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  1. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in Bible   
    Thanks for sharing that story. You relate all this as it happened to you, and not a story from someone else. It's a very intriguing story and it would be nice to get some further details, picture of that Bible, etc.
    I found a reference to a man's death at the East London (SA) zoo here:
    Man mauled to death by lions at East London zoo By Siya Miti - 28 April 2015
    Also, in addition to the reference above you gave to Andrew Jack in Latvia, there is also a reference to his time in South Africa that covers the years when he evidently studied with you.
    *** yb07 pp. 84-85 South Africa ***
    In 1935, Andrew Jack, a qualified printer, was sent to help with the printing work at the Cape Town branch. He was Scottish, of slim build, with a ready smile. Previously he had enjoyed full-time service in the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. After arriving in South Africa, Andrew obtained more printing equipment, and before long the one-man printery was operating at full speed. The first automatic printing press, a Frontex, was installed in 1937. For over 40 years, it turned out millions of handbills and forms as well as magazines in Afrikaans.
    Andrew served at the South Africa Bethel for the rest of his life. Even when well on in years, he set a fine example for the Bethel family, regularly having a full share in the field ministry. A faithful anointed brother, Andrew finished his earthly course in 1984 at the age of 89, after 58 years of dedicated service.
    At your advanced age, I'm sure you have a lot of memories going back many years, and the fact that you shared some of this is much appreciated.
  2. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Doryseeker in Bible   
    On Tuesday April 28th 2015, a man named Franklin Minaar, member of the Branch church went to the East London South Africa zoo, climbed over the wall of the lion’s enclosure, walked up to the lions and said, “Let the battle begin.” He was mauled to death. According to his sister Audrey Minaar he was a very religious man, and said her brother had previously been treated for mental illness at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital. For some reason or other, his Bible was found in the in the same old age home where I am. The owner allowed me to keep it.

    With the exception of a few chapters in Kings and Chronicles, he went through the entire Bible, changing the word God into “El”, (Gen. 1:1) Lord God into “Yahweh” (Gen. 2:4). At the bottom of the page in Afrikaans, he wrote, “HWHY” (JHWH reversed) “Because the Israelite text was from right to left.” From there onwards he used Tippex to blot out every text containing words, Lord or God and wrote Yahweh using at first a red pen, and later black. In the Greek scriptures he also used Tippex to blot out the word “Jesus” and wrote “Yahoshua”.

    Seeing that I’m going on 90 years old, I asked a much younger friend of mine, to keep his Bible until the resurrection.

    Imagine how happy Mr. Minaar would be when hears that we kept his Bible. He will have two new friends to teach him all that transpired since his death. My friend will also be keeping my Scofield Reference Bible which was used when anointed brother Andrew Jack studied with me during 1956.

    Jack, Andrew: yb07 183 (dx86-16 Latvia)
    w09 7/15 p. 24 Ninety Years Ago I Began to ‘Remember My Grand Creator’

  3. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Arauna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    False assumption.  I knew a man who had a similar personality than JT. 
    He was a difficult man to understand and had a problem to fit in with other JWs because of his personality.   It was due to growing up in an orphanage all his life.
    His wife's faithfulness helped the children to remain faithful. (They came in the truth together). He had left the truth for several years because he was witty like JT but with a quirky element of black acidity in it.  Most people fled because  they could not handle it - not because they did not care.
    Age did not soften his personality...... but he was in truth a good man.  He provided well for his family and would eagerly help strangers.  He would laugh easy but always had a look about him as though he was a suspicious predatory cat which  did not trust his surroundings.  Whatever happened to him as a child formed a lasting disability - which was unseen to the eye.   
    He therefore needed much more love from us all ..... but most of us had our own baggage and issues- not enough love to give someone like him some peace and heal the damage. Only jehovah can do this.
    This person came back into the congregation before he died. He had never broken any biblical laws except that he was a hard man to understand.
  4. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think two reasons...one for protection of the sheep...and one for their own protection.
    True apostates are devious and incredibly selfish...con men and women who speak artfully contrived things and aid in scattering the sheep who are already beaten down and wounded,....Apostates were stumbled..and need to have ones think like them to justify their stumbling.
    Keep in mind many who are branded Apostates are not True apostates...I’m talking about True Apostates here,
    They truly have been used by Jehovah in advancing Gods work and knowledge of his Great Plan....BUT....pride and humility And abuse of such a position may also prove to be their stumbling stone...
  5. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in Permission to get baptized   
    @Shiwiii No, I was only encouraged to seek Baptism,  even my late uncle who had no religous affiliation,  but was very hard on applying the Bible also encouraged me and others in my family Caza despues del bautismo y se salvo, as he puts it. But as I grew older, I took the steps necessary torwards Baptism myself, especially during my early preteen years. I made thos choice because I firmly accept what the Scriptures teach about Jehovah God and his Christ and I took the time and effort to put the teachings of the Scriptures first, even as far as to mold myself to be a better Christian, and a declaring that I myself want to serve God fully, and in doing so, I go about with the tools that I have been given to teach what Jesus taught regarding the good news and what the Kingdom would bring - caso y punto.
  6. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in FAITH. IN WHOM OR WHAT and When ?   
    @4Jah2me Que? We, I myself included, have faith in what Jehovah's Kingdom will bring. I have faith in God and recognize him as the Father of the one we put faith in his teachings, Christ Jesus. 
    I don't want to be rude, but welcome to the forums, also it does get a tad bit crazy here. Second, I don't think it is a good idea to assume such a thing when despite all of us being in the faith and truth, we are, each and everyone of us as an individual differ from one another, even by action and what we can and cannot do, etc.
  7. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    @4Jah2me Well amigo, if you scroll up, the discussion between you guys is clear. Going back to JTR, he is well aware, me even, of how people like him take child abuse in general, counting everything.

