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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in Questions From Readers ● Second Peter 3:10 says: “Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered.”   
    If Jehovah can protect three faithful Hebrew men in a raging blast furnace at perhaps 1800 degrees, it serves as a good example of angelic protection FOR INDIVIDUALS, as hydrogen bombs abound.
    In the parlance of Star Trek "Shields are holding at 100%".
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to John Houston in ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IDOLATERS?   
    I hear the words spoken against our worship, but it sound much like when Israel left Jehovah and began to worship false god's themselves. Each person sacrificed on altars, each one giving devotion to the god of their choice, but not to Jehovah. Not going to either the tabernacle when it was the "organized" way of truly worshipping Jehovah or at the temple at Jerusalem. It was a free-fall of sorts. Jesus said at Matthew 18:20 that where two or more he would be, not us trying to go it alone! We do not find Jehovah through Jesus by ourselves. We must gather with like hearted ones and that must be organized, much like Moses had to organize guiding Israel. You may not like it, that is your choice, all we are saying is that our gatherings as Jesus stressed is he is with us, not,you! Just as Jehovah was with Israel and not the surrounding nations! We are following what the Bible teaches and not what and how man thinks this should be done. Each time we are told we have it wrong, that is all we get...it wrong but nothing to get it right! Jehovah abhors a vacuum. Most here vents about what they see or feel is wrong, that's not humility at all a trait of the Son of God, not WWJD, right? Some of what I read is comical, some foolish, others a waste of time, but we are all human damaged in some way, including myself, so u till someone can fix our problem, which is outside of the human power and allow Jehovah to heal us then HOW that occurs should be our priority. If the bus ride and those on board are not,to your liking then many of you have gotten off, sorry. This bus has the destination that I desire, I and my wife are doing the best to stay aboard. And have been for some 50 yrs. Agape, my fellow human beings, please, live long and prosper!
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Dmitar in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    To the bible impaired. I have three questions.
    1. Does this mean, the first century churches were "bad" houses of worship?
    2. Did Jesus consider the Temple dangerous for children, even though he visited one at age 12? Luke 2:41-52
    3. Those that bring religion inside their home. Does that mean that house, has become a dangerous place for children?
    I'm interested in finding out, what kind of message you are conveying to install "fear" in the hearts of children?
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The Last Days... When?   
    Yea - but only in one region - not world wide.  These policies now ongoing  is on a GLOBAL scale - NOTHING like this before!  
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The Days of Distress are coming to their end...   
    Unfortunately, it is now the time for the "image of the beast " to rule with its ten kings. When Jehovah thinks the time is right, he will put it in the hearts of these kings to turn against their former partners - the world empire of false religion. Then the last of all worldly structures will really start to fall apart - even those structures which belong to the kings who planned and are behind this "great reset. "
    The article above was done to inspire confidence in the kingdom government of jehovah. This is true.... jehovahs purpose will triumph above all these "beastly" endeavours. But it is still a little while longer..... our endurance is needed.  Jehovah is in control and allowing this to play out. Once all is done - humans will have irrefutable proof that human governments are totally corrupt and not worth having around. 
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to the Sower of Seed in 2034 and its significance...   
    You may need to explore Daniel 12:10 for days because unless you are humble and listen to the Word speak you will by no means understand the Truth.
    Jehovah's Witnesses are named in the Bible by God. They have systematically preached the Good News from door to door and translated and placed the Bible in more languages and nations than any other religion at their own expense. He has written His Laws upon their hearts. The Truth is Simple, Visible ONLY by His Drawing, I cannot alter or usurp that authority! Just as the Jews could not see who Jesus was, when he was standing there 3 feet away healing hands, ears, legs, eyes and lives! You will know a prophet was in your midst and you did not allow yourself to see or listen to him/Him, to bad, to bad.............
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in 2034 and its significance...   
    For humans, the older you get, the more of the threat of being rounded up and put into an interment camp appears to be a good alternative to going to a rest home your children have picked out.
    Dogs have the advantage however because we know we will be loved and cared for at the home of those who love and care for us until the very end, and if necessary they will take us to the vet to be painlessly put down before  we start to rot while  still alive.
    A very great kindness, not available to most humans.
  8. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Okay….nicely …..🙃..your both wrong and right…off course we beleive in the basic doctrines of what Russell understood from the scriptures and corrected….
