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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. I expect all the JWs on here will run and hide in the Closed / Private Group, all in shame of their leaders the GB and the Lawyers that lie on their behalf. I wish there were more JWs on here, to give their honest opinion of the mess the JW Org is in. Surely this is not how God wants to be served ? 

  2. I think buying the high ground is just common sense not guidance from God. After all they would have guidance from people that work in that trade, surveyors, land management workers, drainage workers, etc. Expert advice is needed even for laying foundations as the builder needs to know the types of soil they are digging in etc. We live on high ground and i would never live in a low area liable to flooding, it's just common sense. 

    If God was going to guide anything it would be spiritual guidance to have a clean organisation, but no guidance there as can be clearly seen. 

  3. @Witness  the video is (for me anyway) over the top Americanism unfortunately. BUT what he is saying is true. 

    We can see how the first sentence of this report starts off.  1. 

    Expert Opinion, Holly Folk, Massimo Introvigne, J. Gordon Melton.

    1. We have been requested by the law firm of Mr. Shane Brady, representing the “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Netherlands”, 

    Shane Brady, it seems, is/ was in 2007, an "in house Witnesses lawyer and respected 'Bethelite'. and a senior religious leader.... that defended the blood issue in 2007. 

    I can't quite understand how this Mr Brady can be be a full time JW living in Bethel / HQ in USA, and at  the same time be part of this Law Firm below. 


    Picture of the W. Glen How & Associates LLP logo


    Shane H. Brady, J.D.


    Picture of Shane H. Brady, J.D.

    Shane received his law degree from Osgoode Law School (Toronto, Ontario) (later converted to J.D.) and was admitted to the Ontario Bar in 2001. He articled under the tutelage of our eminent founding lawyer, W. Glen How, O.C., Q.C., L.S.M. Few other mentors could have provided the breadth and depth of legal education. Shane has done trial and appellate work in civil, family, constitutional, and criminal law.

    Shane has advocated for mature minors' rights to make their own medical treatment decisions. He was the primary lawyer in a case from the provincial trial court to the Supreme Court of Canada, resulting in the seminal decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in AC v Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, [2009] 2 SCR 181.

    Currently Shane specializes in international human rights work in the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the United Nations Human Rights Committee, representing clients in both European and post-Soviet countries. 

    So is he only representing JWs ? 

     So it was this Mr Brady, JW leader, Lawyer, currently specialising in human rights, that hired the EXPERT OPINION report, using a man, Massimo Introvigne  that writes about satanism and From 2008 to 2016 he has served as vice-president of the Catholic movement Alleanza Cattolica

     Massimo Introvigne is also known to :-  

     he advocates doctrinaire positions that favour groups like Scientology.
    Sorry the writing is a mess, it's grabbing quote that don't want to fit together.
    But, oh dear, the GB and their lawyers seem to have a lot to answer for. I honestly wonder how God and Christ feel about it all. What is Jesus feeling right now, that he actually died for this mess ? 


  4. @Anna I'll simply say that you know that what you said was wrong and that I pointed it out and you therefore didn't like it. I've no need to continue here on this matter. I could just mention how God protected Noah and his family, protected the Israelite Nation at the Read sea ............... but you are set in your ways it seems so no matter...... 

  5. The JW Org / Watchtower Soc' / GB  are No part of the world ? 

    They seem to be digging themselves deeper into the world every day. Obviously NOT guided by God's holy spirit. 

    The plot thickens, but they cannot have God's approval at all, on this and many other matters. 

    Is Almighty God bringing it all to a head ?

    Is Jesus Christ showing the world how wicked the GB and it's Org are ?

    Come on JWs lets hear your defence of this one 

  6. The scores of branch office buildings, hundreds of Assembly Halls, and tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls around the world provide tangible proof that God’s Kingdom is real and is now ruling."

    The GB and JW congregants need to see physical things, because they have no real faith in God, Christ or holy spirit. They are physical 'men'.

    1 Corinthians 2 v 14  (NWT.)

     " But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. "

    How very true this is. So the GB & Co replace it with physical things. Large buildings, Offices, books, magazines, 'carts', and the buying and selling of real estate. 

    Jesus didn't even have a 'place to lay his head'. Luke 9 v 58

    But Jesus said to him: “Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head.

  7. @Srecko Sostar   The GB show up their own stupidity more and more each day.

    They certainly show that they do NOT have the guidance of God's holy spirit. 

    @Anna said "In other words; Satan, by his action, deprived all humans of God's protective power when it comes to the elements, and over other things too."  

    Do you really know how stupid that sounds ?  Have you really though it through ? 

    You are saying that Satan had / has control of God.  Truth is that God decides who He will protect and when.  

    My oh my, JWs get worse. 


  8. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Yesterday I got a text message from my bank that my recent check to the Kingdom Hall had been posted to my account.

    I had marked on the check, in the memo section "FOR LOCAL NEEDS".

    I hope that this is not converted to help pay for the Societies Lawyers to go to court to try and stop publications of documents such as these mentioned here, but I have my doubts.

    Perhaps things such as this is why the name of the magazine "Consolation", was changed to "Awake! ".

    I thought any amount, above one months needs for a congregation, had to be sent to HQ in their own country. 

    @Srecko Sostar Thank you for the update. I can't watch the video as my hearing is poor and I can never understand what people are saying, but the written summery is good. 

