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  1. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to JJJ-AUSTRALIA in The phrase "one of Jehovah's Witnesses"   
    That is so weird tho, i've never heard anyone referring to themselves as One of the Jws rather a Jws.
    Is like saying i am One of the Australians instead of saying i am an Australian. Weird...
  2. Haha
    Equivocation reacted to Shiwiii in JW Dress Rules   
  3. Upvote
    Equivocation reacted to admin in JW Dress Rules   
    @Equivocation Please refrain from further instigation. If you want such a conversation please PM each other. Not on a public thread.
    @JOHN BUTLER Please PM people back. You should know by now to start a new topic or hold your conversations on someone's wall rather than go so way off topic 
  4. Like
    Equivocation reacted to Anna in The Reproach of Child Sexual Abuse Falls on the Abuser   
    I should have said it should not surprise us. You don't have to be in the world to be affected by it, otherwise you would have to be taken out of the world. No one is immune to Satan's propaganda. I am sure you are aware that not everyone in the org is who they claim to be. Just because someone is called an elder or claims to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses doesn't make them so. Those are Jehovah's Witnesses and elders in name only. But they are not the majority. 
    It is the body of elders who assign two elders to look into a particular case. So unless the two elders acted on their own, the body of elders would have been familiar with your letter. You cannot get disfellowshipped unless a judicial committee is formed. The congregation would not consider forming a judicial committee unless the offended Christian (you) had taken steps one and two of Matthew 18:15, 16 and had initiated step three in Matthew 18:17. If asked, elders could participate in step two, but they do not represent the body of elders. If the matter proceeds to step three, any elders who were witnesses in step two could serve only as witnesses in step three. They would not be used to serve on the judicial committee. I trust you were not in a judicial committee. There is nothing stopping anyone from asking to speak to any and all elders if they wished, especially when you believed the elders assigned to look into your accusation might have been biased. That is if they were assigned. Did you follow the steps in Matthew? Because that is how God controls the situation.
  5. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Space Merchant in Watch your children. (JW Fork)   
    @Space Merchant Well if it were up to be I'd be way too panicky to do anything. However I am the kind of person who would take random action without thinking straight. One instance would be a friend and me helping someone woman who was in shock while her car was about to catch on fire. Although we didn't do much when the firefighters too over, they said we were the only ones who reacted and took the initiative. I remember that day my heart was racing. My old man taught me to always help out and even gave some lessons before a bible study, but this situation was sudden.
    I would guess the thing you are looking for is
    Awareness of one's surroundings and taking the initiative.
    In Jersey there is a small neighborhood community who is discussing protecting children and one core thing that is being talked about is teaching kids, it also goes for making wise choices and association. 
    I'm still a younger, so there's a lot I don't know yet but things I do know benefits me.
  6. Downvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    Lol is that the best you can do? How am I racist because of a legitimate story that took place months ago?
    This still doesn't hide the fact of you speaking the way you did and assume people in that pot are all from the hood. And your hood talk is indeed stereotyping and near the line of racism and YOU were the one who made that comment.
    Again, can you show me a legitimate comment of mine that shows any type of racism or pretending that contains racism? I can easily bring up you commenting on someone who is inferior because of their skin color.  Surely you can't "Hood Talk" your way out of this one.
    The fact you didn't link my name shows you show harm to yourself, Johnny 5.
    And I know that this point about this thread you have no answer for modesty vs immodesty when it comes to clothing. 
  7. Haha
    Equivocation reacted to JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    To quote  " A guy who uses a red hat that reads messages of racism to trigger aggressive response by people at a random bagel shop "
    " But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism "
    Another quote. " I've never used any sort of racism in any of my comments anywhere, "
    You don't like mentioning racism, um looks different to me. 
  8. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    What are you talking about? I live in the borough, small quiet town. When we go to preach we go to another town and or city, the people at times who debate or confront are not even from the hood. What gave you the impression I live in the hood lol?
    My background wasn't rough or tough, my uncle on the other hand lived in his country, he never was in the United States. My uncle was murdered when I was 8 and reasons for it it was because of jealous unknown persons that hated him. He was a very good man and had morals and didn't care what others thought of him and what I can say his head was more right than yours because he wasn't the type to drop to your level.
