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  1. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting Program Parts - December 2014   
    December 2014

    Presenters: Bros. David Splane, GB & Mark Noumair, Helper

    Opening Comments: Why is it Necessary to Make Changes to the Song Book?

    New Song Video: Song 136 – The Kingdom is in Place – Let it Come!

    Discussion Panel: “Prepare to Sing the New Songs” – Bros. Ted Adams & Danny Baker; Chris & Sis. Susan Maver

    Video: “There is More Happiness in Giving.”

    From Our Archives: Bro. Max Larsen

    Branch Tour: Central Europe Branch

    Morning Worship: Bro. Stephen Lett, GB – “Beware of Overconfidence.” – 1 Cor. 10: 12

    Interview: Bro. James Dyson

    Closing Comments:

  2. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Queen Esther in Kiwi fruit   
    Kiwi fruit is exceptionally high in vitamin C, in fact it contains even more vitamin C than an orange. It also contains high amounts of vitamins E, A, & K as well as flavonoids, antioxidants, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iron. Kiwi is particularly beneficial for the respiratory system and has been shown to help shorten the duration of colds as well as to help prevent asthma, wheezing, and coughing. Kiwi fruit contains anti-inflammatory properties which is good for those who suffer with autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia, CFS, and Lyme disease. Kiwi seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for cognitive function and can help prevent the development of ADHD and autism in children.
    Kiwi contains enzymes similar to those in papaya and pineapple which makes them useful in aiding in digestion and elimination. Kiwi fruit has also been shown to help protect DNA from mutating which is an incredible form of protection against illnesses and diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. Kiwi fruit is also known to help remove excess sodium buildup in the body which can help reduce bloating, swelling, and water retention. Kiwi is good for promoting eye health and for preventing age-related macular degeneration. It is also highly beneficial for those who have weak or sensitive immune systems and are useful at keeping ear, nose, and throat infections at bay. Kiwi is also great for diabetics by helping to keep their blood sugar levels under control and for cardiovascular health as it has been shown to help lower triglycerides or blood fat in the body.
    Kiwi contains certain compounds that act as a blood thinner, similar to the way aspirin works which helps prevent blood clot formation inside the blood vessels and can protect the body from stroke and heart attacks. Green kiwi is the most commonly available variety found in supermarkets, however a delicious variety called Gold Kiwi (which has a golden color flesh) is a much sweeter, creamier, and less acidic variety that should not be missed. Kiwi fruit should be left on the counter to ripen until they yield under gentle pressure, like a ripe mango or avocado. Eat at least 3-4 ripe kiwi fruit a day for ultimate health benefits.
    ENJOY ;-)
  3. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from The Librarian in JW Broadcasting Program Outline - November 2014   
    November 2014
    Presenter: Bro Geofrey Jackson, GB
    Informational Video: School for Kingdom Evangelisers – Palm Coast Florida
    Theme Talk: “Helping People of All Language Groups”
    Behind the Scenes: How Correspondance is Dealt With
    From Our Archives: Lloyd Barry
    Interview: Bro Willie & Freda Gorneau
    Morning Worship: Kenneth Flodin, Helper – “Curb Wrong Desires Immediately.” (Matt. 19: 6)
    Family Worship: Keep Improving Your Family Worship
    Original Song: “We Won’t Forget You.”
    Closing Comments:
    Closing Footage: Warwick Construction Site, New York
  4. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from ARchiv@L in JW Broadcasting Monthly Program Parts   
    Hi there, is anyone interested in having a list of the parts for each Monthly program? I thought it might be helpful if all the parts were listed somewhere for easy reference. Here is the first program in October 2014. If you are interested and would like to help add other months programs please post here. Thank you.
    October 2014
    Bro Stephen Lett GB
    Opening Comments
    Behind the Scenes
    Theme Talk: “Young Ones You are Loved by Jehovah and His Organsiation.”
    “How to Deal With Bullies.”
    From Our Archives - Theodore Jaracz
    Legal Cases – Stratton Ohio
    Morning Worship: William Malenfont Helper “Run the Race With Endurance” 1 Cor 9: 24
    Interview – Bro Burt Mann Age 93
    Original Song “The Best Life Ever.”
    Closing Comments
    Closing Footage - International Convention Delegates Visit HQ
  5. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to The Librarian in JW Broadcasting Monthly Program Parts   
    Make a new post (topic) for each month I think will work better... 
  6. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to The Librarian in JW Broadcasting Monthly Program Parts   
    Sounds good. As you post them I will try to link them up with the videos in storage:
  7. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in JW Broadcasting Monthly Program Parts   
    Hi there, is anyone interested in having a list of the parts for each Monthly program? I thought it might be helpful if all the parts were listed somewhere for easy reference. Here is the first program in October 2014. If you are interested and would like to help add other months programs please post here. Thank you.
    October 2014
    Bro Stephen Lett GB
    Opening Comments
    Behind the Scenes
    Theme Talk: “Young Ones You are Loved by Jehovah and His Organsiation.”
    “How to Deal With Bullies.”
    From Our Archives - Theodore Jaracz
    Legal Cases – Stratton Ohio