    That is not true. Be it you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses or not, especially if you are someone who has been teaching children to fight against child sex abuse, you'd know. Child sex abuse is really a big problem around the world, this includes The United States of America where there is a type of culture that promotes pedophile like behavior and over sexualize children. I don't know how old you are, but in my case, I see it all the time in social media and the idea being promoted and embraced. Not sure if you are into social media tho.

    Well that is your experience. Like what Spacey said, you will have some Jehovah's Witnesses that are not aware or even trained on child sex abuse so if a case does come up, they don't actually know how to handle it compared to those that do, and in my case, my congregation is a blessing because we not only worship Jehovah together, but we do everything we can to pass on lessons to be applied, likewise with the Latino culture. So our Elders and your elders, although the same faith, differ from each other when it comes to handling things. As for your experience, it isn't mine and if it was an negative one, sorry then, but I don't know how a lot of the people in your country do things.

    Well from the day he challenged JTR and me, it was all Bible based when it comes to helping children, only about 5% was from protection services on helping children. Helping children does not mean going into the world, you really have to double check what being part of the world means. Anyways One thing he did point out is the abuser often target specific children, points on safeguarding was brought up, in short, knowing how to fight this problem you have to be knowledgeable. I figure this is the same case with the number of child abuse cases in Australia. Also What I said to you was not to disrespect you, but it is the common way people tend to me regarding problems, be it the gross sin we are talking about right this moment or other things like violence, confrontations, etc. For instance, if you, me, tom, spacey, and the others dealt with a child abuse situation, I can guarantee you that the outcome would be different for each of us, mainly if the abuser is extremely stuble with his actions unless you are aware of the signs such as constant gifting, grooming, etc of the child, the practice of keeping secrets between the abused and the abuser.

    Well that depends, there are some Jehovah's Witnesses in your country that does help out. We don't ignore our neighbors, we do what we can to help them. But like I said, I cannot speak for everyone, and what Spacey brought up, it applies to them too because there's no telling how someone would respond to a situation and how yo handle it verses not knowing anything at all, so in a sense, a fight, freeze or flight type situation. So child sex abuse, some people, even some Jehovah's Witnesses, can deal with the problem in a correct manner whereas others can't, whether they know about abuse or not. What Spacey is pressing is Scripture based wisdom, which is indeed a weapon against child abuse. In my case, there are people who know about child abuse but are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they pass their wisdom to, others, if they want to know how to fight it, I simply give them information from a publication. It is up to the person on how they want to use the information and if they truly want to or are fighting to reduce child abuse in every pocket on the globe.

    Well disfellowshipment does cut congregation ties, as for your family, that is a blessing, it is always a blessing to have people close to you. Well I don't know them, however, if you knew the Jehovah's Witnesses I knew, they would take the time to understand where you are coming from, granted, some Jehovah's Witnesses cannot do this verses those that can.

