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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Everything posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. God created the Law given to Moses. Not just those 10 Commandments but hundreds of laws and rules. Within those laws and rules were the animal sacrifices to be offered up. And I think there is a scripture about it being like incense to God. We know of course that it was leading up to the 'sacrifice' of Jesus Christ. God makes the rules, we just try to follow and obey them.
  2. This conversation has indeed been interesting but I think we will continue to have different opinions on many things. There are many people around this Earth, such as myself, who are not greatly educated and do not understand Hebrew or Greek. Therefore we have to put our trust in 'men' to give us a fairly accurate translation of scripture. But then those that translate the Holy writings have their own agenda, own beliefs and own traditions, and therefore translate the scriptures to their own benefit. It becomes difficult to know which translation to use or to believe. Hence my hope is that through faith and prayer I will gain truth one day. My own thoughts and feelings are not inspired and could easily be wrong. I would not want the job of trying to lead others, nor do I intend to act as a guide, as I am still searching for truth myself. But my hope is in God through Christ, that a True Anointed will soon appear and will guide those of the Earthly hope to truth and teach us how to serve God properly. At this very time I do not think anyone is serving God properly. If that sounds like a judgement of mankind, I'm sorry. Some here tell me that I'm hoping for too much. I do realize we are all sinners and I'm not looking for perfection in anyone. Besides, it is not my place to look for perfection or to judge people. However it is my place, for the hope of my own clean conscience, to be looking for truth. Have a good day, John
  3. This scripture at Hebrews 10 is not talking about our own body. Berean Study Bible verses 19 & 20 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way opened for us through the curtain of His body, This is talking about becoming spirit beings and entering Heaven. If you choose not to believe that then that is your choice. Isn't this the 'new' GB / JW teaching ? Aren't they teaching that all JWs are part of the Body of Christ ? And the purpose of that is what ? The purpose of that untrue teaching is to discredit the True anointed. The GB are following the scripture in Matthew 24 : 48 & 49 Berean Study BibleBut suppose that servant is wicked and says in his heart, ‘My master will be away a long time.’ And he begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. The GB, their helpers, and all JWs that do not recognize the True Anointed as being the only Body of Christ and the only Bride of Christ, are disrespecting God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. For it was Almighty God that chose to have a True Anointed, Body of Christ, with Jesus Christ as it's Head.. My education is limited to only English. I call it the Greek Scriptures as it was originally written in Greek. As for translation, I tend to use the BSB, Berean Study Bible. I've purchased a written copy and find it very good for study purposes. I do compare it to the NWT regularly as i have a large print copy which is easy to read. I was once told by an JW Elder that it matters not what translation you use because if your heart is right toward God you will find truth. However I do not agree with some points in the NWT but overall it is useable. I don't think there is a perfect translation in English but the BSB works well for me. I think it would show a lack of spirituality to be offended by any bible translation, but it's always good to compare one with another. 1 Corinthians 6 : 19 Berean Literal BibleOr do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have from God? And you are not your own, I've just read this scripture in the JW Kingdom Interlinear Translation from the Greek Scriptures and i note that, if it has been translated properly, there is no word 'WHO'. The word 'WHO' appears in the scripture you have quoted. The word WHO, seems to identify a person, not a power source. It seems to pretend that the Holy Spirit is a 'person' or 'being' rather than a source of power supplied by Almighty God through Jesus Christ. I think it is important to understand that the Holy Spirit is a 'power source' controlled by God and sent to some humans via Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is not a 'being' that has control of itself. The very difference being that in 'bible times' some humans were entered by 'wicked spirits' 'demons' which controlled themselves. Jesus used the power of the Holy Spirit to expel those demons. I see here that you use the word 'church' as I would use the word 'congregation'. Thank you for your explanation. Here in England the word 'church' can mean a building, or, it can mean the Leaders of a religion, or it can mean the whole congregation. My opinion is that when used in the Greek scriptures, the word congregation or church, would refer to the Anointed ones. Jesus is the Head of the congregation. The congregation is the Body of Christ, that is also the Bride of Christ. It does not mean there is no place for the Earthly hope. It simply means that in this moment in time, the Anointed remnant are more important. Why ? Because the Devil is trying to stop that Heavenly government / Kingdom from being completed. If that number of 144,000 is not fulfilled then God's plans cannot go ahead. God has preplanned all things and that Heavenly Kingdom government, consisting of Jesus Christ and the 144,000 is the most important thing right now. It is that Heavenly Kingdom government that will rule over the Earth and watch over humans in God's 'new world' here on this Earth.