    Morning Worship: William Malenfont Helper “Run the Race With Endurance” 1 Cor 9: 24
    Interview – Bro Burt Mann Age 93
    Original Song “The Best Life Ever.”
    Closing Comments
    Closing Footage - International Convention Delegates Visit HQ
  8. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Noble Berean in Is Homosexuality Wrong?   
    These articles are quite good for Jehovah's people in general because so many actually "hate" gay people. I was sitting in a car with brothers and sisters who got talking about gay people. everything they said was "hateful" of gay people. They had forgotten that it's the act not the person that we should hate. I spoke up and asked, what would happen if a gay person became a brother or sister, would we still talk that way, or would we think they no longer had the desire just because they became a witness. Some said yes quoting "because that's what some of you were." 1 Corinthians 6: 11. It was an awkward discussion, but they only realized how they sounded when someone raised the issue.
    On the other side, many gay people may allow the act or even the desire to act to define who they are. 
    While we define it as a person who "acts" on the urge and commits such "acts". The world holds the view that if you have even the desire to act you are gay. Most witnesses that I've listened to talking about gay people don't differentiate it either. When you hear it from the platform, it's not differentiated and much of the time it's hate for the people using words like "they are disgusting or filthy." Not the acts they do. This is really unfortunate. And I believe it is our own fault. 
    Those whom I have known to have come out of that lifestyle, have really struggled in the truth. From vicious back biting, mockery and isolation. Yet, we preach a message of peace but do not always show it to "all sorts of people." For them, it can be a very lonely place within the organization.
    Yes, it is sad that when you call in to see a Bible Student, that they tell you how brother so-and-so told them to be careful of brother x because he is gay. Notice it was not past tense as in "that is what some of you were."
    Such, brothers and sister who struggle with same sex attraction would prefer to hide who themselves if they knew the whole congregation viewed them as "unchanged".
    I just think, we have a long way to go in many area's, we are not as righteous as we make ourselves out to be at times. I believe this is a big problem at the moment especially with a big focus on it in the last year. That focus has not instilled wise or loving traits in Jehovah's people. Granted not all of us are "hateful" or "malicious" of gay people. But I think we do need to realize some things:
    1. For a gay to convert is a really difficult challenge, it cannot be compared to a straight person turning to God.
    2. There is a difference between being gay and no longer committing gay acts, it does not mean they stop having gay desires.
    3. Many are now our brother's and sister's but they know that if they were open about it that they would be treated badly, so they work hard to hide that side of them to the detriment of the physical and mental health.
    We need to be more loving to those who were gay, and realize how hard it is for them to exist in the truth. We should be amazed at their daily struggle to resist the flesh, it cannot be compared to straight people's struggle with sexual desire. If you want to show love, involve them in group socializing. And just so some get to know, it's not the one's that are known that should be worried about. Many "straight looking" brothers may have a struggle as well, they may even persecute or mock those who are known or even be married now, with children. It's not as simple as, that brother looks "camp" so he must be gay or he has a gay voice or likes ballet etc Feminine traits are not always an indicator of gay desire. You don't have to "look" gay to have that desire.
    I hope some witnesses will change from a "hateful" disposition toward gay people. We are not the judges. However, this problem is so big it will not likely change over night, sad, but true.
    To all you brothers and sisters out there who struggle everyday with gay desire. May the God of peace grant you peace and reward your efforts.
  9. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Queen Esther in Graphic: Anointed Remnant Partakers at the memorial celebrations since 1938   
    This  graphic  is  showing  the  number of partaking anointed remnant at the  MEMORIAL  since  1938....
    What  a  big  surprise  is  this  curious  curve !
    Many  years  of  lessening # of partaking anointed ones,  until  2007....
    Fred Franz
    b. Sept. 12, 1893 d. Dec. 22, 1992. (possibly a last one of the first group of anointed of "this generation")
    Mark Sanderson born 1965, baptized 1975 (10 yrs old), 27 yrs. old in 1992. ( 17 yrs in truth by this time; one of the last one's of "this generation")
    1993   8,693
    1994   8,617
    1995   8,645
    1996   8,757
    1997   8795
    1998   8756
    1999   8755
    2000   8661
    2001   8730
    2002   8760
    2003   8565
    2004   8570
    2005   8524
    2006   8,758
    2007   9,105 (when increase became
    2008   9,986 without question)
    2009 10,857
    2010 11,202
    2011 11,824
    2012 12,604   
    2013 13,204
    2014 14,121
    2015 15,177   6419 increase in past 9 years  
  10. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Aaron Mathewson in Comparison of the Songbooks   
    A brother compiled a spreadsheet of a comparison of the songs from the current and new songbooks to make it easier to find where a song is in the new book. I took this info and made a PDF so it is easier to print.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0udkagzgpd8vmy8/Song Book Comparison.pdf?dl=0
    Song Book Comparison.pdf