    Well I am talking you lol, however, I can't really provide you with much other than what is being talked about, I'm a kid compared to all of guys here. You have every right to speak your mind about child abuse, however, like what Spacey pointed out you can do whatever you can to help out as well as confront child abuse in the right way. Looking at your comments, I don't know what happened at the Hall you were in but you are packing a jar of anger that stretches even outside of child abuse.

    I only talk about child abuse when the subject is brought up, but since I am well aware of it and understand the signs and all that stuff as well as comfort people, that is what I can do, that is all I can do.
    Errr.. What do you mean going out into the world? 🤔. To be no part of the world means to not participate in anything that involving Babylon, we have to maintain neutrality as to not take sides, i.e. Republican/Democrats and a list of other things. I don't see how you are getting thing idea, can you elaborate and be more clear about it please? Thanks.
  8. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Equivocation in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    @4Jah2me I don't think Spacey is blinding anyone especially the fact is that due to a lot of the things he says covering child sex abuse, he so speaks of his experience, i.e. helping children to learn what child sex abuse is and how to see the signs and all that is a major plus👍🏾. So what he is saying is 💯 true and it is not just with Jehovah's Witnesses, but people in general, all over the world.
    We can take you for example - You practically mention child sex abuse all the time, but you haven't taken action whatsoever, well, from looking at the conversation between you and spacey, you ignore the very point he made, then you went on to say that someone who has experience with helping the general public know about child sex abuse, knows nothing at all, although false, but that is what you pressed. Spacey is the opposite, he not only speaks on child sex abuse, but he has done something about it by teaching not just children, but adults about child sex abuse and his actions actually caused positive growth.

    So in short, both of you speak about it, but only one of you, in this example, spacey, has and continues to take literal action on child sex abuse in general, heck, he even challenged me and JTR on this a while back.

    So as for the publications, like what was pointed out, people who read them understand what child abuse is and understand the signs of both the abuser and someone who has been abused. Even outside of the publications, this is something that is practically, especially in different cultures where the bond between a parent or guardian and child us strong. Likewise with us Jehovah's Witnesses, like the general public, some of us know and take action, others know but don't take any action because they don't know how to execute a plan against the problem, and then you have those that clearly have no idea of anything at all.

