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  1. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in Not that I care, but the argument "I have to wear a beard for medical reasons" always reminded me of the case when Moses was delaying   
    You need to go back and do some serious reading w/regard especially to the Christian Greek Scriptures and the scholarship relative to their authenticity. Even skimming "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" would improve your understanding that what's in the scriptures and most importantly the Christian Greek Scriptures is better attested to than many historical accounts w/which no serious historian has difficulties with.
  2. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in The Land of Exile   
    no need to apologize as we really don’t know…that’s just my understanding of it at this point….when we eventually find out the truth of the matter we may all be gob smacked  with the real facts …
    that question I had pondered on myself sometime ago…..so I’m open to having to change my mind…I’ve just never read an acceptable alternative….
  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Land of Exile   
    Many generations later, once the ravages of sin had thoroughly worked themselves into the chromosomes, yes.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in The Land of Exile   
    “Consider the future!” said the pre-Joker to the police informant as he plugged him from afar with a bullet in a movie you surely didn’t see but you absolutely know that Pudgy the Dog did.
    Aside from that—that really is a pretty good analysis you did above. Is that what we call ‘Reasoning from the Scriptures?’
  5. Confused
    Thinking reacted to Pudgy in The Land of Exile   
    I realize ANYbody's ideas are speculation, as none of us have Polaroids .... so I appreciate the feedback, anyway.
    My considerations take into account the hard, hard evidence that human civilization is in various areas verifiabily 100,000 years and more old.
  6. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    Huge respect to you….!!!!! What you did was very brave…..I agree with all that you said…thank goodness your wife has you …
  7. Like
    Thinking got a reaction from xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    Huge respect to you….!!!!! What you did was very brave…..I agree with all that you said…thank goodness your wife has you …
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The Generation of 1914 truly doesn't pass away until 2034.   
    Then he said: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    What a caring husband you are! Thanks for the information. Yes, I also believe in empowering myself with knowledge of natural medicine because most doctors were raised on the mothers milk of big pharma.  Doctors who believe in natural supplementation etc are now called quacks..... and the situation in the world  is such that they are openly making war on natural health products and doctors who speak truth - with the help of big tech.  Cancelling  articles and even books which can save lives...
    The world is in Satan's control more than ever before!
  10. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    In the US, Covid 19 deaths have topped 600K. I’ve come to believe that the majority were preventable but for the prevailing meme that it was untreatable, that one with a positive case should sit at home, take fluids and bed rest, and only if it got really bad, go to the hospital—by which time is was often too late.
    The last physical I had I asked my doctor if were to come down with Covid, would he be able to treat it? Of course i can, he said, almost surprised at the question. He went on to relate a few drugs he has used to treat patients—he has done many—and they are some of the same drugs condemned in ‘high places’ as ineffective or even dangerous. You have mentioned some of them. We use them all the time, he says. They work fine in combination.
    He’s an older man and thus not so likely to be intimidated as is a younger doctor just starting out, beholden to many and intent upon paying off medical school debts.
    There was a time I used to dismiss all talk of ‘conspiracy theories’—not on the grounds that people were not evil enough—they can easily be that—but on the basis that they were not smart enough, that there were too many stories that must be corroborated for a theory to hold up and it would be too easy for others to punch holes in it. It’s a bit like how Abraham Lincoln once said that he was not smart enough to lie, meaning that once he did, he would have to adjust every subsequent statement to harmonize with that first lie, and he would surely trip himself up in the intent.
    But now I see that concern is not the operative one. You simply can repeat anything loudly and repeatedly, drown out the competition, or even pull the plug on them, and eventually people believe whatever they’re told. It doesn’t matter if people punch holes in it. You simply shout them down and call them quacks.
  11. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    I do not trust any earthly organization any longer.  Propaganda is now running the earth and leading to armageddon as Revelation 16:14-16 says.  I realized this when they removed all articles from internet which suggested in came from a lab more than 14 months ago. I also realized something was amiss when certain medicines which are safe (which I use for my RA and have been  safe for 70 years! )  saved my own life .... that something is seriously amiss with science and that science (fauci kind) is rogue science.  
    I will not go into detail because these things are still banned. All I know is the rulers who are now ruling - they made an agreement with the UN two years ago.  They are the most powerful pharmaceutical, energy, food etc companies in the world. WEF.
    When the dr who developed the MRNA tech was silenced and other virus researchers and bat researchers were silenced by big pharma and tech and their material removed by internet - I knew something serious was amiss. 
    People do not really believe that the world is  now run by psychopaths who have a transgender and trans-humanist agenda. Read up about the WEF and the 4th industrial revolution..... that is all I will say.
    Most cannot believe that humans can be so evil - but jehovah warned us that the world is run by Satan.  When the world is now mostly atheist etc we are seeing that science is not used for the benefit of mankind but for more sinister agendas.