  4. I note that @xero and @Pudgy dislike spiritual conversation. In fact it seems to to upset them. I think that @xero says he is an Elder of a JW congregation. Well it seems strange that he should dislike spiritual conversation then, but no wait, actually it seems quite fitting that he does not like the truth about God and Christ. As for James aka @Pudgy well I think he is sitting on that fence right now, not knowing which way to turn. Remember both of you, there are only two choices. You can serve Almighty God through Jesus Christ, or, you will be serving the Devil. Serving the GB of the JW org is just part of serving the Devil. Your life, your choice.
  5. NWT. 1 Corinthians 3 : 16 & 17. Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that the spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, and you are that temple. This is the True Anointed ones. One body, the Body of Christ, with Jesus Christ as the head. What church ? Give me a scripture which includes the word church please. I want to see where you get the word from because the word 'church' has many different meanings in English. You will see above that the scripture I've quoted uses the word 'temple'. That 'temple' is the True Anointed ones. Quote : for the temple of God is holy, and you are that temple. = The True Anointed. The Earthly class are not holy. NWT Hebrews 10 : 19. Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness for the way of entry into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, Berean Study BibleTherefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 3 different versions of the same scripture. BUT all 3 mention entering the HOLY PLACE. Therefore proving that it refers to the True Anointed ones, because the Earthly ones do not enter into that HOLY PLACE = Heaven.
  6. The Greek scriptures, which you call the New Testament, was written to be fully understood by the True Anointed but parts of it apply to the Earthly Class. However the True Anointed will only gain full understanding when God through Christ gives Holy Spirit to those Anointed ones. The Letter to the Romans. 1 : 7 BSB 7To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: NWT. to all those who are in Rome as God’s beloved ones, called to be holy ones: So that letter to the Romans was to the Anointed ones. Galatians 4 6 Now because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, and it cries out: “Abba, Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a son; and if a son, then you are also an heir through God. This is to the Anointed who are heirs to the Heavenly Kingdom. I have no idea about this so called 'traditional view, but in my opinion the Body of Christ is only the 144,000 that are Christ's body, as Christ is the head. More later.
  7. I'm interested to know people's ideas about our judgement. Yes I know most of you 'dislike' me and you always presume i have wrong motives, but i do like to learn from others or at least consider the opinions of others. I think we are being judged now on a day to day basis. Some on here have said that i have been condemned already . We are surely being watched ? JWs used to think they were being watched over on the ministry. I wonder if they think they are being watched over whilst writing hundreds of letters ? @xero mentioned the 'good Samaritan' and related it to apostates. Jesus was only sent to the 'lost tribe of the house of Israel', but he spoke of Samaritans. Even people that were not directly instructed by Jesus, but that were doing the will of God, in the name of Jesus, Jesus counted them as positive. Jesus said (recorded at Luke 9 : 49 & 50) 49“Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us.” 50. And Jesus said to him, "Do not forbid it; for whoever is not against us is for us." I do therefore wonder how Jesus judges us. If our motives are good but our deeds are not, are we then condemned ? If we search for truth but don't find it, are we also condemned ? There must be thousands of people that do not have the mental ability to reason properly on such matters. And as i get older my mind is less able to do so. So any thoughts or words about our judgement, how or when ?
  8. So @xero there is your beanie wearers. The ones that JWs worship. Your GB fake anointed ones. There is not one scripture that says the GB are the F&DS. Are any Anointed ones in heaven yet ? The scriptures say that they will meet together in the clouds. Hence no one knows the day or the hour. What a fake dreamer you are. Russell got so much wrong that he proved he was not inspired by God or guided by Christ. And once again you go on about the fake F&DS. There have been NO flashes of spiritual insight, only lies and deceit. False predictions of Armageddon have been stumbling blocks to people that could be true Christians. Child Sexual Abuse being kept hidden in the JW Org also proves that your GB are not the F&DS, because the GB would have been guided to solve the problem if they were being guided at all. So now you have moved the goalposts again. What happened to 2034 ? You now give us 2039. The truth is that you have no idea. I'll agree with this. And I like you note of encouragement. But your false predictions just follow the lead of your GB. We do not know when, but we are sure it will come. And before it comes there will be a True Anointed to guide us.
  9. And you continue to worship those 8 men of your GB who pretend to be the F&DS. They are YOUR people with invisible beanies.
