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  1. Downvote
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    Um, empty K H's when the Governing Body say we are so close to the 'end of this system'. I thought there was supposed to be a massive influx near the end, not empty K H's. 
    Actually it is quite difficult for a private person to get insurance for a minibus here in the UK.  The government seem to think it has to be for business use. And congregations will not support the running of a minibus, and elders make that clear. 
    As for 'true Christians' travelling as far as it takes. That is not a loving thought. I know of older brothers and sisters that cannot drive in the dark. I think that here in the UK half of every congregation is old people. So where is this love that should abound in the 'truth' ?  
  2. Downvote
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in JW.org Says Apostates are "Mentally Diseased"   
    Wow, Having missed only two hours on here, I am now 3 pages behind. Makes it rather difficult to keep up and even more so when the subject changes so much on each topic. 
    I do think there is a vast difference in what the 'early Christians' said and did as opposed to what the J W Org / GB say and do now.  Someone mentioned about  'those not with us now that were formerly with us', as part of a scripture (you see i do find it difficult to relate to it all ) . But the scripture was concerning those 'early Christians' which were inspired of God and of the Anointed. They would have known 'pure' truth from the Hebrew scriptures, and also have been guided directly by God through Christ and through Holy Spirit. 
    How can anyone relate that to a Governing Body that admit that they are not inspired of God ? How can you relate that to an Organisation that is so big, that the Governing Body is totally out of touch with it ?  A Governing Body that admit that they do wrong (err), as well as make mistakes.  
    Having followed this 'blog' for a long time, I've seen / read, many here that have given proof of 'mistakes' / wrong doing by the Governing Body, the Writing Department, Elders et al.  So how can a person compare a scripture which relates to the pure worship of God through Christ, of those first century Christians. It makes no sense. In the time of the disciples/ apostles, true worship was direct, because the 'group of people' involved was small. The Greek scriptures were written directly by those actually hands on, doing daily work, and having direct guidance. What can we say now ? No one is inspired by God. No one is pure. The Governing Body give themselves the tittle of F & D S, but it proves nothing, because they get so much wrong.  We've also seen by written examples here on this blog , that the elders do not show the love and care for the 'flock'. 
    I do however like the idea of the 'Apostasy spectrum' because the word apostate is banded about by those in the J W org just as an excuse not to talk to or mix with someone, even if said J W knows nothing about the reason someone is no longer attending meetings or has left the Org. 
    I would talk personally with Arauna when she says, a person can only be an apostate to the truth. My answer is, But truth changes week by week in J W Org. 
    Mr Rook, I thought the Charity Commission here in the UK were thinking of stopping the 'allowances' too, but it hasn't happened yet. 
  3. Sad
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in JW.org Says Apostates are "Mentally Diseased"   
    Norway is the great catalyst that will force the GB to start thinking about basic human rights, as currently there is a lot of discussion in the Norwegian Government about " ... Why are we giving the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Norwegian dollars (Kroners) every year from Tax money for their charities ... for EACH and every of the approximately 112,000 JWs in Norway (paraphrased), when they prohibit their members to vote"... which THEY consider to be an inalienable, and non-negotiable human right of all peoples, everywhere.
    The WTB&TS is currently being governed by the Lawyers, Accountants, and the Finances department, with the GB not admitting being personally responsible for ANYTHING.
    What we consider "reasonable", they consider EXTREMIST, and many European nations give tax money to ALL legitimate churches, without restriction on how they spend it.
    By violating what these governments' and peoples' basic understanding on what constitutes extremism, soon, if not already, it is going to affect the flow of cash into the Society's Treasury.
    One of several major concerns of the Governing Body is to not hemorrhage money, as it has been doing for years in the constant Child Sexual Abuse court cases.
    THIS is what will drive any change .... not love ... not justice ...not fairness .... MONEY!
    By the way .... has the Society recently decided that voting is a matter of personal conscience?
    What I have read is so "weasel worded", I cannot tell.
  4. Haha
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to TrueTomHarley in JW OPPOSERS GROUPS   
    The expression, I believe, is “fellowshopping.” They had disfellowshopped the old place out.
  5. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I believe the narrator of this site has given everyone except the one talked about the most, that is not here to defend any allegations is the right of everyone, here. To what extent, only the owner is privileged to know since it's clear he, choices who is to be here. Your motives are your own. You will render an account to God. There is no need to express how stupid or childish your motives are when it's not sincere.  The point is, Witness and JWinsider can use association to think, one person can be many. If True Tom hadn't publicly admitted his alter-persona, I would have never guessed. I won't have bothered with it. That's being the adult in the room.
  6. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    You have me at a disadvantage. Are you saying James Thomas Rook Jr, JWinsider, Anna aka Comfortmypeople, Melinda, etc. are not Witnesses? They seem to vote regardless. However, like the one called “Witness Persona” has discerned by the votes that are there to show the like or dislike by some of these characters, what is the purpose of having it if you're not going to use it. Is this the reason why? Ex’Witnesses that support their kind.
    Is it so farfetched that maybe there are others that are inclined to support those that tell the truth, and not be so absorbed with accepting false stories about the Watchtower and act upon it? That means they have their group of supporters while we have our group of supporters. They need to deal with it and get over it.
  7. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    That would conclude by this, that JWinsider, Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Jr, witness, and anyone else you wish to add to this list is one and the same. Am I dealing with children or adults? At least give me that in order to understand. I believe Witness mentioned honesty and integrity. How is this accomplished by this deception? I find it interesting when people do endless fishing, and never catch anything.