    And nothing of that sort is my dream, remember what you said before and now look at you, Johnny. My only goal is to teach people about God and I haven't been in the "hood" as you claim, my other goal that is after keeping God's Kingdom first is to be there for friends and family. But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism. Not all of us Hispanic Americans are from the hood, as you claim. The Latino Community is everywhere, Johnny, even in our own countries. 
    The irony you know nothing of the sort and act like you are, so don't pretend, Johnny 5 - you think I can't see that? But what you did here is messed up and it shows who you are and you are a liar because of what you said originally and here we are.
    Laugh at me? Even if I did go there or people at school are from there, they don't pay me any mind like that and if they did, it's usually small talk, youd be surprised of people wanting to change their lives and some who have, those who are from the hood. If they have to laugh at someone it will be you, not only by glancing at you, your picture, but how you are trying to "hood talk" youd be on WS, and possibly a meme. They also have a name for people like you.
    Gotta love how you attempt to speak like someone who's from there. May I suggest you get your starter's kit on Ebay or Amazon and give it a go? No? I thought so.
    For a grown man like you, that's lowkey silly, coming from you.
    Childish names? Buddy, Johnny 5 is a wonderful 90s movie. My cousins were 90s kids. Johnny 5 pretends to be human in the movie, and like you are doing here now, Johnny, you are pretending to be hood, when clearly you are not.
    And still you can't answer what has been addressed to you and skip to nonsense. Surely you can be more serious than that.
  9. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW Dress Rules   
    What are you talking about? I live in the borough, small quiet town. When we go to preach we go to another town and or city, the people at times who debate or confront are not even from the hood. What gave you the impression I live in the hood lol?
    My background wasn't rough or tough, my uncle on the other hand lived in his country, he never was in the United States. My uncle was murdered when I was 8 and reasons for it it was because of jealous unknown persons that hated him. He was a very good man and had morals and didn't care what others thought of him and what I can say his head was more right than yours because he wasn't the type to drop to your level.
    And nothing of that sort is my dream, remember what you said before and now look at you, Johnny. My only goal is to teach people about God and I haven't been in the "hood" as you claim, my other goal that is after keeping God's Kingdom first is to be there for friends and family. But that's lowkey stereotyping and near the line of racism. Not all of us Hispanic Americans are from the hood, as you claim. The Latino Community is everywhere, Johnny, even in our own countries. 
    The irony you know nothing of the sort and act like you are, so don't pretend, Johnny 5 - you think I can't see that? But what you did here is messed up and it shows who you are and you are a liar because of what you said originally and here we are.
    Laugh at me? Even if I did go there or people at school are from there, they don't pay me any mind like that and if they did, it's usually small talk, youd be surprised of people wanting to change their lives and some who have, those who are from the hood. If they have to laugh at someone it will be you, not only by glancing at you, your picture, but how you are trying to "hood talk" youd be on WS, and possibly a meme. They also have a name for people like you.
    Gotta love how you attempt to speak like someone who's from there. May I suggest you get your starter's kit on Ebay or Amazon and give it a go? No? I thought so.
    For a grown man like you, that's lowkey silly, coming from you.
    Childish names? Buddy, Johnny 5 is a wonderful 90s movie. My cousins were 90s kids. Johnny 5 pretends to be human in the movie, and like you are doing here now, Johnny, you are pretending to be hood, when clearly you are not.
    And still you can't answer what has been addressed to you and skip to nonsense. Surely you can be more serious than that.
  10. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in JW Dress Rules   
    Loss of words? My uncle isn't someone to be laughed at. Everything I said is also fact. You drive your head too far deep in the sand to not realize not everyone is like you or had the life that you had. Are you this ignorance of others outside the United Kingdom where you live? You must be the life of the party, Johnny 5.
  11. Haha
    I am 15 and I do not have disguises, why would I be lying about my age? Going on 16 in the next few months, and gonna work on my permit soon. I already get stressed out from period schedules with study hall being my time of rest at school. My words have importance because you are saying I have attitude when I do not. Those guys only care about slandering Jehovah God even saying bad stuff about him, others threaten me or others and I have proof of it.
