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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    …….. never mind

    You seem to suffer from delusions of self importance and a need to be noticed.  Well that is the only reasonning I can find for all this dribble of stupid pictures.  

    And as for dear Carroll here she seems to forgt that the GB / Leaders used to say that the JW religion was the 'new ark' and that everybody had to be a baptised JW to be that ark, to be saved. 

    I think they've thrown that idea out the window now :) 

  2. 18 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    You got NOTHING …. Except your delusions.

    Pudgy, you are the one with nothing, because all the material possesions in this 'world' amount to nothing. The Apostle Paul called it all 'rubbish'.  

    BUT you have proven that you NEED material things to give you 'faith' in.  Wow you have a building to go to. Wow you have a GB to worship. Wow you have Elders to serve . Wow you have little carts to pull along and set up, how cute. Wow you are told exactly what to preach, in fact, sometimes told to keep quiet and just hand out the GB's propaganda. Slaves of the GB and you think you have something ????????????? 

    BUT you do not have Spiritual Wisdom and you are not Annointed with Holy spirit. 

    And that James, is what bugs you and bugs other JWs.  It is so easy to see how JWs are soooooooo jealous of the Anointed ones.  But remember why the days will be cut short. ON ACCOUNT OF THE CHOSEN ONES. Not on account of the Earthly Class. 

    And delusions ? Yes James you probably have first hand experience with delusions. 

  3. On 4/17/2022 at 8:09 PM, Arauna said:

    Your rejection is obvious but sometimes you try to hide it.  That is why I do not trust you at all. 

    ??????????  Rejection ?  I don't ask for your trust or your friendship.

    I knew around 120 people that pretended to 'be my friend' then immediately shunned me.  Why should I think any other JW is different ?  

    As for rejection, yes, rejection of your GB masters. Rejection of the Watchtower false teachings. Rejection of man made rules. Rejection of the hypocrisy in the JW org. Rejection of the cruelty to people in the name of 'truth'........... 

    And yes, rejection of the name Jehovah, because i do not believe it to be the correct name for YHWH.  


  4. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    Do you know what rice-Christians are? 

    Yes, JWs in disguise.  Using the olde propaganda "You will not survive Armageddon if you are not a baptised JW " 

    Then when people become baptised JWs.  "Don't forget to put your money in the donation boxes provided"

    The Watchtower / JW Org has millions of dollars stashed away.  Not for profit Org ? 

    No ? But plenty of profit in JW Real Estate in the USA and in UK. 

    Arauna you are blind because you want to be blind. 


  5. 6 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Therefore the people that are trying to scare you for some reason, usually money, are on a useless mission, except they may get a whole pot load of money in the meantime.

    YES, Ye olde JW propaganda "If you are not a baptised JW you will not survive Armageddon" 

    Power and the money, Money and the power. And the GB seem to have both at the moment. 

    However Romans 9 : 15 & 16. 

    Berean Literal Bible
    For He says to Moses: "I will show mercy to whom I may show mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I may have compassion." 

    Berean Study Bible
    So then, it does not depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.

  6. 15 hours ago, BroRando said:
    • "Now you are Christ’s body, and each of you individually is a member." (1 Cor 12:27)
    • "Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16)

    Well at least you admit that the Anointed are God's Temple.  And those scriptures say that the spirit of God dwells in you.

    So if the Spirit of God dwells in all of the Anointed, Earthwide, then why are only 8 Americans (Americanized men) controlling the teachings / rules / laws of the Watchtower / JW Org. 

    Seems to me with modern technology all of the True Anointed ones could be part of the F&DS. 

    It would make much more sense having Anointed spirit led people in many different countries, all working together. 

    When people on here talk about the 'church' are they really meaning the 'Temple' ? If so then that would only be the True Anointed ones. BUT JW Leaders want all JWs to think they are all just as important. 


  7. 2 minutes ago, xero said:

    or would you have stayed and helped to improve it?

    It is not possible to improve the whole JW Org that is run by 8 'untouchable men'. 

    It has been made clear on this forum that NO ONE can remove the GB, so therefore it's not possible to improve the Org. 

