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Patiently waiting for Truth

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Posts posted by Patiently waiting for Truth

  1. 4 hours ago, BroRando said:

    once the 144,000 are sealed.

    This is a point to think about.  How can the living Chosen Ones be sealed ? 

    That would mean that they were guaranteed a 'place' as part of The Bride of Christ, even though they had not proven themselves right up to their death. Because in fact they will not see death, but will change from human to spirit. 

    So does that mean that all of the Anointed will be in Heaven a while before the Judgement of the earthly ones ? 

    When I was a JW i never concerned myself with all this. I just knew that God through Christ would sort it all out. But now I'm digging deeper it seems so much more complicated. :) 

  2. On 12/14/2021 at 6:31 AM, BroRando said:

    We also get 1914 from another 'timed event' that occurred. But when you add the Last Days of Noah, what do you get for the Last Days of this Age? 1914 + 120 yrs = 2034

    Oh dear, the same old record. Maybe it will be 2034, maybe it won't.

    But what about the cutting the time short for the sake of the Elect / Chosen ones ? 

    Do you know how much will be cut short ?  I don't think you do. 

  3. 13 hours ago, BroRando said:

    You're nothing more than a mere hypocrite trying to cling to the Name of Jesus when you denounce the very meaning of his Name.  "Jehovah is Salvation"  

    "Most truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes the One who sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgment but has passed over from death to life." John 5:24

    You sound so frightened. Calling me names will not save you, and your GB cannot save you.

    I use the name Jesus yes but we all know that is not God's Son's real name. 

    What Is Jesus' Real Name? Indeed, Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. It means "Yahweh is Salvation."

    YHWH = Almighty God.  Yeshua = Jesus 

    I believe in both, but I don't expect to be saved.

    We need to remember that Yeshua was talking to the disciples at the time of that scripture you've quoted. 

    It is so easy to misuse scripture by applying it to all people. 


  4. 1 minute ago, BroRando said:

    I'm pointing to your blatant hypocrisy of your witches brew when you denounced the Name JEHOVAH.  Claiming there is no Jevovah which proves you a liar.  No "J" would mean No Jesus, No Jews. Being a bigot suits you so well. Witches are cunning but not very smart, sorta dumb actually. 

    Strong's Lexicon

    The LORD
    יְהוָה֙ (Yah·weh)
    Noun - proper - masculine singular
    Strong's Hebrew 3068: Jehovah = 'the existing One' 1) the proper name of the one true God 1a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of H0136


    You actually sound FRIGHTENED Billy. Be prepared as I am. Almighty God has given Jesus Christ 'all authority' in Heaven and here on this Earth. We are both being judged. I'm willing to die. Are you ?  

  5. 6 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Maybe you should apply those things to yourself? 

    Never mind Billy. Keep dreaming that you know the 'truth'. Keep serving the GB.

    I wonder how much 'protection' the GB will give you when your Judgement takes place ? 

    At least I'm ready to die for my faith in God through Jesus Christ. Are you ready to die for your GB ? 

  6. 15 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and those who are sexually immoral and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices lying.’ Revelation 22:15

    Indeed, and that just shows you where the Governing Body of the Watchtower/JW org are. 

    The GB and many JWs, especially Elders are Sexually Immoral, they 'murder' people spiritually, they idolize the JW Org, and they love and practice lying.  

    You seem to fit in there very nicely Rambo. 


  7. 11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    And unfortunately, this also means that over 300,000 persons left the Witnesses between 2019 and 2020 for there to still be a decrease even though so many were baptized. Some leave by death or disfellowshipping, but the vast majority of these 300,000 must have decided to leave.

    Yes, and could it have been as a result of all the CSA investigations earthwide ?  Could it be that True Christians actually have a conscience of their own and can make that very sensible decison to leave. But don't tell Rambo, he thinks they ALL were de/fed :) 

    11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The 8.6 million plus publishers in 2019

    It would be wonderful to know how many of that figure are over the age of 16. As we all know, 5 year olds are now counted as publishers. And a family of two adults with five young childred would be counted as SEVEN publishers. Whereas years ago the figures were more honest.  

