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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. In truth Dimmy, you do not want civil discussion. You just want to find fault in others. The scriptures tell us that no one can bridle the tongue, because we are ALL imperfect. However, what i do read here is people having their own opinions. Whereas you don't seem to have an opinion, you just ask question upon question upon question, just to annoy people. As a former JW I admit to having faults, faults to the point of not expecting to gain entry to that 'New World'. However I am NOT trying to lead thousands of people by telling lies. I am not pretending that God or Christ 'trusts me'. The GB that you serve pretend that God and Christ 'trust them'. That same GB have given themselves the title of 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'. That same GB are standing on top of the True Anointed remnant. That same GB are stating that those of the Anointed would be 'working against God's Hol Spirit' if those of the Anointed should gather together in prayer or Bible study. So Dimmy, How are those things not questionable ??????????? I use Jesus as my example. Jesus was not frightened to show people up for what they really were. You will know the words that Jesus used regarding the Pharisees. You will know that Jesus threw the wicked ones out of the temple. In fact I think you would have accused Jesus of not being civil at that time. We are supposed to follow the example of Jesus Christ. Love what is good, hate what is bad.
  2. So you've never done any door to door preachg then ? You've never tried to get anyone to leave their own religion and to become a JW ?
  3. Without a parable Jesus would not speak. Without a worldly video @xero would not write
  4. So one minute this person is ignoring me, but the next minute this person is talking about me.
  5. So tell me, did Jesus speak evil of the Pharisies ? OR, did Jesus only speak TRUTH ? If the sins of a man are made known as a warning to others, is that speaking evil of that man, or is it speaking truth ? Truth is not evil. When crimes and sin have been commited by someone, it should be made known.
  6. Thanks for the more compliments Dimmy. 1 Corinthians 1:27 Berean Study BibleBut God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. So I don't mind you calling me foolish.
  7. This is sooooo funny. Dimmy you have given us all the big clue here. False religion = JW Org. So no, of course the JW Org or their GB cannot set anyone in the path of salvation. BUT they teach that they can. One lie after another They teach falsehoods and false predictions. Then they throw out people that question them. Have a nice day...................
  8. More light entertainment, thanks Billy Allan. You sure are a funny person.
  9. Thank you for the compliments. Let me tell you about my day... This morning at 7 am I went for a lovely walk along our local seafront and onto the pebble beach. The sun shone and i was listening to some great music through my cans (headphones). Then suddenly i spotted a dead dolphin on the beach. Quite sad to see, but life and death happen. Earlier this evening I spent sometime on my computer looking at MSN. Some very sad stories and horrible pictures. It's show what a mess the world is in. So, Dimmy, Bily, Allen, i have visited this forum now for some light entertainment, which you always provide for me . Thank you for the light entertainemnt and for giving me something, or someone to laugh at. You brighten up my day.
  10. Oh Dimmy, Billy, Allen, you make yourself look so stupid. You twist people's words and you think no one will notice it. Note Screko says 'cannot act on the physical world' BUT Dimmy says "and in what sense can Satan not influence man or his earthly agencies? " We can all see the twisting of words and meanings here. Srecko is talking about Satan not taking physical action, BUT Dimmy twists it to mean not having 'spritual or mental influence'. Dimmy, you are nothing but a trouble maker, BUT you do it in a funy way Keep trying Dimmy, you may become a comedienne one day.
  11. But we never ignored you when you were telling us that War is right in God's eyes. And we never ignored you when you went on about how many Guns you own and how you would deal with anyone attacking you or your family. We had discussion. Good or bad it was discussion. As for me I don't mind if anyone blocks me. It just proves their narrow mindedness. All discussion is good as long as a person has a strong faith in God, through Christ. I can even handle TTH when he calls me names . And Anna, who once offered me proof of the things I wrote, but now choses to be 'on the other side' of truth. Even JWI would offer proof on the immorality and wickedness in the JW org, but now seems to have become a lap dog to the Org. Discussion has waned but insults have grown bigger. However it's still better to know how other peole feel or think.
  12. As a sinner, in God's eyes, through Christ, I am no better than anyone. But the thing is that I KNOW THAT I'M NO BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. The problem starts with the GB of JW Org, who think they ARE better than others. How do we know that the GB think they are better? 1. The GB call themselves the Faithful and Discreet Slave. 2. The GB get their helpers to call them the F&DS. 3. The GB say that ONLY they, those 8 Men, are the F&DS. 4. The GB start to beat 'their fellow slaves'. 5. The GB tell the Anointed NOT TO MEET TOGETHER. 6. The GB state as 'fact' that God and Christ trust them. -------------------------------------------------------------- And it is the GB that 'can't control their anger', that's why they are so wicked. That is why the GB deliberately hide Pedophiles in their JW org. That is why the GB deliberately allow children to suffer SEXUAL ABUSE. That is why the GB are so immoral. Because they have alowed themselves to be used by the Devil. That is why the GB are so greedy and selfish. That is why the GB have to keep building massive buildings as showpieces. Because the GB are not 'spirtual men' they are 'physical men'. They can only understand physical things. And that is why God and Christ do not, and never will, use that GB to teach truth.
