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    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I see this everywhere ..... want people to rebel and they can call them terrorists....because they want to put these people in the camps they are building. Afterwards they will get rid of the other deplorables and dispensables in the newly built gulags.  This will be the worst tribulation the world has ever seen.  We will be tested to the hilt..... be prepared to die.... and be tortured by solitary confinement etc.  I feel for you my sister.  What you experiencing will come in all countries!
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    So am I right that if the spikiness of the S protein allows it to penetrate cells so as to infect, the spikiness of the antigen produced upon stimulation by the shot is just as architecturally dangerous, even though not infectious? And so, that is why you do want to take out the virus should it appear, but you want to do so through safer means, the ones being discredited? And that, unless and until the virus appears, meanwhile the spikiness of the shot inflicts damage of its own?
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I do not understand it this way.  It does enter the core of the cell - but not the mitochondria.  The S-protein is replicated in all cells through the MRNA print. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the protein blueprint from a cell's DNA to its ribosomes, which are the "machines" that drive protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) then carries the appropriate amino acids into the ribosome for inclusion in the new protein.....The new protein is S-protein which is deadly to the body......  It does not stop (no poptosis). No off-switch.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Australian politicians have openly stated we are in the New world Order….and also in a three year trial with this vaccination…( which isn’t a vaccination at all ) .we are now waiting to see if this bill will pass in the upper house…which gives the Victorian premier dictatorship powers….then each state will acquire the same powers ….the people are rising up in the tens of thousands…and the government are goading the people to attack…
    It feels like we are living in the movie Green Solvent….and yes I agree with you about the s protein….but comfort comes knowing it’s Bible prophecy playing out …
  5. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    It has to be…The Old World Order is dying …thus making way for The New World Order…
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The thing is some of us saw the writing on the wall. In my case, I was called a lair and a conspiracy theorist, likewise with those in the community I am in, excluding CSE, who is strictly Bible talk.
    Australia has fallen, therefore as protesting is on the rise, the media attempts to hide it, moreover, because of the situation, this gives the green light to Opportunists who can commit crimes, rape, violence, etc. It is bad to the point that even Truthers in Australia are overwhelmed, likewise with Independent Journalists.
    That being said, the situation with them is slowly infecting other countries with Germany, UK, Italy being slowly engulfed. In China, the Evergrande Group situation made this even worse.
    I mentioned before, in regards to the United States, although the situation is slowly building up, the only thing preventing a major and or instant shift is the US Constitution, ironically, many people and groups, even the UN, is attempting to stamp down, specifically the first and second amendment.
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I kind of figured because the story of Kyle Rittenhouse has everyone involved. There were some livestreams of some people talking about the case, and someone coined "Silver Haired Truther". Not sure if you know anything about that.
    Yeah, and right now misinformation is on full 100% blast, so much so, even at my University, it is causing people to believe things that are not true, and if you say something that is true, well, it is like a trainer battle (a plus if you catch that reference lol). But yeah, Satan has tricks, we just have to be on our toes.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in While Waiting for an Appeal Against the Harsh Sentence, Aleksandr Ivshin Visited Five Pre-Trial Detention Centers in 1.5 Months and Fell Seriously Ill   
    If he dies, as seems likely, he has conquered the world, like his Lord.(John 16:33) He has conquered it already.(2 Tim 4:7) 
    “Why would a nation of some 144 million risk [now trash] its international reputation to persecute a religious sect numbering no more than 175 thousand?” asks Andrew Sorokowski. Yet one has and continues to do so. When called on it, it puts pedal to the medal, as though to boast to the world: “We know no decency here!”
    I become so weary of these unreasonable ones who equate building bigger barns and ignoring whatever might lie beyond this very brief life as “aiming high.” (Luke 12:18)
    Good one to share, this one is. Is it a game we are playing?