    Witness made a good observation “The arrows help identify the character” that identified the character of the same person using multiple accounts as you indicate. That means he just exposed the identity of the character of the same person using multiple accounts mentioned above. It appears, every time Foreigner downvotes, Srecko Sostar, and James Thomas Rook Jr come behind and upvote.

    I wonder if this is how you contemplate and target people you don’t wish to be on this site. Either way, I find your analogy child’s play. If you are a witness, a little maturity goes a long way. Other than that, just like Witness endless rants of mistaken Christianity, it's a waste of time and bloggers space.

  8. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    Does that mean that Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Rook Jr, and yourself are one and the same since you get green arrows from these posters, or can it be how dense some people can get by overthinking? If so, I can say well played to you. Should I conclude that Witness aka James Thomas Rook Jr is more appropriate, then? Or how about behaving as sensible adults should be in order.
  9. Haha
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I guess to "Witness" "JWinsider" "Scecko" "James Thomas Rook Jr" you are. You shouldn't have given me away. Sorry for the extension for parallel users, I don't know how to highlight the posters name like you guys. Any personal help is appreciated.
  10. Thanks
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I believe the narrator of this site has given everyone except the one talked about the most, that is not here to defend any allegations is the right of everyone, here. To what extent, only the owner is privileged to know since it's clear he, choices who is to be here. Your motives are your own. You will render an account to God. There is no need to express how stupid or childish your motives are when it's not sincere.  The point is, Witness and JWinsider can use association to think, one person can be many. If True Tom hadn't publicly admitted his alter-persona, I would have never guessed. I won't have bothered with it. That's being the adult in the room.
  11. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    You have me at a disadvantage. Are you saying James Thomas Rook Jr, JWinsider, Anna aka Comfortmypeople, Melinda, etc. are not Witnesses? They seem to vote regardless. However, like the one called “Witness Persona” has discerned by the votes that are there to show the like or dislike by some of these characters, what is the purpose of having it if you're not going to use it. Is this the reason why? Ex’Witnesses that support their kind.
    Is it so farfetched that maybe there are others that are inclined to support those that tell the truth, and not be so absorbed with accepting false stories about the Watchtower and act upon it? That means they have their group of supporters while we have our group of supporters. They need to deal with it and get over it.
  12. Thanks
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from BillyTheKid46 in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    That would conclude by this, that JWinsider, Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Jr, witness, and anyone else you wish to add to this list is one and the same. Am I dealing with children or adults? At least give me that in order to understand. I believe Witness mentioned honesty and integrity. How is this accomplished by this deception? I find it interesting when people do endless fishing, and never catch anything.

