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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. On 1/21/2022 at 2:58 PM, JW Insider said:

    That would be Anna. because one of the moderators (I think it was The Librarian) didn't have time to manage it.

    Um. right.

    On 1/21/2022 at 2:58 PM, JW Insider said:

    The Librarian, Anna and I are Witnesses, but I know of no other Witness moderators.

    So I was partly right then :) .  I wouldn't have thought non-Witness moderators would be interested in moderating this Witness open club. But i can understand if it gets too nasty or threatening then yes it needs a form of control.

    I'm still at a loss as to why i was banned though. I didn't think I actually threatened anyone or encouraded violence. But that's life, we all have different opinions. Have a good day. 


  2. On 1/19/2022 at 9:15 PM, JW Insider said:

    I think that overuse of the down-vote 25 times a day might also be seen as spamming. (Some forums prohibit down-votes unless you have been a participating member for a good period of time.)

    Now you defo' sound like an Elder.  And if it's not Elder run then who is controlling entry to the JW Only club ?  

    On 1/19/2022 at 8:51 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    but your brother-in-spirit, Matthew 4 5784

    You're lumping again Tom.  Lumping people together for your own convienience. Matthew is coming from a completely different direction to me. And i think we have totally different aims in life. 

    On 1/19/2022 at 9:15 PM, JW Insider said:

    the owner(s), administrator(s) and some moderators can act upon to either give warnings or ban a person.

    I thought half the JWs on here were the admin' and the moderators :) including you. 

  3. On 1/19/2022 at 8:02 PM, BroRando said:

    Yahweh Jehovah = יהוה יהוה = Same Same   To claim one is made up and the other isn't, is not being honest. Both are English transliterations of the Hebrew Script. 

    Yes I agree they are both made up. But when I was a JW I was taught YHWH.  I was also taught that the Watchtower Soc' believed it was Yahweh but that the name Jehovah was more 'well known' and that is why they chose it. 

    Can you tell me why the JW Org would teach YHWH then change it in the name to JHVH ? As an uneducated person it makes no sense to me. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    As long as you understand your personal logic, no one else needs to. However, tagging an individual that people here perceive that person is just to get that person banned, is sinister, backhanded and illogical. Enjoy your day.

    That's because it is a JW Elder run forum, and that is how they work in real congregations. 

    They warn the people that they like, but they d/fed the people that they don't like.  It is JW organisation in practice. 

    In fact they d/fed people that tell the truth, d/fed without warning. 


  5. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    That organization's constitution is the bible. If it's a sensible choice, how is it Jehovah's Witnesses aren't learning it?

    Because the JW leaders, the GB, have an alternative agenda. The GB place them selves above all things. They are not willing to learn from Yeshua.  The GB 'use' the Bible, to pretend that they serve God, but all the time that GB are directing their followers to themselves and to the Organsation. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    you publicly HATE the spiritual arrangement of jws

    Yes I've always hated wicked spirits.  The Devil's influence that guides the JW Org should be hated.  But JWs love it. 


    10 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    that it is impossible for you to prompt peace and love ,

    There are people of this world that promote peace and love, far more accurately than JWs do. 

    Romans 2 : 14

    Berean Study Bible
    Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 


  7. And ordinary people such as myself are supppoed to 'gain accurate knowledge' from you lot ?

    And you people think my idea about a True Anointed appearing as the spiritual 'JEW', to guide people from all nations, is a crazy idea. 

    Listen to yourselves arguing and quoting reams of scripture, only to disagree on it's meanings. 

    And JWs eagerly hope for Armageddon to come, whilst there, in the real world, good people are confused and lied to about Almighty God and Jesus Christ. 

  8. On 1/16/2022 at 9:43 PM, Dmitar said:

    Another uneducated creature makes the scene to defend @JW Insider like clockwork. There's something to be said about communication. The difference here, the defense comes from a convicted former witness to another foolish creature @Patiently waiting for Truth. What a group of thespians they make. @JW Insider, @Pudgy, @Patiently waiting for Truth, @Srecko Sostar, and soon @xero will join in. Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah's Witnesses working in unison. It's amazing how the conversation turns into insults and unity, when an acceptable opposing side is loosing reason and wisdom. 

    The lumping process continues. How many people can another person lump to gether.

    It must be a forum game. Lump the people ! :)  Well I suppose you could lump eveyone on this forum together because they are all on the same forum. 

    Keep it up billy kid, you are a great laugh.

  9. On 1/15/2022 at 2:35 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    Are you saying that YOUR eyes, YOUR insight, and YOUR ability to judge God’s people exceeds that of this most Mighty Judge and King?