    …Gods kingdom plan…
    no trinity..
    dead do not go to heaven..
    the grave is hell…
    Jesus king of the Kingdom which he will hand back to his father when perfection has been achieved..
    Having no part of the world.
    ..the 144,000 anointed are the first resurrection and will rule as kings alongside Jesus…
    there will be a great crowd who survive the tribulation.
    the soul is man in the flesh…
    we are awaiting Judgement day of a thousand years and the great resurrection over which Jesus will rule and organise….
    How to pray…
    Those who do Not take the mark of the beast will be saved…faith in Jesus and baptism..
    the preaching work must be done  before the end
    Satan is a fallen angel with followers who rules the world at this time.
    As far as us changing thoughts..off course we have….Russell distributed food at the proper time..and it seems only at sufficient amounts that the world could consume at that time…he was fed gradually just as the apostles were fed.
    yes you are right about the new light and old light stuff…I’m not going to defend that…how can I !!,
    We have had good changes…and bad changes..some which then got changed back to what Russell first thought…and other changes that had to be changed because Russell had it wrong…
    We have had men go beyond the written word and put in their own interpretations….types and anti types..etc..and they have had to be acknowledged….we had to acknowledge and correct policies…we still dont have everything right and nor will we get it all right….and we will all hold a accounting  before Jehovah…
    You know ….if I had been Uriah’s mother …I would have absolutely hated and despised with the greatest of loathing King David……I would have wanted ..no…I would have demanded him stoned to death as The Law stated….in my pain and grief…….now where do you think my righteous anger and my right-full demanding of justice would have left Jehovah’s great plan…..and that is what you are missing …..you are lacking the understanding  of what Jehovah will put up with to accomplish  his plan….and also his depth of mercy…
    So you and others come on forums and tear down..at times rightfully so…at times blatantly wrong…you really dont understand what you are doing because you see thru your eyes…mere human eyes…..thus incapable as to trying to see it thru Jehovah’s eyes of understanding …you cannot even work it out by the patterns laid out in the scriptures of how Jehovah’s people act and how he treats them.
    Five or six years ago a brother from bethel stated at an assembly that they were aware there  were a lot of things wrong with the organization and they were trying to fix them but he didnt think they would be able to correct everything before the end…
    They Know Sereko..and Jehovah knows….now it’s time to trust in Jehovah…or do you think Jehovah cannot control his people…whom ever they are?
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Amidstheroses in Dean Songer's death   
    I remember, when I first arrived at Brooklyn Bethel in 1974 and was assigned to sit at a table near the one headed by Dean, that a brother at my table  directed me to a WT (AW?) article that gave a brief reference to Dean’s background prior to coming into the Truth. Since Dean’s roommate (Charlie Ploeger) was my Table Head and both Charlie and Dean were in the Writing Department, at the time, I understood that Charlie had told his table that this article was about Dean. Although it did not give his name, it told that he went to college at St. Louis University and worked as an engineer of some sort in producing aerospace weaponry. Upon learning the Truth, he “beat his swords Into plowshares”so to speak. Does anyone know which article this would be?
  10. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Amidstheroses in This is so sad.   
    In the Revelation, which God gave to the then glorified and now King Jesus, we are notified/warned concerning this King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Both Rev 1:14 and 2:18 tell that “his eyes are like a fiery flame”,  as he examines the “7 congregations”  representative of God’s Organization on earth during the ‘last days’.
    In Rev. 19:12, when King Jesus arrives on a white horse to judge and carry on war in righteousness, “his eyes ARE a fiery flame”!!
    Are you saying that YOUR eyes, YOUR insight, and YOUR ability to judge God’s people exceeds that of this most Mighty Judge and King?
    Does he really need YOUR help to accurately see and direct the totality of congregations representing Jehovah today? Recall, that King Jesus candidly spoke disfavorably of, at least something, in most of the 7 stars (totality of congregations earthwide) which he examines closely, as he holds them in his right hand and walks among the 7 golden lamp stands (Rev. 1:20).
    Remember Dathan, Korah, Abiram and their 250 cohorts... (Numbers 16) 
    Moses was disciplined by Jehovah, and not allowed to complete his 4-decade trek to the Promised Land by entering into it.
    However, those OPPOSERS, of God’s chosen representatives, were OBLITERATED by Him!!
  11. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Okay….nicely …..🙃..your both wrong and right…off course we beleive in the basic doctrines of what Russell understood from the scriptures and corrected….