    Those 8 men have complete control. They control the 'helpers' which in turn control others, which control the Elders of congregations. 

    7 minutes ago, xero said:

    otherwise you're not a Christian, because you absolutely need to be attached to a congregation to be one.

    :)  Seems your faith is in that Org and in your congregation only.  A true Christian serves Almighty God through Yeshua. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    ……. worrying about “upvotes” and “downvotes” by people that you, yourself have rejected seems to me to be irrational and borderline insane.

    It’like being obsessed with whether or not ghosts wear clothes.

    Well you have a 'different' way of thinking James. Different hobbies too if I recall.

    So why you need to comment here i don't know. 

    irrational and borderline insane.  So is child porn. 

  9. @TrueTomHarley  you are a laugh a minute. Really funny man. Being an author really shows through in your comments where you use your imagination well :) .

    1. Aurana was making accusations against me. It had nothing to do with me being unpopular.  They upvoted her lies in fact.

    2. You know very well that if i had accepted the Elders 'offer' it would have come wwith strings attached.

    36 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    you could have waited on Jehovah to rectify things

    The point being Tom, that I do not believe that Almighty God is interested in 'rectifying things' in the immoral JW org. 

    It wasn't a case if me being impatient, it was the case that my conscience would not allow me to remain in such a wicked place. 

    40 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    you put yourself in a place where you can no longer remember how the death of Christ benefits humanity

    What a stupid commnet that is. Come on Tom, you can do better than that. 

    My point here is this. The GB speculate, or even boast, that they 'have a place in heaven'. They have said how they 'WILL' be taken up to heaven. Such pompus pigheadedness.  Whereas I realise that I AM a wicked sinner and i realise that there is no reason why I should be saved. I also think that my life is not so important where God's plan is concerned. Whereas JWs seem to worry about their own lives. 

    47 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    nor how God’s name is universally pronounced in the Western world

    Well actually Tom, God's name in the Western world is seen more as a Trinity. So if that is what you want so be it.

    You see Tom, you are using false excuses. Just because a million poeple say X, it does not make X right.  You know yourself that if a lie is used often enough it somehow becomes seen as truth. Even one of your friends here uses the name Yehovah instead of Jehovah sometimes. But YHWH is scripturally correct. 

    52 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    No wonder they want nothing to do with you.

    They are told not to have anything to do with me. The Elder police keep a check on it.  Even to the point of phoning my Wife........... 

  10. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    A club is so you don’t have to suffer an endless torrent of dodos, saboteurs, and serious malcontents.

    Like I said, for you guys to tell lies to each other and hide away from TRUTH.  Enjoy it ! 

  11. 14 minutes ago, Anna said:

    I think that Thinking was talking about problems and imperfection within the organization not from the outside.

    Yes but was @Thinking  suggesting that YHWH 'allows' Child Sexual Abuse to happen continuously, and that each child should just suffer in silence because "Jehovah will put things right in the end" as the GB teaches. 

    Is that the 'teaching' of the JW Org ? That even children should be 'tested' from inside the congregation. 

  12. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    So it is with the world today. At any time, applying godly wisdom would have been beneficial. In our time it become crucial.  

    Applying Godly Wisdom.  Yes.  BUT from a JWs viewpoint it seems that 'Godly Wisdom' only comes from the GB and from Elders. 

    In my opinon, my leaving the JW Org was applying Godly wisdom. Also in my opinion my warning others about the serious problems in the JW Org is applying Godly wisdom and showing love to other people. 

    But I doubt you would agree. Tom, applying Godly wisdom means different things to different people. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Arauna said:

    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!


    20 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose!   I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO. 

    Yes well, what should we think of this then.

    Pudgy, who we know is James, and who we know has certain problems of his own, gives Arauna an upvote for making accusations against me.

    Thinking also gives an upvote to those accusations. 

    Both of those people pretend to be Christians. All three of them would quote scripture about not slandering anyone, not making false accusations against anyone.

    Pudgy even told me off for using a common expression toward Mr Rando. 

    double standards me thinks :) 

  14. 19 hours ago, Arauna said:

    No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with.....  ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it!

