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  1. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in Anyone who effected by what took place in Kentucky?   
    4 Victims. The one I am familiar with, of whom I visited his family was Tate Myre, who was shot by the mentally depraved Ethan Crumbley, of whom his parents didn't see any red flags for. Tate was only 16.
    Granted with my backing, us islanders who adhere to Scripture, death does not bother us, even me, at all, and of course there is no doubt it does not for you either, granted of how you JWs see death. But what does bother me is the effect of a death upon one's household, mainly those who cannot handle it and does not see the reality of the situation. The people who knew the family visited, friends of the family, and I know him due to someone in the community, the reason I went to visit to pay my respects. This was before Kentucky and Washington.
    Although I show the faces of those who commit crimes, but killers, I do not show, for some people, even the media weaponize it, likewise the pictures of those I know who are deceased, therefore, you are free to look into the story itself, as of now it is still ongoing.
    Now Kentucky is picking itself up, some people go there still for reasons, as is to help, which is a normal thing for weather disasters, Washington though was due to Robert Malone and the others in the community who wanted me to come.
  2. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in Will Life Ever Return to Normal? How the Bible Can Help in a Post-Pandemic World   
    Agendas are met to spread deception and confuse the people. They are met to re-write what we know, be it history or Scripture. The Higher Education System is flawed and the unaware cannot see the dangers of that of which has been taking place for years, only a few witness this, even those in middle and high school.
    Those children in the video are in the clear, however, there is still a battle in the other institutions, especially those who are heavily Agenda-laced. Not only young souls will be able to battle the system, let alone their parents granted the battle with the Board of Education that was ongoing for months now, even after the CSA situation in Loudon County, and the situation with CRT.
    These kids are going to witness a future that no one should if not prepared, the only way for them to move carefully is if an aware parent raises them. This is why God has given people the ability to teach the young not only to be a better person, but to understand who God is. They won't learn from these Agendas, as is from an unaware parent who is a sheeple to the system, and you can't blame the parent because the system has blinded them.
    In short, prevent them from adhering to the cults of which one can quickly become woke, as mentioned before, these are legitimate cults, something of which explained to you and Rook.
    That said be very careful of the Paradigm's Agenda, although you JWs are not part of it, but it is very easy for someone to fall, give in and or break, especially now with the kinetic escalation.
    The last thing you need is someone teaching one of your own that Jehovah and Jesus are somehow non-binary, there are people doing this, just so you know.
  3. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Space Merchant in Anyone who effected by what took place in Kentucky?   
    I heard about the shooting, the situation gets worse because it looks like the parents were invovled. The kid had an extremely dark mind, espically when he pretended to be the police in order to kill more students. I believe there were 3-4 victims.
    Also the situation in Kentucky was bad, some of our brothers and sisters, even family members are OK.
  4. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So this thread in a Nutshell
    After sitting down and reading through everything. 🍿

    @Witness hops in with a video and says something to the effect that this is absolute truth because the person who made the video is an EX-Jehovah's Witness who is also a Bethelite.  
    @Space Merchant The guy who does not like falsehood or anything misleading points out the video is misleading, but purposely held back to see what @Witness will say.  
    @Witness still holds own to her words and the video.  
    @Srecko Sostar chimes in and then @Space Merchant opened the floodgates, refuting nearly every point made in that video which was actucally opinion based vs facts, which wraps around even that of history. Even about the events of the 1900-1930s, mainly about Tulsa. Some of what is said in the video @Witness didn't realize it until later.  
    @Witness keeps saying the the opponent is defending the Watchtower or that he isn't a Jehovah's Witness, but due to what @Space Merchant said, the facts, from which I read, is not associated with JWs, but the history of which the JWs were indirectly involved in. @Space Merchant (who is black) checks @Witness and @Srecko Sostarabout Racism and Segregation; the history.  
    @JW Insider is for some reason often mentioned by @Dmitar.  
    Then @Srecko Sostar somehow points out doctrine, when both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar corrects stating the information follows the history of that specific point in time.  
    @Dmitar chimes in to correct and collect and somehow @JW Insider is mentioned by a selected few.   
    @Pudgy For comic relief. 🐕‍🦺👍  
    @Patiently waiting for Truth comes in for a hello and good bye.  
    @Space Merchant literally gave point for point and now @Witness and @Srecko Sostar is on high defense because now the video went as stale as bread.  