  10. The 144,000 are the Body of Christ. They are also the Bride of Christ, also Heavenly Jerusalem. The 144,000 inherit a spirit life with God and Christ in heaven. Christ and the 144,000 will rule over the Earth. BUT I do not know if they will always be in heaven, or if they, like the Angels, will visit Earth at times. The Greek scriptures are written to the Anointed Ones, so that the Anointed ones can guide the Earthly class. The deeper things of the scriptures are meant to be understood by the Anointed because Almighty God will send His Holy Spirit to those True Anointed ones. Jesus did speak to ALL the people BUT, read this scripture below. Mark 4 : 34 Berean Study Bible"He did not tell them anything without using a parable. But privately He explained everything to His own disciples." And privately Jesus will explain everything to the True Anointed ones, so that those True Anointed ones will guide the Earthly ones that are willing to listen. Zechariah 8:23 Berean Study BibleThis is what the LORD of Hosts says: “In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue will tightly grasp the robe of a Jew, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’  The 'ten men' are the Earthly class, and the 'Jew' is the True Anointed Ones. The Governing Body of JW Org pretend to be anointed, but by their actions and words they prove themselves false. I have explained above that Jesus did speak to 'regular sinners' / Israelites, but he explained 'everything' to His chosen disciples. Add to this that, Luke 12 : 48 Berean Study BibleBut the one who unknowingly does things worthy of punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from him who has been entrusted with much, even more will be demanded. The True Anointed are 'given much' and have been 'entrusted with much', so from this True Anointed much more will be demanded back. I hope these scriptures help you to understand my thoughts and I hope you can see why I believe the True Anointed will soon be seen. The True Anointed will not domineer the Earthly class, but they will guide people to serve God through Jesus Christ.
  11. You choice of words "the church of Christ". But the Church of Christ is the Anointed ones. Then you no longer service God as a Christian. Have you transformed to Atheism or Agnosticism? A person without faith cannot be a Christian. Twisting words is not good for you. You can easily read my words above. But I'll repeat it as you seem to want to twist it. I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed.
  12. But at the same time JWs actually believe that the 8 men known as the GB are the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave'. Wow ! That's your magic beanie then. So there you go JWs , you'd best follow the words of @xero and look at yourself in that mirror
  13. Misuse of scripture. Once again it referred to the Anointed ones only. Some of the Anointed ones were acting as if they were more important. Just like the GB do now.
  14. "Class distinction" is your words, not mine. Matthew 24 : 22 Berean Study BibleIf those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. NWT In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. There is one scripture which shows that the Anointed are more important at this time, right now. Satan the Devil is more concerned with stopping that number of 144,000 becoming complete, than he is with any of the Earthly class. The Heavenly Kingdom has to be completed first. The full number of the Bride of Christ has to be complete. In fact the JW organisation used to teach that the Earthly class were only helpers to the Anointed ones, because the commision of preaching the 'Good News of the Kingdom' was given to the Anointed ones. However, it may be because the Governing Body have exalted themselves above all the True Anointed ones, that the GB have now pretended that the Anointed are not the most important of humans on earth right now. And it is easily seen (and read) that earthly ones in the JW Org are following their GB and serving their GB by also pretending the Anointed are not more important. I can read the jealousy on this very forum. And I think your GB are jealous of the True Anointed too. Why else would the GB beat their 'fellow slaves' ?
  15. THE WARNINGS AGAINST THE SPIRITUAL CONGREGATION OF GOD. Do the Governing Body not understand any of this. The sexual immorality within the JW Org / Watchtower Soc' is both physical and spiritual. Please read these warnings from Christ to the Anointed ones. Then judge the GB and the JW Org for yourselves. Revelation 2 : 4 Nevertheless, I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first.5 “‘Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first. If you do not, I will come to you, and I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. 14 “‘Nevertheless, I have a few things against you, that you have there those adhering to the teaching of Baʹlaam,b who taught Baʹlakc to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. 15 In the same way, you also have those adhering to the teaching of the sect of Nic·o·laʹus.e 16 So repent. If you do not, I am coming to you quickly, and I will war against them with the long sword of my mouth. 20 “‘Nevertheless, I do hold this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezʹe·bel,m who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and misleads my slaves to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. 21 And I gave her time to repent, but she is not willing to repent of her sexual immorality.22 Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am the one who searches the innermost thoughts and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds. Revelation 3. 1b ‘I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2 Become watchful, and strengthen the things remaining that were ready to die, for I have not found your works fully performed before my God. 3 Therefore, continue mindful of how you have received and how you heard, and go on keeping it, and repent. Certainly unless you wake up, I will come as a thief, and you will not know at all at what hour I will come upon you. 15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or else hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm and neither hote nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth. 17 Because you say, “I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all,” but you do not know that you are miserable and pitiful and poor and blind and naked, 18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not be exposed, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes so that you may see. 19 “‘All those for whom I have affection, I reprove and discipline.k So be zealous and repent But here Christ shows love and forgiveness for those that repent. Is there yet hope for the GB ? Is there hope for that JW org ? The remaining time gets shorter of course. And a last minute false repentence would be useless. Something needs to happen very soon. Will the GB step down ? Will the Org get cleaned up ? Or, will a new organsation appear ?