  9. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Space Merchant in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The push for false information is to keep the masses calm while they put into action the satanic agenda…it appears that Satan now has everyone one he wants in strategic positions WORLDWIDE..that is in every country to do his bidding…the virus and vaccination is just a Trojan horse to his next big move….thus the need to calm and stupidify the people….so they do not rise up and make things messy and harder for them…..here in Australia this false information or propaganda has been used by a master craftsman who is a professional  at it…..just as he relayed false information to Eve and created the first major doubt in truth…and as he has done thru out mankind’s history.
    the exception now is that he has accomplished it worldwide…which would indicate Jehovah’s appointed time may be on the cusp of action….for as Russell pointed out that the governments of the world will at some time become so oppressive that the people would rise up and rebel…and this would eventually lead to anarchy….at which point if left unchecked no flesh would be left…
    Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda  during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide.
    False information is how Satan works…the father of the lie gets so much of his work done thru that one thing….indeed…..May God help us all !
  10. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The push for false information is to keep the masses calm while they put into action the satanic agenda…it appears that Satan now has everyone one he wants in strategic positions WORLDWIDE..that is in every country to do his bidding…the virus and vaccination is just a Trojan horse to his next big move….thus the need to calm and stupidify the people….so they do not rise up and make things messy and harder for them…..here in Australia this false information or propaganda has been used by a master craftsman who is a professional  at it…..just as he relayed false information to Eve and created the first major doubt in truth…and as he has done thru out mankind’s history.
    the exception now is that he has accomplished it worldwide…which would indicate Jehovah’s appointed time may be on the cusp of action….for as Russell pointed out that the governments of the world will at some time become so oppressive that the people would rise up and rebel…and this would eventually lead to anarchy….at which point if left unchecked no flesh would be left…
    Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda  during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide.
    False information is how Satan works…the father of the lie gets so much of his work done thru that one thing….indeed…..May God help us all !
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Russia is getting ready to take some land - it is helping the orthodox Serbians get worked up about people in neighboring countries who are Serbian.   They will get involved here in the Balkans  when China strikes.....  It is only a matter of time..... China will try to take Taiwan.... Yes - something like this will have to happen for the UN to bring all to the peace table! The peace will be false of course!
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    The UN now has Internet police which checks the net for undesirable content; and apart from military eyes there are several contracts for the government and one project funded by Gates and the health alliance.  They have been roaming the internet with their algorithms for at least a year. The AI checks the internet for new information that the establishment does not want to leak out. As soon as the first stories appear there are several fact checking stories which debunks this. They are AI bot stories from different sources so it looks as if research was done.  The gaslighting is becoming more and more. 
    I see so many stories on internet now regarding the environment. They are creating fear that we will NOT survive if drastic steps are not taken.  While a agree with this premise - it is the very corporations who created the environment disaster in the first place who now want to take control of everything. So the internet will once again be scrubbed when any stories press highlights environmental abuses by corporations but stories will be created which highlight what they want you to know.
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    They'll have to be careful, even now, granted the resurgence of some groups, and those effected by inflation, mandates, etc believed to have joined said groups. I was in the crosshairs of specific protests, mainly a UC Berkeley teacher who isn't shy to throw pushes if your race and sex fit the description. As for the YouTube Platform, after the Facebook whistle blower situation, nd Loudoun County, a lot of people are getting shut down, terminated, having some of their content removed from the platform, even if you have no videos, any comments made, gone. This also connects to the YouTube Algorithm that is known to effect things, as is, the YouTube police, if someone, even some kid, does not like your content or what you say in the comments, he or she is going to send an army your way to somehow get you or something you said removed.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    You forget that ALL correspondence via internet is watched.....by the CCP army. People in China know this...... so would they talk of something bad happening in their local area? 
    Another matter: when all news is sent out and approved by the state- do you think they will openly declare their government sweat shops and mulim camps? If your answer is yes..... then I understand completely why you take the stance you do..... 
    LEARNT yesterday that China had access to all Western databases of DNA..... and are in a position to make bio weapons for the western blood types. While the West has none of theirs.  The West was helping China with "gain of function" Corona and the best secret still to be revealed is ...... part of it synthetic.   It is NOT a naturally gained of function or isolated  virus. 
