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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Is Jesus God?   
    Hebrews 1:1-8
    Here trinitarians make the claim Jesus is God which again goes against their own trinity theology of three sperate persons. They claim the heir of all things is God. So the question arises if Jesus is God then why create a heir in order to deceive people. Aren't heirs begotten?  Again, trinitarians will reject the words of Christ at (John 3:16) at all Cost.  
    They claim God 'has become better than the angels to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs.' (Hebrews 1:4)  So at one time God was worse than the angels?  God only became better than the angels because he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs? Who gave God his Name?  An angel??
    “And let all of God’s angels do obeisance to him.”  Whose angels??  If Jesus is God then who is telling God's angels to do something?  Don't the angels know who God is???  I guess not if you are to believe the trinitarian.
    The answer to which angel at (Hebrews 1:5) is at (Hebrews 5:5) So, too, the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by the One who said to him: “You are my son; today I have become your father.”  Notice Jesus did not glorify himself but he was glorified by Jehovah, the One who was able to save him from death. 
    But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth (Hebrews 1:6)  Who bring his Firstborn again? Jehovah God...  this is where the trinitarian claim God is Firstborn of All Creation. Ummm... I thought God was eternal??  Of course rejecting (John 3:16) at all Cost.
    During his life on earth, Christ offered up supplications and also petitions, with strong outcries and tears, to the One who was able to save him out of death, and he was favorably heard for his godly fear. (Hebrews 1:6)  So how is it that God offered up supplications and also petitions and to whom?  Why is God depending on someone else to save him??  
    They also claim Jesus is God because God is his throne.  No it means that Jesus has Jehovah's backing and support....
    They ALWAYS stop short of the next scripture when they know very well what it says.  You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God, anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your companions.” (Hebrews 1:9)
    If Jesus is God then who is this other God anointing God and exulting God?  Why would God need to be exulted?  I thought the 3  sperate persons were co- equal?  No. No. Jesus is God they exclaim... you must believe Jesus is God to be save!!  I ask what scripture is that?   The trinity is like a three legged dog chasing it's own tail.  It doesn't fit.. you must acquit.
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Is Jesus God?   
    In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28)  Thomas never stated that Jesus is God. The scriptures clearly tell us that "No Man has Seen God at Any time" (John 1:18)
    The actually scripture reads "You are the Lord of me and the God of me."   Meaning that Jesus takes on the Godly Seat of Judgment.  https://biblehub.com/interlinear/john/20-28.htm
    "For the Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son," (John 5:22)  However, Jesus has 144,000 co rulers does he not?  
    1 Corinthians 6:3  Do you not know that we will judge angels?

  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Is Jesus God?   
    Indeed, the sacred secret of this godly devotion is admittedly great: ‘He was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about among nations, was believed upon in the world, was received up in glory.’ 1 Timothy 3:16
    Remember, as in Titus 2:13, the trinitarian reject the words of Christ in (John 3:16). Since they don't believe that God gave or sent his only begotten son, they try to erase Christ altogether by claiming,  "
    God was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about among nations, was believed upon in the world, was received up in glory.’
    So how is it that God was declared righteous in spirit and to whom?  Who is checking Jehovah??
    Why would God need godly devotion and to whom? Angels?? Really? God had to appear to Angels to be declared righteous?  Isn't the He in 1 Timothy 3:16 speaking about God's Only Begotten Son as the Word of God?   God is not even in the scripture as they false claim... 
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Is Jesus God?   
    I have encountered such challenges. Trinitarians often will dump on their three separate persons makes one God theology by switching to modalism. (ie... one part is wholly god)  which actually weakens their theory of the three in one concept.
    One would simply look at the scripture and surrounding scriptures for context.  In Titus we read "while we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of our Savior, Jesus Christ," (Titus 2:13)
    The scripture in Titus 2:11 reads "For the undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people."
    So how did this undeserved kindness of God manifest?   The trinitarian does not believe that God sent his only begotten son and therefore reject Jesus own words at "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
    They reject the undeserved kindness of God by claiming God is Begotten or created himself in order to send himself.  Of course, we both know that God is eternal and sent his Word.  