  11. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to JW Insider in Matt 24:34. "by no means"   
    Because it's a double negative. In Greek, a double negative emphasizes the negation (in most cases), rather than the way it works in many modern languages where (formally, at least) it creates a positive.
  12. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Evacuated in Why no warning regarding Warwick?   
    This seems to be fairly "old" news? Surely there has been an adequate clean up as mentioned in the second report which says:
    " Watchtower is seeking unspecified reimbursement for the cost it has incurred in the cleanup and remediation. "
    And wouldn't the planning authorities have had some input in verifying the site as fit for human occupation? 
    On another note, regarding the dubious suggestions in the original post regarding spirit-direction on the project.:
    Isn't Jehovah providing at least a part "ruined" earth (Rev.11:18) as an inheritance for the "meek" survivors of Armageddon? (Ps.37:10-11). And what about the billions of resurrected ones?(Acts 24:15) Surely an adequate clean-up of the environment will take place in order to safely accomdate the inhabitants of what will eventually be a paradise earth?(Ez.39:14; Is.35:1) And on that basis, is there any doubt that this future project will be spirit-directed?(Is.55:11).
  13. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Ann O'Maly in 2016 Paradise Video - background song/music   
    I don't think they are meaningful lyrics but vocal sounds and syllables.
  14. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Alan Murdock in 2016 Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    According to reports I have heard from some who were at the Annual Meeting today, the new songbook has been released. It is not known if copies were distributed to those in attendance, but electronic copies will be available on jw.org Monday in English (and apparently in Haitian Creole). It will have a new title: "Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah," and some songs will have new titles, new lyrics, and some will be renumbered. It will start being used in all English congregations the week of January 2, 2017. The book will contain only 151 songs, not 154 as we were expecting. Three songs were deleted, but there was no mention of which ones. The book will be in three formats: regular edition, large print, and lyrics only.
    I also heard, in connection with that new songbook, that new videos of the Watchtower Chorus will be released shortly. The chorus will be singing all of the songs in the book! We’ll see.
    So keep your eyes open for the new songbook and other goodies on Monday on jw.org and tv.jw.org. And Monday also comes the monthly broadcast on JW Broadcasting. Ohh those servers are going to be working hard!
  15. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from JaniceM in Remarkable Prediction in a 1922 Golden Age Magazine   
    I believe the same article had the thought that Daniel 12: 4 was fulfilled in 'trains' that 'roved' the lands. So, with some extrapolation it is possible to predict some things. In 1993, while in High School, I drew a Tablet-like device that I called "Watchtower Windows"  It was to be a touch screen device with all our material on it and we would be using them at meetings  
    One current idea is an interface that stimulates the part of the brain where hallucinations and dreams come from, to make an image appear in your visual space. There's a Bible app that comes with it. It would be like seeing a holographic image in front of you however, it's fully interactive because the brain is literally the computer running the software. Normally, people would not be able to see what your brain is projecting in front of you. But the interface could link people so that they see the same image. 
    The implications of such a technology are profound, already there are basic thought controlled devices making their way to the market. So, it's not hard to see several generations from now. 
    I have dubbed the technology "MiND" a play on the phrase My Neural Device.
    In the near future, I think we will get our own 'clean' internet that runs completely independently. Just my thoughts
  16. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to Ann O'Maly in 2016 Paradise Video - background song/music   
    The music is from 'epic music' producers 'audiomachine' who do tracks for movie trailers. The track the Org used for its 'Paradise video' is called 'Eternal Flame' and it's from audiomachine's 2012 'Epica' album.
  17. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Is Homosexuality Wrong?   
    These articles are quite good for Jehovah's people in general because so many actually "hate" gay people. I was sitting in a car with brothers and sisters who got talking about gay people. everything they said was "hateful" of gay people. They had forgotten that it's the act not the person that we should hate. I spoke up and asked, what would happen if a gay person became a brother or sister, would we still talk that way, or would we think they no longer had the desire just because they became a witness. Some said yes quoting "because that's what some of you were." 1 Corinthians 6: 11. It was an awkward discussion, but they only realized how they sounded when someone raised the issue.
