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  1. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Yes I agree with what you have said..but it’s not up to us to tell others not to go or proceed…it boils down to a personal choice…
    To be a teacher..lawyer or social worker or nurse now…we have to go to university…..we must learn to live with in the world…yet remain in good standing before Jehovah..
  2. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Okay…I’ll shut up now …😉
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    The anointed do subject themselves to others willingly and take responsibility in a humble spirit because they understand that one human cannot rule over another more than anyone else! We all must honor each other! The dissatisfied ones are usually those who are jealous... or want more for themselves than Jehovah is willing to give!  
    The theme of the bible is this: humans cannot rule over themselves and decide their own good and bad. Each person is a subject of Jehovah - not of any other person! our freedom from our own weaknesses and desires come from putting Jehovah first in our lives!  if we lose that wish to put jehovah first we can become corrupt and could lose everlasting life if this attitude becomes a daily practice.
  4. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    This reminds me of the pope at some big celebration releasing a dove from his ivory tower…and as the dove flew up  a black raven swooped in and attacked it…all caught on camera for all to see…..
  5. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    This is all guess work what I’m going to say…but I cannot see a loving Father create another family whilst he had a rebellious son in his existing one….we only have indication from the scriptures that up until pride settled in his heart…Satan the devil was to all purposes a loving beautiful magnificent son of Jehovah…a trusted member of his heavenly family…
    Depending on who you read….and I think once upon a time even we said it…he may have been put in charge of Adam and Eve…to teach them etc….off course there is no scriptural proof of this…to me it sort of makes sense….
    Power and pride hey…it can get any one….
    as to your last paragraph..I agree…I genuinely  wish you well …
  6. Like
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Actually Shreco -   Each family was directly under Jehovah with the family head as the one directing the affairs of the family. Family heads were to keep the family (and extended family when death occurred) in Jehovah's worship and exercise a loving relationship in the family. As long as the family served Jehovah and went to the temple 3 times a year - they had Jehovah's protection and their crops were blessed.  They lived a peaceful life.  Excessive wealth and show piece buildings was not part of the Israelite culture until much later. This time period in the history of Israel was to serve as an example to other nations that each man had his property, home, stock and crops and lived peaceful as long as he served Jehovah. Humans are imperfect and so many unsatisfied Israelites brought bad events on themselves because they followed the nations around them. The priests established schools to teach the laws of Jehovah and each person gave the 10ths of their harvest to Jehovah to support the Levites. It was to be a nation of peaceful people, unharrassed by enemies and blessed. rains food etc. what else would they need? Unless they wanted the things the superstitious nations around them put value on.
    Elders only had power to be witnesses of legal transactions in the city gates or to litigate these written agreements and other matters according to the Mosaic law - which was absolutely clear and easy to litigate.. if they stuck to Jehovah's laws things were easy BUT when they became compromised or corrupted things did not go well. Elders and priests were not given extra ordinary powers.  Jehovah has always been against " one man ruling over another"  Eccl 8:9. If they took power - it was not power given them by Jehovah.  Also, in the cities of refuge (accidental murder) - things went smooth if people did not compromise integrity or took more power for themselves. The bible speaks of the time when these judges were so corrupt that Jehovah would bring the exile to Babylon. 
    This is why Samuel asked the nation why they really wanted a king like other nations?  They would be conscripted to build the king's buildings and would have to fight his wars.  Up until then Jehovah raised judges such as Gideon for Israel to throw off the yoke of other nations who oppressed them.  They would fall under the yoke of other nations only when they worshipped other gods and worship to Jehovah was badly contaminated.  They would cry to Jehovah and he would raise up a judge to free them from oppression.  After they chose to have kings it went rally bad with them because it was king Jeroboam who imported the worst form of false religion into Israel and this remained with them until the 10 tribes were taken into exile by Assyria.
    Under the rulership of Christ we will not have people with POWER. Jesus and his co-rulers will judge us (judging in the sense of making decisions when people do wrong). Each person will follow the laws of Jehovah because the laws are in our hearts - not because we have police following us around or elders to punish us.  All of us will be directly under the rule of Christ and Jehovah who can read hearts!  Freedom under the laws of Jehovah!  Each person will willingly follow the laws of god and those who continually break them will go into second death. 