  16. Yes Paul was talking to memebers of the Body of Christ, the Anointed. In fact 99% of the Greek scriptures are to the Anoined ones. Unfortunatley many people use those scriptures to refer to ALL people. The immorality inside of the JW organisation is frightening. And to think they try to 'bribe' families into it by threats and false promises. You last sentence / question seems to presume that I belong to some type of 'organisation' 'church'. I don't. I am simply a Christian by faith and by word, although a sinner by deed.
  17. Wednesday 1 September 2021 21:44, UK https://news.sky.com/story/there-was-no-reprimand-nothing-changed-survivors-criticise-jehovahs-witness-elders-for-failing-to-act-over-child-sexual-abuse-claims-12396672 The Jehovah's Witnesses church says its elders "endeavour to comply with secular laws about reporting allegations of abuse" - but survivors say that does not necessarily translate to helping the authorities. "I don't like the way he touches me." That is how Emily described her abuse to elders at the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall she attended in Loughborough. Emily (not her real name) was eight-years-old and the man she accused was a ministerial servant in his 60s. What followed was a series of failings that allowed him to continue abusing children for years to come. Sky News has spoken to several abuse victims who claim there is a culture within the Jehovah's Witnesses that fails those looking for help and puts others at risk.Problems include a failure to report allegations to the police, and a system that requires high levels of proof from the victim, but also allows a repentant abuser to remain within the congregation - at times without other members being told what they have done.Emily was sexually abused from the age of four - but when she reported the crime to elders in 1990, they did not call the police and told her she had made it all up.She told Sky News: "There was a phrase that they used a lot which is 'liars will not inherit God's kingdom', which is basically saying you're going to die at Armageddon, because you're a liar." One survivor said they were treated as liars, and that they would therefore 'die at Armageddon' It's a long and very truthful article, but well worth reading. It gives true perspective to the JW Org and the ones that rule it.
  18. 1. I don't think he liked the 'hpocritical discipline' of the JW Org's elders. 2. I think he may have had a problem which led to him being d/fed. 3. I could be wrong on both counts above.
  19. Sorry James, you are not funny. and is Dmitar also Billy and rambo And Allen and ... and ... ??????? What people will do for attention these days And is it just me, or are things around the 'world' getting a bit serious / worrying ?
  20. I don't know James. I think rambo is billy and a dozen other AKA's. Why you chose a dog though baffles me. Do you really feel that bad about yourself ? I feel bad about myself right now, but then the Judgement will sort that out.
  21. I think the information in the Scriptures is for a purpose and that purpose is not to tell us everything, but to tell us what we 'need' to know. I've stopped listening to 'religious leaders' and prefer to believe what God's word says about Him.
  22. You are a strange one billy. But go careful how far you push as you might get d/fed from the forum again.
  23. You make yourself sound so stupid with your lies and accusations. You are a typical JW liar. Just like the GB and the Elders, you twist the truth. YHWH has given all authority to Yeshua, and Yeshua will judge us all. Be ready Billy. The time will be cut short for the sake of the Elect / Chosen Ones, so you will not the day or the hour. Therefore, Keep on the watch.
  24. Yes, this forum is good for light entertainment. Sometimes good for testing one's reactions to insults. Sometimes useful for reminders of a few scriptures, though when used by JWs those scriptures will be misused. Very very useful for seeing the true colours of JWs. Also quite useful for finding our information about the J W Org's lies and deciet. But never is it useful for spiritual upbuilding. Anyone coming here for that will be very disappointed. Have a happy 'holiday time' soon and hopefully you will all live through into the new year. I wonder what 2022 will bring our way. (Yes I know it's only numbers to count time )
  25. Billy I do not care what you call me, because I can tell you are frightend of dying when the Judgement hammer falls on you. Enjoy your short time left. But be prepared for what is to come.
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