    Witness made a good observation “The arrows help identify the character” that identified the character of the same person using multiple accounts as you indicate. That means he just exposed the identity of the character of the same person using multiple accounts mentioned above. It appears, every time Foreigner downvotes, Srecko Sostar, and James Thomas Rook Jr come behind and upvote.

    I wonder if this is how you contemplate and target people you don’t wish to be on this site. Either way, I find your analogy child’s play. If you are a witness, a little maturity goes a long way. Other than that, just like Witness endless rants of mistaken Christianity, it's a waste of time and bloggers space.

  13. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to TrueTomHarley in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    I haven’t admitted all of them.
    There is actually nobody here that is not me. Even you are.
  14. Haha
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to TrueTomHarley in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    They are all renegade sheep that have bolted from the fold. I am here to lasso them, kick their butts, and make them behave.
  15. Thanks
    Hankulan-Tunani got a reaction from Foreigner in THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE   
    Does that mean that Srecko Sostar, James Thomas Rook Jr, and yourself are one and the same since you get green arrows from these posters, or can it be how dense some people can get by overthinking? If so, I can say well played to you. Should I conclude that Witness aka James Thomas Rook Jr is more appropriate, then? Or how about behaving as sensible adults should be in order.
  16. Sad
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    If when you are finished... you do not have loose or missing teeth ... you have not been in a fight.
    All that is done here is merely discussion.
  17. Like
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to Evacuated in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    Why fight then?
  18. Sad
    Hankulan-Tunani reacted to JW Insider in WTS Writing Department (Brooklyn) 1976 - 1982   
    @BillyTheKid46, You seem to spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to provoke persons into fighting with you. It is as though you have a NEED to fight. I have seen this from you (and yours) for quite a while now. In a recent thread about Brother Morris visiting a liquor store, I agreed with you completely that the post was irrelevant and irreverent and it tried to make something scandalous out of a potentially innocent activity without 100 percent proof. (And I thought your pun was good, too. See page 4 of that topic.) You and Melinda Mills spoke about the Venezuelan economic issues under Maduro. You helped to clarify the picture that Melinda posted, the one with worthless money in the gutter, when you provided a link to the explanatory SNOPES article. I mentioned that I appreciated that same SNOPES link you provided because it gave details about how and when those pictures came about, and I quoted verbatim from your link. 
    Then you inexplicably decided to reject the explanation from your own link, and claim that I was somehow attacking the vision that your mother had told you about in the 1960's. What made this so odd was that I had already agreed that the picture was related to that same expectation. My own mother referenced that point from Ezekiel 7:19, as did Melinda's.
    You said:
    BTK: "What was fasinating to me, My mother pointed it out to me in the '60s as a devout JW that would happen, and it sure the hell did. There is no photoshop on that. It's not a tale." To which I responded, that in spite of the propaganda use that was presented in SNOPES that, Yes. . . :
    JWI: "It was still related to Maduro, and is still related to money becoming worthless. It is still supportive of the idea that people will be throwing their money (even their gold) in the streets, because money is of no value as a savior in the day of Jehovah's fury. It shows how bad things can get." To which you responded:
    BTK: "I understand you are trying desperately to delegitimize my mother’s vision. Do that with your own mother, lay off mine." I didn't bother to respond, after which you added:
    BTK: "Its unfortunate someone like JWinsider decided to insult and denigrate a relative, and James thinking it’s funny to do just that, makes them the biggest AH’s in this forum." I'm sure that a few people didn't realize that you had made up the whole thing about someone "denigrating a relative" just to provoke a fight in the same way worldly people do when they hurl insults about each other's mother, and call each other "AH," which has been used as an abbreviation for a**hole. When you provoke and the other party doesn't respond in kind, I'm sure it can be frustrating. But please don't bring these same worldly attitudes and posturings into every topic. You end up discrediting yourself instead of your target.
    "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight." (2 Tim 2:24)
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