    Then we also have the Greek which helps clarify the Great God underserved kindness by means of Jesus Christ.  Titus 2:13 is actually speaking of the appearing or manifestation of God's GLORY and ends with "and Savior of us Christ Jesus."  https://biblehub.com/interlinear/titus/2-13.htm
    Other scripture that fit into this spiritual thought. (John 17:1, John 12:23, John 13:31- 32, John 1:14)

  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    It still does not excuse the New Thought slander. I mean, you did cite Restorationism yourself.
    That being said, Basic knowledge in regards to the Bible and the history of Christianity, we can stick with that, especially concerning JWs - we can go with the Bible first. And the fact you bring this up, reminds me of what you stated a while back regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses version of the Bible concerning error - I guess we can start with that, with just 2 questions.
    My response to you:
    NOTE: Jehovah's Witnesses were spoken of as committing various errors because of their New World Translation (NWT) of the Bible, and they teach that their action on this was because the errors were considered not inspired, hence 2 Timothy 3:16 (All scripture is given by inspiration of God). Not only they were spoken of as removing part of verses, but in their translation, removing a verse/passage entirely.
    Concerning errors -  [1] can you explain to me why the Jehovah's Witnesses removed Gospel of John 7:53–8:11 from their translation of the Bible and some have not? Let alone change parts (Partial Verses Omitted) of a verse?
    That passage isn't the only example, but we have a few others, as seen below:

    Also they were spoken of as in error for verses like Acts 7:59, 60 and the verses in Matthew, it was even addressed here - 
    [2] Why did the Jehovah's Witnesses make this change to the 2 verses?

  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Thinking's point was some things can easily be made a false rumor. No one is oblivious to child sex abuse at all and it is very unfortunate that in an imperfect world people act out their sin. So regarding CSA, anyone can take a story, and mold it into something else. Since we are all mature here, the truth of the matter is in today's world anything about sexual relations can be weaponized, used as a tool to commit harm and or injury. Sadly, this is the case with child sex abuse too. This is why it is important for guardians and or parents to not only talk to their kids about the dangers, but how to protect themselves. I mean, child sex abuse has always been talked about over and over and over again on this forums, but rarely do people take action on the matter, especially the ones who constantly bring it up, sometimes without warning. I'm sure you have access to various social media, by not teach and explain to people how to protect their children instead of being this way - I mean, you did bring up CSA&N a while back, why not apply their teaching?
    I dislike child sex abuse, and I am sure you dislike it as much as I do, but taking steps to help, reach one, teach one is beneficial. So Splane is correct on false rumors. Because anyone can take a story and make it apocryphal right out of the gate before any facts are gathered - something of which was done with the Royal Commission.
  7. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    @Jack Ryan I don't know who gave you that idea. We're still preaching, and from my experience for the last few months outside of school and work, there are people legitimately trying to find us (despite what Ex Jws say), either for meetings or a Bible Study. At times we really don't have to do much. There are people out there who generally want to learn what the Bible really teaches, who Jehovah God is and his son, Jesus. So the pandemic bogging some people down, but not all. I think we raised up in the number of adherents too. My congregation has more people, a few friends of mine had a few newcomers, even some who are in the United Kingdom, France and Spain. So we haven't stopped, Matthew 24:14 is taken seriously, and to our Russian brothers and sisters, their faith has been strong enough to prevent their situation from breaking that spiritual armor. In my experience, met some pretty cool people in the ministry via letter writing and zoom, likewise with people at my college.
    @Space Merchant To this day, your knowledge and experience still intimidates people to the point of succumbing to Gnosiophobia lol. I agree with the history which you explained about what New Thought was, I was not aware that they originated from a Spiritualistic new age theology. As for Televangelism, that is also correct, not only it boomed in the 1950s in the United States, but it was in total dominance in that era to now. A paid spot on a random channel was what boosted it. The Prosperity theology is odd because it teaches that God wants people to be prosperous, especially financially, through it, power. Adherents to the Prosperity Gospel believe that wealth is a sign of God’s blessing and the poor are poor because of a lack of faith.
    Also I'm not aware of who this Chan guy is, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Bible and his message is weaponized to demonize and to convert people.