    On the other side, many gay people may allow the act or even the desire to act to define who they are. 
    While we define it as a person who "acts" on the urge and commits such "acts". The world holds the view that if you have even the desire to act you are gay. Most witnesses that I've listened to talking about gay people don't differentiate it either. When you hear it from the platform, it's not differentiated and much of the time it's hate for the people using words like "they are disgusting or filthy." Not the acts they do. This is really unfortunate. And I believe it is our own fault. 
    Those whom I have known to have come out of that lifestyle, have really struggled in the truth. From vicious back biting, mockery and isolation. Yet, we preach a message of peace but do not always show it to "all sorts of people." For them, it can be a very lonely place within the organization.
    Yes, it is sad that when you call in to see a Bible Student, that they tell you how brother so-and-so told them to be careful of brother x because he is gay. Notice it was not past tense as in "that is what some of you were."
    Such, brothers and sister who struggle with same sex attraction would prefer to hide who themselves if they knew the whole congregation viewed them as "unchanged".
    I just think, we have a long way to go in many area's, we are not as righteous as we make ourselves out to be at times. I believe this is a big problem at the moment especially with a big focus on it in the last year. That focus has not instilled wise or loving traits in Jehovah's people. Granted not all of us are "hateful" or "malicious" of gay people. But I think we do need to realize some things:
    1. For a gay to convert is a really difficult challenge, it cannot be compared to a straight person turning to God.
    2. There is a difference between being gay and no longer committing gay acts, it does not mean they stop having gay desires.
    3. Many are now our brother's and sister's but they know that if they were open about it that they would be treated badly, so they work hard to hide that side of them to the detriment of the physical and mental health.
    We need to be more loving to those who were gay, and realize how hard it is for them to exist in the truth. We should be amazed at their daily struggle to resist the flesh, it cannot be compared to straight people's struggle with sexual desire. If you want to show love, involve them in group socializing. And just so some get to know, it's not the one's that are known that should be worried about. Many "straight looking" brothers may have a struggle as well, they may even persecute or mock those who are known or even be married now, with children. It's not as simple as, that brother looks "camp" so he must be gay or he has a gay voice or likes ballet etc Feminine traits are not always an indicator of gay desire. You don't have to "look" gay to have that desire.
    I hope some witnesses will change from a "hateful" disposition toward gay people. We are not the judges. However, this problem is so big it will not likely change over night, sad, but true.
    To all you brothers and sisters out there who struggle everyday with gay desire. May the God of peace grant you peace and reward your efforts.
  18. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from LloydSt in Is Homosexuality Wrong?   
    These articles are quite good for Jehovah's people in general because so many actually "hate" gay people. I was sitting in a car with brothers and sisters who got talking about gay people. everything they said was "hateful" of gay people. They had forgotten that it's the act not the person that we should hate. I spoke up and asked, what would happen if a gay person became a brother or sister, would we still talk that way, or would we think they no longer had the desire just because they became a witness. Some said yes quoting "because that's what some of you were." 1 Corinthians 6: 11. It was an awkward discussion, but they only realized how they sounded when someone raised the issue.
    On the other side, many gay people may allow the act or even the desire to act to define who they are. 
    While we define it as a person who "acts" on the urge and commits such "acts". The world holds the view that if you have even the desire to act you are gay. Most witnesses that I've listened to talking about gay people don't differentiate it either. When you hear it from the platform, it's not differentiated and much of the time it's hate for the people using words like "they are disgusting or filthy." Not the acts they do. This is really unfortunate. And I believe it is our own fault. 
    Those whom I have known to have come out of that lifestyle, have really struggled in the truth. From vicious back biting, mockery and isolation. Yet, we preach a message of peace but do not always show it to "all sorts of people." For them, it can be a very lonely place within the organization.