    @Space Merchant quotes the Ex-Bethelite "word for word" but @Witness and @Srecko Sostar ignores it while defending the lie.  
    @Srecko Sostar defends the stance of the video, but owned himself with a Watchtower Article that refutes the claim of racism in the video.  
    @Space Merchant knows that the defeated party lost the debate so he just idles to shoot down claims and insults.  
    @Dmitar chimes in when a silly reponse is made.  
    @Srecko Sostar punching at air at this point. Lol reading through the comments, one thing for certain, I reminded of the situation in Germany once again.
    Archives are nothing new, even as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I knew they existed because some Elders mentioned how they were able to get a hold of older publications, so I don't see it as a big secret. Plus we preach using newer publications anyways; archives may be used as call backs or for research, besides that, most of them are on a public domain online around the internet. This is like what some schools and hospitals do, they have records with current information and the rest is archived somewhere, for example a school can have information on a student from the 1980s, which isn't important to a student in the 2000s, or even for medical records, although personal, in some instances they can pull archived data. So I do not see the problem at all, nor do the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses take issue with this because everyone knows how long the faith was moving, and then some.
    Then there is the point in the video where the Ex-Bethelite claims that Bible Students were racist because of Segregation. That is 100% unfounded. Due to customs and the situation back then, things were different so the idea now vs te past can't be coupled together. Even back then, a lot of people were not fans of Racism, in the Bible Student's case, they looked out for their brothers be it black or white in skin tone.
    The second example about the Holocaust was kind of an odd one. It is unlikely that the camps were specifically made for Jehovah's Witnesses only, nor were they the first ones on Hitler's chop block. Hitler's anti-Semitism was laser focused on Jews. He, and his party considered the Jews as sub-human and a dangerous cancer that needs to be dealt with. Some believed that Hitler's view of the Jews was a result of his history in Vienna (1908-1913), at some point he came into contact with antisemitic ideas at an early age. The Roma and the Jehovah's Witnesses came later, both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar mentioned this to an effect, @Space Merchant pointed out from the Holocaust source of how they were attacked in those camps, in short, the Nazi's attempted to push the Witnesses to abandon their faith in Jehovah.
    The last example regarding 1925 is essentially Rutherford's words being taken out of context, which is another can of worms. I think @JW Insider or someone else gave more insight about this, @Space Merchant even linked that disscussion.
    All in all, if the video is indeed false and misleading, I do not see why there is such a strong push to defend it, in addition to that, the Debater purposely entrapped to expose some peeps. One thing for certain, what can be seen here in this thread shows that some EXJWs need a catching up to do with history.
    I guess this thread will show the guests of why we take issue with Apostate media.
    One thing I wanna point out about Tulsa, both the Latino and Asian communities in the past, were somewhat indirectly effected to, for back in those days, even going to the 1940s+, there was some discrimination against some people, likewise, with others.
  5. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Pudgy in Time to ban dimtar.   
    I don't think it is normal to make a thread to have someone banned; or demanding someone to be banned. Not sure who @Dmitar is but if he did something that issues this thread to be made, shouldn't the same be done to you? I still remember that John 17:3 reponse you made.
    Anyways, all forums have rules, and you should deal with mods/admins about the issue, not everyone else.
  6. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Then there are some who choose to remain ignorant, and attempt to bring anyone who has some knowledge down to their level only to fail.
    This thread had me rolling when I read through everything lol
  7. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    So this thread in a Nutshell
    After sitting down and reading through everything. 🍿

    @Witness hops in with a video and says something to the effect that this is absolute truth because the person who made the video is an EX-Jehovah's Witness who is also a Bethelite.  
    @Space Merchant The guy who does not like falsehood or anything misleading points out the video is misleading, but purposely held back to see what @Witness will say.  
    @Witness still holds own to her words and the video.  
    @Srecko Sostar chimes in and then @Space Merchant opened the floodgates, refuting nearly every point made in that video which was actucally opinion based vs facts, which wraps around even that of history. Even about the events of the 1900-1930s, mainly about Tulsa. Some of what is said in the video @Witness didn't realize it until later.  
