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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Russia has seen a revival of religion and family values - Alexander Dugan is the phylosopher that they all were careful of 20 years ago because he said that Russia must rebuild her history and national character through their tradition of religion. Now, the government listens to him. Putin led the nation back to "God"  and many have joined the cult of nationalism in quasi-membership of the church.  And since Putin believed he was "chosen" , it is not strange that he could think he is on this world to lead the Russian nation to victory and glory under himself - and he will be the hero-savior of it all. 
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    You know, after viewing JWI’s video, I look at this with more skepticism.
    It is really just Frazer’s opinion that Putin, aware of the past, wants to drive its repetition, as though on a holy quest. He doesn’t really present facts to link the two. You could even paint Putin as the hero in that he wishes to preserve the traditional role and definition of family. Fraser (I think) is more “progressive” in these matters.
    It’s hard to tread water in a sea of liars. I almost regret posting it. Our organization itself avoids getting so specific. Bland though their ‘current events’ articles can seem, (see today’s website lead: ‘Russia Invades Ukraine: Is Bible Prophesy Being Fulfilled?) it is safest to simply point to Daniel pushing and shoving verses and leave it at that. They’re actually just latching on to a headline, but in no way do they explore it.
    (Or maybe I’m just mad that he called our tracts “cringeworthy.”)
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Joseph had proof that Jehovah was with him - he said to his brothers that Jehovah sent him ahead of them.  Daniel was a district governor for Nebuchadnezzar; Ester served as queen to save her people (also by Jehovah's hand). IN those days one had to get on with the Job. They were faithful worshipers of Jehovah and kept faithful to his laws (like being honest and not coveting and serving only the one true God) and this helped them in their jobs and brought glory to Jehovah.
    When Jesus came he taught is principles and self-sacrificing love. We are under these now and understand the principle of neutrality which especially applies to the beast and the image of the beast.  Those who have its mark will not receive everlasting life.   
  4. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Wasn’t he second only to Pharaoh himself? If so, that would make him Kamala Harris.
    Uh oh.
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    By Dmitar having a long, long history of “downvoting” according to personal agenda, irregardless of content, it has earned less relevance than someone pissing in the Atlantic Ocean.
    I suspect this will be permanent.
  6. Haha
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Well, I don’t think anyone is enthusiastic about the idea.
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    I do not think he is ballistic yet.  When he tries to annex all the other countries that used to be part of USSR - then I would call it ballistic.  it can still escalate more.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    One of their allies is already blaming the US for everything while at the same time readying themselves to target Taiwan. Under the United Nations' banner, China is the biggest ally next to Russia.
    One thing for certain, NATO, who is also unclean, namely one of their former Generals, Wesley Clark, wanted a war, even now, they push this as a challenge.
    All in all a time for every person to be vigilant, even in the area of which any of us live because such an escalation and falling of dominos can turn, perhaps the friendly neighbor into a potentially dangerous pursuer, for if the COVID-19 Endemic can change some people to ne negative, it will be no surprise if this is the same case from an indirect event due to the Invasion and actions of other countries.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    As I mentioned in the other thread to both Srecko and Witness, misleading information can cause problems, in this case, fear and war-mongering, something of which CNN, MSNBC, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and a list of others along with people on YouTube and other media are doing, not to mention Propaganda Pieces, something of which the US did when they promoted a Neo-Nazi group known as The Azov Battalion, recognized Neo-Nazi Military Unit in Ukraine that seek a gain from the situation.

    That being said, Left Leaning News and publications, as is their politics and or those who have that mindset are always the ones start up the fire to get everyone's attention, i.e. Cenk Uygur, the uncle of Capitalist Hasan Piker.
    There are potential outcomes, in which [A] Those of your faith community will be among those who are called to arms to fight for Ukraine, and if not will either be among those who flee or be possibly imprisoned. [B] Should Russia do a full takeover, anyone among your faith and or anyone who is among those of which does not have the Russian ideology, will possibly face consequences; as is persecution, extreme type (dark), granted this situation triggered even that of the people in the religious world who, some may be supporting Putin.