    On 1/15/2022 at 2:35 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    Quite strange that you admit that the Elders kept your abuse hidden, so they encouraged your ex-husband to continue abusing you. BUT you still try to encourage other people into that situation. Now that is surely wicked, to encourage people into an unsafe immoral organisation. 

    You seem to be judging your own deeds.

    On 1/12/2022 at 5:25 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    His abuse was too shocking to be believed by the brothers. They told me that I must have provoked him and caused him to assault me! They told me to be quiet or I would damage his reputation! They did not bring him before a Committee until he got out of prison. It was very hard for me to be told that I could not pioneer because i was telling people that my husband was in prison and why. I refused to divorce him and my worldly family did not speak to me for 5 years.

    Your own words. You judging your Elders. BUT you are just one of thousands that have been abused and mistreated in that immoral JW org.

    On 1/15/2022 at 2:35 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    to judge God’s people


    On 1/15/2022 at 2:35 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    the totality of congregations representing Jehovah today?

    Unfortunately you are blind, and possibly because you want to be blind. How can such a wicked organisation, full of sexual abuse, lies and deciet, be used by God or Christ ? 

    Your GB even 'beat their fellow slaves'.  That GB have exalted themselves above all the anointed. Even to the point of telling those Anointed not to meet together. The GB tell the Anointed that they 'would be working against the Holy Spirit'.  Whereas Jesus told the Anointed to gather together and that HE would be amongst them. 

    Jesus does not need my help of course, but it is my duty of Christian conscience to warn people of the wickedness and immorality and danger of that JW org. 


  10. But look at that picture. DOOM and GLOOM, FEAR mongering.  The Watchtower way. 

    JWs have always used this approach. Physical distruction wipes out everything and everyone in it's path.

    Almighty God and Jesus Christ do not act that way. Each indivdual will be judged as such, an individual. 

    God's message through Christ should be taught with love, not fear. 



  11. Whilst I'm not involved in this argument and I'm not 'taking sides' either.  What it does prove to me is, that a True Anointed remnant are needed to guide the 'other sheep' that are 'not of that fold'.  

    John 10 : 16 Berean Study Bible
    I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.

    Zechariah 8:23  Berean Study Bible
    This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ ”

    Most non anointed ordinary humans do NOT have multi lingeral education. And do NOT read Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek. So most non anointed ordinary humans that want to be 'other sheep' and want to be the 'ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew' have to rely on other humans (the JEW) to not only translate the Holy Scriptures properly, but to aslo interpret those Scriptures properly. 

    Whilst both of you post lots of information and 'back it up with scripture', you are only two of thousands that have their own opinion. My personal opinion is that neither of you are anointed. The big difference seems to be that @Witness makes statements and shows some spiritual direction (rightly or wrongly), @Dmitar just seems to ask questions but gives no direction. 

    There is one thing that does bother me however. If the Judgement / Armageddon is to happen within, lets say,  20 years, and if all humans on earth at that time will be judged as to be allowed to live or condemned to death. To make it right for those people then there has to be an easily recognisable way of serving God through Christ. At this moment in time I cannnot see any recognisable 'religion' to be part of. I cannot see anyone that represnts the JEW. Hence I remain Patiently Waiting for Truth.


  12. 14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Since Srecko was talking about the continuity of the teachings of the Watchtower Society he appears to have meant this idea in much the same way that the Watchtower means it when it uses some of the following types of expressions, and these are just a few examples out of many more:

    Yes perhps your Watchtower writers pretend that it was all smooth sailing from Russell right through.

    I can honestly say that I was never taught anything about the big divisions from Bible Students, or about how many disliked Rutherford.  

    And as Dmitar seems to have made clear Russell did not want an Organisation and probably opposed it. 

    Tell me though with Russell from the beginning, wasn't it about money ? What i mean is only those that 'put in' a certain amount of money got to be on the 'board of directors' / bosses. Not exactly a spiritual start was it ?

    So much mud stuck to the JW Org it's no wonder it is sinking. :) 


  13. On 1/12/2022 at 5:25 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    Gather with the organization that God is using

    And who might that be ? Certainly NOT Jehovah's Witnesses.  The JW org hides Pedophiles within.

    The GB and their lawyers have a Database which was started in 1979 and must be still building up. A Database of Pedophiles in the USA section of JW Org. The GB will not hand over that Database to the Superior Authorities. So the sins and crimes of those wicked ones remain on the shoulders of the GB. In fact it might even include the GB. 

    I do hope you are NOT encouraging people to join that wicked JW Org. That Org is immoral and seems to encourage Child Sexual Abuse by not telling the congregations who those Pedophiles are. 

