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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Vaccine time   
    @xero Vaccinations is up to the choice of the individuals (also recommended to speak to your doctor), be it a man, woman or child, however, it seems people are pressing with fear to get the numbers up (death toll was abandoned by the MSM because Donald J. Trump is no longer in power). Truthers called it years ago that a crisis will enable the media and the government to reap and use said powers, all it took was a pandemic which resulted in the state of the Western world and the rest of the globe. Some can't take it due to Religious Reasons, and or being against their faith or they can't take it at all due to medical issues.
    The irony here is that one of the children I helped out mentioned a game his older brother played that spoke of a virus and a pandemic, and in this game as to how the situation has been dividing the people and cause a panic among ALL groups. Thus is sparks a segregation of the general public in some parts, for in the past, whites and blacks were subjected to segregation, but like in this game the kid mentioned to me, you have people segregated by their augmentations, IRL, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
    That being said, the US and their allies, France, United Kingdom, etc. are pressing for vaccinations. Germany recently joined the bandwagon in this regard.
    Concerning COVID-19 there is a LOT going on in the background that isn't being mentioned in articles and the media. Aside from "Vaccinated Only" signs, arrests, etc. Especially breakthrough cases of the Vaccinated folk who are now dub'd Trojan Horses, which is rarely spoken about in the media. As is with suffering children.
    They use to clown Truthers about Booster Shots last year, and now they suggest Booster Shots and COVID-19 Pills.
    As I and Kosenen have brought up, they're going to make things harder and harder for you so you submit to a medical procedure.
    A recent assassination was also speculate due to rejection of vaccinations, and ironically cases went out in said country, as is with their neighbors, who were subjected to mixed dosages, which can also become a reality in the US and EU.
    Although it as nothing to do with the Mark of the Beast as some claim, it can be seen as a foreshadowing of the things to come, the events prior to the Endgame, mainly with the agenda of the United Nations slowly coming to fruition.
    As I mentioned in another thread, the wave that is to come, some people will be wept away by it, for their own assumption spells their demise, which proves Proverbs 22:3, and all similar verses to it not being applied.
  2. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to The Librarian in The Time Left Is Reduced!   
    It is almost palpable at this point. 
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Like the Days of Noah...   
    17 Goals to Transform Our World, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection." Therefore the prophecy, "It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name" at (Rev 13:16-17) will have come in Full Force. A door to door enforcement if need be.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Like the Days of Noah...   
    I think there are 6 scriptures referring to the disgusting thing of destruction standing in the holy place.... Rome first decimated all surrounding cities before it came for Jerusalem.  Similarly today the modern day disgusting thing will decimate before it turns on the people of Jehovah. The UN  is this destructive force. They are destroying fresh water dams in USA - letting fresh water run into the sea and soon to remove dams.  Farmers will not have water.... supply chains of meat are decimated etc.  .... all for their Agenda 2030 plan.   Much decimation and suffering lies ahead.  Jehovah will judge these elites pushing this new secular world order. 
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Like the Days of Noah...   
    Warned of “Things Not Yet Beheld”
    6. What did Jehovah determine to do in Noah’s day?
    6 In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”—Genesis 6:17.
    1914 marks the beginning of the end for this ungodly world.  Only 120 years more and the end for Satan's System of things will start dissolving!  
    It's Spiritual... 
    2 Peter 3:10 But Jehovah’s day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed.
    Unbelievers are not allowed to SEE... turn around!  "You are going the Wrong Way"  Quote taken from the movie, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. 😀
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Like the Days of Noah...   
    The article in question may have been used out of context by some, in regards to the 120 range of years, people go to this article. So in regards to what you said and this article it can easily be deduced to warning events and the like, hence what I mentioned to Srecko. I am still researching on more that Reslite mentioned, as is the Bible students concerning 2034, because for them, they fit your view along with Newton's view
  7. Upvote
    It is. You needlessly complicate it by being overly exacting, excessively unforgiving, and too enamored with your own righteousness.
    They can’t. They need a True Anointed to explain everything. In the meantime, it’s important not to do anything except complain.
    Whatever happened to “Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door?” (Luke 13:24) He didn’t say wait for the doorman to ease your way in.