    @Thinking As usual, seems like the same prime suspects - taking what someone said and molding it into some mindless Frankenstein. But it is best to ignore it, or just speak the truth. A lot of people seem to be in favor of lies and deception because it fits what their view is, they never want to hear both sides of the story, this is why Brother Splane was right in key points of his talk, especially when it came to apostasy. Someone here mentioned he misused Matthew 5:25, 26, which I don't think he did. to handle  things quickly and he mentioned things handled in a just matter with truth, and the point was focused on Jesus urging his disciples to be about settling matters quickly; this is general, like disputes. He was also right about Satan causing division, and essentially leading bad association in proximity of good persons -
    I can attest to that because of a recent situation whereas in a chat about the Olympics, someone asked where everyone was from and a brief note about their background, even faith, the second I mentioned I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, out of nowhere, an apostate appeared lol 😅. You never know. But the other people there argued with him, and soon after booted him. They then asked who Jehovah God, and just like that, I told them. Some of the people were not as religious but stayed to listen, some asked for verses, and I just left them with a few verses, one of the verses being James 1:13. So in a situation like that because of an apostate who lashed out randomly, it resulted in a few small Bible gems for people to remember. I had another fun experience with preaching over zoom regarding a heavy metal dude, that is a story I'll save for another day.
    @Witness Well he isn't wrong. From what I am seeing, it isn't a matter of lumping terms together, Jehovah's Witnesses are Restorationist, if I recall, he has been saying that for a number of years and gave ample information to back it up (for none of us can forget colorful text, citations and quotes lol), he kept saying "roots" indicating a sense of credibility; they're not random unknown terms. It "isn't his term", in fact, he linked you the history. What he linked you, about Restorationism, it tells you just that, and the main source states: "Jehovah's Witnesses is a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination with nontrinitarian beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity." Backed up by prominent sources like Rodney Stark, Beckford, even some notable and credible sources. Restorationists aren't just against the Trinity/do not believe in the Trinity, but they are also the types to try to apply practices of the early church, or take steps to restoring practices in the modern day, even when it comes to Scripture and translation, this appears to be the case. There is a difference between Restorationist Christians and New Thought Christians. So calling Jehovah's Witnesses or anyone from Prosperity Preachers is not only a lie, but it shows, as he puts it, a total disregard to the history of either. Prosperity preachers are an adversary to not just Restorationist, but to nontrinitarians, so in reality, to me, and to you, we are seen as a threat. Simply making assumptions on the matter is essentially giving them a win in their book. I do wanna be the person to do that to them, and I genuinely believe you do not want to do the same too, let's not give them that win.
    Some key differences:
    We believe in the commission - preaching of the good news, they believe that God gives riches and wealth in abundance, using Scripture to increase their personal wealth. We believe Jehovah God is the one True God. They believe Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is a person, also God. We do not believe in the Immortal Soul Doctrine, but they believe good people go to heaven and bad people burn in Hell; believing the soul is immortal. We believe the ability to have visions died out with the last of the apostles, they believe they can have visions, speak in various tongues and literal heal people or expel demons. We do not celebrate Holidays, but they do, and on the holidays, they reap wealth for not the benefit of the Christian congregation expenses, etc., but for personal gain. We believe we are under the New Covenant. They do not believe in the Covenants, and simply mix-match them for their own benefit. The list goes on. Also, it was said before, but what is behind Restorationism is Subordinationism. It is understandable as to why Prosperity preachers would like to throw rocks in our direct, the main fact of our view of Christ Jesus.
    Just be careful for assuming terms, when often times the root of an legitimate thing can be traced back centuries.
    Always, stay frosty with the research, should you even consider it.
  8. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I also wish certain things had been acknowledged in that talk….but I also had to agree with a lot of things he said….he brang out some things which I had not taken into account also….
    I have also seen lies on forums and distortions of facts..and off course there are distortions on court cases..in the media…..I’ve seen it happen with the Amish and Mormons  and SDA…and yes..we have had genuine cases which should never had gone to court…and shame on us as a people for those….never ever should have been treated as they were ….and shame on us for those poor innocent kids…I know some of them…
    They should be acknowledged ..and Jehovah has…
    You think Jehovah’s hand hasn’t been visible in bringing these innocent cases to light ….yes bad men do enter into the Congs….yes we have elders who should not be elders and who have abused their powers and thus abused the sheep under their supervision…yes the Branch at times have given directions they should definetly not have given…yes we had to change some of our policies….yes some if not a lot of witnesses may not be able to ever see this…or even consider such a thing because it has not happened in their congs…they have not been touched by such things…because this sort of rot is not the norm…it is in fact the minority…and that is a fact!!