    The princes the bible talks about will make it easier for us t o learn about jehovah and organize us to serve jehovah better and know his principles.  I see them as facilitators. They will also organize and help us and plan activities - not rule over us!  Human rulership will be over! ! ! jehovah's kingdom will be ruling!   We do not know if angels will be the messengers or what..... but we will be under direct rulership!
    Adam and eve already had a conscience and already knew good from bad!  They wanted more!  Satan told them that they can become their own gods by deciding good and bad for themselves! he told them they would not die - a lie! People are still doing it today.  They find the ways of Jehovah restrictive and not benevolent.
    Jehovah knows how society must function and the laws which are needed so that people do not hurt each other inadvertently or deliberately! All must follow the principles to live happy and without cares.   Do you want proof that Adam knew good from bad?    The bible calls Jesus the last Adam because he is the only and last one needed to prove the justness of Jehovah's good and bad.   He came to earth and was the exact equivalent of Adam. He knew good from bad and maintained integrity to the laws of Jehovah until death.  he was just a man like Adam.  He therefore proved that Jehovah was not unfair to expect Adam to keep his moral laws.  He was created perfect. 
    Jehovah gives us all free will - this free will is the most powerful thing Jehovah gave us because we can use it correctly or abuse it. We are created in Jehovah's image with free will - except that we are bound to God in a relationship and to each other. 
     It is like a child you love so much and one sees them break all natural laws and destroy themselves with drugs or crime.  Every person is a free agent and can decide if they want to obey Jehovah in every situation they are in - or not!  Jehovah is not a dictator but created us to be free but in a loving relationship with him.  Some people choose to break out of this relationship and follow their own desires and to break free from jehovah and the principles which bind us to him and give our life meaning. They inevitably fall foul to the ravages of acting against the way they were created to act ! They cannot be happy. Wealth and other things cannot replace the relationship we have with Jehovah! And when this is completely restored we will all be one happy family - love each other and love jehovah they way he created us to be!
  7. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    That was so Lovingly  said Tom…and I also respect Sekro for saying that….
  8. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Arauna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    What a lot of these so called anointed sisters fail to realise is we are still under the scriptural advise that the man is head of the woman….a truly anointed woman would know this..and even tho more than likely have much deeper understanding of the scriptures than any elder….they would recognise this and be obedient to this earthly and scriptural  laid out arrangement…and conduct in any congregation.
    There is nothing humble about any of these women….they are presumptions beyond belief….
  9. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    There is no justification for that secro…and yes unfortunately we are judged on our reports as to our spirituality by many…but that is slowly changing……( so it seems to me anyway ) and we are wrong to advise not to do higher education….I’m hoping eventually that will change….and no I don’t put reports in and yes I do still witness….personally tho I find these things frustrating…I know these things will pass eventually and be corrected… 
    There are many things that we may see not right amongst Jehovah’s people….but we need to put up with some things knowing Jehovah is allowing them…and besides…like it or not…it’s good training for us..to humbly wait on Jesus and his Kingdom.
  10. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    What a lot of these so called anointed sisters fail to realise is we are still under the scriptural advise that the man is head of the woman….a truly anointed woman would know this..and even tho more than likely have much deeper understanding of the scriptures than any elder….they would recognise this and be obedient to this earthly and scriptural  laid out arrangement…and conduct in any congregation.
    There is nothing humble about any of these women….they are presumptions beyond belief….
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Srecko Sostar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    lol.... so, other faiths have also God's guidance and blessings to find "the truth", not just GB !?  
    In my case, it happened that my mother and then immediately my father accepted the JW religion when I was 7 years old. Let’s say I was raised from a young age “in faith”. So it’s just such circumstances that I’ve been the most, and the longest considering my age, in the JW religion. So, what to expect from me? :)))
  12. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Secro have you been on utube and seen how many other faiths don’t celebrate birthdays …..I was shocked to see how many take the same stand as us with the same principles involved. You will also see the same amount who argue like you…so the thing is…make up your own mind on this…settle it with your own heart….but do you argue with those other faiths who don’t celebrate birthdays as well.?
  13. Haha
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    This reminds me of the pope at some big celebration releasing a dove from his ivory tower…and as the dove flew up  a black raven swooped in and attacked it…all caught on camera for all to see…..