    So if you were in my shoes, what would you have done? If someone said something extremely bad about God or misuse verses to fit the needs of worldly things today, would you speak and maintain mildness or would you explode like how you are here now? Pops, I can tell you now, these people I confront you wouldn't be able to handle em.
    I don't know who Billy is. Billy the Kid as in the 21 year old who took out 8 men before he went down?
  12. Thanks
    I am 15 and I do not have disguises, why would I be lying about my age? Going on 16 in the next few months, and gonna work on my permit soon. I already get stressed out from period schedules with study hall being my time of rest at school. My words have importance because you are saying I have attitude when I do not. Those guys only care about slandering Jehovah God even saying bad stuff about him, others threaten me or others and I have proof of it.
    So if you were in my shoes, what would you have done? If someone said something extremely bad about God or misuse verses to fit the needs of worldly things today, would you speak and maintain mildness or would you explode like how you are here now? Pops, I can tell you now, these people I confront you wouldn't be able to handle em.
    I don't know who Billy is. Billy the Kid as in the 21 year old who took out 8 men before he went down?
  13. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Whoa, didn't get the memo for the wedding. Other than that the both of them write better than me, that's for sure. 
  14. Like
    Equivocation got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    And what's that supposed to mean? Because I caught you assuming something and called you out? How is that strange?
    After all you said those things, not me, was being honest.
    That is, do you want me to refer to you as an apostate so you can proudly boil those eggs of yours? 
    You played this game last time, Pops, and you're too up there in age for that.
    But yeah, I don't see you as one. I know apostates when I see them, even the aggresive ones that someone who I've calmed down, want to inflict pain to. Some apostates dont realize they are making enemies among themselves and outside. 
  15. Thanks
    My attitude? Last time you said something along the lines of not knowing me, things of that nature. So it turns out you were lying this whole time and your former comment was a sham. Well not that speaks volumes of how you are, Pops. I shown respect at all times with everyone I speak or preach to. 
    Also, don't assume things, otherwise it makes you look like foolish because you don't know how the situation began and ended.
    These guys don't care what faith you have and they are the first to engage conversation or a discussion with you.
    The discussion alone is about Who God is and what he is. Not only the aggressor who became angry after each verse he still believes that God is void of all emotions and doesn't not consider us as important. These types of people also twist Scripture to make God appear as though he is evil and these guys assume Satan is the hero in this sense.
    So I guess you agree with this people who hold this view, huh.
    You don't know these people or confronted them, dont be ignorant. 
    If you dont know people like this exist, then that tells you something about who you are, John.
  16. Downvote
    My attitude? Last time you said something along the lines of not knowing me, things of that nature. So it turns out you were lying this whole time and your former comment was a sham. Well not that speaks volumes of how you are, Pops. I shown respect at all times with everyone I speak or preach to. 
    Also, don't assume things, otherwise it makes you look like foolish because you don't know how the situation began and ended.
    These guys don't care what faith you have and they are the first to engage conversation or a discussion with you.
    The discussion alone is about Who God is and what he is. Not only the aggressor who became angry after each verse he still believes that God is void of all emotions and doesn't not consider us as important. These types of people also twist Scripture to make God appear as though he is evil and these guys assume Satan is the hero in this sense.
    So I guess you agree with this people who hold this view, huh.
    You don't know these people or confronted them, dont be ignorant. 
    If you dont know people like this exist, then that tells you something about who you are, John.
  17. Confused
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Whoa, didn't get the memo for the wedding. Other than that the both of them write better than me, that's for sure. 
  18. Downvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    And what's that supposed to mean? Because I caught you assuming something and called you out? How is that strange?
    After all you said those things, not me, was being honest.
    That is, do you want me to refer to you as an apostate so you can proudly boil those eggs of yours? 
    You played this game last time, Pops, and you're too up there in age for that.
    But yeah, I don't see you as one. I know apostates when I see them, even the aggresive ones that someone who I've calmed down, want to inflict pain to. Some apostates dont realize they are making enemies among themselves and outside. 