    I have also heard them apologize…from the platform for such things..and even in print …but you are not there to hear it…I was…you are not there to read it…I was….even in the current convention they spoke about ones wronged and hurt in the truth….
    There is no faith that does not experience these things…none!   I know you will not agree with anything I say..I expect that..I hope someone who has been hurt does not walk away from their faith because of the one sided …unrealistic view you and others paint.
    You all see the gnarled ugly old tree…..you don’t step back and see the green lush forest…
    Brother Splane  was right when he said Satan is active in a sneaky way…..what ones like you do…is manipulate those who have genuinely been hurt and crushed….to such a point..they go off into the wilderness all alone…to be devoured by beasts…..those who do this..are no different than elders and those in authority who have abused the sheep….you rape brothers and sisters of their faith….and leave them dying on the side of the road…and done all  in the name of Jehovah because most of them claim to have all been chosen and anointed….so whose now abusing who?
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The Sacred Field Ministry Stopped by a Bad Flu?   
    I do field service regularly - just like before .... so we have turned to digital preaching. 
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Did the Apostle Paul Have A Dog?   
    I don't think @Pudgy point was whether Paul had a dog or not. His point was that with all that Paul went through, and in such a short period of time, could be agenda driven, just like if you liked the idea of him being accompanied by a dog, (since Pudgy is a dog) you may be able to insert that in there somewhere....and even go around the fact that to the Jews dogs were unclean....
    It's like trying to envisage 8 million people or so trying to clean up the earth after Armageddon....
    It is obvious that supernatural help will be necessary. Perhaps Paul had supernatural help?
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Melinda Mills in Did the Apostle Paul Have A Dog?   
    Paul had holy spirit, which is also supernatural help. Jesus said he would leave the holy spirit to help us. Paul was appointed directly by Jesus to be an apostle to the Gentile nations.  (Acts 9:15-18) Jesus was with him all the time, and gave him whatever was necessary to accomplish his ministry.  Ananias was given supernatural power by Jesus to heal Paul after he was blinded by the light from heaven when Jesus was talking to him. It was necessary at that time for that help to be given. 
    The church was still in its infancy and powerful works due to supernatural help were still in evidence.  (1 Corinthians 13:8-11), e.g. speaking in languages not learnt previously, nullifying effect of snake bite, etc., and healing and resurrection. Paul raised Eutychus from the dead (he was picked up dead) when he fell asleep while sitting in a window. (Acts 20:7-12).
    He never credited his success to his high worldly education; rather he relied on the strength he was given by God and Jesus.  He said when he was weak he was powerful because that is when God's power was evident. 
    Don't know anything about dog help.
  12. Downvote
    We are all so different in personalities…( thank goodness) aruana you are fine the way you are…I would happily share a cell with you…I hope some of your answers as I hope all of us here…….have helped some one tuning in or perhaps that has been hurt or stumbled unfairly or wrongly..or simply know nothing about Jehovah’s witnesses….but it is a waste of time in talking with certain ones that’s for sure…and who has the energy in these last days or this period of time we live in….I’m tuning back in because SM has come back…and the quality of conversation has been lifted…pity he couldn’t be included in the JW Club….but he’s too honest to appear as an  alias….
  13. Upvote
    Anytime. But yeah, Australia has gotten worse, Canada is a different story. For Australia, their media isn't displaying what is taking place there all the time, let alone they rarely display full information, mainly when it comes to opposing views, religion, etc. As of recent they are sending and or have done so already the military to deal with people. Similar to Australia, you have Germany. They are physically abusing people, even children. And by whom? The police is doing this, and they are under order to do so in regards to the strife taking place there due to the COVID-19 surge. There was a child beaten by the Berlin police all because he protected his mother who had a different view concerning the pandemic, not to mention the recent 600 arrests. Sounds a bit 1984ish/Orwellian. Thus sparks the notation of Totalitarian action. This is parallel to what transpired prior to the ban of JWs in Russia and all things around it in regards to the Church and the State Duma, even afterwards, anything after the banning of JWs is highly suppressed, the only victory here is the Alexei Navalny followers being able to take down an FSB website that tracks them, along with others who the Kremlin deems a threat and yes, even JWs were tracked on this website, but they were branded as Navalny Heroes along with the rest, even underaged teens were branded.