    @Witness keeps saying the the opponent is defending the Watchtower or that he isn't a Jehovah's Witness, but due to what @Space Merchant said, the facts, from which I read, is not associated with JWs, but the history of which the JWs were indirectly involved in. @Space Merchant (who is black) checks @Witness and @Srecko Sostarabout Racism and Segregation; the history.  
    @JW Insider is for some reason often mentioned by @Dmitar.  
    Then @Srecko Sostar somehow points out doctrine, when both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar corrects stating the information follows the history of that specific point in time.  
    @Dmitar chimes in to correct and collect and somehow @JW Insider is mentioned by a selected few.   
    @Pudgy For comic relief. 🐕‍🦺👍  
    @Patiently waiting for Truth comes in for a hello and good bye.  
    @Space Merchant literally gave point for point and now @Witness and @Srecko Sostar is on high defense because now the video went as stale as bread.  
    @Space Merchant quotes the Ex-Bethelite "word for word" but @Witness and @Srecko Sostar ignores it while defending the lie.  
    @Srecko Sostar defends the stance of the video, but owned himself with a Watchtower Article that refutes the claim of racism in the video.  
    @Space Merchant knows that the defeated party lost the debate so he just idles to shoot down claims and insults.  
    @Dmitar chimes in when a silly reponse is made.  
    @Srecko Sostar punching at air at this point. Lol reading through the comments, one thing for certain, I reminded of the situation in Germany once again.
    Archives are nothing new, even as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I knew they existed because some Elders mentioned how they were able to get a hold of older publications, so I don't see it as a big secret. Plus we preach using newer publications anyways; archives may be used as call backs or for research, besides that, most of them are on a public domain online around the internet. This is like what some schools and hospitals do, they have records with current information and the rest is archived somewhere, for example a school can have information on a student from the 1980s, which isn't important to a student in the 2000s, or even for medical records, although personal, in some instances they can pull archived data. So I do not see the problem at all, nor do the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses take issue with this because everyone knows how long the faith was moving, and then some.
    Then there is the point in the video where the Ex-Bethelite claims that Bible Students were racist because of Segregation. That is 100% unfounded. Due to customs and the situation back then, things were different so the idea now vs te past can't be coupled together. Even back then, a lot of people were not fans of Racism, in the Bible Student's case, they looked out for their brothers be it black or white in skin tone.
    The second example about the Holocaust was kind of an odd one. It is unlikely that the camps were specifically made for Jehovah's Witnesses only, nor were they the first ones on Hitler's chop block. Hitler's anti-Semitism was laser focused on Jews. He, and his party considered the Jews as sub-human and a dangerous cancer that needs to be dealt with. Some believed that Hitler's view of the Jews was a result of his history in Vienna (1908-1913), at some point he came into contact with antisemitic ideas at an early age. The Roma and the Jehovah's Witnesses came later, both @Space Merchant and @Dmitar mentioned this to an effect, @Space Merchant pointed out from the Holocaust source of how they were attacked in those camps, in short, the Nazi's attempted to push the Witnesses to abandon their faith in Jehovah.
    The last example regarding 1925 is essentially Rutherford's words being taken out of context, which is another can of worms. I think @JW Insider or someone else gave more insight about this, @Space Merchant even linked that disscussion.
    All in all, if the video is indeed false and misleading, I do not see why there is such a strong push to defend it, in addition to that, the Debater purposely entrapped to expose some peeps. One thing for certain, what can be seen here in this thread shows that some EXJWs need a catching up to do with history.
    I guess this thread will show the guests of why we take issue with Apostate media.
    One thing I wanna point out about Tulsa, both the Latino and Asian communities in the past, were somewhat indirectly effected to, for back in those days, even going to the 1940s+, there was some discrimination against some people, likewise, with others.
  8. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Then there are some who choose to remain ignorant, and attempt to bring anyone who has some knowledge down to their level only to fail.
    This thread had me rolling when I read through everything lol
  9. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in Anyone who effected by what took place in Kentucky?   
    I actually went to Kentucky to help out, some in the Truther community as is other communities had a hand in with clean up. But this was afterwards, for originally I went to Michigan, for obvious reasons in connection to the school shooting, which took place on November 30, 2021. Just recently I was in Washington for an event I alluded to several times. 
    I did have some interesting conversations, 2 situations where I did run into 2 JWs, however, the second one, was an alleged JW, apparently such ones you deem apostate, was pretending using your own publications in a nefarious way, liken to the situation with the publication in a cemetery situation that happened in 2021, when exposed, he mention someone named DiscipleofChrist on Reddit who speaks a ton on JWs and quotes Fearon.