    …Gods kingdom plan…
    no trinity..
    dead do not go to heaven..
    the grave is hell…
    Jesus king of the Kingdom which he will hand back to his father when perfection has been achieved..
    Having no part of the world.
    ..the 144,000 anointed are the first resurrection and will rule as kings alongside Jesus…
    there will be a great crowd who survive the tribulation.
    the soul is man in the flesh…
    we are awaiting Judgement day of a thousand years and the great resurrection over which Jesus will rule and organise….
    How to pray…
    Those who do Not take the mark of the beast will be saved…faith in Jesus and baptism..
    the preaching work must be done  before the end
    Satan is a fallen angel with followers who rules the world at this time.
    As far as us changing thoughts..off course we have….Russell distributed food at the proper time..and it seems only at sufficient amounts that the world could consume at that time…he was fed gradually just as the apostles were fed.
    yes you are right about the new light and old light stuff…I’m not going to defend that…how can I !!,
    We have had good changes…and bad changes..some which then got changed back to what Russell first thought…and other changes that had to be changed because Russell had it wrong…
    We have had men go beyond the written word and put in their own interpretations….types and anti types..etc..and they have had to be acknowledged….we had to acknowledge and correct policies…we still dont have everything right and nor will we get it all right….and we will all hold a accounting  before Jehovah…
    You know ….if I had been Uriah’s mother …I would have absolutely hated and despised with the greatest of loathing King David……I would have wanted ..no…I would have demanded him stoned to death as The Law stated….in my pain and grief…….now where do you think my righteous anger and my right-full demanding of justice would have left Jehovah’s great plan…..and that is what you are missing …..you are lacking the understanding  of what Jehovah will put up with to accomplish  his plan….and also his depth of mercy…
    So you and others come on forums and tear down..at times rightfully so…at times blatantly wrong…you really dont understand what you are doing because you see thru your eyes…mere human eyes…..thus incapable as to trying to see it thru Jehovah’s eyes of understanding …you cannot even work it out by the patterns laid out in the scriptures of how Jehovah’s people act and how he treats them.
    Five or six years ago a brother from bethel stated at an assembly that they were aware there  were a lot of things wrong with the organization and they were trying to fix them but he didnt think they would be able to correct everything before the end…
    They Know Sereko..and Jehovah knows….now it’s time to trust in Jehovah…or do you think Jehovah cannot control his people…whom ever they are?
  12. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Okay….nicely …..🙃..your both wrong and right…off course we beleive in the basic doctrines of what Russell understood from the scriptures and corrected….
    …Gods kingdom plan…
    no trinity..
    dead do not go to heaven..
    the grave is hell…
    Jesus king of the Kingdom which he will hand back to his father when perfection has been achieved..
    Having no part of the world.
    ..the 144,000 anointed are the first resurrection and will rule as kings alongside Jesus…
    there will be a great crowd who survive the tribulation.
    the soul is man in the flesh…
    we are awaiting Judgement day of a thousand years and the great resurrection over which Jesus will rule and organise….
    How to pray…
    Those who do Not take the mark of the beast will be saved…faith in Jesus and baptism..
    the preaching work must be done  before the end
    Satan is a fallen angel with followers who rules the world at this time.
    As far as us changing thoughts..off course we have….Russell distributed food at the proper time..and it seems only at sufficient amounts that the world could consume at that time…he was fed gradually just as the apostles were fed.
    yes you are right about the new light and old light stuff…I’m not going to defend that…how can I !!,
    We have had good changes…and bad changes..some which then got changed back to what Russell first thought…and other changes that had to be changed because Russell had it wrong…
    We have had men go beyond the written word and put in their own interpretations….types and anti types..etc..and they have had to be acknowledged….we had to acknowledge and correct policies…we still dont have everything right and nor will we get it all right….and we will all hold a accounting  before Jehovah…
    You know ….if I had been Uriah’s mother …I would have absolutely hated and despised with the greatest of loathing King David……I would have wanted ..no…I would have demanded him stoned to death as The Law stated….in my pain and grief…….now where do you think my righteous anger and my right-full demanding of justice would have left Jehovah’s great plan…..and that is what you are missing …..you are lacking the understanding  of what Jehovah will put up with to accomplish  his plan….and also his depth of mercy…
    So you and others come on forums and tear down..at times rightfully so…at times blatantly wrong…you really dont understand what you are doing because you see thru your eyes…mere human eyes…..thus incapable as to trying to see it thru Jehovah’s eyes of understanding …you cannot even work it out by the patterns laid out in the scriptures of how Jehovah’s people act and how he treats them.