  13. I'd be more concerned about the robots that China is now using. The unmanned ones that are carrying machine guns. Robot warfare is here.
  14. Yes, but no one pretends that a Doctor is appointed by Holy Spirit. You are doing the typical JW 'thing'. You are judging JW Elders against the people in this 'world'. JW Elders are supposed to be serving God through Christ. I like the bit about "voluteer to be appointed.." That is the truth of it. BUT why do they voluteer ? What is their true intension ? It seems that on another post, a lady / sister suggested that some volunteered to be Elders to become 'spies'. And i would suggest that some 'volunteered to be Elders' to become Pedophiles. But still, TTH says it's the best 'ball game in town'.
  15. Can you clarify your position here? Why would a Christian be afraid of a mere mortal? Is there something special about you, I'm unaware of? Special no. Different yes. Hitler hated JWs because JWs were not afraid to die for what they believed in. The GB hate ex-JWs because ex-JWs prove their strength and faith in God through Jesus Christ. Hitler wanted to be served by everybody as a group, so that he had control over all. The GB want to be served by everybody as a group too, so that the GB have control over all. The GB prove their fear of individuals because they have to call all ex-JWs apostates or liars. The GB and most JWs cannot accept that each person that leaves the Org is an individual. ALL translations are questionable as none seem to be directly inspired of God's Holy Spirit, But the BSB is easy to read and understand. That does not mean that I believe every word of that translation. Are you sugggesting that everyone needs to understand the Greek language to be able to believe God's word ? My faith tells me that although no translation is perfect, most Bibles give enough good information to help people come to a knowledge of God and Christ. Did someone not print and publish that Bible, just like the ancient scrolls? Please explain? Do you place more faith in Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, Desiderius Erasmus, Etc? Please note the smily face after that comment of mine. It was meant as a joke. I place no faith in men. I certainly place no faith in the GB of the Watchtower / JW org. As a side note. The only reason i answer your questions is for my own 'training' and it helps me to strengthen my faith in God through Christ. Whilst I'm on this blog I'm not thinking about material possesions or worldly worries.
  16. Ha Ha. Thank you for confirming what i have said about you. You have to lump people together. It's your only arguament. You are frightened of INDIVIDUALS. Just like your GB and the Elders, you are all frightened of INDIVIDUALS. Even other JWs here are frightened of INDIVIDUALS. And it would be impossible to use any Bible that wasn't linked to something. After all, someone has to do the translating, some one has to do the printing. Someone has to do the selling. I don't need to research any bible translaters, printers, sellers. I just buy a Bible and read it. It does not make me part of any 'sect' or religion. Or perhaps i should only use my large Bibles from the 1800's.
  17. If you really believe all this that you have written then I pity you for lack of your faith. Quote "Christ’s followers were confused a lot of the times… " John 16 : 12 & 13 Berean Literal Bible Jesus said "Yet I have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now." "But when He the, Spirit of truth, shall come, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak from Himself, but whatever He may hear, He will speak. And He will declare to you the things coming." So Jesus obviously didn't want to give them all the details at that time. However after His resurrection Jesus did explain more. Luke 24 : 44 - 49. NWT He then said to them: “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was yet with you, that all the things written about me in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures, 46 and he said to them, “This is what is written: that the Christ would suffer and rise from among the dead on the third day, 47 and on the basis of his name, repentance for forgiveness of sinse would be preached in all the nations—starting out from Jerusalem. 48 You are to be witnesses of these things. 49 And look! I am sending upon you what my Father promised. You, though, stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” Quote "and what of Peter renouncing Jesus three times..out of fear" Do you think so ? Had Jesus not already told Peter what would happen. Do you not think it was planned to happen that way. Don't you think the crowd would have grabbed Peter and possibly killed him if Peter had confessed to being with Jesus ? Jesus knew the outcome and the possible danger for peter. Quote "all of them were confused and frightened on the night of Jesus and his betrayal….they scattered frightened and left him alone" Once again preplanned. Matthew 26 : 31 & 32 NWT Then Jesus said to them: “All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about.’ 32 But after I have been raised up, I will go ahead of you into Galʹi·lee.” Have you no faith. What would have happened to those disciples if they had stayed there? This was a lynch mob that came to arrest Jesus. Jesus has forwarned them and told them they would scatter. Unfortunately you are just trying to make excuses for the GB. But you are insulting Jesus and His discipels.
  18. NO. I just use the Berean Study Bible. It is an easy Bible for me to read.... BUT You seem to need to connect me to something or to someone. You are a very sad person unfortunately. You have allowed yourself to be be currupted by other JWs. As you say 'Bad association spoils good character', and the JW org IS bad association. But you copy TTH in this way, always trying to connect people, group people together, and aways for a reason to discreddit them. You grouped me with @Srecko Sostar and with @Witness and for what purpose ? Not to give us any credit but for the purpose of your own arguemnet. So i didn't bother to read that long dribble you probably coppied and pasted. Why ? Because it means nothing to me. WE ALL NEED TO USE A BIBLE. I use the BSB and the NWT. Neither of them are completely accurate. I do not think either of those Bibles are inspired or even guided by God of Christ. But they are both quite easy to use.
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