    The most damning thing is in regards to some of what Putin said of Ukraine, he was correct, example of this is in regards to NATO as is Ukraine's adaptation of Western ideology, which introduced even the likes of Wokeism.
    Yes. However, some cannot escape (similar to the events of Afghanistan) because they are within a crossfire zone or they are hiding in their homes or else, some are hiding in the subways, all of which could be an issue granted bombs and missiles are being used in the area.
    Sadly some have died, and some are witnessing warfare, even the likes of children in which a child thought it was fireworks outside, but really it was bombs and missiles being used.
    It isn't a surprise because many people and Ukrainians are not happy with what is going on, sadden, some didn't think the invasion would be done but it did; however, the writing was on the wall for those who knew what is to happen, even the events leading up to Putin's gain of power - a man who had nothing, joining the KGB, aiding Russia in a dark time and the power he now has, wanting to revive what made the Russian Empire Great. His Religious Conquest for Power and his high Ego has pushed him in this direction, the Russian-American Investors deem this to be Putin's Holy War, wanting to be essentially like Vladimir Lenin, in which they think he is not only corrupt, but insane.
    That is unlikely, but a possibility, that is, if the current US president does not mess up, let alone allies and even the likes of the very organization that has a foot in most Super powers, the UN, forces it's hand, like they did to Syria (also causing war) and to the events regarding Muammar Gaddafi, although dead, but didn't realize his son was released from prison a while back. This is why I stated the Wild Beast is on the move, always pay attention to the Lion in the field so you do not come into direct contact with it.
    Well this isn't new, if members of your former faith praised Putin for banning your faith, there is no doubt they will use the situation of war now to justify their disgruntled view. It is also likely if the escalation quickens the reset route, which may cause an systematic situation takes place in the US, they'll be the types to hunt you and your faith. A contact of mine in Russia stated a while back to the people of your former faith that the RU military, some of them wish death on the West, so keeping whatever energy they have about Putin and the ban will come back to bite them. Evidently, there is a few who actually want Putin to succeeded just to get rid of your faith, which even calls back to a remark I made in the past on this forum concerning 2017.

    That being said, them and Pro-Putin types are among the many with their ideology pushing for stuff like this. Prior to the invasion, there has been Bots all over the place.
    What you see now is nothing compared to what is to come should the other dominos fall. Putin's actions, ironically, some points he made he was correct concerning NATO and the fact that Ukraine became a puppet to them and the West, however, the actions taken by him is what fueled this, even as we speak now, protesting in Russia, as big as the ones back in 2017 are taking place, but Russia as shut it down, displaying the power they have, effectively showing Putin's Ego is beyond the needs of his people and the lives of others; in effect, also sacrificing the lives of those in Ukraine for his dream of his grand empire. Moreover, Pro-Kremlin people even protesters favor Putin's action thinking this is a liberation whereas the US and their allies are saying they are the liberators.  As a side note, Ukraine (even NATO) is infested with Wokeism, also something of which Russia and their allies also hates, it also shows the effect the Cult of Wokeism has on various people, even the likes of Super Powers.

    Putin gives threat should anyone get involved, there will be things that no one would see before, therefore no one knows; misleading sources are pointing towards nukes, however one fabled urban legend of a weapon is also talked about, known as Rods from God, Kinetic bombardment from orbit, possibly more devastating than nukes, in short, rods that come at the speed of sound from space to hit targets, a 1950s idea, but a crazy one, as it is unlikely. Not to mention Markets in the RU are down 40%-50%~.

    Sanctions would never work because Russia's allies, namely China, is backing them. Speaking of China, China is blaming the US, and as we speak, there is fear of an action being done to Taiwan should the US get involved; using the situation to gain the country of which could cripple the West greatly, in addition, the situation is complex due to Ukraine being a trading partner with China while being somewhat of an enemy to Russia. The UK and Ukraine is pushing for removing Russia from SWIFT, which in response, Russia will see this as an act of war.