    Five or six years ago a brother from bethel stated at an assembly that they were aware there  were a lot of things wrong with the organization and they were trying to fix them but he didnt think they would be able to correct everything before the end…
    They Know Sereko..and Jehovah knows….now it’s time to trust in Jehovah…or do you think Jehovah cannot control his people…whom ever they are?
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    He feels like a bot. But his web site appears to be well made. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The Days of Distress are coming to their end...   
    "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever," (Daniel 2:44)
    "During that time {Jesus Christ} will stand up, the Great Prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book." (Daniel 12:1)
    That time is what? A time of distress. You're not alone, others are feeling the pangs of distress also. This day or time of distress doesn't last forever. A new administration is being ushered in as you are reading this article and this time of distress is about to come to their end for those who are written in the Book.
    Jehovah is “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) Pray to Jehovah, who is the hearer of prayer and ask for help, then end your prayer in the name of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ.
    Keys to understanding the Bible Help for Those Who Grieve When You Have a Serious Illness  
  15. Like
    Thinking reacted to Amidstheroses in This is so sad.   
    Tragic. The Judas element. Sexual perversion and abuse opens ones up to demonic possession. Satan was a manslayer when he began.  Demonic possession moves compliant ones to kill!
    I know a dfd former Pio and Min Servant in Colorado who was sentenced to 6 years in prison for domestic violence after multiple assaults, death threats and practice murders on his Pio wife. He told me that he was addicted to porn and prostitutes. He became demonized. I was his wife.
    His abuse was too shocking to be believed by the brothers. They told me that I must have provoked him and caused him to assault me! They told me to be quiet or I would damage his reputation! They did not bring him before a Committee until he got out of prison. It was very hard for me to be told that I could not pioneer because i was telling people that my husband was in prison and why. I refused to divorce him and my worldly family did not speak to me for 5 years. When he was taken before a Committee, upon his release from prison, he was dfd for a pattern of violence and repeated incarcerations for it. Then HE divorced me, the innocent victim, and deprived me of thousands of dollars in back marital support (he is a multi-millionaire). It is a miracle that I survived. 
    Dear Child who created this video - Know that the one who created the eye can see. He who created the ear can hear. The things hidden will be revealed. You have a keen sense of justice and righteousness. You courageously speak the truth. Gather with the organization that God is using even though they reflect the bad seen many times in the nation of Israel many times. Recall the faithful ones, like Joseph, who were mistreated by family. God is not one to be mocked. Feed at Jehovah’s Table and trust in Jehovah and King Jesus to get the judgments right. They won’t be fooled like men are.
    I am so sorry for your losses. 💔💔💔💔💔💔 Your pain is warranted.
    Be there in paradise when your aunt, uncle and their unborn baby return to life.        ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  16. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Can you explain this?…it’s a messy statement…and not really true…rather misleading actually…from what I’ve read they couldn’t go along with some of the changes Rutherford  brought In…the one I’m thinking about is how he changed the understanding of the ARK representing Jesus ransom…to the earthly organization…and who can blame them for that…because that one thing led to a fair bit  of dogmatism..and heavy handiness ….and was so totally wrong…..so I do get why they with drew away from what Rutherford was pushing….but I dont know that we have ever said we do not beleive what Bible students once believed…??
    I read an account of one JW who was not happy with what was happening with in the org so he went to the Bible students..a few different ones..but said he found the same problems within them as he had found with  us…
    I like all Bible students…the ones I’ve talked with are kind and generous people doing the best they can….they seem a bit loose on pagan holidays…sometimes I think…wrongly or rightly they are caught in a time warp of Russell’s full teachings…not realizing he was just coming out of BTG and tho used by Jehovah very greatly..along with his associates of that time period ..he and they never had the time and the time was not right for a fuller understanding  of certain things…but he had a lot right..I admire him greatly…and I’m not saying we have everything right either…because we don’t!
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Dmitar in After Forty Years at Bethel...   
    Can you also explain how Pearl Doxsey has no commerce with her blogs and is affiliated with The Final Witness (ChristDisciples) and they generate their revenue from Google, Facebook, Twitter Ads?