    Please explain what you think you know about me.  I have written proof from my ex congregation that I left the JW org of my own choice. Unfortunately one of the 'brothers' that i confided in has recently died. The other 'brother' that i confided in, telling him exactly why i was leaving, is alive and well, and he knows the full details of why i left. 

    I didn't have a beef with any 'brother'.  I emailed some of the Elders to tell them I was resigning after i has done 3 months research about the CSA in the JW Org earthwide.  I was called into the KH and I had to sign a copy of the email which an Elder had printed off.  There were three Elders present, they told me that I could just become inactive for a while if I wished, but i told them I had resigined.  

    Your accusation is totally un-Christian and seems to show your true personality. 

  15. 7 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Drop the ‘Jesus’ because the name is definitely anglicized and you offend him when you say it. 

    Or join the ranks of reasonable people, acknowledge that names adapt when translated into different languages, and say ‘Jehovah.’

    You sound just like an Elder, giving orders. The GB have you brainwashed for sure. 

    You and @Arauna  seem to think that i should be concerned with your viewpoints. 

    And you speak for Yeshua do you ? You definitely are GB material.  I would not dare to speak on behalf of God's Son, to pretend to know what would offend Him.  

    As for using the fake name for YHWH. Surely that would be wrong as my Christian conscience does not agree with it.  It would be following the words of men, not the word of God through Christ.  Arauna has said that people should follow their conscience, and she is right. But it seems you would rather I follow your GB and it's immoral Org. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    (Pity that some accusers on this forum had a problem with the org... but could not survive the problem).  Consequently, they lost their chance to serve Jehovah forever! 

    Once again you link God to the JW Org. Can you not think outside of that box ?  You seem to still believe that old saying "You have to be a baptised JW to survive Armageddon".   Poor Space Merchant then, if he's not a JW :( 

    3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    That is why we should act according to conscience - when we see something wrong.

    And that is exactly what I did when i left the JW Org, and I'm still doing by warning others of the dangers. 

    3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I just hope Jehovah gives me courage to act according to my conscience - whether in front of brothers or the worldly courts.

    Now you also are showing that some Elders are not fit for purpose. Your comment sounded a bit sexist :) but then I'm a man so i do not know about the problems ladies face in the world or the org. 

  17. 53 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    In private interpretation of Prophesy, a vague, general idea that is correct is always better than specifics, which so far, have ALWAYS been wrong.

    YES exactly. If only the Leaders of the Watchtower, from the very beginning of it, had thought that way. 

    If only they hadn't run ahead of God and Christ. If only they had prayed for true spiritual guidance and then waited for the Holy Spirit to be given to them.  Such a shame they wasted that oppertunity of what they could have had. 

  18. 3 hours ago, BroRando said:

    We preached for over 100 years that a New World is coming.  Ready or not, here it comes!

    What the JWs actually preached was that Armageddon was goingto happen in the 1940's, then again in the 1970's, then again before the year 2000, and now ?????????? 

    And what the JWs actually preached was that each Creative Day was 7,000 years long, and that after 6,000 years of human existance Armageddon would happen, then Christ would rule for the following 1,000 years, that would totla 49,000 years and then there would be a great millenium when all things were handed back to God.  I do wish I'd kept all those old JW books that contained all those teachings. But I remeber then well because at the time it all made good sense. 

    THEN, the whole teaching changed. All those things I'd been taught as truth were now seen as lies. Now no one seems to know how long a Creative Day was. And no one seems to now when Armageddon will arrive. 

    BUT I do agree, that New World is coming. It IS a promise from Almighty God. 

  19. 8 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Yeshua gave instruction as to how baptism should take place. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    @Arauna  This is what i wrote. That Yeshua / Jesus gave the instruction, and that instruction was to baptise in the name of the Father (YHWH / Yehovah) , the Son (Yeshua / Jesus) and the Holy spirit.  But the JW Org does not do this, so they are not following the direct instruction form Yeshua / Jesus.  That is fact, and cannot be sensibly denied. 

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