    The one world government oligarchs in the west are as dumb as some of the scholars who are pro Mao se Tung type governments....... similar to UN image of the beast.... 
    This silliness will lead to us soon being under a system of digital passports where our health is connected to our income, our obedience to the state and approval for work as well as our behaviour........ whether we comply to the state or not (as in China) will be on one passport.  A technocratic dictatorship. 
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Dmitar in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Dark Times: A Lockdown and a Call to Arms, 2021
    A central tenet of Marxism and socialism is the repression of all religions other than the religion of the state. China represses Christians, Wegers (Uyghurs), and other groups are suppressed in that Communist country. More than a million Wegers are locked up in reeducation camps to rid them of their Muslim practices.
    Communist countries recognize religious groups which they control until they can completely eradicate them. Chinese Christians, for example, have an officially recognized church. Most Christians belong to the underground. The official Chinese Christian church does not allow the displaying of the cross. Regular Bibles are banned in China. Pictures of Jesus Christ were taken down and replaced with pictures of Xi Jinping.
    With the anti-Christian, anti-religion atmosphere loose in America at this time, do you not think these kinds of things would be happening in America if Progressives were in charge? A Socialist/Communist is a Socialist/Communist, and they have no use for religion whatsoever.
    Hidden Hand– Exposing how the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World 2020
    Many Westerners are by now familiar with the CCP’s crackdown on religious worship in China, which includes the use of CCTV cameras in churches and mosques and forcing believers to practise in approved ways. The 11th and 12th Bureaus of the United Front Work Department devote extensive efforts to this repression, setting up ‘representative organisations’ for each religion.129 It was reported in 2019 that Tibetan nomads had been told they would continue to receive state subsidies only if they ‘replaced their altars devoted to Buddhist deities with images of Chinese political leaders’.130 Christians have been pressured to replace images of Jesus with photos of Xi Jinping. In a move that resonated with its position in the 1930s, the Vatican reached an agreement with Beijing to allow the Party to choose Catholic bishops.
    In Henan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Liaoning, and Hebei, churches have been ordered to fly the Chinese flag, destroy banners and images with religious messages, and sing the national anthem and Communist Party songs at their services. Government-installed television cameras with facial-recognition technology monitor congregations. Children under eighteen have been forbidden to attend churches, and local people have been threatened with expulsion from education and employment if they "believe in religions." In some parts of the country the faithful have been asked to replace paintings of Jesus with portraits of President Xi Jinping. Thus, Xi's New Regulations on Religious Affairs, described by Amnesty International as "draconian," are causing considerable concern.' Catholics in Hong Kong are particularly worried.
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Somewhat, if anything, misinterpreting Scripture like some of the groups in China vs those who went underground.
    Yes, people often disappear if they mess with the CCP, at times, disappear for good. Jack Ma's disappearance effected stock market investors for some weeks.
    As of recent, people are making memes about China's social credit score, sadly, we may have something similar here soon:
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Because your son was a naive student in China a few years ago and you were a tourist you know all a out Xi ping...... 
    Did you read the UN report and their warning to China and China's subsequent promise to stop harvesting organs (a few years back....)?...... and then they  proceeded as usual with the same business but made sure that it does not leak out again.. yet reports kept on slowly leaking out. The labor camps for muslims also leaked out.... 
    Xi Ping  has started to institute Mao se Tung policies. ..... that is also a lie. The predatory loans to Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Tajikistan and all the other silk road countries  and Shri Lanka's subsequent warnings to the Philippines about the predatory loans are all Hogwash. Indonesia and Australua  have not run into problems with them either.....Cina's disregard for forests in Africa and decimation of fish (due to predatory agreements are also hogwash.....the extinction of black rhinos in north africa for their horns are also hogwash. I can go on and on about the many countries that have run into their deceitful traps. 
