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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. The same as it doesn't bother you a bit about all the CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE done by Elders, MS and others in the JW Org. And it doesn't bother you a bit to deliver LIES to people in the form of w/t magazines and tracts. And it doesn't bother you a bit that your GB tells the Anointed NOT TO MEET TOGETHER, AS IT WOULD BE WORKING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT. You hypocrite
  2. Yes that was 'stolen' from someone else. Printed in KM and people still deny it Dream on JWs including JW supporter SM.
  3. Member I FOUND A SCAN OF THE 1974 KINGDOM MINISTRY MENTIONED ABOVE ! Here it is ! Doesn't this prove the point ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  4. There is no EXJW community. There ARE EX JWs. community a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. "Montreal's Italian community" . the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common. "the sense of community that organized religion can provide" The only thing EX JWs have in common is that they are Ex JWS. BUT Ex JWs ARE Ex JWs for many different reason and therefore have different attitudes, feelings, thoughts and deeds. I TELL YOU THE TRUTH I AM NOT PART OF ANY COMMUNITY EVEN THOUGH YOU JWs WANT TO PRETEND I AM. SM seems to need to place me in some fake 'group' now and he says he's a Truther. Nothing truthful about lumping a person into a fake group.
  5. Oh do be quiet SM. (That was being polite) Show me exactly where I said the above about JWs. We all know it was promoted amongst JWs from the mid 1960's. Someone even showed a W/t magazine from around '67 which wrote about being in the 'last part of the last day', and then there was some mention of a JW Elder saying from the platform "Stay alive 'till 75". I have a close relative who is a JW Elder and he knows that JWs WERE selling their houses and leaving their jobs, to preach full time. Just because the Leaders didn't print it in the Watchtower does not mean that they were not promoting it in other ways. But you, like all others, only believe what you want to believe, because it fits your agenda. And what 'community' exactly do you say I belong to ? Dimmy has one thing right. There is NO spirituality here.
  6. I think it makes the one whom blocks others very narrow minded. If you consider every comment form a person as garbage then you are narrow minded. Even idiots such as me can say something useful sometimes
  7. This 'thread' and in fact this forum in dominated by Amercian thinking. Revelation states that Yeshua made it possible for people of ALL nations to be Chosen. The GB don't want that, and the GB have told those other Anointed not to meet together. Surely as world events unfold then ALL of the Anointed Remnant should be in contact with each other. Rather than rely on 'worldly' news, surely the Anointed remnant shoud be guiding God's people. But you people are more interested in two things. 1. Serving the GB and it's Org. 2. Being involved with this political world. Indeed, By their works one will know them.
  8. The GB are the ones that say only they are the Faithful and Discreet slave. And the GB say that YHWH and Yeshua trust the GB. The GB also strictly advise all other Anointed ones NOT TO MEET TOGETHER.
  9. JW snobbery at it's best. But this 'club' is supposed to be about God / religion / spiritual matters. Though of course JWs are sooooooooooo brainwashed as to believe that only JWs know anything about YHWH and Yeshua. But hey, stay in your closset with your JW secrets, it's the best place for you.
  10. I would say the heading of this topic, in the form of a question, IS political. So why is it here on the JW page, which should be discussing spiritual matters not politics. But my opinion of you in this instance SM is that you are just Americanised. And yes I read Russia Today news and MSN news, but I'm not foolish enough to fully believe either of them. It's just the two sides of the same problem and i have no history of either and therefore have no idea who is wrong. BUT we as Christians know that all war is wrong. ( Well maybe James has a different opinion ) I am truly glad I'm not American ( or Russian ).
  11. Yeshua was in this world, but he was no part of it. The Apostles were in this world, but no part of it. It is not my place to tell you anything really, and yes, we all have different lives to live. I am also retired (72) and I sometimes find it difficult to fill my days in a productive way. My wife and my 27 year old son fill a very big part of my life, but there are times when I'm on my own and searching for things to do. Be honest. Do we really know ? The Watchtower / GB / Org have changed their minds on things so many times, and JWs are 'not supposed to' form their own opinions it seems. Each war, to me, is just another war. Faulklands, Vietnam, UK idea of 'weapons of mass destruction' wherever that was. It all means nothing to me other than it proves that humans cannot rule themselves properly. No it isn't what your GB 'have shown'. it is what YHWH word and the words of Yeshua have made clear. Christian love to you, John
  12. @JW Insider I am suprised this topic is on a JW page. Aren't there other pages for political topics ? I actually find it an insult to YHWH and to Yeshua to have this topic on what should be a 'spiritual' page. Or maybe it is aimed at being isulting to non-JWs. The JW view seemingly that if a person is not a JW then they cannot be serving YHWH through Yeshua. Actually @JW Insider I am suprised at your lever of interest in such matters, but then maybe I should not be suprised by anythng here. The more I observe the 'American way' the more I believe that the True Anointed remnant should not be gathered together in the USA. In fact i believe that the True Anointed remnant should not be physically gathered together in any one country. With the many means of communication, including the angels, there is no need for them to be all in one place physically.