    The ramifications of these events will effect everyone shortly, beyond gas and energy. There are more dominos that has not fallen yet and should they fall, burst of escalation across the board. The situation with NATO is a deep seeded one. Something of which the US had the chance to change a while back, going as far back the 1990s, some of us Truthers attest to the situation of Madeleine Albright, who was among those who pushed NATO expansion into the EU, leading to this disaster of a situation you see before you.

    That being said, many of us Truthers, Preppers and Journalists were talking about this for a while, of potential conflict and events leading up to it, even the likes of Alex Jones, and every time many of us were censored. To those who do not know things, like members of your former faith as is Pro-Russian Kremlin folks do not know as to why some events over the years, primarily from 2014 and onward outside of NATO would lead to this.

    The fact that Russia took this action and potentially China, it will cause even other allies of Russia to take action, therefore, The United Kingdom, France, Israel, even Germany would be in trouble, as is secondary allies of the US who may get cause in the crossfire should Russia expand beyond Ukraine, granted Belarus and Poland is nearby should things spill out more over to them. The potential of other countries to get involved, will inevitably make the situation dire, more so a NATO ship that was destroyed is associated with Turkey, this also leads Ukraine to tell Turkey to shut off Black Sea Routes.
    All that being said, there is a lot more stuff going on, and some of us are paying attention to the situation heavily. Remember, be very careful of misleading videos and media that push propaganda and opinions that are murky, as mentioned there are censors going around.
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Melinda Mills in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    Only thing we should be sure to remember is Daniel 11 and 12 - King of the North in the time of the end.  Read over Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy, chapters 15 and 16, which are being played out now, mostly in Russia, but might soon apply  to other areas. 
    Remember we are neutral in these conflicts and to pray for our brothers.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Randy Lee Manning in The reason why "the free world" will not stop Putin's "invasion" of the region known as "Donbas" is because Trump and the patriots, not the Globalists, are in control.   
    By Mike King From The History Channel.
    REBUTTAL BY       Vlad the Bad Putin has essentially just established the pro-Russian eastern Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as Russian protectorates -- and there's not a darn thing that the Globalists at the Council on Foreign Relations, their bullhorn buddies at "the paper of record," and their tethered NATO war dogs can do about it. It's not that the mighty US-led coalition of America and Europe hasn't the military capability  to go toe-to-toe with Russia, you understand. No.

    The reason why "the free world" will not stop Putin's "invasion" of the region known as "Donbass" is because Trump and the patriots, not the Globalists, are in control. You can be sure that this deal to deactivate the eastern European trip-wire for World War III -- much like the deal which had earlier deactivated another dangerous trip-wire in Syria -- had already been worked out by Putin and Trump -- the latter, not "Joe Biden," still commanding the US military.

    Of course, this won't stop the breathless propagandists at Sulzberger's Slimes from pining away for yet another of their European bloodbaths to reinvigorate their dying New World Order. Not this time, Hymie. Sorry.

    Let's clean up a few verses of this latest war song.         Don't believe the hype. There isn't going to be a war.  
    Slimes: President Vladimir V. Putin on Monday ordered troops into separatist-held eastern Ukraine ....
    Rebuttal: Eastern Ukraine is not "separatist held." The people are Russian; they speak Russian; they love Putin; and they want nothing to do with the pro-NATO western wannabees and thugs of the western portion of Ukraine. Nobody is "holding" the people.

    Slimes: ... and hinted at the possibility of a wider military campaign,
    Rebuttal: Having watched the Putin speech (with English captions) in its entirety, the "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times must have missed these "hints" -- so subtle the "hints" must have been. Did he wink or something?

    Slimes: After the speech, state television showed Mr. Putin signing decrees recognizing the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics
    Rebuttal: What do "youse guys" mean by "so-called" republics? If the people, virtually unanimously, desire to be independent of western political intrigue and embrace Russia, then why denigrate their proclaimed status as independent republics with the insulting term, "so-called?" Should we refer to the United States as a "so-called" republic because the new nation had separated from Britain in 1776?