    Yes, it is sad that when you call in to see a Bible Student, that they tell you how brother so-and-so told them to be careful of brother x because he is gay. Notice it was not past tense as in "that is what some of you were."
    Such, brothers and sister who struggle with same sex attraction would prefer to hide who themselves if they knew the whole congregation viewed them as "unchanged".
    I just think, we have a long way to go in many area's, we are not as righteous as we make ourselves out to be at times. I believe this is a big problem at the moment especially with a big focus on it in the last year. That focus has not instilled wise or loving traits in Jehovah's people. Granted not all of us are "hateful" or "malicious" of gay people. But I think we do need to realize some things:
    1. For a gay to convert is a really difficult challenge, it cannot be compared to a straight person turning to God.
    2. There is a difference between being gay and no longer committing gay acts, it does not mean they stop having gay desires.
    3. Many are now our brother's and sister's but they know that if they were open about it that they would be treated badly, so they work hard to hide that side of them to the detriment of the physical and mental health.
    We need to be more loving to those who were gay, and realize how hard it is for them to exist in the truth. We should be amazed at their daily struggle to resist the flesh, it cannot be compared to straight people's struggle with sexual desire. If you want to show love, involve them in group socializing. And just so some get to know, it's not the one's that are known that should be worried about. Many "straight looking" brothers may have a struggle as well, they may even persecute or mock those who are known or even be married now, with children. It's not as simple as, that brother looks "camp" so he must be gay or he has a gay voice or likes ballet etc Feminine traits are not always an indicator of gay desire. You don't have to "look" gay to have that desire.
    I hope some witnesses will change from a "hateful" disposition toward gay people. We are not the judges. However, this problem is so big it will not likely change over night, sad, but true.
    To all you brothers and sisters out there who struggle everyday with gay desire. May the God of peace grant you peace and reward your efforts.
  19. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to JaniceM in Did the MILLIONS Campaign Just Become a False Prophecy?   
    Those are loaded questions! 
    I find it quite fascinating reading the scriptures and our attempts to put the pieces of the puzzle together.  However, try as we might, these things can be difficult to figure out as we can see from all the different dates and times.
    The slogan can't possibly be true.  I don't think it was haughtiness or self serving, whether it's 1914, 1919, 1925 . . . but at best wishful thinking or filling in the blanks and hoping it's right.  (smile)  Many Catholic and Protestant denominations are guilty of the same.  So it makes me wonder why JW's get stuck in the false prophecy pit or why people care to the extent that they do.  The counter argument is that many lost faith, so was their faith in a date? 
    Every 3 months or so what was written previously, is not admitted as wrong or false prophecy, but a better or more accurate understanding, whether we agree or disagree with past, present interpretations.  Whereas, opponents will most definitely cite any inconsistency as false prophesy.  I remember a case whereby the disciples circulated a rumor John would not die, when something entirely different was meant.  Did that misunderstanding make them false prophets?  I think Jesus and Jehovah understand the imperfections of man.  From the original writings, we have several copies not totally consistent with each other, however not every word or letter has to be exactly perfect in order for us to understand God's will and purpose.  Not every saying, understanding, or interpretation of the faithful and discreet slave will always be exactly perfect or essential in order for us to understand God's will and purpose.  I hope this makes some sense.
  20. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Jack Ryan in 2016 Annual Meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I think it might be fun to have a guess as to what we might expect for the annual meeting, then see how close we got afterward:
    I think we will get some news, if not a release, of the new song book and many of the current songs will have been revised and in some cases the music itself may have been changed to suit. Some songs that have changed are:
    45 Move Ahead
    1. Move ahead, move ahead to maturity!
    It’s the will of our God that we gain ability.[NEW] Shine the light of the truth, so that all may plainly see]
    Try your best to improve in your ministry,
    Then our God your work will bless.[NEW] Trust in God for true success]
    There’s a place in the service for all.
    It’s the work Jesus did, you’ll recall.
    Look to God that you thus at no time may fall,[NEW] Look to God for support that you may not fall]
    Standing firm for righteousness.