    The world does has had many conspiracies! Since ancient times there have been conspiracies. Banks conspire behind the scenes about rates - some have been caught!  Caesar was killed by a conspiracy etc etc.  We have conspiracies!  This is a clever ploy to get people to accept what they are told and not think for themselves or to be branded different! There was a conspiracy to silence those who said that Corona came from a lab!  Who was responsible for that conspiracy ..... some nutcases.... or the stable part of society we always trusted!
    I remember a time when most Germans were afraid to be different and went along with the narrative ... and we all know what that led to!  The time of testing is here!
    https://www.escr-net.org/news/2019/corporate-capture-global-governance-wef-un-partnership-threatens-un-system#:~:text=Signed in June%2C the agreement,the UN and the WEF.&text=“This agreement between the UN,corporate capture of the UN.
  12. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    This is certainly true. One thing I use as a metric for competency in other fields is this musing:
    X- "Hey xero, are you smart or stupid?"
    X-reply "It depends. I have taken IQ tests and they suggest I'm @150, but when I factor in my ADD it could simply mean I can get stupid faster than 99.9% of the idiots"
    X-"Sure, but don't you also quickly figure out how stupid you've been?"
    X-"I suppose that's true. What are you getting at?"
    X-"So, X, you've been working in IT since 1978, in many, many different capacities, mostly all highly technical. Would you call yourself an expert?"
    X-"I suppose some people would think that, but I know that what I know is way less than what someone else imagines I know. What I "know" is how to approach solving a technical problem. The rest are details and trial and error."
    X-"So that's the case w/you in your own field. What would cause you to imagine it wasn't the case w/every other expert?"
    X-"Good point!"
    So when I see an "expert" not display humility and act as if they've got it all figured out "the science is settled!" I know I'm seeing either an incredibly incompetent individual who has either shielded himself or been shielded from the consequences of his own incompetence so as to not have acquired the self-knowledge required to change his attitude, or a politician who's pushing an agenda (follow the money).
    Also, people following their own interests w/o collusion CAN look like a conspiracy, when it's simply group-think. (see all the hipsters who look alike - did they all get memos, or did they catch some social semiotics and change in behavior/looks because of these subliminal messages they've become attuned to?)
  13. Like
    Thinking reacted to xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    FYI - If you ever have a loved one get hospitalized for some cardiac situation and the cardiologist prescribes colchicine to reduce fluid buildup around the pericardium, be aware of side effects the doctor's themselves may not be aware of.
    Colchicine has been used for hundreds of years for gout and recently has been used to reduce cardiac inflammation. It may also do other things if the patient stays on it too long.
    In my case my wife was on it for a few months, but in that time and unbeknownst to me because of her polymyalgia rheumatica situation I didn't realize it was damaging her nerves, her muscles and her brain. She lost thirty pounds in this time, couldn't eat, would vomit, became weak and incontinent, was in deep muscle pain and neither the rheumatologist nor the primary care physician made the connection. In fact it was ignored when I mentioned it to her primary care physician.
    So rather than watch my wife die, I took her off the colchicine and to deal with the pain I gave her 500 mg of acetominophen w/600 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (3 x a Day) (an amino acid given to counter the potential liver damage from the acetominophen). I suspected the colchicine was the culprit. True the symptoms didn't come on quickly, but colchicine can build up in a person's system. She couldn't sit up in bed, I had to help her get on and off the commode and wipe her. I had to shower her. She didn't know at times what day of the week it was.
    After a week and a half off the colchicine, the muscle pain went away, but the extreme weakness and all the other things associated w/colchicine poisoning existed.  I googled and tried to pack in every possible supplement associated w/assisting people w/alzheimers or traumatic brain injury or nerve damage.
    Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline, Co-Q10, NAD+, Vinpocetine, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnosine, Fish Oil, Sulbuitamine (just to list a few). I shelled all these and packed them into a protein shake (w/creatine, and hmb) and argued w/her to drink at least this once a day. I used red light therapy on her head as well.
    It's three months now and she's back to better than normal. (Although as soon as she really started to improve dramatically, her hair started to fall out - apparently hair will go dormant under stress and when the stress is gone, it sheds....right now she has "zombie-hair" but we can see it's growing back in.
    She's not taking everything that I packed into her shake every day now, but now I can actually leave the house w/o worry. Before this I couldn't leave 20 minutes w/o worrying that I'd find her on the bathroom floor.
    Anyway, just know that no one is as interested in your health or the health of your loved ones as you are. You're ultimately responsible. Doctors aren't necessarily geniuses.