    As more adults leave and more 'babies' become publishers it would be more likely that Bible studies would decrease. Unless they count 5 years olds as giving bible studies :) 

    11 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    For the same reason, there can be no specific time when any of us (GB included) can declare in advance that it is now time for a "final message of divine destruction." That would only show a level of presumptuousness and indiscretion. It would make us wise in our own eyes, and completely unfaithful to Jesus' words that "no one knows the day or the hour" because "it will come as a thief in the night."

    BUT how many times HAVE the Watchtower / JW org Leaders declared when the END will be ? 

    That would only show a level of presumptuousness and indiscretion. = the GB of the JW Org. 

    Jesus' words that "no one knows the day or the hour" because "it will come as a thief in the night." + the time will be cut short for the sake of the ''Elect' / 'Chosen Ones'.

  8. 19 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    This is painful to read friend. I hope your anger will not make this a true outcome.

    Ha ha, you are so funny. You keep changing or adding AKA's and you keep deliberately twisitng most things I say.

    That doesn't make you a 'good Christian' does it ? Cunning and deciet. 

    And what's all this rubbish about you representing me in court ? I don't need you to represent me anywhere thank you. 

    I have no anger. What I have is a level head and fair scriptural knowledge. Why should i expect to be saved when I commit sin regularly ?

    The GB of JW Org also commit sin regularly but they expect to be 'lifted up' to a life with Christ in heaven.

    So tell me 'friend', who is the humble one ?  Have a good day.


  9. 3 hours ago, Dmitar said:
    On 11/26/2021 at 12:03 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Yes we judge others when it concerns us, but why get involved when it is just 'part of the world' ?

    Friend, can you explain this motive? I merely ask, since you have a strong emotional attachment to child abuse that other people do. That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts, not a true Christian. How can any institution be blamed by the actions of another, worldly or not?

    You seem to be coming at this from multiple directions.......... 

    "emotional attachment " ?    I would call it empathy, due to having suffered similar (xero will now say I'm whining).

    "That makes their behavior a judgment for the courts"  Yes

    "not a true Christian."   That depends who commits the abuse and where. 

    "How can any institution be blamed by the actions of another, worldly or not? "  Maybe not blamed for the actions, but blamed for their reactions. But you do not put it in any context, so your question is too 'open'. 

    If the 'institution' is the JW Org, and if it deliberately hides CSA whilst at the same time pretending to be God's chosen Org, then warning should be given to the public about the dangers lurking within the JW Org. As an Ex-JW I feel it my Christian duty to warn people about the JW Org. Why ? Because i have knowledge of the workings of JWs and how they can manipulate people to gain people's trust. I have knowledge of the JW Org and the scaremongering it does in an effort to bring people into that Org... I do not have such knowledge about any other religion....... 

    3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I noticed in another post, you mentioned the data protection law of the U.K. I reference this here since it appears you have concerns over your personal information, while demanding that same institution violate that U.K. law to expose private information shielded by that same law for an institution, for the same reason you outlined for yourself. 

    You seem to be aproaching this point from a wrong angle too.

    The UK Data Protection Act gives me legal right to request my personal information. I have done this. My request has been accepted. They asked me for photo ID. I have sent them this ID. They are 'dealing with' my request. 

    My original application for the information had to be answered within 40 days. That did so. All is going well on this. I am yet to see the outcome, but will make it known once i have a result. 

    I have a legal (Data Protection) right to personal information about me.  If I required any other information I would need to use the 'Freedom of Information Act' UK. 

    3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Let me clarify my position. If you want to sue an institution for slander? How can we disprove your own slander, malice, defamation, against that institution you wish to sue for violating your right to data protection. I say this since there are numerous post here that could be used as evidence to show such slander about that institution and its members in a court of law.