    By the by, our elders at our hall are capable of dealing with the issue, so to throw all elders into the same basket is kinda silly.
    Don't know why you voted down something that is true 🤔 unless you have something to say that would be much appreciated, 4jah2me.
  9. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in "SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"   
    Granted the article is ARC heavy, and information from everything pertaining to ARC, that statement of yours holds no water. The issue here is the accusation from News Corp itself and the whole Redress situation, however, the article is catering to the right, therefore, they are pressing the News Corp claims, i.e. the whole overseas thing, of which is deemed having inaccuracies. Thanks to Srecko here, some people can connect the dots.
    Moreover, are you aware of the former JWs mentioned in the article? Because somehow those linked it, have no idea who they are, as is their dealings with the police, which is mentioned in the article, to the point, they're blaming law enforcement and an authoritative entity, not just JWs.
    If you are unaware of the claims by News Corp, check out the copy of the article I cited, it is in the quotation.
    That being said, I do not understand as to why suddenly the article here is of anyone's interest, granted, Witness brought up the link, I merely had the article addressed in a small chunk here.
  10. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think two reasons...one for protection of the sheep...and one for their own protection.
    True apostates are devious and incredibly selfish...con men and women who speak artfully contrived things and aid in scattering the sheep who are already beaten down and wounded,....Apostates were stumbled..and need to have ones think like them to justify their stumbling.
    Keep in mind many who are branded Apostates are not True apostates...I’m talking about True Apostates here,
    They truly have been used by Jehovah in advancing Gods work and knowledge of his Great Plan....BUT....pride and humility And abuse of such a position may also prove to be their stumbling stone...
  11. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think two reasons...one for protection of the sheep...and one for their own protection.
    True apostates are devious and incredibly selfish...con men and women who speak artfully contrived things and aid in scattering the sheep who are already beaten down and wounded,....Apostates were stumbled..and need to have ones think like them to justify their stumbling.
    Keep in mind many who are branded Apostates are not True apostates...I’m talking about True Apostates here,
    They truly have been used by Jehovah in advancing Gods work and knowledge of his Great Plan....BUT....pride and humility And abuse of such a position may also prove to be their stumbling stone...
  12. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I think two reasons...one for protection of the sheep...and one for their own protection.
    True apostates are devious and incredibly selfish...con men and women who speak artfully contrived things and aid in scattering the sheep who are already beaten down and wounded,....Apostates were stumbled..and need to have ones think like them to justify their stumbling.
    Keep in mind many who are branded Apostates are not True apostates...I’m talking about True Apostates here,
    They truly have been used by Jehovah in advancing Gods work and knowledge of his Great Plan....BUT....pride and humility And abuse of such a position may also prove to be their stumbling stone...
  13. Thanks
    Thinking got a reaction from Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Great common sense post...
  14. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    This will sound a bit cynical, but I assumed that the GB have been on a constant lookout for a really good practical example to make that old quote from the 11.15.2013 Watchtower seem less "scary" to outsiders. They latched onto this one and hoped it would make sense to enough people, and then they searched high and low for a Witness or two who had been "living in a cave."
    And I hope that their cave does not get the Internet, because I'd hate to have just insulted someone who is also on this forum. (See how easy it is to contradict oneself?)
  15. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Yep, seen it a few times, for it took a single piece of philosophy to shatter one's faith. This is why some people who have faith fear educational institutions, which is sometimes known to spread such information. There is no question such a thing can be used as a dart or an arrow by someone who is deemed an Apostate, all they have to do is aim using this dart/arrow at whatever faith they want to target and or idea they do not like  and look for the novices within that community to spread this information.
  16. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I don't think they put two and two together....
    I wonder why he had the need to add that "correction"
    Yes, I noticed that too and wondered what this had to do with the covid situation. Following those instructions makes perfect sense from a human perspective! Unless by human perspective the GB mean anyone who is naive and of lesser intelligence, or someone who lives in a cave.. However, those who follow the developments in the world and read the guidelines as proposed by human agencies (as you mentioned) will know this pandemic is by no means over, and may last a very long time. We don't need the GB telling us what we already know. However, we do appreciate their reminders and concern. But to cloak this in a way that insinuates they have more knowledge, when all they do is follow the same developments that are accessible for anyone else to read and study, is....well, funny. As an after thought, they do mention following the guidelines of these human agencies. So this is just such a bad example of "might not make sense from a human stand point" because they kind of contradict themselves half way through. When this phrase was used in connection with instructions for the GT, where we might be told by the GB to do something that "doesn't make sense from a human stand point", is it something like this they had in mind? Lol. 
    Food for thought more than anything 🤪
  17. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    @Thinking True. Mankind is imperfect after all. Perfection sheds no mistake whatsoever, but it's counterpart, imperfection, will commit to a mistake here and there, despite improving doing better in some instances, there is no way it can be immune to making no mistake.
    That being said, I am sure everyone here has made some mistake in their lives, be it minor, or major... Perhaps even embarrassing.