  14. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in The Land of Exile   
    1:..I’m guessing that watching his father and mother live a long life he knew his reputation would follow him where ever he went and I’m sure..many ( yet to be born ) and who knows how many other brothers and sisters there were…..would have not felt thankful for bringing them into a cursed situation….so he was thinking about his future…
    2)  must have been even worse than where his parents were banished to???..I mean if he went there it would end up as the hell hole of the world.
    3) all the way to OZ…hey anything outside of eden was exile….his exile must have been really bad….but considering today…maybye it was still better than a lot of the existing world as we know it…we will have to ask when all this is over…
    4) who said they never had tools….who would have loved to have given them forbidden knowledge to wreck ruination and to start up HIS world wide society…and what was the definition of a city back then to what it is now….my town is called a city…which consists of just over ten thousand….LA is a city which I think consists of all of Australia’s population or pretty close….so what type of city did they build in their loooong life time….
    5..nobody inhabited eden….they were All in exile of to different degrees it seems….Cain killing his brother shows a incredible flaw in the mans personality…..what chance for any off spring not to have this same flaw( or any others of that time period ) especially with the demons walking around like a lion ready to devour them all…😈…hellbent on directing them…☠️.it always amazes me how quickly such serious sins prevailed……poor Abel….poor mankind…
    6..not sure I’d want to marry my brother even if he was perfect 🤮…but I would imagine a lot of years between them may have been the case…?…..?
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in KING OF THE NORTH - MAY BROADCAST   
    Who can prove that you and your friends  who agree with you are NOT following your own desires. 
  16. Downvote
    Thinking got a reaction from César Chávez in WHY .... doesn't Jehovah God consider warfare ... murder?   
    I think I know what your trying to say..but perhaps I’ve got it wrong....
    I may very well have this wrong but Jehovah is in actual fact engaged in warfare now.
    Revelation 12:7then war broke out in heaven and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels.
    He was forced Into a state of warfare since Satan rebelled.
    Joshua 5:13,14 Identifies Michael as his Prince of Jehovah’s army....and also ...
    when the Israelites came out of Egypt they marched out in Military formation.
    even when the angel stood guard at the Garden of Eden ..he used a flaming sword ( weapon of war ) to block their re entering 
    warfare carried out by Jehovah is righteous ..
    warfare carried out by mere man for mans ruler ship over man is not righteous nor condoned by him, he would still consider that murder...as all warfare is governed and caused by his enemy Satan a man slayer And the ruler of the world at this time.
    He is only tolerating mans warfare or allowing it because it is not his appointed time....
    He uses humans as earthly agents to achieve his plan...when it suits him...and that involves warfare at times because Satan is using man to fight his war against Jehovah.
    Proverbs 16:4,,,Jehovah has made everything work for his purpose even the wicked for the day of disaster.
    At this present time Satan is the Prince of air and ruler of this world and he has chosen to fight by warfare.....he chose the weapon...not Jehovah .
    All warfare is murder unless it has been instructed to be carried out via the  Chief of His Armies Michael.
    Jehovah would never condone warfare amongst men,..and from what I have read he would consider all of those deaths a unwarranted evil murder.....
    I cannot find anything in the scriptures at this stage to suggest otherwise...but by all means if I’m wrong please correct me....it’s a interesting question and it’s deeper than most of us realize.
    Basically all those Jehovah instructed to be put to the sword were allowed hundreds of years to change and he allowed them to go to the fullness of their error....they had become irredeemable in his eyes...and hurting his people and name and his plan....and they would NEVER change.
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Melinda Mills in ALL aspects of 1914 doctrine are now problematic from a Scriptural point of view   
    All I can say it that we must love the people; keep honing your skills, as we are being taught at the meetings. Use the telephone and any other safe methods to reach more people.  When I was in Trinidad an old Chinese sister who was a pioneer (she died a couple of years ago) would say: " God is not going to kill any sheep.  So if you want the end to come keep preaching."  Jesus also used to say: "The good news of the Kingdom has to be preached first." The owner of the symbolic vineyard is Jehovah God, and jointly his Son, Jesus.  They are the ones that know when it will have been preached sufficiently.
    I will also again add what Jesus said in Acts 1:7, below:
    *** Bible Citations ***
    6 So when they had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” 7 He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. 8 But you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a, and to the most distant part of the earth.” 9 After he had said these things, while they were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their sight. 
    Also what he said at Matthew 24:36-42
    36 “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 40 Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 41 Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken along and the other abandoned. 42 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43 “But know one thing: If the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it. "
    As Rook would say: " It is crystal clear", we are not going to know when the end will come.  Jesus warned us that he will come at an hour that "YOU" (meaning his disciples/true Christians) do not think to be it.  And we know already why he is not going to say.

  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Melinda Mills in Did Jehovah or Satan the Devil design the Coronavirus (Covid-19)?   