    That being said, as for world events, majority of what I said from 2017, to present day is true, even of how the situation effects religious folk, even your faith, as is with events of Russia and their allies. The irony here is some collectives on here do not pay attention, therefore, when the beast moves, they will not have time to react.
  10. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    The remark about Gun bunkers came forth from the debate (with multiple subjects for the latter loves to deviate) with Srecko and Witness, evidence to what is true/false is noted in the source presented in the pervious page. Witness made several claims in regards to JWs and the WT using sources such as Rick Fearon and Zelda and a list of ExJW information, however, what she did not realize is not all ExJWs are disgruntled, resulting in some being aware of any knowledge in Funds and other things to speak up against the people of their own community. This also brought forth the notation of the Watchtower somehow being owners of companies that are essentially into military weapons dealings (as is a gaming company and women's lingerie in which some believe they own)
    Witness was challenged on this, and all her conspiratorial claims were proven false. In the same source, she attempted to allude the idea that JWs have connection to a Democratic party members, however, this was also false because it is alluded it was actually Fearon who probably held some Leftist backing, to which some believe this to be the case after doing some research. Then Srecko hopped in and made a fool of himself in the process.
    In regards to @Dmitar who believes guests are not aware, in that same source, guests were interacting in that same discussion, and saw both Witness and Srecko's claims to not only be problematic, but false, mainly due to the fact the most powerful source in that thread was from an ExJW who challenged disgruntled ExJWs on Economics, money and bonds. Even much later, Witness attempted this again using a redittor associated with Smurf Girl, a conspiracy theorist, once again attempting to link JWs to a Democratic candidate for the Senate this time, Raphael Warnock (D) is an American pastor and politician serving as senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. In Witness' claim, anything that had the term "Watchtower" she automatically assume it is associated with JWs, however, this is false, God forbid if she connects the WT to DC Comics who also uses the term. Then there is the situation with Newscorp, prior to the Redress Scheme, something I believe you are familiar with, whereas you, Witness, and Srecko were fooled by an Alt-Right media source with information that has nothing to do with the WT in order to draw in readers and clicks for the Redress situation in Australia, which as of recent, is a broken country where CSA is highly problematic now.
    This is why I take issue with the MSM, they obscure things, even now, they beat the drums of war, of which was predicted by most for several years, hence the actions of the Guardian, NYT, Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC, etc. - The paradigm is a joke.
    I already know Rook and James are one in the same, as is the other.
    You seem to miss the plot. James does not house weapons under the churches of JWs, as mentioned earlier, this narrative was from Witness' source. These weapons, even poison, etc are alleged to be used for mass killings, and self harm. These Fearon types profess such these ideas and some made videos in the EXJW community. For instance, Anna, Arauna, and JWI are JWs, will they commit mass murder with weapons and poison because no one would accept the Bible's message? No. Do they side with the military in highly danger weapon grades? No. Would they commit to self harm as some ExJWs believe they would that equal to the level of the events of Jim Jones? No. Do the leaders of the JW faith attest to wiping themselves and or their enemies out on a Holy War-sque path? No.
    Even the guests saw this is a great falsehood being professed from both Witness and Srecko, who tried to defend her.
    James is very familiar with the notation of bearing arms, as is the 2nd amendment, so much so I remember talking to him about self defense, however, James isn't the type to go down an extremist/terrorist route, nor is this the intent of any JW present, no matter how most EXJWS fuel such an idea, which can be dangerous. In one thread not only we mentioned how to better protect children, but with the inclusion of self-defense, this was discussed.
    This is why both Srecko and Witness were very wrong for attempting to protect a man/group (in Srecko's case, defend Witness on this) who advocate for such a nonsensical idea. What is ironic that even some disgruntled ones find Rick Fearon to be insane, more so of his actions.
    The below is just a snippet of that, my response to Witness...
    The issue is Guns, weapons, and poisons, bunkered inside and under JW churches, a claim proven to be false. Let alone the mass murder idea.
    Firearms are legal in the United States, it is constitutional, the second amendment, right to bare arms, etc.
    In James' case, in his own thread he mentioned good guys with guns.