  9. NWT Matt 28 v 19

    Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,o baptizing themp in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 

    JW, Kingdom Interlinear Translation

      πορευθέντεςhaving gone your wayοὖνthereforeμαθητεύσατεmake disciples ofπάνταallτὰtheἔθνη,nations,βαπτίζοντεςbaptizingαὐτοὺςthem [persons]εἰςintoτὸtheὄνομαnameτοῦof theπατρὸςFatherκαὶandτοῦof theυἱοῦSonκαὶandτοῦof theἁγίουholyπνεύματος,spirit, 


    εἰςinto = INTO. Does this have a different meaning than in

    The Interlinear says baptising them INTO the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. 

    Now JW Org does not do this. It baptises people INTO the JW Org. 

    When Jesus spoke those words, would he have meant INTO, because at that time the ones being baptised would have been of the Anointed. They would have been baptised INTO a promise from Almighty God. A special relationship. 

    If that is the actual picture for the Year Text then it is very sad. It is misrepresentation of God and Christ, by cutting short the real words Jesus spoke.

    And please tell me why JW Org does not use those original words ? 

    Thank you. 


  10. Quote @Anna  " It's evident though that the reason they were discussing politics was not because they somehow wanted to be a part of the world as @4Jah2me insinuates, "

    Quote @JW Insider " Russell wrote a letter to the U.S. President to tell him that Filipinos are lazy and the Japanese are hardworking. "

    Um, no part of the world ? 

    Quote @TrueTomHarley  Paul commented how “this witness is true” and he was referring to the prophet among them who wrote that Cretans were “always liars, injurious wild beasts, idle gluttons.”

    Can you please quote the scripture where Paul said that and more information about the 'prophet and his quote. Sounds interesting but without quotes it could be untrue. 

  11. Um, so maybe some of us people outside the Org would surprise you then Tom. We still sit as a family and eat dinner together, in the evening, though there is only three of us now, all others having left home. 

    You do have a way with your ideas of a typical family. In your opinion they don't eat together and they are one parent families that know nothing about marriage. Any more ideas for your 'typical family' ? 

    As for riches, um W/t / JW Org have plenty, and real estate. 

  12. Well at least this topic gives signs of truth, to admit that there is immorality within the JW Org. 

    I would imagine that some people might think the JW Org was a safe place to be. As Tom would tell us, immorality happens everywhere. It's just that most congregants and interested ones do not expect it in the Org.  Unfortunately I've seen many cases of adultery and divorce here in the South of England JW Org. In honesty i could cry for some of them. Life is difficult and demanding in or out of JW Org. One example :-

    My wife was invited out for coffee by a sister the other day (yes they still talk to my wife), and they were talking about ( in a constructive way) another sister who has many problems. This sister, was a single mum, was once D/fed, but would bring her two teenage children to the hall for Sunday meetings, just drop them off and pick them up afterwards. Then she got married to a man that had a son (and possibly other children) and she was also reinstated... She would then attend meetings with her children but her new husband was not interested in the JW Org / meetings. In fact her new husband, it seems, was not a pleasant man. So this sister then separated from this new husband. But unfortunately, not long after they split up, her new ex-husband's son, committed suicide.... How this sister is feeling now, who knows. I am wondering, are the Elders visiting her. Is anyone visiting her. She isn't attending meeting it seems... I know her, though not closely, but her situation is very sad.   People are individuals and live in different ways, have different thoughts, different needs. 

    Quote "Finally, in some instances (see WT 1991 11/15 p.22 par 15), even Non-Witnesses in the community may find out. This reflects poorly on the very first person who was effected by all of this...Jehovah. "

    I think this is twaddle. It is a C. O. trying to protect JW Org, not trying to help people. I think in reality the  more that the community know the better. This relates to all immorality in the JW Org. Let people know the ups and downs of the Org and that people inside it are just human. It's the hiding of things in the Org that bring the shame on the Org itself.  


  13. SEATTLE — The youngest victim in Wednesday's downtown mass-shooting had successful surgery on a shattered femur at Harborview Medical Center, according to a close family friend, and he may be cleared to go home sometime Friday.

    The family--who asked that the boy only be identified by his first name--said 9-year-old Judah was shot in the upper thigh when the family was caught in a hail of gunfire. They say Judah had just spent the day with his family and friends on an outing with fellow Jehovah’s Witnesses visiting the Pacific Science Center, and they were all walking through downtown to take a ferry home to Port Orchard.

    “He remembers walking down the street with his friends, his little sisters and his parents,” said Erik Hanson, a close family friend. “They started to hear gunshots, and the next thing he knew he was on the ground.”

  14. I think American JW's get more wound up with politics that here in the UK. For all the time I was a JW we never spoke about politics, apart from one single brother that I will mention later, but that was just his personal 'theory'...

    For my part I have no interest in politicians or political parties. I don't vote for any of them. But I did vote to leave the EU. My feelings were that leaving the EU was an action. It wasn't about the political party or the PM, it was about an action that the UK could take. A bit like the W/t outlook on climate change. Do your bit to make things better whilst still being 'no part of the world'

    But sorry @Arauna  I do think you get very 'involved' in worldly affairs. Your own business of course. To me it does not take such a deep look to see how bad the 'world' is getting, and we know it's Satan's world anyway. 

    @JW Insider Maybe you could start off by saying why JWs actually need to look into world politics and worldly affairs ? 

    OK, now this one brother that has a 'theory'. He is a young man, single, probably has too much spare time to think on things. His idea is that the Russians have the remains of Noah's Ark. He has some video footage of what he says are Russian troops breaking up the remains and transporting it to Russia. His idea is that the remains would make more people believe in God and that Russia as a whole wants to remove all beliefs from people. Is that political ? Is it even important ?  I only mentioned it as you were writing about folks having crazy thoughts and beliefs. 

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