    Quite strange that you admit that the Elders kept your abuse hidden, so they encouraged your ex-husband to continue abusing you. BUT you still try to encourage other people into that situation. Now that is surely wicked, to encourage people into an unsafe immoral organisation. 

  14. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The point being that nobody present misunderstood that Christ was the actual leader of the congregation.

    But if that were true today there would not be so many man made rules.

    In fact if it had been true then, the Superior Authorities scripture would not have been misused to control the congregation. 

    Oh how those 'sheep' must have been so easily misled by those wolves. And still are today by 8 wolves. 

  15. Now this is all very interesting because JWs on here try to lump all ex-JWs together as apostates or something else. 

    BUT IF Rutherford was a completely 'independant individual', and if Russell stated that  AN ORGANISATION WAS NOT NECESSARY. And if Dmitar states that all Bible Students were separate individuals, and / or, all congregations were 'self run and self ruled', then it seems that pre JW organisation it was possible to serve God through Christ, without joining a 'religion'. 

    So from what date did a person 'have to be' a baptised JW to be saved ? When did this form of control take over ? 

    And most importantly, can a person be an independant true Christian now ?  That would not stop Christians from gathering together, it would simply mean that no one is 'in control of other people conscience'. 

  16. On 1/12/2022 at 8:00 AM, Arauna said:

    I know a few far worse rogues around here! And they are the ones who are the loudest in their negativity - for sure!

    Yes indeed, but I for one do not hide behind the JW org. At least you all know why I left the Org and why I dislike it so much. 

    On 1/12/2022 at 2:52 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    Dude is making prophecy on behalf of the governing body, is it/he one of the governing body or just a loose screw in the cog of the society?

    Whomever it is, they just seek attention, so yes could easily be a GB member :).  But they, like all of us, will be judged by Yeshua in due time. Meanwhile she/he/it could be frightening to new members here. 

    Peace and love to all, John 

  17. 20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I don't like the idea of banning anyone

    Someone liked the idea of banning me. NO warning, just d/fed from the forum. 

    I would really love to have full information as to who banned me, who reported me, and excatly what WORDS I was banned for using.  It's soooo easy to pretend that i threatend someone without giving the exact words I used. It is JW Elder tactics. That's why i say this forum is run by JW Elders.  I do believe that JWs in position of 'responsibility' spy on this forum and other forums and use them as a measuring stick for feelings of ex-JWs. 

    As for Dimmy, she is fun. Let her rant because she can be a great sounding board. Some of her questions can help a person do more research. Rambo is similar, though they could be one and the same person. :) 

  18. 16 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Unless you're a linguistic scholar. Not someone like @Patiently waiting for Truth that likes to use the phrase Geek Scripture as though It's supposed to mean something entirely different.

    Oh Dimmy dimwit. Do I frighten you ? Do i upset you ? That you cannot stop mentioning me. Even though you say you will ignore me :) you cannot stop mentioning me. 

    To anyone that wishes to know why Dimmy keeps mentioning this : - 

    I used the term 'Greek Scriptures' instead of using the term 'New Testament'

    It is because those writings were written in Greek. Although I have read that Matthew was originally in Hebrew.

    Dimmy seems to prefer the words 'New Testament' which is her choice. But she does seem upset about it. :)  


  19. May years ago when I lived in Bristol (England) there was an Elder that would whistle the tune to Bohemien Rhapsody.

    I asked him if he knew what he was whistling. He said he just liked the tune. I explained to him that it was a song by a homosexual band about murdering someone. He said he didn't care and he would stil whistle that tune. :) 

    When my wife was studying with two sisters they admitted to liking Meatloaf's Bat out of Hell. :) Meatloaf is singing about 'his heart tearing out of his body, whilst still beating, and flying away like a bat out of hell'... I really cannot imagine two JW sisters listening to it but it seems they enjoyed it. 

    It's funny what some JWs like. To me it's all 'part of the world' but I suppose we all need to listen to something. 

    But it seems Dimmy is keen on talking about racism and politics here. Now that has to be part of this world. 


  20. You see Dimmy, I was right. All you do is ask question after question after question, just to be annoying.

    What do you post here that is spiritually helpful ?

    What do you post here that gives any idea of what you believe ?

    And now to add to your cooking pot, you are bringing in racism. 

    Dimmy, you do not have to be here. Do you understand YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMAIN HERE. 

    If you are sooooo unhappy with this forum then leave, go elsewhere. 

    But no, you just try to be annoying to everyone else. I say TRY to be annoying, because you do not succeed.

    You are only good to laugh at. 


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