    Please give me three examples of slander by me against the JW org. Three, repetition for emphasis remember. 

    You, and others, may disapprove of my comments, but that does not make my comments slander. 

    CSA within the JW Org has been proven many times. Failed predictions in the Watchtower/JW org have been proven many times too.  The GB / Lawyers refusing to hand over a Database of CSA/Pedophile accusations is a way of hiding Pedophiles within the JW Org. 

    3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Should any of this be indicative of a person, of Christian faith?

    I have said many times that i do not expect to remain alive after the Judgement time, and if i die before, I do not expect a resurrection. My sins are many. BUT, my sins are commited against me. I bring judgement on myself, BUT I do not harm others. The Watchtower / JW Org cannot claim as much. 

  10. Oh dear poor poor Rambo. it's YHWH in English letters rambo. 

    NO 'J' and NO 'V'  there.  Yahweh maybe. Yehowah maybe.  but NOT Jehovah. 

    Yes if you wanted to be really close to someone you would indeed love to know their REAL NAME.

    But you would not use a false name instead. 

  11. 20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    SM probably was using JB1 as shorthand for "4Jah2Me." That was the name you took just after "John Butler." It was very easy to identify you --you didn't try very hard to hide the fact-

    Quite simply my name John Butler was blocked. I don't care what any administration says. I was removed without warning and completely blocked from re-entry as John Butler.  Not one warning. And I did not make threats and did not encourage others to make threats or do harm to anyone. Simply put, i was removed because someone in 'authority' here didn't like what i was saying. I just put it down to Elders running this forum. And i know what Elders are like. :) 

    I wasn't trying to hide anything. I had no need to. I just wasn't able to use my real name as it was blocked. 

    Causing a division in the forum congregation :) . I was de/fed....................... 

  12. 2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
    On 11/24/2021 at 8:29 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Wow you guys really are 'part of this world'. It's probably because you are mostly Amarican though :)

    Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world.

    There is a difference between 'being knowledgeable' and/or, taking sides. 

    I gave the example of 27 people drowning in the sea between France and England. I have knowledge of it, but I don't take political interest in it and I don't lay blame for it.  

    In a previous comment Tom wrote that he was in an agruement about a certain court case, and I said that was getting involved, which is part of the world. 

    But once again you look for fault in me. I hope that gives you pleasure. 

  13. 1 hour ago, BroRando said:

    There are NO LETTERS in the Hebrew language. It's called Hebrew Script. Transliteration from the Hebrew languages to languages like ENGLISH is correct.  There you have it folks.  She doesn't beleive in JESUS because his name means 'Jehovah is Salvation'. 

    Actually IEHOVAH is the latinized name for God.  Latin had No "J" or "Y".

    English had no J either, until 1524. 

  14. Iēsous
    Jesus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name IESVS in Classical Latin, Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew and Aramaic name Yeshua or Y'shua (Hebrew: ישוע‎).
    Jehovah (/ɪˈhvə/) is a Latinization of the Hebrew יְהֹוָה Yəhōwā, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה‎ (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible[1][2] and is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism.
    The letter J was not a letter until 1524.  
    In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J” wasn’t a letter. It was just a fancier way of writing the letter “I” called a swash. When lowercase “i”s were used as numerals, the lowercase “j” marked the end of a series of ones, like “XIIJ” or “xiij” for 13.
    Then along came Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian who wanted to reform Italian linguistics. In 1524, he wrote an essay that identified “I” and “J” as two separate letters. “I” distinguished the aforementioned vowel, and “J” became a consonant that probably sounded more like the “j” in Beijing. Others later adopted his use of “J,” but Romance languages altered its pronunciation to the “j” we’re familiar with (as in jam).
    So it seems that
    It should be Yeshua or Y'shua instead of Jesus.
    And it should be Yehovah or Yehowa or Yahweh instead of Jehovah. 
    But we do have the original YHWH 
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