    As pointed out to @TrueTomHarley and @ApostaBabe Linda James, Jehovah's Witnesses are only aware of their banning in Russia (as is the jailing of members of their faith), but not everything else that has taken place, before, during and after around the banning, i.e. members of the church for a brief moment went door to door to preach since the JWs were not doing it anymore or the legitimate "spiritual power" gain by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow prior or his meeting with Pope Francis, who manage to gain Kirill as another religious leader in the conquest for peace.
    It is tough to find the Russian church preaching video because on the Russian side of YouTube, some Christians got their channels deleted or blocked, however, articles on Kirill are still public - https://www.ruptly.tv/en/videos/20160218-062-Antarctica--Patriarch-Kirill-hails--spiritual-energy--at-Antarctic-mass
    That being said, the pandemic has given the powers that be, even the United Nations, a lot of power. Something of which the common Republican, Democrat, Left/Right-winger, Lib, etc do not understand, even that of a Centrist or a Statist, hence AoC. I had already mentioned to you what the UN was trying to do because of the Charlottesville situation, but I noticed yesterday that they have a shot coming towards Abrahamic Faiths concerning homosexuality and again with the first amendment. One has to realize why is it the first few amendments, mainly the first one, the UN has a high interest in?
    The irony of the situation, since we are speaking about Apostates too, this will eventually come for them, for JWs, mainly for those unaware of what is taking place behind the curtain of what the UN, the super powers, etc. are doing. As is, which can be a possibility, with turning people on their own (which they have already) without the need to remove them from their faith due to the MSM fear mongering getting the best of them, but on a Religious standpoint.
    Crazy time to be alive, but many of us, me especially, is unbothered, Truthers in general are not bothered by these things because we know what comes next, even from a Christian standpoint, for some Truthers are such.
  14. Upvote
    Not it isn't. It is no accusation. Those who are taught about God and ultimately abandon God as is speak ill of him and or lie by means of their exegesis about him are of this fold.
    Yet when the history is spoken in the past in this regard, you shoot away at it. This is evident because you didn't even know what Restorationism is.
    It isn't a Watchtower direction, so thank you for the humor. If you bothered to not only research the word Apostasy, as is the history behind it, you'd realize it, but as proven before, core Christian knowledge is not really there in you.
    Did you not READ what I said to @TrueTomHarley? [Although Apostasy, being an alienation from God, it can spell disaster in some instances.]
    So tell me, is homosexuality right in the eyes of God because through Jesus he accepts everyone? The answer is pretty obvious. Or how about same sex marriage? As long as both persons are in union before God and accept God, you think that is okay? Or maybe, is it right to make the claim that God was the one responsible for the Coronavirus, just so he can pass judgement? Or perhaps, the bombing of innocence men, women and children is a justice in the eyes of God for those of the US and the UK?
    I guess you need a "Pink Bible" for those.
    Apostasy is an alienation from God, and all things pertaining to him, even his Christ, and it can spell disaster. This just proves my case here as to which you are utterly unaware.
    You have to be completely ignorant to assume this is on the Watchtower alone when everyone can see it, even the chosen ones. We also have the fact that @Kosonen was right here, as was I.
    Says the man who is unaware of things. You already proven yourself where you stand spiritually, as is exposed yourself to be a misguided soul.
    why not? It would not surprise me if you yourself got hit by the wave as did most.
    I pointed out 2 factors, and you have no evidence (unproven opinions) as to how I lack both understanding and meaning if [I can attest to] the Concordances for the word(s) itself is clear, as is with those who studied the Crucifixions and gave commentary insight as to who and why it can be said.
    Again with the alienation. So please address the questions highlighted in blue and red. This just shows you are misguided because you did not understand the context of the point.