    Next thing you will say they are NOT imprisoning students in Hong Kong and NOT disappearing people who stood for freedom in Hong Kong. . I GUESS ALL THOSE INVASIONS OF Taiwan and Japanese airspace in the past two months is also a lot of hogwash....... it is merely propaganda........ China is the victim of propaganda....... China is not part of the beastly governments of the world and a good match for the predatory behaviour of the USA - both predatory beasts.
    The oppression of Tibet and other countries in the Himalayas to take control of the water resources are all lies and their invasion of Indian territory is all hogwash....... lol. 
    The institution of behaviour passports on their own citizens linked to their bank accounts is merely Western propaganda...... The Chinera- experimentation in their gene- labs is all ethical and above board and so it the Wuhan lab ........ all ethical, pure and clean. 
    Saw pictures yesterday of  700 year old Muslim mosque with its minarets removed, Chinese letters on it and the dome removed. It looks like a good old communistic building. Saw a few photos of a few mosques which have been "renovated".  
    Worship of the state is now required...... 
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    A blogger here has a picture of Sister Claus where apparently her husband is obscured in the photo.
    (Not important to this topic, but I was baptized in Tulsa in 1967, and got bit by a dog while out in door-to-door service there. (Age 10.) Somehow, the police showed up almost instantly, and I remember my brother and I talking the police out of calling animal services to have the animal put down. The householder was crying because the police were insistent.) 
    The other pictures include an article from a Tulsa paper advertising Rutherford's speech which (as @Space Merchant already mentioned) had actually happened on Monday, just prior to the major part of the riot. Notice as an aside that Tulsa had a population of 70,000 and it was promised that "thousands" of persons from Tulsa, if they lived another 4 years, would never die.  (Larger cities like Pittsburgh were given "tens of thousands" and even larger cities like NYC were given "hundreds of thousands.)

  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    As you may have already known @Space Merchant there is a bit more context here:
    On Tuesday, May 31, 1921, what came to be called the Tulsa Race Massacre erupted in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., after a black man was jailed and charged with assaulting a white woman. When a mob of more than 1,000 white men clashed with a smaller group of black men, the fighting spread quickly to the black neighborhood of Greenwood, where more than 1,400 homes and businesses were looted and burned. The official death toll was 36, but the actual number may have been in the hundreds.
    Brother Richard J. Hill, a black Bible Student and resident of Greenwood, related what happened: “On the night of the riot, we had our Bible study class as usual. After the class was over, we heard shooting downtown. We went to bed listening to it.” By Wednesday morning, June 1, the situation had worsened. “Some folks came and stated that if we wanted protection, we had better go to Convention Hall at once.” So Brother Hill along with his wife and five children fled to Tulsa’s Convention Hall. There, an estimated 3,000 black men and women were housed by the National Guard, who had been called in to restore order.
    About the same time, Brother Arthur Claus, who was white, made a courageous decision. “When I heard that rioting squads were running about throughout Greenwood, looting and setting fire to homes, I decided to check on my dear friend, Brother Hill.”

    Using The Harp of God, Arthur Claus taught a study class of 14 children
    Arriving at Brother Hill’s home, he encountered a white neighbor holding a rifle. The neighbor, also a friend of Brother Hill’s, assumed that Arthur was one of the rioters. “Why are you in this man’s yard?” he shouted.
    “Had I given him an unsatisfactory answer, he would have shot me,” Arthur recalled. “I assured him that I was Brother Hill’s friend and that I had been to his home many times.” Arthur and the neighbor successfully protected the property against the looters.
    Soon Arthur discovered that Brother Hill and his family were at Convention Hall. Arthur was told that black people could not leave there without an order signed by General Barrett, the officer in charge. Arthur related: “It was a real task to get to see the general. When I told him my plans, he asked: ‘Will you watch over this family and take care of their needs?’ Naturally, I heartily agreed.”
    With the order in hand, Arthur rushed to Convention Hall. He presented it to an officer who exclaimed: “Why, this is signed by the general himself! Do you know that you are the first person to take anyone from this place all day?” Brother Hill and his family were soon located. All of them crowded into Arthur’s car and headed home.