  19. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from Queen Esther in Photo & text of today, Sunday, 27. Jan. 2019   
    Pharisees are also known for going after people in the same sense you are doing. That comment of yours was out of nowhere. Let the lady speak, John. Also her username makes you that shocked? I can name myself Apple Sauce and probably would get a strong reaction. 
    I called you papa bear because you are paranoid and grumpy. You can speak all you want but that random out burst, makes one thing who is in the right here.
    Not even a shred of sympathy. 
  20. Haha
    Equivocation reacted to FelixCA in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    Since you like to insinuate, allow me to state, 
    If doctoral theology or ecclesiastical endorsement means nothing to a person that professes to have Bible knowledge, there is really nothing more that can be added for the wisdom of such a person. The exegesis defines and intellectuals understanding. Perhaps it’s beyond the comprehension for some.
    To some, it is clear what is meant in Romans 12:2
    Can I take it to mean Anna and JWinsider are husband and wife? since you have the same form of writing style? or is it just another overreach in your part. Perhaps other things are far more important than personal silliness.
  21. Like
    Equivocation got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Inspired Choices? Jesus Picked Judas; Governing Body Picked Raymond Franz;   
    @Srecko Sostar Frida, God doesn't need to "act" as God, he is God. Él es mi padre y tu padre.
    God doesn't change. God is love, Just, in Order, etc. When he does something there is reason behind it, when he says something, it will happend and it will be done.
    God isn't unrigehotus. If you don't understand God's thinking then it would pose as a problem. And you have time to do this, and if not, well you'll be outta time, my guy.
    God is a real person, and anyone can speak to him and be close to him as many in the past. He isn't impossibly far from anyone. 
  22. Downvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    I never called you an apostate or think of you as one, Pops. Former JW, yes, apostate? Dunno, didn't see you try to set fire to a hall like someone out there or defame God while attempting to mock our faith. 
    If I had to be honest......whelp, I just see you as lukewarm or misguided, and a teaspoon of paranoia raising off of your skin. You can agree or disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses, but to be as  stale as chips in a bag..... Well, Pops, it fits the bill, and I just paid it and tipped it too.
    Do you even know what an apostate is?
    Seem? An accusation or an assumption? Here we see you trying to say we are all the same when we are not. Same faith doesn't mean we sre all the same person.
    oh dios mío.....
  23. Upvote
    Equivocation got a reaction from Queen Esther in Photo & text of today, Sunday, 27. Jan. 2019   
    Don't mind the papa bear, he is grump because he hibernation was horrible this year. 
    All jokes aside, Jesus has been mocked by liberals, and false Christian's. It has even come to a point whereas there are those who worship using brazen conduct include Jesus and mock him greatly. 
    It comes to show you how this world is messed up in so many ways, but thanks to Jehovah, that small light that we have enable us to continue doing things for him and seeking him, also going about helping others learn who Jehovah is so they can teach their own and others.
    God's word exerts power even in the face of vileness and darkness, and Jehovah God's word and the teachings Jesus brought forth is like an uplifting breeze on a nice cool Spring day.
  24. Thanks
    It is bad. I'm only 15 and already people want to use death threats because I quote from the Bible. They dont care about me being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, what angers them is when the Bible alone trumps a false teaching they practice. Even today you have celebrities and political folks now proclaiming to beat and kill children because of silly false information. It's that crazy out there now.
  25. Haha
    Equivocation got a reaction from Foreigner in Apostles, Judas, GB, Raymond, Satan, Holy Spirit   
    I never called you an apostate or think of you as one, Pops. Former JW, yes, apostate? Dunno, didn't see you try to set fire to a hall like someone out there or defame God while attempting to mock our faith. 
    If I had to be honest......whelp, I just see you as lukewarm or misguided, and a teaspoon of paranoia raising off of your skin. You can agree or disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses, but to be as  stale as chips in a bag..... Well, Pops, it fits the bill, and I just paid it and tipped it too.
    Do you even know what an apostate is?
    Seem? An accusation or an assumption? Here we see you trying to say we are all the same when we are not. Same faith doesn't mean we sre all the same person.
    oh dios mío.....
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