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Instead of acknowledging what Srecko is saying about continuity, you are treating it as if it's a trick question. Like asking if Muhammed Ali ever won a boxing match against Sonny Liston. The answer is yes and no. His name was Cassius Clay when he fought Sonny Liston. 
    In the same way, yes, I know many Jehovah's Witnesses who celebrated Christmas before they were baptized, and I even knew a few Jehovah's Witnesses at Brooklyn Bethel who celebrated Christmas after they were baptized, but before they called themselves by the name Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, I was once in the same room with at least three of them where they had celebrated Christmas 49 years earlier. But I have never known any Witnesses who celebrated Christmas after they began calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Since Srecko was talking about the continuity of the teachings of the Watchtower Society he appears to have meant this idea in much the same way that the Watchtower means it when it uses some of the following types of expressions, and these are just a few examples out of many more:
    *** w98 9/15 p. 32 The War That Destroyed the 19th Century ***
    For over 120 years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have pointed to 1914 as the end of what Jesus called “the appointed times of the nations.”
    *** w65 7/1 p. 394 par. 9 Plaguing the Modern “Egyptians” with Truth ***
    While all seven annual messages sounded by Jehovah’s witnesses from 1922 to 1928 concluded with such appeals, it was particularly the Resolution of 1927, passed at their international assembly in Toronto, Canada, that highlighted this feature
    *** w91 4/1 p. 7 Is It Later Than You Think? ***
    Since 1914, however, Jehovah’s Witnesses have done that, in spite of the persecution Jesus foretold—government bans, mob violence, imprisonments, torture, and many deaths.
    In 1919 there were 4,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching this good news.
    *** w78 6/1 p. 23 par. 11 Co-Workers in the Harvest ***
    In 1918 . . . the leading members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses were railroaded off to the penitentiary for a 20-year imprisonment. In the eyes of their enemies they appeared as unburied corpses.
    *** w83 2/15 p. 11 A Notable Annual Meeting ***
    . L. A. Swingle reviewed the worldwide expansion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, from 3,868 publishers in 1918 to the more than 2,300,000 today.
    *** w81 5/1 p. 17 par. 2 If God Has an Organization, What Is It? ***
    At the same time, particularly since the year 1922, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been efficiently organized for fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus
    *** w80 10/1 p. 28 par. 16 After These “Last Days” God’s Messianic Kingdom! ***
    What Jehovah’s Witnesses have preached world wide since 1918 is something unique,
    *** w09 5/1 p. 22 Brooklyn Bethel—100 Years of History ***
    THE year 1909 was a momentous one . . . It was also a momentous year for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Earlier, Charles Taze Russell, president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, the legal arm of Jehovah’s Witnesses, had seen the potential for expanding the preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom.
    *** w01 1/15 p. 29 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation ***
    The International Bible Students Association is used in Britain [in 2001].
    *** w01 1/15 p. 30 How the Governing Body Differs From a Legal Corporation ***
    Especially noteworthy was 1931 when the Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    *** w55 3/1 p. 141 Part 5—The Warning Work (1909-1914) ***
    To hold this new property in New York state and to do business as a recognized religious body within this state it was necessary to form a New York corporation. Such corporation came into legal existence February 23, 1909, as decreed by New York Supreme Court Justice Isaac N. Miller. PEOPLES PULPIT ASSOCIATION was its name for thirty years. Then in 1939 that was legally changed to its present name, WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, INC., similar to that of the Pennsylvania corporation, WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Perhaps this is what you are referring to. I think, maybe I’m confusing where someone asked Rutherford if he was a Bible Student, not a Jehovah’s Witness. What you speak can be found in the 1941 St Louis Convention report and in The Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaimers book.
    The brethren appreciated the follow­ing: "I want to let any strangers here know what you think about a man being your leader, so they won’t be forgetting. Every time something rises up and start* to grow, they say there is some man a leader who has a great following. If there is any person in this audience who thinks that I, this man standing here, is the leader of Jehovah* witnesses, say Yes. [Not one said Yes.] If you who are here believe that I am just one of the servants of the Lord, and we are working shoulder to ‘shoulder in unity, serving God and serving Christ, say Yes." (A great shout of “Yes" followed.)
    Unfortunately, human nature goes unchecked, and the impulse to criticize someone becomes a necessity to some that cannot conduct themselves as our lord and savior commanded, without compulsion.  It is evident with the remarks this one @JW Insider finds it necessary. Sometimes, in this institution,  leaders, especially one that has held a position of an Elder or Ministerial Servant, they don’t heed the spiritual advice of 1 Peter 5:1-3.