    You should examine yourself, because last I checked, didn't realize what Strong's were, even when told, you forget, and every time there is Concordances involved, you have 0% understanding in this regard unless told by some, even me, etc.
    Next time when you bring a claim, back it up because in my case, I only need to link your quotations.
    And so what? What are you attempt to prove with an American saying of which you have no knowledge of?
    That being said, I like how you bring Romans 12:9, yet Hermeneutical Context doesn't even correlate with the point made (which puts into question your claim of seeking and or having spiritual knowledge). JB, I thought you examined yourself spiritually here how can those having hatred of God abhor what is bad? Makes no sense (and you know it), and it shows you got it backwards, I guess you like to humor people, but of course you laugh out your mistakes - as always. This reminds me of what happened to Syrian Christians, of which the verse can be applied. A few years back the US/UK allies promised the city, and the Christians there, they will protect them, only for abandon them, resulting in the men, women and children to later be victims of terrorists, poisoners, killed, raped, forced into child marriage, slave labor, etc. Those who managed to escape made everyone aware of what happened. Why the allied forced left? Because they want their land back, and the only way to do it was to soften up even disarm the city, and abandoning them to the terrorist. They didn't care about God's Word when pretending to defend their own blood, nor did they abhor what is bad because instead of God, all they saw was their land. Also amazing how the US and the UK were hush hush about it, reasons why such ones continue to blame the US, UK and their allies.
    That said, the remark is in regards to hatred towards Christians and of God and his teachings, hence the alienation, as is with unchristianization of the Word.
    [haters hate because they can't appreciate, in turn, haters makes one even more famous.] - all quotations have meaning, of course.
    More and more people bring forth hate and persecution to break Christians, moreover, they do not appreciate the teachings of God so they'll do anything and everything to destroy and suppress it. But Christians remain enduring and strong against such because they know if hated, they are in the right for speaking true, in this regard, famous before God and famous before those who wants to stop God's people despite every attempt being a failure. The fact that Tom was able to understand that, but you didn't speaks volume.
    You speaking of Romans 12:9 is out of context here for the verses stats [Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.]
    There is a verse you should have used in this regard, and it is Ephesians 4:18, which would have made more sense.
    It reads [being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening of their heart;]
    Those who hold to this category do have darken hearts. Because they reject God with their folly, they do not have in view the life of God of which he gives them, hence God being the life giver. Their hearts are also harden, so even if a Christian reasons with them, they do not listen, even if they attack or kill a Christian or do anything vile of ill intent, they hold no remorse, not to mention they rejoice at trying to break them from the inside and out. They love what is bad and wicked. They abhor ALL that is good. And they will find away to attack, as is willfully confuse Christians if need be because they do not see their err and are lost. Something of which Satan the Devil takes joy in as is a rebellious child who steals candy from another child. In rare instances, some come to their senses, and make the return to God, we even have Bible examples, un turn mirrors today.
    Last I checked, you do not preach the gospel and the like you only focus on the Watchtower solely, this goes back to what I challenged you on too in 2020 before I was invited to a group to aid young people, so you do not know, thus being unaware, of things outside of your home, let alone where you live.
    So how does hatred of God have love when they have hate?  How can they cling to what is good, if they cling to what is bad? Again, Tom understood the point, you didn't, despite the response was solely for Tom in regards to what he said. You interjected unwisely with no understanding of things.
    But you equate all of them as bad and evil, i.e. because of @Arauna, you equate ALL JWs to be like her, have you made every single JW? Have you met Castle? have you met Kathgar? Also Swahili JWs have been mentioned, forgot about them? You show an understanding as the Canada Church debaters from a few days ago, which is a shame.
    It was said on CSE that the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses, some people who leave claim to seek a better understanding of God, but at the same time, they allow themselves to be open to falsehood, conspiracy and misinformation, and an odd exgesis. Even some who are not of any group called this out, and there was a case where Muslims, some who do not like JWs or Christians, made a fool of former JWs in their debates. You speak of lies, but you assumed the truth of the Concordances to be false, despite the Concordances did not originate with Jehovah's Witnesses, you later assumed a group existed only to be false, and now you adhere to the Smurf, who is known by ExJWs to make wild accusations about JWs.