    James' discussion on the matter was a grounded one via example, in which everyone was engaged, both guests, even Admin, made remarks.
    This was one of several.
    Witness and Srecko were already debated on this, the source is in one of my responses in regards to JW and money on this thread. Sadly, Witness has turned herself into Lisa Haven, and Srecko, a White Knight of Haven.
  11. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Amidstheroses in CSA COURT CASE INVOLVING BETHEL, GOVERNING BODY INDICTED   
    Very serious and shocking subject and accusations. It took me some reading to learn that CSA stands for ‘Child Sexual Abuse’. As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story.
    I preferred reading the 34 pages of charges presented to the Kings County Supreme Court over the verbal summary of the upset woman.
    This egregious series of sins has, understandably, caused long-lasting and severe damage to the ‘child’ now responding by means of the Court. I pray that the negligent and severely abusive adults involved get their legal and just reprisal. I am very interested in seeing how King Jesus, who holds the congregations in his hands and views them with eyes of fiery flames (Revelation 1:14-16), chooses to handle this.
  12. Haha
    Equivocation reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    ….. All of us start out totally ignorant … and it’s often an uphill climb from there …..

  13. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Pudgy in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    See .   100% predictable.
  14. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to JW Insider in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   
    I happened across an excellent commentary of how the current "system of things" has been affected by Covid19. (linked below) The speaker hits on many of the most salient points and it stands as an excellent review from a perspective that sees a bit beyond just the medical issues. But about 20 minutes into the 30 minute video, I learned some interesting points: Americans owe 1.7 trillions in student loan debt. It was only 500 billion in 2006; up 1.2 trillion in just a decade and a half.
    He also says that In bankruptcy court, the only non-dischargable debt is student loan debt. [Therefore, I like the wording you used: "chained on to the individual."]
    What's worse, I think, is something he didn't say, but is fairly obvious. Students are still paying their $30,000 to $50,000+  per year, where part of what a student should be paying for is the ability to interact with professors and specialists in their chosen area of specialization. Instead, what they are often getting lately is a hands-off video stream of a professor who can't interact much at all with students. Might as well be video-taped lectures. No one-on-one in-depth guidance towards a specific area of pursuit. No semester abroad in France, UK, or China, or special internships. Only on-line access to the university library for what's been digitized, which is often a small percentage of what would have been available. 
  15. Like
    Equivocation got a reaction from Matthew9969 in Vaccine time   
    Although the situation is bad out there regarding all things COVID-19, we still need a bit of humor
  16. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    At times indirect events can end up effectings people. For instance, we don't condone brazen conduct by those of the world, but at the same time, we have to be cautious, teach our own to avoid these things, even traps, espically anything that can undermine one's ability to walk in the faith.
    Someone gave an example of a lion or a tiger in the fields. Although you have nothing to do with the wild animal, you should still be concern about potential dangers.
    @Arauna mentioned the UN for a reason, and some people on here knows, perhaps a bit much, on what is taking place. Remember the Devil seeks to devour people like a Lion, to safeguard oneself, it requires vigilance and awareness.
  17. Sad
    Equivocation got a reaction from Dmitar in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    At times indirect events can end up effectings people. For instance, we don't condone brazen conduct by those of the world, but at the same time, we have to be cautious, teach our own to avoid these things, even traps, espically anything that can undermine one's ability to walk in the faith.
    Someone gave an example of a lion or a tiger in the fields. Although you have nothing to do with the wild animal, you should still be concern about potential dangers.
    @Arauna mentioned the UN for a reason, and some people on here knows, perhaps a bit much, on what is taking place. Remember the Devil seeks to devour people like a Lion, to safeguard oneself, it requires vigilance and awareness.
  18. Thanks
    Equivocation got a reaction from Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    At times indirect events can end up effectings people. For instance, we don't condone brazen conduct by those of the world, but at the same time, we have to be cautious, teach our own to avoid these things, even traps, espically anything that can undermine one's ability to walk in the faith.
    Someone gave an example of a lion or a tiger in the fields. Although you have nothing to do with the wild animal, you should still be concern about potential dangers.
    @Arauna mentioned the UN for a reason, and some people on here knows, perhaps a bit much, on what is taking place. Remember the Devil seeks to devour people like a Lion, to safeguard oneself, it requires vigilance and awareness.