    Slimes: ..... which were formed after Russia fomented a separatist war in eastern Ukraine in 2014.
    Rebuttal: No no no no no! You dad-gum ever-projecting liars! The Donetsk and Luhansk Republics were formed after CIA-Soros-McStain-Nuland-Mossad and company fomented a "Color Revolution" coup which violently overthrew the Russia-friendly government based in western Ukraine -- in Kiev -- and installed a pack of corrupt and maniacal anti-Russian puppets who had been tasked with oppressing the easterners and kicking-off World War III.         Donetsk and Luhansk  are happy to be free from the control of the type of western Ukrainian criminals that scum like the late (executed, we believe) John McStain had installed in 2014.     Slimes: The action by Mr. Putin, who has commandeered the world’s attention....
    Rebuttal: No. It is Fake News hype about World War III that has "commandeered the world’s attention."

    Slimes: .... with an enormous deployment of troops along Ukraine’s border.
    Rebuttal: That border along which this "enormous deployment" was put in place, is mainly shared with Russian Donetsk and Luhansk -- whose citizens have never regarded themselves as part of the fake state of Ukraine (which has been historically, culturally, racially Russian for a 1000 years).

    Slimes: Putin even went so far as to describe Ukraine’s elected pro-Western leaders as stooges and cast them as the aggressors
    Rebuttal: Well ... he's right, ya know.

    Slimes: The White House said Mr. Biden would impose sanctions against people doing business in the separatist regions ..... The leaders of the European Union condemned the recognition “in the strongest possible terms,” and the secretary-general of the United Nations said the move was “inconsistent with the principles” of the U.N. charter.
    Analysis: As previously stated, the huffing and puffing Globalists can't do anything about it -- because Trump and Putin make a mighty awesome pair.   USA TODAY vox NEWSWEEK     1. Trump the Peacemaker has been undermining the leadership and unity of the NATO war machine all along. // 2. The press now openly laments the fact that anti-Russian NATO has been neutered. // 3. Patient and cunning warriors Trump & Putin are dismantling the NWO.

    MIKE's BANNED BOOKS & PDFs               Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Putin just ordered the occupation of Eastern Ukraine.

    Boobus Americanus 2: He's acting like Hitler!

    St. Sugar: HH and HP!

    Editor: The similarities between recent events and the "Czech Crisis" of 1938 are remarkable. Only this time around, (((they))) aren't going to get their World War.
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    As usual, Dimitar, your understanding is agenda driven, and demonstratively faulty.
    Charles Taze Russel was not speaking favorably about Satan …. He was speaking favorably about TRUTH.
    Scanned copies of the first issue of the Watchtower are almost instantly available on the Internet. If memory serves, the article title is “What Is Truth?”.
    As usual, you gave your disassociative diatribe BEFORE you read the article, and as usual were wrong and blusterous.
    You could at least TRY to be funny. Occasionally that in itself is  inadvertently funny.
    If sad and pathetic is what you were looking for ….. you NAILED it!
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    I think I remember about 20 years ago the Watchtower had an article on “maturity”, how a mature Elder could love God, and be loyal, but make a serious really stupid mistake … which would not make him any less loyal, dedicated, or mature …. Just plain stupid.
    Much like King David’s example.
    Of course, they phrased it a bit less directly, in the Watchtower.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    EVERY ASSUMPTION YOU HAVE MADE ABOUT ME HAS BEEN FLAT WRONG, but at least you are 100% predictable.
    You are wrong about everybody.