    Nice play. Not convincing though.  God did tell him to go subduing in the midst of his enemies (competing kings for world domination). However, God is not the cause of the future conditions that were shown on earth, which have started to be fulfilled around World War I.   
    When you read Revelation 12: 7-12 you will see that  as a result of Jesus assuming Kingship he ousted Satan from the heavens (verse 7)  and as a result Satan confines his attention to the earth and the resulting woes come about. It says at verse 12: "On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time".   Go back to Genesis 3:15 and see that Jesus is the one assigned by God to fix the problem started by rebellion in the Garden of Eden.  He is the Seed or Offspring that will crush the great Serpent, Satan in the head.
    His ride started by removing Satan and turning his attention to the earth.  He promised when he went away to be with his disciples. The good news of the Kingdom is being preached since the late 19th Century; now being done in over 240 lands and islands of the sea. Don't forget all the court victories establishing the right to preach and assemble that were won by his people over these years. He has many Kingdom interests here on earth which he is overseeing. "All authority has been given me in heaven and in earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.  And, look!  I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things".
    How is he going to have disciples and future subjects of his Kingdom, if God is going to ask him to kill them with a pandemic.  Tell me.
    And how is he going to help people to avoid destruction and inherit the new heavens  (heavenly government) and new earth (earthly society)  if he is not going to save them now by being patient with them so they can hear the good news and repent. Tell me.
    2 Peter 3:9-15: " 9 Jehovah is now slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. 10 But Jehovah's day will come as a thief,  in which the heavens will pass away with a roar, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be exposed.  11 Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, 12  as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens will be destroyed in flames and the elements will melt in the intense hear.  13  But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise and in these righteousness is to dwell.... 14 Further, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also write you according to the wisdom given him."
    How could this sound like a person who wants to kill people with a pandemic!  Is God you friend?
    I rest my case.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Not crumbled completely, however. Here is a German Court that ruled how most of the “anti-cult” organization, FECRIS—most of their charges against Jehovah’s Witnesses were false.
    It is the VP of that organization who rides high in Russia and is a prime instigator of the ban on Witnesses. Would that the ruling had more teeth, but it is still good to show that the world of judicial reason does not side with such anti-cult fanatics. All the other “cults” FECRIS opposes—Witnesses disagree with them all, and they with us. But we prefer to ‘do battle’ with them in the marketplace of ideas, not by ruling them illegal and muzzling them. Whatever ruling illegal is to be done will be done by God, not any humans.
  20. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Watch Tower Ups Pressure on YouTube & Facebook To Hand Over Infringers’ Details   
    Hey brother, don't be so hard on yourself! I've noticed that people in general have no time....really. I'm a prime example, I have books on my to read list (including yours) and have I read them, nope, not a single one...yet. I wanted to start a topic on here the other day, but other (more important) stuff got in the way. In fact the days run into each other so fast and before you know another week is gone. I swear time is running faster. I think if we ever get put in jail I will beg them to let me access all the books I have wanted to read....
  21. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to xero in Conscience individual and collective   
    What I liked about it was there was no music. Just the sounds that were there. Also it was pretty high resolution. At one point he stops and you can see three rays flying in the water. This is probably one of the most relaxing videos I've seen in a while.
    BTW This is what I miss about not having in person meetings and conventions. I love the feeling of being around huge numbers of Jehovah's Witnesses. It feels better than a giant family reunion. Watching people smile at each other in the intermissions and engage in small talk. Seeing young people cruising the halls. *sigh*
  22. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to BroRando in The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...   
    Don’t Give Up...You’re Worth Saving!  
                                         An invitation from Brother Rando.     
     In a worldwide effort to reach those who are suffering from depression and the anxieties of life, will you go to the following article and share it on your social media accounts?  
    You are Worth Saving! Share this Blog Post on your social media and save a life. 
     National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255
  23. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in The sealing of the 144,000 is at hand...   
    When Jesus became king and sat on the throne he was already king. It's true he had to wait until the proper time to conquer all enemies, as the last enemy death would not be conquered until the thousand years would be ended. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't ruling in the midst of those enemies before they would be conquered. 
    We don't say that when a king sits on his throne that he is not really a king yet, and that sitting on a throne just means waiting until you get the title a second time. Therefore Paul could replace the term "sit at my right hand" with "rule as king."
    Watch how Paul did this:
    (Psalm 110:1) Jehovah declared to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”
    (1 Corinthians 15:25) 25 For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.
    So, if the apostle Paul was correct, then "sit at my right hand" meant exactly the same thing as "rule as king."
  24. Haha
    Thinking reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vietnam Welcome Trump on Sunday   
    I also hear that "Hanoi Jane" Fonda was there, and is a Pioneer Sister in that congregation.
  25. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to LNN in If 100 People Lived on Earth   
    If 100 people lived on Earth Damnthatsinteresting.mp4
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