  19. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Thinking in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I kind of figured because the story of Kyle Rittenhouse has everyone involved. There were some livestreams of some people talking about the case, and someone coined "Silver Haired Truther". Not sure if you know anything about that.
    Yeah, and right now misinformation is on full 100% blast, so much so, even at my University, it is causing people to believe things that are not true, and if you say something that is true, well, it is like a trainer battle (a plus if you catch that reference lol). But yeah, Satan has tricks, we just have to be on our toes.
  20. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Arauna in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I kind of figured because the story of Kyle Rittenhouse has everyone involved. There were some livestreams of some people talking about the case, and someone coined "Silver Haired Truther". Not sure if you know anything about that.
    Yeah, and right now misinformation is on full 100% blast, so much so, even at my University, it is causing people to believe things that are not true, and if you say something that is true, well, it is like a trainer battle (a plus if you catch that reference lol). But yeah, Satan has tricks, we just have to be on our toes.
  21. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in How were JW elders who were really Communist Spies appointed by "Holy Spirit"?   
    That has nothing to do with Capitalisms, this is in regards to Marxism. Marxism is the direct opposite of Capitalism, and it is aligned with Communism. Shoehorning Capitalisms makes no sense in regards to the definition of what Marxism equates to, hence the quotations, so I do not see what you are attempting to convey here. There are views of Capitalisms in regards to religion and faith, but there is no such thing as an ideology in this regard that solidifies it entirely.
    And no that isn't the definition. You clearly do not know what Capitalisms is, which makes you both unaware, and can easily succumb to a potential danger should those in that camp confront you to influence, i.e. Hasan Piker.
    That being said, if you never dealt with those of Capitalism, debate them or confronted them, even in person, it is unwise to make assumptions. It is also safe to note that some of these folks are willing to throw punches, this I know from experience.
  22. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to Space Merchant in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    Look at what is being told, and be the middle ground when it comes to media.
    Separate truths from falsehood and misconceptions.
    Power and Agenda.
    It can also be used to weaponize against someone or support of something, and should there be star power behind it, it can push the narrative, i.e. a pansexual man can bash Christianity because his parents does not support him and or bash a bakery because the man who not make a cake related to the LGBTQ community.
    Sleepy Joe is nothing more than a puppet. Hence the meme, Let's go Brandon.
    It is, Fear of Trump, Orange Man bad, or Trumpism. January 6th, as Kosenen and I pointed out was a problem and it was weaponized. I knew it was coming, when news came out in the Truther community people were being let in, several Truthers were there, granted, a few were independent journalists.
    The irony is some on the Left did way worse, namely Maxine Waters, who, in full context, wanted people to fight vs that of which used as an expression not command. No one goes for her because she is a black woman in politics, BLM favor her, as is the big banks, Big tech, etc.
    That being said, they thrive in hate speech too. Regarding the paradigm, an unfortunate truth in our current reality is that a lie will make its way around the world twice before the truth has time to get its pants on, for truth will always be the first casualty in any war and or conflict and in these days truth is the new hate speech, and a victim in the eyes of the MSM.
  23. Downvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    @Isabella So where is the Animal Cruelty? 🤔 It is not uncommon for well trained pets to roam when their owner isn't present. I mean, some people have been doing this so it wouldn't put it past me that this brother did.
    @xero Sometimes people do leave their pets out if trained. So I guess people are not pet owners will come up with their own assumptions on things, not realizing what is the truth in the matter. Also Climate Change can be over exaggerated by some to the point that they entertain the idea that 'culling the herd' would be beneficial. Then you have the UN thing regarding Climate Change. Crazy stuff. 
    Oh boy the usual suspects again @Space Merchant and @Patiently waiting for Truth.... I guess I know who brought up CSA this time and once again I see who is in the right here.🧐
    @Patiently waiting for Truth As someone who is still technically a youth, perhaps the youngest one here, there is some form of CSA on social media, so I wouldn't say that's hypocrisy because it has been going on for a while, even Facebook's predecessor, Myspace. So CSA is everywhere not simply in religous congregations, or in schools or clubs. It's own social media too.