    2. Move ahead, move ahead, boldly witnessing!
    Everlasting good news to all sorts of people bring.
    Join in praise to Jehovah, our God and King,
    As we preach from door to door.
    Wicked foes try to cause us to fear. [NEW] Though our foes ... would like us to fear]
    Don’t shrink back, but let ev’ryone hear
    Joyful news that the Kingdom of God is here.[NEW] Tell the news that the Kingdom of God is here]
    Teach the truth yet more and more.
    3. Move ahead, move ahead, always follow through,
    And improve in your skills for there’s so much work to do.
    Let God’s spirit keep on motivating you.[NEW] Let the spirit of God keep on leading you]
    Find the joy that is divine.
    Love the people you work hard to find.
    Keep returning to reach heart and mind.
    And assist all good progress each day to make,[NEW] And assist them to grow and to be refined]
    So the light of truth will shine.
    75 Our Reasons for Joy, 
    . Our reasons for joy are abundant,
    Like riches increasing in worth.
    Desirable things of all nations [NEW] Those precious to God from all nations]
    Are joining us in all the earth.
    The joy in our heart is well-founded,
    With roots reaching deep in God’s Word.
    We daily partake of its teachings;
    Faith follows the things we have heard.
    Our causes for joy are deep-seated,
    Like embers that burn in our hearts.
    Though troubles and trials beset us,
    Endurance Jehovah imparts.
    I would like to see songs written in different harmonies for brothers and sisters so one song may have four harmonies but you would download the harmony that suits you.
    If the songs are regrouped  and renumbered to reflect the subject would be helpful for brothers trying to decide song numbers for talks. Or just a new index listing the songs by subject would be an option.
    In other news, I think we'll get some changes to names of things like overseers, ministerial servants and perhaps some places will be renamed, and some might be shocked by the change.
    Perhaps in 2017 we will get another meeting change, this time Sunday meetings. If all the old outlines have been updated they might also include new things that come with those talks. For example, some talks may have videos supplied to be played during the talks. Talks may also become more interactive, involving some sort of audience participation other than just answering up. For years now, many of the talks have really been aimed at the congregation and less about the public. The new meeting may do something unheard of amongst us and open the floor to discuss issues within the community, perhaps everyone could get an outline and prepare for the audience participation part. Of course, it will be moderated sufficienty. 
    All existing apps provided by the organization will get massive updates. JW language app will get signed languages. JW Sign Language app will get other signed languages. JW Library will get some interesting interactive features making research fun and deep. 
    A few books that have needed an update like the Reasoning Book, Daniel, Ezekiel, and the Revelation book need updates. Nearly all printed production will be halted in the next few years and we will become completely digital.
    A new Become Jehovah's Friend Video
    3 new refinements in understanding - my guess is more on Ezekiel, Zechariah and Revelation
    There will be 3 more new songs sung which will touch on these refinements. 
    And of course lots of experiences of trying out a new method for witnessing.
    I personally am hoping for new tech or apps. What do others think? 
    NOTE: These are all guesses, I have no prior knowledge about what is coming. I have merely looked at previous meetings and followed a similar pattern. I think it would be fun to guess now, and compare later with what actually happens. 
    Reference for song revisions: 2014 Annual Meeting Musical Interlude 