  8. Upvote
    Apostasy in the modern age can pose a danger indirectly too resulting in innocent bystanders to get caught in the crossfire. Most Apostates do not recognize their err in this regard and pretend as if nothing happened, and or simply blame the one whom they are against, be it a religious group and or institution. An example would be the religious group, Islam. Where wrong information was pushed forth resulting in various crimes, the rape and killing of a Muslim girl by some random person who isn't even of the faith, acid being thrown at someone and just Canadian family was ran over by someone purposely, killing them. Apostasy of Islam or those who are fearful of Islam end up blaming the people and the faith itself. Likewise in Christianity, Christians are subjected to the same thing, even manipulated in the same manner.
    Although Apostasy, being an alienation from God, it can spell disaster in some instances. A parallel but can also be used as an example - We can even go as far back as the Council of Nicaea, as to when Arius died, some have said the Bishops who proclaim the Trinitarian faith rejoiced.
    Now in this regard, you can have apostates bring forth a claim regarding Jesus' crucifixion. Cross or Stake, Hands or Wrist, not realizing one shouldn't be reading into this literally to conclude their own exegesis.
    As the cool folks say today, haters hate because they can't appreciate, in turn, haters makes one even more famous.
    That being said, Apostasy will remain for up until the conclusion of the End Times the way I see it. As for now religion and politics are the very things being hit hard by the latter, politics in general, although one has to be neutral with them, you still have to watch how they move.
  9. Downvote
    Can you please expand on this explanation…as to what we as a people dont quiet..or deeply understand..as to the UN…I think I have an idea but I’d really like you to spell it out for me…
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Like the Days of Noah...   
    I did not say if their values are good or bad.  It is one of the most corrupt organizations on earth.  All their cultural organizations have been pushing the transgender and transhuman agendas...... satanic values.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in Like the Days of Noah...   
    You seem to lack the urgency that 2034 is only 13 years away.  In the essence of time... it is here... 
    Can we expect Jehovah's Day to begin after the sealing process ends? Yes, we can. Matter of fact, the scriptures counsel us to Keep in Expectation of it! We read: “The vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps panting on to the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.” (Habakkuk 2:3) What does this tell us? Jehovah's Day will not be late, we may not recognize it at first. After all, the flesh melting off the bones and eyeballs dropping out of the eye sockets is figurative speech as to what happens to someone who has been pitched into Gehenna or the fiery furnace. They die the second death without knowing it, an everlasting death of destruction. Oh... they will become hostile and vindictive, for Jesus states, 'that is where there weeping and gnashing of teeth will be.'  Read more...
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Like the Days of Noah...   
    Babylon as the world empire of false religion - the beast she is riding now will turn around and attack her (The Pope is now one of the largest proponents of Agenda 2030 together the the WEF). The beast that Babylon the Great is riding will  attacked her (UN).  If you read Revlation 17 and 18 you will see that when the image of the beast turns against her - the world economic system will collapse. I think the are speeding up UN agenda 2030 against all costs. ... so the disastrous events may happen one after another and may pan out sooner than we think. 
  13. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Like the Days of Noah...   
    This woman is NOT the anointed  (the bride is spoken of betrothed to christ) but this same heavenly woman is prophesied in Genesis 3:15. She would bring forth the SEED that eventually would crush Satan's head!   Paul calls the main part of the seed - the Christ.  So this seed christ comes from this heavenly woman. So does it refer to an earthly woman or a heavenly one?  Well - since Satan also has heavenly seed - or angels who fight against the heavenly SEED of Jehovah it stands to reason an earthly woman does not have power to fight spirit beings.  So this is a heavenly woman that is often spoken of in the bible as a wife of Jehovah and he is her husbandly owner.   It is his heavenly organization from where Jesus came to earth.   
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    Women are imperfect and act on imperfect hormones.  God has regret..... but this is not as strong as repentance, remorse and the other emotions inbetween.  God does not make mistakes. Regret indicates that  human  actions made God  change his mind as to their future....... 
    One can read your own emotions into the bible if it suits one. 
    No doubt, God was very disappointed and all mankind justly deserved destruction. Because God is a God of life it was really regretful to have to do what justice required. ... to destroy. 
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    I was.
    I did.
    He wasn’t.
    You’re wrong.
    It’s his heart that it never came up into, his center of motivation. It is the furthest thing from what he would ever do. It’s not that he can’t imagine it.