    Anyways, I dunno man, I wouldn't call him a lair. He just 'cross examined' everything related to CSA in order to press you to answer a question which is parallel to current and long deleted threads which you were involved in. Usually if he recounts something related to what is said or directly, chances are it isn't a lie, I noticed he pulled a few jabs from that one thread I will not mention because it'll just send this thread into another off topic conundrum. But he IS RIGHT, that question could've easily been answered but you kept it dragging along only to paint yourself in the wrong. You are literally proving his point even through a cross examine tactic about Facebook and CSA. Dunno were working for Facebook and Watchtower defense came from, since Merchant operates on a logical with centered reasoning and you don't. Smh.

    The simple answer would be, you wouldn't leave despite it happening on Facebook. I guess now Facebook is as he puts it, your Kryptonite.

    It also makes sense for him to even bring it up because of the mass censorship that went down after the Facebook whistle blower thing, and some of that censorship not only revolved around politics, but CSA too. I know a bit of this because my own professor, one of them, seems to be a die hard blue check mark guy, not reader. Although he knows I am JW he at times lowkey try to encourage ideologies that are not in line with God's standards. Other then the Truther thing, him and the only other guy who was affiliated with Jehovah’s Witnesses, are spot on with certain subject matter.

    Anyways, please next time this thread is about Animals and or Animal Cruelty. I don't see why you added Child abuse into this but the Revelation of Facebook should have kept you in check. NOW THEN as for the topic, there isn't much evidence of that being Animal Cruelty, and the fact you don't judge as you claim, that contradicts what you said on this thread. Here in America, some people do leave their pets unattended ONLY if their well trained domesticated pets. Likewise with any uncanny animals people tend to have in the house such as chickens, ducks, etc. Yes, people do have pets like this. This excludes anything such as a snake, lizard, etc. Certain animals even if trained you cannot leave alone because they can potentially become prey to predators. So this JW who leave his dog out is most likely trained and as the Merchant stated, there is a Rule of Thumb when it comes to these situations. Obviously he would NOT leave his dog unattended if was NOT trained. Although it is done here, even in other cultures that is applied, even for some in our community. So I don't know why someone who assume something without some form of credible information.

    As for Climate Change, other than this whole thing supposedly effecting people, it does to animals too. Clearly Bill Gates isn't doing much with that private jet he is using.
    @Space Merchant I kind of see what you did lol. Anyways, you are right, CSA is a problem on social media, even Facebook. There were rumors were the algorithm of Facebook and all under it, make it difficult to even track suspects on the platform. And it isn't a shock to people, me included, of what's going on on there, even what is allowed to the point people would find loop holes in the system. This was the case with YouTube and Reddit a while back too. 
    Like I said, I am most likely the youngest one here and I grew up in the social media space. There is always some bad apples on the platform, also those who encourage bad behavior. Now again since this is ANIMAL CRUELTY we are talking about, I seen what people do with animals on there, not good. There were some people who would harm even kill an animal for likes and attention. Like what you said, Facebook can't be a replacement to anything pertaining to realism, and real people in a social setting are not on this validation high to do such a thing when it comes to harm towards other people and animals. Other then that, this is why people need to be careful but at the same time you can't do much with all this censorship going on. Crazy to think someone but this stuff is true. "WATCH ME KILL A CAT ON FB LIVE" and should someone announce that, the Watchers will come give likes and view such Cruelty. The world can be twisted at times. Smh 😐
    @TrueTomHarley Well it isn't too surprising if some people will ignore that information willfully. I guess now we can start using the term 'predictable' since that is being thrown around.
    @Pudgy Yeah, some people can be cruel to animals. I have a few family members who try to take in resuce dogs. One of my family members is a rich guy but humble. As Space Merchant puts it, there are people who are cruel online but at the same time there are those who utilize such tools to help, which is what my relative does. He has a lot of space to hold dogs, so far he has a about 7, 2 dogs he saved, the history of those dogs were in dog fighting matches which is highly illegal.
  24. Downvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Dmitar in CHINA: Fake News vs. Real News   
    I never really follow news but it usually gets into social media and apps.
    I often see people mention media even on here so my question is why is there such a strong push for false information?
    No into politics but the whole Biden thing is crazy. From what I have seen, seems like hate voting to get this guy into office and people are getting censored out of the blue as well as taken out of context. 
  25. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Space Merchant in Vaccine time   
    Well the situation is getting worse. Whatever New York does New Jersey, a blue state, might end up doing. Other then that the situation provided memes lol, not too many people are happy or laughing in dark times so... 😆 
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