  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    See .   100% predictable.
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    @Srecko Sostar Unwise to add your own assertions to the events of Tulsa. The religous backing of the rifle baring neighbor was never cited, so assuming he is Christian, be it true or false, is not wise. Brother Hill was cited before, even by JWI. To assume the defense of looters attested to firearms, is unwise also, for people can defend a place of business without deadly force, even in the past, even now. But regardless, we you can see by the examples and cited aritcle, the brothers of the faith mentioned did not harbor any racical hatred between the two. The ExJW thought otherwise; not knowing about Tulsa. It is also noted when those befreind someone of another race, black, in those days, they evade confrontation with Jim Crow mental folk, keep the friendship obsuce to protect their friend and or mate, i.e. a white man who's wife/mate is a black woman, he will do whatever it takes to protect her when force is not neccessary; some events are equated to this in that Era.
    That being said, these events took place in the 1900s, do not be like the YouTuber who applied today's thinking to the old days.
    Also Hill was mentioned in example to you before, do not twist the narrative.
    But it is strange how you muster this reponse because you equated the events to Doctrine rather than History.
    Just so you know it was talked about before, @JW Insider cited the same article in regardings to adding futher context as linked here (for the 3rd time)
    Thank you once again for proving Example 1 from Witness' video is a lie. You are doing more harm to her video source than anyone else here with that regard.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    In the very first issue of the watchtower magazine there was an article written by Russell under the initials CTR where and he stated with perfect logic and reasoning that if Satan himself tells you the truth, it’s still the truth.
    I suppose it’s like the Nazis used to torture people for medical experiments and produced an ethical problem because some of this research that they did turned out to produce extremely valuable medical information.
    do you not use it to save lives, because of its source?
    The development of the atomic bomb and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed perhaps a half-million people, men, women, children, and animals but the knowledge received from learning to work with radiation even though gained with the spending of the souls of these people has resulted in medical practices that in the last 70 years has saved hundreds of times of more people than were killed in war. …. . On all sides, by everyone involved.
    Using the combat experience gained in the battles on Okinawa and other Pacific islands it was estimated that the invasion of Japan to destroy their war capability would’ve cost 1 million Allied lives, and 4 million Japanese lives just in the military.
    The military made enough purple hearts to cover these expected combat casualties and they were not used, and these medals which celebrate that the enemy can’t shoot very well are still being used today for combat casualties, those that are wounded.
    So the fact that someone gets the truth from an apostate site, that is impossible to get from jw.org it’s not a bad thing…… It’s the only thing there is.
    Or, you could wallow in ignorance and base your life on prepared Pablum, and have it spoonfed to you like any baby.
    I see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as God’s people, in spite of themselves.
    Because all organized religion is a snare and a racket when they start accumulating real estate it appears there are no exceptions.
    But because the Ark of Jehovah’s Witnesses is riddled with holes does not mean it’s better outside where the sharks swim.
    It does provide some protection that you cannot get elsewhere, all things considered.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    it’s both….he has a Plan….and he will execute with his wrath…that’s why Jesus will be back as a roaring lion…
    A good example of this is how he dealt with Sennacherib and Hezekiah
    Message Bible 2 Kings 19:25 ( I use the message Bible because it’s straight to the point ) 
    Did it never occur to you that I’m behind all of this
    Long Long ago I DREW UP PLANS  and now I’ve gone into ACTION
    Using you as a DOOMSDAY  weapon reducing proud cities to piles of rubbish
    Leaving their people dispirited slumped shoulders limp souls useless as weeds fragile as grass unsubstantial as wind blown chaff.
    I know when you sit down and when you get up ( Sennacherib/ type of Satan )when you come and when you go.
    and  yes I’ve marked everyone of of your tantrums against me It’s because of your temper tantrums against me
    It’s because of your temper your blasphemous foul temper
    That I’m putting my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth
    and turning you back to where you come from. 
    Jehovah has a Great Plan….at that appointed time ..at the right time….Jesus will ROAR…..
    Your questions Srecko   can be found laid down in patterns of the Bible… but  we will have to wait and see…we might get some surprises..only Jesus has the right to judge as to how to handle your question.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    You apply motive to them of being deliberate.   (Have you ever run a world-wide brotherhood? ....and managed to keep them united and in peace? - NO).  You expect them to be perfect. They can make mistakes just like David and Moses did.  Moses spoke to Jehovah face to face and disrespected him,