    ESV  1 Peter 5:2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; (1 Pet. 5:2 ESV)
    I humbly accept this person’s ridicule even though it was unintentional, and I humbly apologized for it. Can that person say the same? However, thank you for your personal thought. It is greatly appreciated.
  20. Confused
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Can you explain this?…it’s a messy statement…and not really true…rather misleading actually…from what I’ve read they couldn’t go along with some of the changes Rutherford  brought In…the one I’m thinking about is how he changed the understanding of the ARK representing Jesus ransom…to the earthly organization…and who can blame them for that…because that one thing led to a fair bit  of dogmatism..and heavy handiness ….and was so totally wrong…..so I do get why they with drew away from what Rutherford was pushing….but I dont know that we have ever said we do not beleive what Bible students once believed…??
    I read an account of one JW who was not happy with what was happening with in the org so he went to the Bible students..a few different ones..but said he found the same problems within them as he had found with  us…
    I like all Bible students…the ones I’ve talked with are kind and generous people doing the best they can….they seem a bit loose on pagan holidays…sometimes I think…wrongly or rightly they are caught in a time warp of Russell’s full teachings…not realizing he was just coming out of BTG and tho used by Jehovah very greatly..along with his associates of that time period ..he and they never had the time and the time was not right for a fuller understanding  of certain things…but he had a lot right..I admire him greatly…and I’m not saying we have everything right either…because we don’t!
  21. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    Can you explain this?…it’s a messy statement…and not really true…rather misleading actually…from what I’ve read they couldn’t go along with some of the changes Rutherford  brought In…the one I’m thinking about is how he changed the understanding of the ARK representing Jesus ransom…to the earthly organization…and who can blame them for that…because that one thing led to a fair bit  of dogmatism..and heavy handiness ….and was so totally wrong…..so I do get why they with drew away from what Rutherford was pushing….but I dont know that we have ever said we do not beleive what Bible students once believed…??
    I read an account of one JW who was not happy with what was happening with in the org so he went to the Bible students..a few different ones..but said he found the same problems within them as he had found with  us…
    I like all Bible students…the ones I’ve talked with are kind and generous people doing the best they can….they seem a bit loose on pagan holidays…sometimes I think…wrongly or rightly they are caught in a time warp of Russell’s full teachings…not realizing he was just coming out of BTG and tho used by Jehovah very greatly..along with his associates of that time period ..he and they never had the time and the time was not right for a fuller understanding  of certain things…but he had a lot right..I admire him greatly…and I’m not saying we have everything right either…because we don’t!
  22. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in THE WATCHTOWER HISTORY OF GOG OF MAGOG   
    That is what I remember, too. In fact, that's in the Proclaimers book:
    *** jv chap. 15 p. 220 Development of the Organization Structure ***
    At a convention in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1941, shortly before his death, he spoke about the matter of leadership, saying: “I want to let any strangers here know what you think about a man being your leader, so they won’t be forgetting. Every time something rises up and starts to grow, they say there is some man a leader who has a great following. If there is any person in this audience who thinks that I, this man standing here, is the leader of Jehovah’s witnesses, say Yes.” The response was an impressive silence, broken only by an emphatic “No” from several in the audience.
  23. Haha
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    ……. Could be worse ………
    Could be Worse ….. .mov    
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in I doubt that Disturbed was thinking what I was thinking   
    I never push. If someone is happy w/the slop they're eating then it's not their time. If someone chooses to argue and I discern some value to them in so doing I will, but if it becomes like most useless exchanges on the internet I leave.
    The angels are involved and Jehovah is involved and Jesus said "No one can come to the Father unless I draw him." So if they aren't being drawn at that moment, its just time to plant a seed here or there and let it be what it will.
    Neither you nor I nor anyone else's activity in person or on the internet is needful save to the one who is performing this activity, because the garden we are concerned with is our own. When we listen to the bible and our conscience and understand that we don't have it made and that we have to exert ourselves vigorously, at those moments we're on track.
    I'll admit to being off track a lot, but I try to get back on track (knowing I'll get off track again).
  25. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    What a joke…listen…I’ve butted heads with JWI a few times but ..I have never seen him express anger…in Fact i would say as much as I’ve disagreed with him at times..his fruitages  are finer than mine or yours …
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