I have blocked certain ones here who will probably answer this..
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