    “All of us stood equal among God’s dedicated people”
    Brother Claus made sure that Brother Hill and his family were safe. His example of fearless brotherhood had a good effect on others. Arthur related: “The neighbor who helped protect the Hill’s property drew closer to the truth. And a number of people got interested in the Kingdom because they saw that there were no racial barriers, that all of us stood equal among God’s dedicated people.”
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    Some of this stuff we've seen before, so I don't see how that is rare. But, granted this is revolving around a JW pastor, there is a rare instance of him, pictures of him spotted during the fall of Black Wall Street, otherwise known as The Tulsa Race massacre of Summer 1921 (May 31, 1921 – June 1, 1921).
    As you can see in the pictures below, you can see the JW Pastor's (well a Bible Student at the time) picture in the background, the mob outside were whites demanding the lynching of Dick Rowland because he was spotted with a white woman by the name Sarah Page, and was said to have assaulted her, however she declined to prosecute, despite this, that assumption was the fuel the riot needed in their fire; they needed someone to blame.
    Reasons for the picture was due to the fact just the day before, he gave a sermon, "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" on a  Monday, which was May 30th of 1921, and there were many ads/posters placed prior to the talk itself, even in the papers which was to be held at the Convention Hall.  The next day on a Tuesday night, The Tulsa Race Riot began. It is said some black folks wanted to attend this talk (only white people attended obviously), however, because of the Jim Crow Laws that were in effect, this prohibited black and white people to meet/gather with each other, which also connects with a Bible Student by the name Richard Hill not being able to attend, more so, the situation with Dick and Sarah, sparked the lynch mob making anyone who isn't white a literal target.
    Sadly, some former Bible Students and JWs will tell you that the JWs had some involvement and or Hill was a colored person to they barred him, even going as far as to spin conspiracy for those who aren't aware of the situation that took place, but that was not the case, granted anyone willing to look into that history, will see the truth of the situation, i.e. ExJws pretending to be JWs to trick anyone who does not know what Jim Crow Laws are or the real history behind the riots.
    NOTE: The Jim Crow Laws forbid blacks and whites to congregate together anywhere, and it is very strict. Places such as schools, restaurants, churches, etc.
    As for Hill, it is most likely that he and his household survived the bloody riots, possibly were out of harm's way. It was also said that some went to Hill's house for meetings during this time. To some extent, White Bible Students even defended his home apparently as some would say.


  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Well of course, it was a Message in regards to Judgement. More so repentance begot God's mercy which prevented Judgement on the city itself.
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    As you know, I preached amongst Muslims.  The bible clearly indicates (notthe GB) that one has to accept the ransom sacrifice and have faith in the resurrection of Jesus to be raised yourself!  Muslims as well as other religions do NOT accept the death of Christ.  So you can decide what you think!  While many of them are very sweet they do not believe in the concept of sin.  They just want the mercy of god!
    The judgment Day is not what people think!  Judgment does NOT just have the meaning of giving punishment.  If you go to court- BOTH sides are heard to give a final judgment.  It will be the same under Christ's kingdom.  Those unrighteous ones who have a resurrection will be taught from the new scrolls that will be opened. They will be judged according to their deeds after learning the truth!.
    Ezekiel 9 talks about the angel with the inkpot that will mark everyone for survival through Armageddon. We are in this period right now!  The winds of destruction are being held back for the 144000 to be sealed and also for the great crowd to be marked!   We are marked according to our Christian personality.   Most other Christian denominations are ready to fight with their guns and are ready to stand up to the government (get politically involved!) which is the mark of the beast! .......Is that displaying the "christian personality"?  So you judge JWs when we say that few will be saved through Armageddon..... but the bible itself says this!  The bible itself says they must have the name of the father AND the son!   If you read your bible regularly you will feel guilty over any behavior that is unacceptable to Jehovah and adjust it according to the righteous standards of God - being NICE is NOT the criteria!      Accepting Jehovah and his Son means that we also accept those "principles " which most people find tedious and unnecessary!