  18. Upvote
    Thinking reacted to Space Merchant in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    @Anna One thing is for sure, Apostasy can be damaging, especially if there is a sprinkle of Unchristian Philosophies that are involved, which is indeed a faith killer for the one who is unaware and or ill-equipped to fight and or see it. Something of that nature would render who stripped of faith, and believing that God does not exist without even touching Atheistism.
  19. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Aaah Tom you talk a lot..you have a lot of words.....and you at times come over as a bit self righteous...why did I chose thinking,,,not for the reasons you so wrongly presume....thinking was ..because I simply often dont know...what to think...is this right...is that right?...is he right...what if I’ve got it wrong?..Am I leaning on my own understanding??....always thinking..because I cannot afford not to...not having your confidence and assurity of one self...so alas..as old as I am...I have to keep thinking...to make sure...You are to cocky Tom...too self assured....but hey...every Congs got one....
    If you read his book he clearly explains he spoke up because of the many who were disfellowshipped wrongly ...he had first hand experience ....and there was a lot of truth in this section of his book.
    there were other reasons also...but that one stood out to me the most...
    I guess he fell on his sword because he felt it was the right thing to do basically..he is getting old..his time is short...maybye there are other reasons..but I don’t know the brother myself..not personally.
    ive never spoken to him...never watched him with other brothers and sisters...I have not read his other books....but that would prove nothing....Personally I think he would have done more good staying with in the cong..But he must have thought speaking up was worth the sacrifice.
    your on a forum..I’m on a forum...JWI is on a forum...Billy the kid is on the forum.....but that’s okay...our sin is not as big as Rolfs sin after all...Is it?....ours is just a little sin...so we should be right....after all...a forum is different to writing a book isn’t it....Rolf did on a big scale what we do on a small scale...
    you gotta give it to him...he had more guts than me and nearly everyone else on this forum...name and picture up for all to see....
    we all use monikers ( not you ) because we know very well if we published our names and pictures we would be marked or out in that back room like jack flash.
    we have been warned from the platform about forums...when we had meetings...I have anyway....
    thats one point he was making in the book...
    I totally agree with you that all the scholarly knowledge means nothing with out the basic love...And words are just as useless with out love too....Now I’m writing a novel...picking up your bad habit I think 😉
  20. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    King David lacked the mental in ability to admit he was wrong....and he was purposely devious...and dishonest....and he absolutely wanted to keep his reputation intact....so now we judge Rolf and condemn him ...let’s leave it with Jehovah....take what we know to be true...think whatever on the rest...but don’t assassinate    his character..unless you are prepared to do the same to King David....to my knowledge he’s not the only one  thinking that about the creative days...I’ve heard it on the grapevine before,,,,
    no one has got it all right...not yet anyway,,,,
  21. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Aaah Tom you talk a lot..you have a lot of words.....and you at times come over as a bit self righteous...why did I chose thinking,,,not for the reasons you so wrongly presume....thinking was ..because I simply often dont know...what to think...is this right...is that right?...is he right...what if I’ve got it wrong?..Am I leaning on my own understanding??....always thinking..because I cannot afford not to...not having your confidence and assurity of one self...so alas..as old as I am...I have to keep thinking...to make sure...You are to cocky Tom...too self assured....but hey...every Congs got one....
    If you read his book he clearly explains he spoke up because of the many who were disfellowshipped wrongly ...he had first hand experience ....and there was a lot of truth in this section of his book.
    there were other reasons also...but that one stood out to me the most...
    I guess he fell on his sword because he felt it was the right thing to do basically..he is getting old..his time is short...maybye there are other reasons..but I don’t know the brother myself..not personally.
    ive never spoken to him...never watched him with other brothers and sisters...I have not read his other books....but that would prove nothing....Personally I think he would have done more good staying with in the cong..But he must have thought speaking up was worth the sacrifice.
    your on a forum..I’m on a forum...JWI is on a forum...Billy the kid is on the forum.....but that’s okay...our sin is not as big as Rolfs sin after all...Is it?....ours is just a little sin...so we should be right....after all...a forum is different to writing a book isn’t it....Rolf did on a big scale what we do on a small scale...
    you gotta give it to him...he had more guts than me and nearly everyone else on this forum...name and picture up for all to see....
    we all use monikers ( not you ) because we know very well if we published our names and pictures we would be marked or out in that back room like jack flash.
    we have been warned from the platform about forums...when we had meetings...I have anyway....
    thats one point he was making in the book...
    I totally agree with you that all the scholarly knowledge means nothing with out the basic love...And words are just as useless with out love too....Now I’m writing a novel...picking up your bad habit I think 😉
  22. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to TrueTomHarley in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    You certainly do not want to do that. It’s a horrible habit it be afflicted with.
    If I take a swipe at you as regards the moniker, I can hardly not expect a jab back. I don’t know why I did it, really. Cocky, I guess—it’s as good a verdict as any. The pieces fit together together for a diatribe I was cooking up. I forgot that the pieces have feelings. My bad. I apologize. I have no beef you whatsoever, never have, and your remarks are among my favorites. They do represent—well, “thinking.“ I might even encourage more of them, except that then you might have the experience, as I do from time to time, that in the abundance of words there does not fail to be transgression. 