  21. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from OtherSheep in 1 Peter 3:15   
    Is it interesting, that Jason BeDuhn whom we have referred to regarding his book Truth in Translation, mentions about the 84 NWT that verse comes up. Some documents called J Documents were used to help the brothers decide where Jehovah's name should appear in the Greek text. There is a J Document for this scripture too which would render the text this way:
    "But sanctify the Christ as Jehovah in your hearts."
    But curiously we did not render it that way, apparently because it might cause confusion. For me, it just means that Jesus which means Jehovah is Salvation, is coming in Jehovah's name as his representative. But I can see that confusion could happen for some. However, when the third angel spoke to Abraham as they looked over at Sodom and Gomorrah, he too was speaking as Jehovah himself. We explain this situation in a number of articles and books, but not regarding 1 Peter 3: 15.
    Just a thought. Sorry, to drop in like this too, I realise I haven't replied to your other thread. 
  22. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Arauna in Is the brochure "Return to Jehovah" missing something?   
    No. I think you may have missed the point. The unrepentant generally don't return. 40 years is particularly long, and gives hope for others who may yet return. Repentance is the key factor here.
  23. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to JW Insider in 1 Peter 3:15   
    Jesus is "a god" in the sense of being divine. A divine representation of the Almighty Father. As humans, we cannot fathom the depth and breadth of the Almighty, but His Son represents Him in such a way that we can understand Him and therefore bring the Lord into our hearts. In other words, even if it had been translated "...sanctify the Christ as Jehovah in your hearts. . ." we should still see it in the sense that Christ has helped us to bring Jehovah into our hearts. It's in the way John 1 explains:
    (John 1:14-18) 14 So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of divine favor and truth. . . 16 For we all received from his fullness, even undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness. 17 Because the Law was given through Moses, the undeserved kindness and the truth came to be through Jesus Christ. 18 No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him.
    Jesus, in heaven, still considers the Father to be his God. (Rev 1:1, etc.)
  24. Upvote
    io.porog reacted to The Librarian in Friday AM - 2016 "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" Regional Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses   
    I have an easy fix for all the offended. Don't click on the link. Don't click on the play button. Video will then not show.
    This video is not "public". It is for me. As most of you know already, I like to archive material from my spiritual heritage that will inevitably be taken down on other websites in the future.
    As an example, try to go locate a Concordance from 1973 anywhere. Now you know why I keep my own copies of everything.
    If anyone objects, please let me know and I will block your permissions so that you can no longer view non-public content on this website. 
    Any questions?
  25. Upvote
    io.porog got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Which Kingdom Song is this?   
    I believe its song 120 Listen Obey and Be Blessed
    Edit: The chorus
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