    There is division among translators over this verse. Someone want to spend some time looking into this? I’ll take the NWT any day in this case. It dovetails far better with everything else we know of God.
    https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Jeremiah 7%3A31
    One translation best captures the “mind” sense with, “I never entertained the thought,” which is not the same as being “surprised.”
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Interesting thought about the initial rebellion   
    This is a wrong translation. In Hebrew and Arabic " existence" is always implied in the verbs.  So the causative verb and hollow verb refers to him always existing before, currently existing and existing in future. Or proving who he is in future.
    No - he was not surprised, just bringing justice for the large numbers of of children murdered  in the name of false gods.
    Evolution can also mean - change to something which already exists.  We know that Babylon the great stands for all religions which were spawned from the renewed rebellion against Jehovah led by Nimrod and the institution of false religion in opposition to him. Babylon was the capital city of this rebellion being built in opposition to God and was the originator of many false doctrines in most religions i.e. immortality of the soul.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in The truth about Jesus' Resurrection   
    They do this with everyone who speaks the truth as well.  That is why corporations are ensuring that no negative things are said about the "prick in the arm -thingy" which is now being promoted as the best thing ever! Satan is running this world now with deceit and propaganda.  Revelation 16:14 - 16 says that it is propaganda which leads to Armageddon.  The propaganda is given is in neo-commie style.  In China one may only "speak" what the state allows you to speak.  Well "soft-totalitarianism" is here in the west. The governments are now working with media corporations and other corporations according to the WEF agreement made 2 years ago with the UN.  They will soon cut all information which they view as "untruth".  All the fact checking corporations are already under their control.  People will be fed untruths all the time (crowd control).  This is how they will eventually turn against Babylon the Great (all religions) when they feel safe enough to do so - when they feel they have enough control. 
    That is why we cannot trust any political organization or any other organization that makes money in this system.  They are all corrupt. Satan is openly running everything right now and all the cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork.  Only Jehovah can be trusted. 
  18. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    That comment about a fellow brother shows you have a real problem with ego….and a great need to be right……can you prove he did that…..or could that come under a false accusation against a fellow brother……Personally I don’t think anyone knows and you need to stop chasing this and be a little bit humble and stop shoving your thoughts down everyone’s throats…Whoever  did it could see it was causing disruptions and unnecessarily contentions and debating proving fruitless……and none of it promoting peace  amongst brothers….you do well to perhaps give some credit to whomever did it and stop your self promotion of your belief.
    I couldn’t care less about dates…..so give it a rest …no honest hearted true brother would do what you are doing to prove your personal point…you are relentless in your crusade…
    you are one big red flag to me!!!!
    you are like a a broken record and I for one no longer even read your ramblings and copy and pastes….
  19. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    Well just look at the above discussions now taking place from six screens..incredible how slyly these are introduced and discussed ..with the results of sowing seeds of doubt….unbelievable!…and who introduced it and who is participating….sheesh…is everyone blind!!,
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Climate change is the LEAST of anyones' REAL problems.   
    @Arauna Well one thing for certain some of this stuff has already caused a form of segregation among the people. This goes for covid-19, censorship, institutional indoctrination to groom division among children and climate change to some degree. Essentially, today's society just hit a Bizarro World type scenario.
  21. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    thinking is no coward…probably not that brave eith tho……but also has a lot of common sense …I’m not Like JWI who is as dodgy as they come..twists and blabs away losing serious points in a confusion of ramblings.
    The point is…Pearl has admitted to me personally she does no Bible study…but of course we can all put confidence in Her ….hahahaha….and never know what she is goinng to write as it just flows and comes to her.
    Now if ones  Like JWI…want to find holes or worm his way around such blatant self admissions by the one doing these things…then who’s the coward ….and why?????
    your as sly as they come JWI…..and I’d say a double agent who sits at the table of demons …and walks amongst Gods people doing the devils work?…and he does it because he has deceived himself ….you act as a insider…and are aptly named….
    Ban me if you like from this forum..which houses dark forces anyway….I have to ask…myself why on earth are we and even worse/ me! tangoing with such dark forces….
    Also who ever runs this forum at some stage you are going to have to step up  and protect ones who are honest hearted….and not become complacent in the devil having a platform……all for the sake of interesting conversations…..why not let’s just sit with the devil….I wonder how Jehovah would view us then..