    You say you hate what is bad, but misinformation is also bad, as with apostasy, it can spell disaster. If you actually know the history of early Christianity, you'd also know that. Not once I hear you talk about the Councils, so that remains to be seen.
    You haven't given any evidence to how Scripture was misused when you yourself do not know Strong's. In this case, the issue with Hands vs. Wrists (hence Concordances are always right), which has been talked about even outside of the JW faith, mainly due to the fact of how crucifixion were done and the tearing of flesh, etc. Most people do not really focus on that, but rather, if the device used was a cross or a stake.
    It is an American English saying from said folks... Are you really focused on that of which you do not know the point? Laughable. Very.
    That being said, it is not WISE to read into things literally, it is WISE to take in all information concerning the words and roots of the Greek text concerning hands or wrists, as is, with what the conclusion actually is. Greeks didn't' speak English back then, so let's not assume they did. In this regard, the notation isn't that much of an issue, very elementary and minor, for the real focus to many is either cross or stake.
  15. Upvote
    Thanks for honesty!  I am South African - we always come over strong-like.  I do not get emotional about anything at all ( it may look that way), when he and those with hate-OCD say untrue things or accuse.  I recognize it for what it is - a useless exercise against Jehovah and his people!
  16. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Vaccine time   
    This is what it has come too….I am also at that point…as hard as it is..when the subject now comes up…when I hear such ignorance spouted…even with genuines behind such sayings…..the wisest thing to do now…is to keep silent for the sake of peace between us all….having said that there is a few of us older ones who have been around the block in the truth a number of times…speaking quietly to each other…in hushed tones….who would have thought hey!
  17. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Vaccine time   
    Sadly it is still not enough for some to understand why many do not take the so called vaccination…I respect those who do….and why…but their is little respect or understanding for those who don’t.
    when one truly investigates this….it fills one with absolute terror with what is coming upon mankind….and yet many brothers and sisters are caught unawares at the stage we are at…..for this is not really about a virus..it’s much darker than that.
    There are divisions even amongst brothers and sisters now happening..fighting with each other..calling each other stupid and an idiot..not speaking to each other over THIS…..
    One comment was made…..if any brother and sister refuse to take this they should be denied all access to any further medical treatment…
    some one quick in mind replied….what if they took that stand when we refuse blood transfusions..
    Unfortunately…this satanic plan is having success…in turning ..companion against companion….such is the power generated by hysteria and fear…so very sly and cunning is Satan in  How to cause divisions in so called countries claiming democracy.
    He does not need such cunning in many other countries….the implications of what lays ahead is so utterly terrifying..that it leaves one dazed..and in great sorrow..as this is just the start.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    I also don’t get into this much because it is not the main issue. If it is something that can get people sick in the long run—well, throw it on the stack. We all get sick in the long run.
    The main thing for Witnesses is to focus on announcing the incoming kingdom under which no one will say ‘I am sick.’
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Vaccine time   
    Cancel Culture will come for you if that is the case. They've been deleting and deplatforming people since the pandemic, even more since January 6th, to add their own narrative, re-writing history, and soon interjecting it into the higher education system, even going as far as to, wanting to dance at the graves of people who do not agree with them, which is insane. Media and social media deems anyone a threat if you do not align with their narrative of the pandemic, and you can easily get marked for cancellation, which in turn, can ruin your life, even your livelyhood, something of which Vice and the Dailybeast, teamed up with The Young Turks, is attempting with someone right now - to deplatform, cancel, erase history in regards to the individual; for they're doing this because they are disgruntled and using the pandemic and Jan. 6th as a weapon. Eslewhere, Alex Johns, was actually right on something, yet the MSM claim he lied, again this speaks volume.
    So you'll have to tread carefully as to why you say, and what you do, even link in some platforms, mainly on social media.
    Even the CDC needs to be viewed with skepticism, mainly after what they said:
    Yet..... The vaccinated have become Trojan Horses, breakthrough spreaders. Misinformation drives all people into ruin.