  23. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Physical attendance at meetings/assemblies and "Zoom" attendance   
    I’m expecting to lose it all.....and it will be a final testing of sorts for many of us.....somehow I’m thinking..rightly or wrongly? ...when it does all go...the visible structures of Jehovah’s witnesses...it has to some how represent...the scattering of the apostles..when Jesus was taken into custody and trial...and killed...
    The most favored and trusted ..fled and were confused after his death...they actually went back to work fishing...not knowing what to do.
    They did not cope with out his visible presence..even tho he had explained it to them.
    How will we cope without a visible bricks and mortar..or if zoom also goes down?
    Even Jesus himself cried out ...My God My God why have you forsaken me!!...he FELT it had gone on too long........in moments of anguish..will we as a people feel we have been tricked...will our faith and trust be tested when it all goes...and if he allows it all to go?
    I am thinking that it also corresponds with the Israelites on leaving Egypt in organized safe military style escape.
    When they were bought up against the sea..against the mountains...and hearing the chariots and horses of Egypt bearing down on them...in fear..and lack of trust In Jehovah..they felt they had been deceived...and cried out to Moses and ready to stone him for tricking them...will he allow the same situation come upon his modern day people in the last days?
    Why not?....if he allowed his own son for a very brief time to think he had been a abandoned...why not us his motley crew of people.
    We cannot look back and yearn for the days of KHs and skin on skin stuff....we cannot yearn for the leeks and onions and pots of meat...
    We have been trained as a people..and every time one of us here took a stand against a pagan holiday such as Xmas or Valentine’s Day or whatever.....which blatantly is a form of idol worship to a pretend demon God.......we were in training for what is coming...he was getting us ready to take a even stronger stand that seems to be about to happen.
    We must not be like Hezekiah who proudly showed of all his riches of gold etc...who put his faith in such...only to be punished by losing the lot...
    Even the good Kings had wrong attitudes about such things... and he learned from that.
    Havings said this I ask myself would I have been one that went into panic mode when my back was up against the mountains and wall of sea and hearing the thundering of horses bearing down on me and my family.....probably ......would I have been one that moaned about forty years of manna.....more than likely ....
    I like to think....or hope....that now I have the scriptures and read their examples....and had more training than those Israelites after 400 years of captivity ...Well..I hope I do a bit better.....time will tell shortly I guess.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to John Houston in Abel: How old when killed?   
    In the account of sexual encounters, Moses writes of only those which produces life; which is why there is sexual intercourse, right? Adam had sex while in the garden and anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. And to think that each encounter would produce a life, even while perfect is again foolish, since the body will now work perfectly; the sperm is introduced the egg also, but does that mean birth? NO! Eve would have her cycle and they would try again. The one thing they had then we do not have now is--TIME. No hurry! No need for twins or triplets and such! Eternity stood before them, those things are indeed imperfections! One child at a time. But what many do not do when they read this account, is could Eve have had girls first before sons? Cain being her firstborn SON? YET THERE COULD HAVE BEEN 2-3 SISTERS before his birth. And Moses is only writing about those involved in the account, that dos NOT mean other children are not alive or around, like a scene in a movie; focused on the scene presented, not the background. So Abel and his family lived and prospered, Cain may not have done so yet. The account said that "in time" she gave birth to Cain; the KJV reads "I have gotten a man from the LORD." So could Eve have been tired of all the females before Cain? Needing Jehovah's help? Never think the women came later, you will lose the truth of what went on during those times, of what Moses was writing about.
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    Even an atheist recognizes the need for organization, however opposers who have lost their reason imagine that they would have knowledge of anything biblical w/o the organizations they carp and moan about. It's like they simply refuse to acknowledge Jesus when he's asked about uprooting the weeds, they want to uproot all of it. Jesus on the other hand said "knock it off, you presumptuous people, you have nothing to do with weeding, it's going to grow together until the harvest and the weeding won't be done by you and your mouth, it'll be done by angels".
    So YOU as a professed Christian simply must choose an organization with which to associate. No you're not going to agree w/everything, but that's the deal.
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