    “Aw, shut up, with your Kentucky-fried Foghorn Leghorn drawl!” the villain says to Benoit Blanc. it’s about time someone said it to me. (If you see the movie ‘Knives Out’—it is free on Amazon Prime—you must be prepared for a bit of language. It is by no means filthy, by today’s standards—I don’t recall a single f-bomb—but no way is it pristine like in the Kingdom Hall. It is an Hercule Poirot parody, with Daniel Craig playing the Christie-like eccentric, brilliant, and world-renowned sleuth, Benoit Blanc. There is nothing funnier, to my mind, then when he opens his mouth to speak an overbearing combination of French/Southern Redneck accent. He routinely says things that, at first glance are profound, but at second are just plain stupid.)
  23. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I'm sure TTH will speak for himself, but you probably know that it is difficult to make a clear point without sounding self-righteous. It's difficult to call oneself JW Insider, or my intended name 'Bible's Advocate,' or nearly anything without sounding self-righteous to someone. ("Meekest man on the face of the earth"?) When we have an opinion, it's nearly impossible to remember to put the "IMO" caveat after every sentence, so you just stop doing that and state your position. I'm sure we end up sounding overly confident and self-righteous as a consequence.
    (1 Peter 4:11) 11 If anyone speaks, let him do so as speaking pronouncements from God;. . .
    But many of us have probably learned a lot and changed opinions over time here, too. I know I have. And I've seen evidence from several others, including TTH. Let's just hope that those opinions have changed in the right direction.
    I agree. And I had high hopes for the book providing some value to the GB, if it was in a completely different spirit from his previous books. At this point in the book I saw a bit of love coming through. But when it reverted to a bit of braggadocio I couldn't help but see it as a continuation of his former persona.
    At any rate, you are right that none of us can judge correctly, and none of us can see his motives in total. I do agree that what he did might very well have been an act of self-sacrifice in bringing his gifts to the table. I saw it as a mix of good and bad motives, probably because I was unable to give him a clean slate. I'd be happy to rethink my position and concerns about him, and assume that he did not intend to convey some of the characteristics I thought I saw in him.
    I promise to re-read and give him every benefit of the doubt, and see what I can make of it.
  24. Upvote
    Thinking got a reaction from JW Insider in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    Aaah Tom you talk a lot..you have a lot of words.....and you at times come over as a bit self righteous...why did I chose thinking,,,not for the reasons you so wrongly presume....thinking was ..because I simply often dont know...what to think...is this right...is that right?...is he right...what if I’ve got it wrong?..Am I leaning on my own understanding??....always thinking..because I cannot afford not to...not having your confidence and assurity of one self...so alas..as old as I am...I have to keep thinking...to make sure...You are to cocky Tom...too self assured....but hey...every Congs got one....
    If you read his book he clearly explains he spoke up because of the many who were disfellowshipped wrongly ...he had first hand experience ....and there was a lot of truth in this section of his book.
    there were other reasons also...but that one stood out to me the most...
    I guess he fell on his sword because he felt it was the right thing to do basically..he is getting old..his time is short...maybye there are other reasons..but I don’t know the brother myself..not personally.
    ive never spoken to him...never watched him with other brothers and sisters...I have not read his other books....but that would prove nothing....Personally I think he would have done more good staying with in the cong..But he must have thought speaking up was worth the sacrifice.
    your on a forum..I’m on a forum...JWI is on a forum...Billy the kid is on the forum.....but that’s okay...our sin is not as big as Rolfs sin after all...Is it?....ours is just a little sin...so we should be right....after all...a forum is different to writing a book isn’t it....Rolf did on a big scale what we do on a small scale...
    you gotta give it to him...he had more guts than me and nearly everyone else on this forum...name and picture up for all to see....
    we all use monikers ( not you ) because we know very well if we published our names and pictures we would be marked or out in that back room like jack flash.
    we have been warned from the platform about forums...when we had meetings...I have anyway....
    thats one point he was making in the book...
    I totally agree with you that all the scholarly knowledge means nothing with out the basic love...And words are just as useless with out love too....Now I’m writing a novel...picking up your bad habit I think 😉
  25. Thanks
    Thinking reacted to Anna in Furuli's new e-book: "My Beloved Religion - And The Governing Body"   
    I am not sure, but do you mean that God communicates with us through the GB? If you do, then I do not agree. I do not think the GB are like Moses, or any prophet who Jehovah used in the past to communicate with his people the Israelites. Jesus did away with all that, he is the only high priest, and we have the holy spirit to help us. This goes for both the annointed and the great crowd. Not much difference in my opinion. Now do I agree there has to be organizational leadership, yes. I also think there has to be someone who makes sure the Bible is followed and upheld. So the GB calling themselves "guardians of the doctrine" as per Br. Jackson is ok too. Also the "spiritual feeding" is understandable as well, as long as it's not made up food and is always based on the Bible. But as for communication, well doesn't Jehovah communicate with us through his written word?  I know whenever this is discussed "Bible publications" are brought up, which is also ok, but those publications are not rocket science. You could write them. Would it then mean that God was communicating through you? Not unless you wrote something which was an interpretation of a scripture. And we know  what happens with that, some were wrongly interpreted. That's hardly Jehovah passing on information. 
    Sorry if this sounds like a rant. I finally convinced my hubby that the GB are like the rest of us, except somebody has to take the lead....and the great thing is actually, GB agree with me 😁
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