    That being said, the whole vaccine thing is up to a person's personal choice, no one should be pressed for their medical records, HIPPA comes into question which many ignore, even the media. But the whole fear factor thing is a powerful tool, and no one is immune to it if they get caught up into it, like that of a vortex you have to fight your way out of, as mentioned already to Thinking and in the other thread, JWs are in subjection to this, as with most. AS for the jokesters, and the misguided souls out there, even on this forums, they will get hit by this even harder, especially those in the EU, Germany is a foreshadowing of what is to come on their soil.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Vaccine time   
    Yes, even Jehovah's Witnesses aren't immune from what the media is spreading throughout the TV and social media. A lot of young JWs utilize social media. The powers can use anything at their disposal, even a  snippet of fear and division, and pour it out to ALL groups, as is ALL faiths, even those who are irreligious, they were able to do this with even children, which is amplified by the higher education system teaching CRT and a means to cause division among children, teens and young adults, something of which no one found out about until recently. Whenever a government aided power has a crisis on their hands, they can expel more power and authoritarian action among the people. 
    There are those who did take a stand, it is liken to your stance on blood transfusion, which, because of the Pandemic, you not accepting a transfusion can no longer be an argument against you. It is also one of those reasons as to why Alt Left and Right media no longer press JWs about blood, moreover, Ambrosia resurfaced and the situation with the black markets went up after what was discovered in China.
    Another thing is, while everyone is distracted, various things are taking place in the background, which will eventually lead to more panic buying, people moving out of the cities, etc. If you haven't noticed, Seeds have been bought up and or removed from stores, which raises the question as why seeds are being prohibited from the public in some areas?
    That being said, power and fear can cause people to buckle, some, who are so enticed by the MSM as often fall in line and follow what is told to them as if they are an Empire based Stormtrooper under Order 66.
    Satan is like a mix of Batman villains. Cunning for if not one scheme gets you, the other one can put you in between a rock and a hard place directly or indirectly. So you have to be really really strong in this type of situation, mainly due to the fact it is going to get much worse, hitting 1984ish-Bob Page levels as we speak.
    I see this often quoted by some, which is true with the powers that be.
  21. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from xero in Vaccine time   
    This is what it has come too….I am also at that point…as hard as it is..when the subject now comes up…when I hear such ignorance spouted…even with genuines behind such sayings…..the wisest thing to do now…is to keep silent for the sake of peace between us all….having said that there is a few of us older ones who have been around the block in the truth a number of times…speaking quietly to each other…in hushed tones….who would have thought hey!
  22. Downvote
    This is the groundwork being laid down in Australia now…I think Canada too…thanks for your explanations…much appreciated…
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    This is why I am careful not to get into squabbles over it. I may post something that seems to me of substance, but if people disagree, I do not get into it. 
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    Should that happen, you know they will not be cheap. 
    The doctor who wrote the White House with the medical regimen that quickly cured Trump from Covid thinks there will some day be the equivalent of Nuremberg trials for those who let hundreds of thousands die by discrediting and even withholding treatment of an eminently treatable disease.
    One day it was announced he had Covid and everyone thought he was a goner. Within three days he was back to his traveling routine. 
    Several doctors testified passionately before Congress that it make available certain low-cost drugs that had proven hugely effective. “If you take this drug, [ivermecin—in combination with some others] you will not get sick,” said Dr. Pierre Kors. He knew this because he had made his staff take it as they treated hundreds of Covid patients and they had not gotten sick.
    Despite testimony of these ones, the drugs have been discredited. Hydroxychloroquine was shot down long ago on the grounds of being unsafe, even though it had proven its safety over the course of decades. Ivermectin was also promptly shot down as some studies using wildly inappropriate dosages produced inconclusive results. 
    Why? One theory is that only if there is no way to treat Covid can there be an international emergency crash program for a new vaccine. Maybe profit reasons for pharma? Or something more conspiratorial? That’s where the conspiracy people come in—trying to explain it. But the fact that the disease is readily treatable has been testified by many practicing doctors. (Including my own)
    It was also pointed out that none of the epidemiologists advising the president had ever actually treated a patient. This denigration of those who walk the walk in favor of those who talk the talk is something many Witnesses are familiar with.
    None of this is to say that the vaccine is not good. That’s a whole different topic. But the emergency atmosphere to develop it, and now perhaps additional (expensive) cures was contrived and appears to be unnecessary 
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    This is the most thorough collection of reasons I have yet seen—everything under one roof.
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