  13. This would be fine if the True Anointed were to be doing God's will. For the rest of us though it is diffcult to know exactly how to be a doer of the Word. Obey 'the message', you say. But who's message ? For instance, I left the JW Org because through prayer and study of YHWH word, my Christian conscience said that the JW Org was not the right place to be. Now you may say that I am wrong. But who is to say that you are right ? It would seem that millions of people follow their own Christian conscience but they go in different directions. It is true that the Christian conscience needs to be trained, but by whom ? Because many people pray to God and many people believe that Christ is the one who paid the price for our 'salvation'. But many people still go in different directions. Hence I am pateintly waiting for truth. Because it would be so easy to go in the wrong direction. JW's prove that point.
  14. And Jesus said 'My Kingdom is no part of this world' And why would a true Christian be having opinions about politics and about war ? As for praying for peace in any country, um. We don't need the knowledge of this world for us to know that 'this world is passing away'. We do know that there will not be true peace in this world because we are close to the end of 'this system of things'. And when they cry out 'Peace and Security' we also know the result of it. But you all seem happy with your own therioes on this war and on certain men, so I'll leave you with it. The UK was built on war and blood. America was built on war and blood. Probably every country that now exists was built on war and blood. Ony YHWH, through Yeshua, will remove all that wickedness.
  15. Um, Tom used to call me those names. Is Tom dangerous ??????????????? But back to topic. I tried to bring in some scripture and spiritual thinking here, but i see it didn't work I get more satisfaction from Facebook than here, and SM warns against FB. The FB pages are far less agressive that this forum.
  16. Yes but JWs are forced to shun ex-jws, and those ex-jws could well be innocent, free of the sins that the Elders condemn them for. In cases of CSA people have been removed from congregations for demanding that a pedophile be investigated or removed from the congregation. Sometime that pedophile is an Elder and the other elders protect the pedophile by removing or disfellowshipping the victims of sexual abuse. Such cases have been proven in the courtrooms of the Superior Authorities. But some people don't want to believe vicitms of CSA, those people would sooner serve the GB and it's immoral Org.
  17. 1, Secular crimes ? Well American law is different to UK law of course. I would say in UK law the GB are guilty of Aiding and Abeting Pedophilia in the JW Org, and Aiding and Abeting the victimization of CSA victims. Withholding information from the Legal Authorities... et al. It might be possible to add things such as deliberately making 'rules' through the Watchtower and JW Org which deliberately caused the bullying of congregants to the point of causing distress, and causing immorality to be easy to commit within theJW org. I would think there could be a lot of criminal offences that have been commited by the GB. 2. I didn't say Yeshua WAS NOT HUMAN. I said YHWH and Yeshua ARE not men because they ARE not human . Can you explain how Jesus was not human? I need to understand your thought here. Can you understand past tense from present tense ? 3, The GB hold power by pretending that only they, those 8 men, are the Faithful and Discreet slave. Then the GB push this at the congregation by pretending that YHWH and Yeshua 'trust them' so then demanding that all the congregants trust the GB. Then the GB issue rules to the Elders to disfellowship anyone that questions the GB's rules or teachings, using the poor excuse of 'causing a division in the congregation'. Because the congregants are frightened of being d/fed the congregants are then fully under the power of the wicked GB. BUT YOU KNOW ALL THIS ALREADY DIMMY.
  18. It that the excuse they make on behalf of Elders ????? All the CSA is just because Elders are stupid.
  19. That inclues the GB of JW org. YHWH and Yeshua are not 'men' because they are not human. It is only for the sake of human understanding that we think of them as 'men' or 'male'. So, do you teach that they are actually men or male ? I prefer to teach that they are spirit and do not have human bodies. The GB of JW org has an agenda of it's own, power for the GB only. Part of that agenda was spreading the rumour that a person 'must be a baptised JW to be saved'. Another part of that agenda is the lie that only those 8 men of the GB, are the Faithful and Discreet slave. That gives the power to those 8 men. Can you say it is not an agenda when 8 men exalt themselves above every other person on this earth.
  20. I had all that info' come through on an email as I'm on the mailing list. Jesus made it very clear that true Christians should turn the other cheek, give the inner/outer garmnet also, walk the extra mile................ The GB are just greedy selfish non-Christian men that love power and attention. And of course they are guilty of ruining people's lives and they don't want JW's or outsiders to know the truth about how they work. Fancy being happy that you drive people to suicide. Split up families. Hide pedophiles in their organisation. Disfellowship victims of CSA just to get them out of the way. And then cry like babies when the truth is revealed about them. The GB are wicked money grabbing selfish hypocrits. But their time of judgement will come. Remember Luke 17 : 1&2 Berean Study BibleJesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. No Dimmy, I am not one of the fake 'christians' that love everyone. I hate the things that YHWH hates.
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