  14. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Lol….thinking never said any of that…I just copy and pasted from the satanic Bible….which I found whilst doing my own research on birthdays…
    All that comes from satanist…..worshippers of the devil …from their own Bible……and no..I don’t own one….must say I was surprised myself..as I thought Halloween was their number one holiday….not so it seems….
  15. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    That was so Lovingly  said Tom…and I also respect Sekro for saying that….
  16. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    What a lot of these so called anointed sisters fail to realise is we are still under the scriptural advise that the man is head of the woman….a truly anointed woman would know this..and even tho more than likely have much deeper understanding of the scriptures than any elder….they would recognise this and be obedient to this earthly and scriptural  laid out arrangement…and conduct in any congregation.
    There is nothing humble about any of these women….they are presumptions beyond belief….
  17. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    There is no justification for that secro…and yes unfortunately we are judged on our reports as to our spirituality by many…but that is slowly changing……( so it seems to me anyway ) and we are wrong to advise not to do higher education….I’m hoping eventually that will change….and no I don’t put reports in and yes I do still witness….personally tho I find these things frustrating…I know these things will pass eventually and be corrected… 
    There are many things that we may see not right amongst Jehovah’s people….but we need to put up with some things knowing Jehovah is allowing them…and besides…like it or not…it’s good training for us..to humbly wait on Jesus and his Kingdom.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    The proof is in the eating of the pudding.  We are close to the time when all will be revealed.  Pity you spend your time with so much hate.   Jesus said he will find his true disciples in love and unity.  With whom are you united?  All the renegades?
  19. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Did everyone notice another book added to the Watchtower Library "CD" and the WOL?   
    I have a 89 year old friend who is anointed.  She is humble and loving and always serving others.  Now that she is older she cannot cook for others any longer ...... but she never tried to act anointed or want special attention or anything like that!  The "anointed" woman, on this forum (similar to the Jezebel mentioned in Revelation in the time of John) are not anointed or if they may have been (past tense) ...... they also have not been sealed!
  20. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    This reminds me of the pope at some big celebration releasing a dove from his ivory tower…and as the dove flew up  a black raven swooped in and attacked it…all caught on camera for all to see…..
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    All this reminds me of an old circuit overseer we had who became our PO. He was from Guyana and told these great stories about witnessing down the Amazon in a canoe. Well they were well known JW's in their neighborhoor, and they had a dog named Buster. Now our old PO was quite friendly, but also blunt/polite about witnessing to his neighbors. So Christmas came and everyone in the neighborhood both knew of him and what he felt about Christmas, but they decided they would put up a big Christmas manger scene...and you can guess what happened. Right as they were admiring their handiwork Buster got out, ran down the street and grabbed the baby Jesus in his mouth and ran back to his dog house. All the neighbors present chasing him. I can imagine them all thinking "That Jehovah's Witness dog has stolen the baby Jesus!...I thought they weren't supposed to have anything to do w/Christmas!"
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    Again painting with a broad brush!  When the book of Alexander Hislop came out in 1916 it was a catalyst for many religions realizing that Xmas was pagan.  This is more than 100 years ago.  So you have taken just this little point out of its time context and given it a deceiving slant.
  23. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Some people can't do the math.   
    Wow…that was interesting and very humble of him to do that…one won’t find any reliable or professional facts on the vax on the net or utube….one has to go on the others and now there seems many….this thing has the capability of even causing fractions among the brothers and sisters.
    In Australia Red Cross will not accept any blood donations from vaccinated people and certain insurance companies will not pay out on any illnesses or death by vaccinations as they signed the consent form to an experimental vax and accepted all consequences of such.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    I speak arabic. Hebrews and Arabs write Y for the sound of the english "J".... these letters sound the same.
    Jehovah in english and Yehovah is Hebrew.
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in JW Core Beliefs .... As Applied   
    A strangled animal has its blood in it......that is why it is prohibited by Jehovah.  When you go to hospital and they tube-feed you - the FOOD is in a tube going into your arteries.  The arteries act as a mouth for accepting nourishment.  Replace the food in the tube with blood......  You are eating blood through your arteries. Drugs going into the stomach or through a needle into the arteries is still consumed by the body........ no matter how you try to reason to get out of it. ......  And your liver breaks the blood down.  It takes about 30 days.  If you are too weak and the liver is overwhelmed to break down the blood (consume it) and make new blood for you .....you get anaphylactic shock .....and die!    Just like people who can die from a food item they are allergic to... 
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