  22. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Dmitar in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    When have I ever done this…?..and nor do I view apostates as many do…in fact I view most so called apostates as ones with genuine hurts and griefs needing expressions???..and answers…
    Do you not think I have not experienced first hand one of those  broken people in my family…hence my journey on forums?..same reasons as Anna.
    could any one save him…no!…he is now awaiting the resurrection …but I will still stand by my statement….all forums as well as this one is used by demons as a play ground…and it’s the genuine ones who will be their victims…..
    anyway….I shall say my farewells here..and I wish you all well……but I will say one thing before I go…there is no point in bringing  to light or tearing down Russell’s name…it’s cowardly as the man cannot represent himself and make an answer….I do t agree with all that is written by him  either…but he was one hell of a man to stand up in his time ..and dispense the food that he did..and fight to his death and put in its grave ..the teaching of hellfire and trinity…was he a flawed man…yes…..was he used by Jehovah ..without doubt…..Jehovah uses flawed men and women.
    is it easy to publicise his errors..absolutely…sadly it will continue on…but remember..it’s just opinions..written by ones who never knew him or his era he lived in…
  23. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    When have I ever done this…?..and nor do I view apostates as many do…in fact I view most so called apostates as ones with genuine hurts and griefs needing expressions???..and answers…
    Do you not think I have not experienced first hand one of those  broken people in my family…hence my journey on forums?..same reasons as Anna.
    could any one save him…no!…he is now awaiting the resurrection …but I will still stand by my statement….all forums as well as this one is used by demons as a play ground…and it’s the genuine ones who will be their victims…..
    anyway….I shall say my farewells here..and I wish you all well……but I will say one thing before I go…there is no point in bringing  to light or tearing down Russell’s name…it’s cowardly as the man cannot represent himself and make an answer….I do t agree with all that is written by him  either…but he was one hell of a man to stand up in his time ..and dispense the food that he did..and fight to his death and put in its grave ..the teaching of hellfire and trinity…was he a flawed man…yes…..was he used by Jehovah ..without doubt…..Jehovah uses flawed men and women.
    is it easy to publicise his errors..absolutely…sadly it will continue on…but remember..it’s just opinions..written by ones who never knew him or his era he lived in…
  24. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    When have I ever done this…?..and nor do I view apostates as many do…in fact I view most so called apostates as ones with genuine hurts and griefs needing expressions???..and answers…
    Do you not think I have not experienced first hand one of those  broken people in my family…hence my journey on forums?..same reasons as Anna.
    could any one save him…no!…he is now awaiting the resurrection …but I will still stand by my statement….all forums as well as this one is used by demons as a play ground…and it’s the genuine ones who will be their victims…..
    anyway….I shall say my farewells here..and I wish you all well……but I will say one thing before I go…there is no point in bringing  to light or tearing down Russell’s name…it’s cowardly as the man cannot represent himself and make an answer….I do t agree with all that is written by him  either…but he was one hell of a man to stand up in his time ..and dispense the food that he did..and fight to his death and put in its grave ..the teaching of hellfire and trinity…was he a flawed man…yes…..was he used by Jehovah ..without doubt…..Jehovah uses flawed men and women.
    is it easy to publicise his errors..absolutely…sadly it will continue on…but remember..it’s just opinions..written by ones who never knew him or his era he lived in…
  25. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Charles Taze Russell: Dates, Expectations, Predictions, Apologies, Response, Relevance   
    When have I ever done this…?..and nor do I view apostates as many do…in fact I view most so called apostates as ones with genuine hurts and griefs needing expressions???..and answers…
    Do you not think I have not experienced first hand one of those  broken people in my family…hence my journey on forums?..same reasons as Anna.
    could any one save him…no!…he is now awaiting the resurrection …but I will still stand by my statement….all forums as well as this one is used by demons as a play ground…and it’s the genuine ones who will be their victims…..
    anyway….I shall say my farewells here..and I wish you all well……but I will say one thing before I go…there is no point in bringing  to light or tearing down Russell’s name…it’s cowardly as the man cannot represent himself and make an answer….I do t agree with all that is written by him  either…but he was one hell of a man to stand up in his time ..and dispense the food that he did..and fight to his death and put in its grave ..the teaching of hellfire and trinity…was he a flawed man…yes…..was he used by Jehovah ..without doubt…..Jehovah uses flawed men and women.
    is it easy to publicise his errors..absolutely…sadly it will continue on…but remember..it’s just opinions..written by ones who never knew him or his era he lived in…
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