    The spiritual temple in which Jesus is the high priest - he went into the presence of God (if you read Hebrews) to bring his sacrifice to be accepted in the Most high (the presence of Jehovah) of the spiritual temple.  
    The under-priests have the Holy - wherein the lamp stand gives them light, the show bread of food they consume to help them stay faithful and offer up prayers on the golden incense table. 
    So they ARE fed by Jehovah.  The spiritual food does not make them perfect but the ransom allows them to have a  righteous standing before Jehovah (despite their mistakes and weaknesses. ) 
    The bible says if you despise these "little ones"  ... well you should know what it says!
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    With that assumption you will get a lot of likes from only the apostates.  I do not agree with everything but I am not apostate.  You twist words to get the likes from the opposers.
  21. Confused
    Thinking reacted to Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Since the Story is about how Jehovah’s Witnesses "reject" the notion of active military service because it goes against bible principle, does it matter who they are?
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Recently we have been commenting more on topics in the closed JW only club...
  23. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The dogmatic views did exist…I do notice no practising witness comments on these sorts of posts but I am going to…one which I am thinking of is Organ transplants..of which many died because if they took them they would be disfellowshipped…and I read some examples of one’s dying true to the faith et cetc…later it was found to be unscriptural and a conscience matter.
    in the meantime a number of witnesses died before this dreadful over reaching of the written word was admitted…
    This Ditmar is going beyond the written word and being dogmatic because they were disfellowshipped if they went ahead and had one….I often wonder if they were or even offered their disfellowhipment to be pardoned.
    I see that…and me admitting that does not count me as a witness that lacks loyalty…because it turned out to be a man’s law…..the same thing applies to the 1975…that came from the top…it was misleading..again going beyond the things written…It did not come from the rank and file.
    these things were errors….serious ones…and that’s why we need to be like beroeans and make sure of what is said is scriptural…
    That does not make me Disloyal to Jehovah or Jesus….nor the org…because the org changed those views in time and admitted their error….
    I read a WT article warning some witnesses to be careful not to idolize Jehovahs visible organization….as the Israelites did in the wilderness and went into panic mode when Moses didn’t come back….some are doing that….some not….
    Doesnt make me a bad witnesses (Ditmar) more like a wiser one….if I say so myself.
    But I will stand toe to toe with those who trash on the org….because they are lacking trust in Jehovah …there is a difference in admitting errors….and attacking because of those errors…..and you dont get that Sreko  and nor do some others here…including Ditmar.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    The dogmatic views did exist…I do notice no practising witness comments on these sorts of posts but I am going to…one which I am thinking of is Organ transplants..of which many died because if they took them they would be disfellowshipped…and I read some examples of one’s dying true to the faith et cetc…later it was found to be unscriptural and a conscience matter.
    in the meantime a number of witnesses died before this dreadful over reaching of the written word was admitted…
    This Ditmar is going beyond the written word and being dogmatic because they were disfellowshipped if they went ahead and had one….I often wonder if they were or even offered their disfellowhipment to be pardoned.
    I see that…and me admitting that does not count me as a witness that lacks loyalty…because it turned out to be a man’s law…..the same thing applies to the 1975…that came from the top…it was misleading..again going beyond the things written…It did not come from the rank and file.
    these things were errors….serious ones…and that’s why we need to be like beroeans and make sure of what is said is scriptural…
    That does not make me Disloyal to Jehovah or Jesus….nor the org…because the org changed those views in time and admitted their error….
    I read a WT article warning some witnesses to be careful not to idolize Jehovahs visible organization….as the Israelites did in the wilderness and went into panic mode when Moses didn’t come back….some are doing that….some not….
    Doesnt make me a bad witnesses (Ditmar) more like a wiser one….if I say so myself.
    But I will stand toe to toe with those who trash on the org….because they are lacking trust in Jehovah …there is a difference in admitting errors….and attacking because of those errors…..and you dont get that Sreko  and nor do some others here…including Ditmar.
  25. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from xero in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Wow thanks for those down loads…are those books still attainable ..
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